Master of Technology in

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A Project Report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of
Master of Technology in ______________________________
Under the Guidance of
Department of Computer cience ! "ngineering
#A$AM%&'( ()T(T%T" *+ T"C')*,*-(CA, C(")C"
)ARAMP"T. /ARA)-A,0123 445
6Affiliated to #)T%'. Accredited by )7A8
#A$AM%&'( ()T(T%T" *+ T"C')*,*-(CA, C(")C"
6Affiliated to #)T%'. Accredited by )7A8
)ARAMP"T. /ARA)-A, 9 123 445
D"PARTM")T *+ C*MP%T"R C(")C" A)D ")-()""R()-
This is to certify that the Project Report entitled ________________________
_____________________________________ is a !ona fide "or# of the student
________________________!earin$ Roll %o. _____________________ su!&itted in partial
fulfil&ent of the re'uire&ents for the a"ard of the de$ree of Master of Technology in
Computer cience and "ngineering: The &atter e&!odied in this report has not !een
su!&itted for the a"ard of any other de$ree.
-uide 'ead of the Department

*R-A)(;AT(*) *+ T'"(
(. Title pa$e
). *ertificate
+. *ertificate issued !y outside or$ani,ation if any
-. .c#no"led$e&ents
/. .!stract
0. 1nde2
3. 4ist of 5i$ures
6. 4ist of Ta!les
7. Body of the thesis as follo"s8
(. 1ntroduction to the pro!le&
). 9tate of the .rt/4iterature 9ur:ey
+. Present ;or# "ith dia$ra&s
-. 1&ple&entation
/. Results alon$ "ith test cases
0. *onclusions and 5uture ;or#
3. Bi!lio$raphy
.ppendi2 1 User Manual
<:ery copy should !e acco&panied !y a softcopy in *D alon$ "ith re'uired soft"are
and tools
%o. of copies are < for -uide. < for ,ibrary and < copy for student6Total 4 copies8
Persian blue co=er should be used for binding:
Pa$e %o=s should !e in the centre (( font Ti&es %e" Ro&an.
.ll the Pa$e >eadin$s (0 Bold Ti&es %e" Ro&an.
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