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Motivational Letter

Shobhit Sharma
Chandigarh, India

Phone: +91 9464545285
Email: shobhit-sharma@hotmail!om
"ear #$ %anager,
&o'r #$ (orm details, )as o* +arti!'lar interest to me be!a'se it o**ers a ne) !hallenge in I#
*ield )hi!h I *ind e,tremel- stim'lating and en.o-able /hat is more, as -o' )ill see *rom m-
en!losed C0, m- ba!1gro'nd is +arti!'larl- rele2ant to -o'r re3'irements
I am +'rs'ing 4a!helor5s in #e!hnolog- *rom Indo 6lobal College o* Engineering 7de+artment
o* Com+'ter 8!ien!e9 and de2elo+ing s1ills in 2ario's !om+'ter lang'ages 7li1e C:C;, P<P,
=8P$E# and >a2a9 4't I al)a-s )or1ed on !om+le, le2els )hi!h others *ind di**i!'lt in the
beginning In the re!ent months, I )ant to 2ent're into the *ield o* /eb "e2elo+ment
$o ed'!ation is !om+lete )itho't e,+erien!e =rmed )ith a solid 'nderstanding o* !oding
basi!s, I !an begin m- !areer )here I )ill add this .ob to m- e,+erien!e
I ha2e gone thro'gh all -o'r >ob:#as1s and )or1ing details +ro2ided in #$ and *ind m-sel*
!a+able o* +er*orming them to !onstant '+ gradation both te!hni!all- as )ell as +ersonall-
)ith a goal o* de2elo+ing at higher e,tent in *'t're, gain 1no)ledge and e,+erien!e and to +'t
in m- best in the tas1 assigned
Please let me 1no) abo't m- +ossibilities I ass're -o' that I )ill do an e,tensi2e st'd- to
+ro!'re all the +rere3'isite 1no)ledge on the )or1 -o' assign me )ith, be*ore !oming there
I shall be 2er- grate*'l to -o' i* -o' gi2e me the o++ort'nit- to do de2elo+ment )or1 in -o'r
!om+an- I* -o' re3'ire an- *'rther in*ormation, I )o'ld be glad to *'rnish the same ?oo1ing
*or)ard to a +ositi2e res+onse *rom -o'
&o'rs sin!erel-,
Shobhit Sharma

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