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Date: __________________

Name: ___________________________

Review 1 Units 1-3

1. Complete the text with AM, ARE, IS.

Hello! I................Mary and I ..............ten years old.
These parents. They ....................Tom and Sarah.
They ............tall. My mum .............thin, and my dad ..............fat.
This little brother Jim. He ................nine. We ............tall.
We school. It ............great! That parrot!
It and blue. It ................Ricky.

2. Now answer.
a) Who is the girl?
b) How old is she?
c) Who is her brother? ________________________
d) How old is he?
e) What colour is Ricky? ________________________
f) Is school great?
g) Is dad thin?
h) Are Mary and Jim short? ____________________
i) Is Mary tall?

3. Write true or false. Correct the false sentences.


Sarah is thin.
Tom is short.
Tom isnt thin.
Jim is Marys dad.
Ricky is a dog.
The children arent at school. ________

g) The parents arent at school. ________

h) Jim is nineteen.
4. Translate:
a) Noi nu suntem 11 copii in clasa.
b) Este o pasare mare? Nu, nu este. ____________________________________
c) Ce este acela ? Este un copac inalt. ____________________________________
d) Ce sunt acestea ? Sunt dubite rosii. ____________________________________
e) Esti tu o fata scunda ? Nu, nu sunt. ____________________________________
f) Baietii nu sunt grasi.
g) Uite ! Sunt serpi ? Da, sunt.
5. Draw your family and write about it, as Mary. (Deseneaza-ti familia si scrie despre ea, dupa
modelul lui Mary.)


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