Xia Dynasty

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Xia Dynasty-The First Country of China

Era Information
Time:(From about 2100 B.C. to 1600 B.C. )
Location of Capital: Western part of Henan and the Northern part of Shaanxi.
Emperors: 16 emperors, including Qi, Tai Kang, Shao Kang Zhongxing, Kong Jia and Jie and so
Replaced by: Shang Dynasty

• Introduction
• Jade in Xia Dynasty
• Bronze Vessels in Xia Dynasty
• Xia History Site in Modern China

Xia dynasty is the first prehistoric country in China’s

history.According to the history record, Xia was built by Qi, the
son of Yu, who killed his brother Yi and abolished the system of
demise. It was the first country in China’s history. After that, the
demise system has been replaced by hereditary system.

There were 13 generations and 16 kings in Xia dynasty. The

capital area of Xia dynasty was located in the western part of
Henan and the northern part of Shanxi. It was said that the regime
of the Xia has been stoped at some time. It was Shaokang to
rebuild Xia dynasty. After that, Xia declined continuously and was replaced by Shang dynasty
finishing its 400 years of existing.

Because there were no words to record the events of Xia dynasty,

most of the information of Xia was learned from some ancient
record, including the remains of the king, officials and the prison

In recent years, many huge palace, mausoleum and bronze have

been unearthed. They also reflected from another side the politics,
economic, cultural and life. This help people learn more about the
first and special age in China's history.

As the first prehistoric country in China mainland, Xia dynasty is

an important dinasty with great history research. It's rich culture
plays a important role in the culture of China and the whole
history of China.

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