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Where Are You My Son?

My Son,
You know a lot about me, but you barely love me ..
You tell others about me, but you forget our daily talks
You talk a lot about my love to sinners, but your love for me has chanced
Where is your joy? Where is your frst love?
Did you lose your assion? Did your stes falter?
!nd in all this, did you think " forgot you?
" am still here son waiting for you to come back
" am waiting to fll you with my #irit and enveloe you with my love..
Where are your songs that used to fll the air?
$y mercies for you are still new each morning..
$y son, oen your hearts to me
%ell me about your dreams and never ending lans..
%ell me about your memories, both the hay and the sad,
Your joys and worries, you success and failure
%ell me your lust and desires, the temtations and the sins you try to run from
%ell me about your sickness and healing, your heart and mind, your death and life..
%ell me about your family and friends, the near and the far,
who you forgot and who forgot you.
" went to know that " love you, and if this is not enough, then go the cross,
&ear my cries there for you, that your faith would not fade away..
$y beloved son, Where are you? Why do you hide behind the tree of sin and shame?
Did you make for yourself a cover from the leaves?
" am here, the slain shee.
" died to save you before the knife of condemnation fell on you..
!nd your time was the time of love..
" long for you my son, so
When vill you come back?

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