From The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry

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He was economical with words the way men whod lived

through so much they cease to be impressed by overmuch are;

it was clear life in general amused him and very little unnerved
him, but then his tolerance had been shaped by his ofspring.
From the Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry
The sky was so grey and heavy, and the sea so grey and heavy, that it
was impossible to tell where one began and the other ended
Waves came at the beach and broke in white fringes of foam, finging
forward small stones and broken pieces of shell, and then leaving them
He !nderstood that in walking to atone for the mistakes he had
made, it was also his "o!rney to accept the strangeness of others.
#nd what no one else knew was the appalling weight of the thing they
were carrying inside. The inh!man e$ort it took sometimes to be
%rilliant s!mmation of grief&
' miss her all the time. ' know in my head that she has gone. the only
di$erence is that ' am getting !sed to the pain. 't(s like discovering a
great hole in the gro!nd. To begin with, yo! forget it(s there and keep
falling in. #fter a while, it(s still there, b!t yo! learn to walk ro!nd it.
' don)t want to forget his head when he was a baby. *r the way he
slept when yo! sang. ' want to keep all those things.
+a!reen was comforted that s!ch a yo!ng, vibrant woman co!ld care
for the dying, and remain so f!ll of life herself.
't was ordinary. 't m!st have been f!nny beca!se we were happy.
#nna ,erenina
-#nna spoke not only nat!rally and intelligently, b!t intelligently and
cas!ally, witho!t attaching any val!e to her own tho!ghts, yet giving
great val!e to the tho!ghts of the one she was talking to..
/ 0eo Tolstoy, #nna ,arenina
-' think... if it is tr!e that
there are as many minds as there
are heads, then there are as many
kinds of love as there are hearts..
/ 0eo Tolstoy, #nna ,arenina
-%e bad, b!t at least don(t be a liar, a deceiver1.
/ 0eo Tolstoy, #nna ,arenina
To live, or live with "oy22that is the 3!estion&
Whether (tis nobler in the heart to s!$er
The slings and arrows of this mortal passage
*r to take arms against a sea of sorrows
#nd by opposing end them. To live, to la!gh22
#gain22and by a la!gh to say we mend
The heartache, and the tho!sand nat!ral woes
That fesh is heir to. (Tis a restoration
4evo!tly to be wished. To live, to la!gh22
To la!gh22perchance to love& ay, there(s the hope,
For in that life of "oy what love may come5 6

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