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Dear parents,
Next week (week 38) will be our popular Health Week at school. From
Mona! to Fria!, the school an !our chil"s class will be en#a#e in
all thin#s health! incluin# the $chool %o# in $lottssko#en on &uesa!.
'n the $chool %o# the chilren are runnin# (or charit! an all mone!
#oes to $'$ )hilren"s *illa#es. +n iea to moti,ate !our chil to run
more laps coul be to instea o( brin#in# in (or example -. kr, !ou
coul contribute with ma!be a (ew /r per lap the! run. 'b,iousl!, that
is totall! up to !ou as a parent.
0ou can (in in(o about another Health relate acti,it!, 1Marathon
/is2, at
0our chil will recei,e a health iar! to (ill in o,er the (i,e a! week,
we ask i( !ou coul help an encoura#e them in (illin# out the iar!
an to #et them to be more aware o( what the! eat an how the! look
a(ter themsel,es (h!#iene an ph!sical acti,it!). We also ask i( !ou
coul ha,e a 3uick look at what t!pes o( snacks !our chil brin#s to
school an, i( possible, to chan#e it (or an! other healthier options.
+lso, please remember that our Health Week is 4ust the start. $o keep
li,in# a health! li(est!le e,er! week o( the !ear.
&hank !ou (or time an support,
&he 5$67 Health )ommittee

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