Two Man Team - Jet Mykles

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Two Man Team

Book Jacket
Tags: Gay Erotica
Others might be fooled into thinking Davey is just a computer nerd, but Jason knows better. He knows his
geeky best friend is wicked to the core. So, he shouldnt be surprised when Davey lures him into a
threesome on the night of their friends wedding. Two guys and one girl turns out to be a pretty terrific thing,
especially when watching Davey have sex is almost as hot as knowing Davey is watching him. And the girl
doesn't seem to mind either.<br/><br/>One threesome leads to more, but then something changes. Now,
when Davey touches him, its a whole new ballgame. Jason likes it...a lot...and he likes it even more when
they try sex without the girl. Who knew? But Jasons troubles are just beginning. He sees newfound depths
in their friendship. Depths hes willing to explore. Too bad Davey doesnt feel the same. The past has taught
Davey that happily ever after doesnt exist and Jason is afraid he'll never be able to change Davey's
mind.<br/><br/>Will Jason be able to convince his stubborn friend that they can forge a two man team?
Chapter One
So where are all the horny women who're supposed to be at all weddings?
He sat, alone, at a table in the corner of a mostly deserted banquet room, watching Jen and Ken. His newly
married friends sat at the big table at the head of the room, laughing and talking with various members of
their now-combined families. The reception was basically over, most of the guests had left, the tiny dance
floor was empty, and the DJ and bartenders had been released for the night. It wasn't long before midnight,
and things were pretty much done.
Then again, his friends were hardly a typical bride and groom. Jen was a tomboy through and through, and
the wedding hadn't been her idea or design. Getting married had been Ken's idea. Their mutual friend Bart
had made all of the arrangements for both the civil ceremony and the reception, both of which had been held
here in the restaurant he owned. They hadn't had anything like a traditional ceremony with the big dress and
formal wear. Ken was dressed in a nice suitthe jacket ditched shortly after the vowsand she was in a
white tunic and matching pantsthe white in deference to her mother more than anything. No best man or
bridesmaids, which was just as well because Jen didn't have any girlfriends or sisters. In fact, if it weren't for
family, Jen probably wouldn't have invited any women at all. In fact, Jason was pretty sure Jen hadn't done
any of the inviting. Jokes had been made when Davey and Jason offered to stand up with her, but she hadn't
accepted their offer. Jason chuckled. Davey might have gotten a kick out of it.
She did look pretty, though, he mused, sucking at the last ice cube that remained of his Black Russian. Jen
was a wholesome, all-American brunette with a fresh face, sparkling brown eyes, and a big, natural smile.
Usually she went without makeup, but today she'd made an exception. Even so, it was applied in a manner
that made her look like it wasn't there, enhancing her features rather than disguising them. The low neckline
of her white silk tunic showed off her most obvious feminine assets but also accentuated her slim waist and
gently sloped hips. Jen was tightly packed and strong from a lifetime of playing sports and looked damn
good because of it, even if she failed to see it.
Jason knew exactly how tightly packed. And soft. And exciting. He'd had the great pleasure of having sex
with her on two separate occasions. Both times were just a little over a month ago when he, Ken, and their
two other best friends, Bart and Davey, had conspired to prove to Jen that she was a gorgeous, wonderful
woman by finally taking their individual chances at dating her. No. Not dating. Sex. It had been about sex.
They'd all figured Jen could handle it. None of them had intended to change their friendship or turn it into
anything long-term. Just friends having fun. Then Ken had thrown a wrench into the works. Or, as he claimed,
Jen had mucked it up by sleeping with Jason, Bart, and Davey but refusing to sleep with him. Jason had to
admit that would have ticked him off too. Looking back on the one night when the five of them had been
together, Ken was the only one who hadn't done more than kiss Jen. Of course, she'd stayed the night with
him when the rest of them had gone home. That was the night Ken had seen the proverbial light and asked
Jen to marry him. Jason was happy for them. He was. Looking at them now, he wondered why no one had
seen that they were meant for each other before.
But that didn't help him tonight. Clearly, if he was going to find companionship, he would have to go
Setting his glass down on the pristine white tablecloth, he stood. Jen and Ken were busy, so he chose not to
bother them. He'd already bestowed his congratulations on the happy couple, and he'd see them at work on
Wednesday anyway since they weren't going on their honeymoon until November. Because the restaurant
was open for regular diners tonight as well, Bart would be busy.
Where was Davey? The little snot was his ride home, which was the only reason he was still drinking. Last
time he'd seen the other man had been when there were still people dancing on the miniature floor. That had
to have been an hour or so ago. As he meandered toward the door leading out of the banquet room, Jason
pulled out his cell and sent a text to his friend: Where r u?
Once out of the room, he edged around a small dining area toward the buzz of conversation that surrounded
the bar. The area was pretty typical of an upscale restaurant like Bart's. Up two steps and Jason was
surrounded by shining polished wood, mirrors, and muted lighting. A few minitables were scattered in the
open area on one side, but the main focus was the long bar with the bottles of booze behind on mirrored
shelves. There were only about a dozen people there, and he recognized a few from the wedding. He
waved to Ken's sister with her hubby and Tina and Dan from work, but headed for the end of the bar. He
took a barstool and watched a few pitches in the Pirates/Brewers game while he waited for Jake, the
bartender, to finish up and bring him another.
Damn, he muttered to himself, watching the roll of scores across the bottom of the plasma screen mounted
on the wall. Mets won again. That meant his beloved Braves were another game down. It was a damn sure
bet they weren't going to make it to the play-offs this year.
He was halfway through another Black Russian and well into the next inning of the Rockies/Giants game
when Davey finally texted him back. He flipped open the phone to read the message: Come. Back lot.
The parking lot in the back? Why? he asked the phone aloud, knowing full well it wouldn't answer. So he
texted it: Why?
A moment later came the reply: Just come.
Typical Davey. No explanation, just an expectation of obedience. Had he moved his car? If so, why? No
telling with Davey, of course. He followed his own rules for everything.
Sighing, Jason stood, then downed his drink and paid for it while grimacing at the onslaught of rich coffee
liqueur down to his gullet. He hoped whatever Davey had in mind was worth it. He didn't drink Black
Russians often, and he preferred to savor them.
Well acquainted with the layout of the restaurant, he headed for the darker hallways that led to the
restrooms. Beyond the johns was another hall that led both to the manager's office and employees' lockers.
There was also a fire door that led to the back parking lot. Once outside, he took a moment to let his eyes
adjust to the harsh fluorescent lighting directly overhead that cast faux moonlight in the immediate vicinity.
The parking lot in back only held ten spaces, meant for kitchen staff and managers. Bart's Beemer sat
directly outside the door.
It took a moment, but Jason finally located Davey leaning against the dark shadow of his deep blue Mustang
GT at the very edge of the halo of light. His white dress shirt and light-colored slacks stood out against the
black background of the trees that stood beyond the pavement, as did the bright pink T-shirt of the girl
pressed against him.
What the hell? Jason scowled. Was he going to have to find another way home? That little shit.
Having heard the door open, Davey waved him over with one arm while keeping the other wrapped around
the girl.
Muttering to himself, Jason descended the three cement steps of the stoop and crossed the lot. He really
shouldn't begrudge his buddy finding a date. Wasn't he hoping to do the same thing?
She was cute, too. A little under Davey's height, which put her around five feet four or five, she had that hair
that wasn't quite brunette and wasn't quite blonde but was kind of both, cut short, level with her rounded chin.
She had a slim little body with a tight belly shown off by the way her T-shirt rode up because her arms were
around Davey's neck. When she turned to grin at Jason, he guessed she was around their age, with a bright
smile and carefully plucked eyebrows. He couldn't tell the color of her eyes because it was too dark in the
Jason stopped a few paces away from them and shoved his hands deep into the pockets of his slacks.
What's up?
Davey grinned, the lenses of his thick-rimmed glasses catching a glint from the light behind Jason. This is
The girl unwound her arms and turned to face Jason but kept her hip snuggled up against Davey. She
extended a hand to Jason. Stacy without the S. Hi.
He took it, mustering a smile. Maybe she had a friend inside. Hi.
Her fingers slid over his palm as their hands parted, and she gave him a warm little grin that he couldn't
Keeping his eyes on Jason, Davey rubbed her back, making her T-shirt ride up her belly a little more. With
the dip of her low-rise jeans, there was a nice bit of soft flesh visible. Tacy's never had two guys at once. I
told her we could probably accommodate her. What do you think?
Jason blinked. Then his jaw dropped. Huh?
Tacy giggled, propping her back up against Davey so he could slide his arms around her from behind.
Davey wasn't even fazed by what he'd said. Tacy wants to do us.
She giggled again. Or you do me.
One of Davey's thumbs tucked into the waistband of her jeans, right behind the button. Some of both.
Jason's gaze snagged on that thumb, his imagination filling in what was right near it. You guys are serious?
Oh yeah, Tacy assured him.
Do I know you?
She pulled away from Davey and closed the distance to Jason. Blue. Her eyes were blue. Not yet. She let
that blue gaze rake him up and down before she spread her palms over his chest, slipping them underneath
the lapels of his jacket to lightly press his nipples. But we can fix that.
He glanced over her shoulder. Davey remained where he was, arms now folded across his chest. His head
was cocked to the side, shiny, straight brown hair falling to the side from the tilt of his head. That smug little
grin he almost always wore was right there, challenging Jason to take up the offer.
A few months ago, Jason might not have considered it. But after what had happened with Jen this summer,
he was caught. That night the five of them had shared sprung to mind. It had been sexy as hell watching the
other guys fuck Jen, knowing they were watching when he was inside her himself. All too vividly he could
conjure up the memory of Davey, naked and sheened with sweat as he plowed into Jen from behind. He
remembered the fevered glee in Davey's unshielded eyes when their gazes had met over Jen's back,
Davey fucking her while Jen sucked Jason's cock. It was the single most erotic thing he could remember
doing in his life.
The light in Davey's eyes told Jason he remembered the same thing. And wanted to do it again.
Why the hell not?
His thoughts had taken mere seconds. His gaze returned to Tacy's by the time she spoke again. What do
you say?
He grinned down at her, setting his hands on the curve of her hips. I'm game if you are.
Chapter Two
The three of them piled into Davey's Mustang. Since there wasn't a backseat to speak of, Tacy got to ride
on Jason's lap. She took this literally, deciding to straddle him so she could press her crotch to his growing
Tacy cupped Jason's jaw. You're so hot.
Told you, Davey murmured, his voice as much a purr as the V8.
He had?
Jason moaned. Damn. He spread his palms on Tacy's back as she pressed her lips briefly to his, then
pulled back as Davey released the parking brake. I'm glad it's a short ride to your place, Davey.
His friend chuckled but made no comment as he tore out of the parking lot.
Tacy's tongue dove into his mouth, and Jason could only hang on and enjoy.
He decided he shouldn't be surprised. This was so typically Davey. If it was off-the-wall and unexpected,
Davey would do it, just to be ornery. He wasn't mean or anything. He was actually a really good friend. He
was justcontrary was the only word Jason could think of that summed it up. It had been he who'd
instigated the whole thing with Jen. Suggesting a threesome was relatively tame compared to that.
Just thinking of what they were going to do had Jason's blood simmering. He pictured Tacy kissing Davey.
Riding him while sucking Jason off. On all fours in front of Jason with her mouth wrapped around Davey's
cock. He wormed his fingers down the back of her jeans so he could finger the top of the crack of her ass.
Would she like that? She seemed to, tilting her ass and wiggling in time to a sexy little moan she bled into
his mouth.
Faster, he thought hard at Davey, needing to get this girl naked and on a bed. Or a couch. Or, hell, the floor
in Davey's living room. Someplace private, at least, and with more room to maneuver than the passenger
seat of Davey's car. When Tacy let Jason up for air, he recognized the trees and houses along Davey's
street. She nibbled and bit at his neck and ear as Davey pulled up the drive, past the carport, to the garage
in back.
We're here, Davey announced, shutting down the engine.
Finally, Tacy squealed. She fastened her lips to Jason's, forcing him to fumble to open the door. Her eyes
glittered in the light over the back door. I need you to fuck me now.
Damn. Jason screwed his eyes shut, his fingers digging into her thighs. You're gonna make me come in
my pants, darlin'.
Oh man! Where'd that sexy-ass accent come from?
Laughing, Davey reached in to grab her arm. He's a good ole Southern boy by birth, he explained, pulling
her off of Jason's lap. The accent comes back when he's excited.
Fuck. She stumbled up against Davey, giggling. Then we got to get him more excited.
The devil himself couldn't wear a more wicked grin than the one Davey aimed at Jason over Tacy's shoulder.
I couldn't agree more.
As Davey led her toward the house, Jason thumped his head against the headrest, needing a little bit of
calm to make his legs work. Oh damn, they were gonna kill him. In the best possible way!
He followed them moments later, closing the kitchen door behind him and letting the sound of her giggles
lead him through the sparsely furnished living room and toward the narrow stairs that led up to the two
bedrooms and a bathroom. Scraps, Davey's little terrier-mix mutt, met him at the top of the stairs, yapping
happily around Jason's feet. Hey, you, Jason murmured, taking a moment to lean down and catch a pet on
the bobbing head. He got a sloppy but enthusiastic lick on his wrist for his effort.
A happy shriek through the open bedroom door got his attention. He grinned. You'd better stay here,
buddy, he told the dog. Holding out his hand, palm down, he gave Scraps a look. Stay.
The white and gray bundle of fun wiggled, little stump of a tail swishing furiously, but he obediently sat,
licking his chops.
Good boy. We'll make it up to you later. With that, he turned into Davey's bedroom.
His friend was not much on furnishings. He had very little sense of style or coherence, only purchasing what
caught his fancy or what was comfortable. Thus he had this huge pillow-top California king-size mattress
and box springs but no head- or footboard. A black fitted sheet hugged the mattress, but the box spring was
bare and the rumpled top sheet was gold. Which wouldn't be so bad, but the bedspread was a geometric
burgundy and green mix. All the bedding would be clean, but it probably hadn't been folded since it'd come
out of the wrappers. His dresser was expensive oak and piled high with all sorts of junk that obscured the
big mirror. Only one poster hung on the pale blue walls: an immense panorama of the galaxyat least some
of itwith an arrow that pointed to a tiny dot with a caption that read You Are Here.
Jason barely managed to catch Tacy's jeans as they flew at his head. Looked like Davey was tearing into
Tacy's clothing with the same tenacity that he attacked everything. Not that she minded. On her back in the
middle of the bed, she let out another shriek of laughter as he successfully pulled off a little scrap of pink that
must have been her panties.
Dropping her jeans and his jacket to the floor, Jason ambled to the other side of the bed so he could lean
over her head.
She beamed up at him, holding up her T-shirt. Here.
Smiling, he took it as she wiggled her arms underneath her back toward the catch of her bra. You boys
need to get naked too.
Her words made Jason look up to meet Davey's grin. They had a nearly nakedoh God, shaved!woman
between them demanding they get naked. He shrugged. She's got a point.
He pulled off the tie she'd loosened in the car and began to work on the buttons of his shirt. Davey chose to
work from the bottom up, his balance wavering as he toed out of his shoes while he unbuckled his belt.
Tacy tossed her bramore pink laceon the floor, then rose to kneel in the center of the bed, watching
them. She was just as cute naked, her sweet little breasts casting odd shadows from the tall lamp. Please
tell me you've got protection.
In the nightstand, Davey assured her.
The nightstand that he only had because it'd come with the dresser. It supported a tall lamp, a bunch of
paperbacks, his e-book reader, and an empty glass. Tacy crawled over to open the drawer and produce a
string of condoms and a large bottle of lube. Oh, excellent, she squealed.
Jason paused at the sight of the lube. What the hell did Davey need a bottle of lube that big for? Jason kept
one of those little bottles of K-Y underneath his own pillow for jerking off, but he'd never have bought anything
that big. It's Davey, he reminded himself, mentally shaking his head as he pulled off his shirt. He probably
just bought in bulk. Although he wouldn't put it past the little guy to be a marathon wanker. A computer nerd
through and through, Davey knew all the good porn sites and watched often.
As Jason pulled off his socks and shoes, Davey jumped onto the bed. His open dress shirt revealed the flat
belly and toned muscles he got from swimming nearly every day of his life, and the lack of tan lines gave
away that he didn't always wear trunks when he did it. This Jason already knew, and he wasn't quite sure
why that popped into his head at this moment. He most decidedly didn't carealthough he didn't mindthat
his friend's ass was smooth and tanned or that his dark pubes were neatly trimmed at the base of his
upturned cock.
Davey and Tacy met on their knees, arms wrapping around each other as they ate at each other's mouths.
He'd lost his glasses at some point, so there was no impediment when Tacy combed her fingers through his
hair to trap his skull, tilting his head the way she wanted it. Jason watched Davey's fingers dig into the meat
of Tacy's ass, pulling the cheeks apart to reveal dark secrets. Tacy whimpered and freed one of her hands to
slide it between them. Jason couldn't see because of the angle, but Davey's moan told him she had his
Oh yeah, he wanted some of that! Jason hurried out of his pants and underwear and climbed up behind
Tacy. Unsure where to start, he chose to kiss her shoulder, letting his fingers trail the outsides of her thighs.
His wrists bumped Davey's, and that was somehow rather erotic.
Breathing heavily, Tacy broke her kiss with Davey and leaned back. Jason adjusted to catch some of her
weight and happily obliged when she offered her swollen lips for a kiss. He was sure he imagined tasting
Davey on her lips, and that most certainly didn't turn him on. Okay, it did. He could admit that in his own
head. Turned out he got off on going where another man had gone just moments before. Kinky.
She groaned, wiggling, and he had to groan with her because that wiggle settled his cock against her lower
back, his balls against her ass. Davey pulled his hands away, and Jason flinched when the other man's
hands brushed the insides of his thighs. He cracked his eye open, not interrupting the kiss but wanting to
see if Davey reacted to the touch. If he did, he didn't show it. But then, he was busy gathering up Tacy's pert
little breasts for his pointed tongue. Tacy writhed, nipping at Jason's lower lip. Her hands had found his
thighs, sharp nails digging in as Davey tilted his head to the side and took a pink nipple between his teeth
and tugged. If Jason didn't know better, he'd say Davey was doing it for an audience. But, again, Davey
watched lots of porn. He might not know another way.
Not to be completely outdone, Jason adjusted, spreading his knees so he could maneuver lower, low
enough that his hand could slip around to Tacy's belly, then down to her shaved mound.
Oh yes! she cried, breaking free of his mouth.
He transferred his lips to her arched neck as his fingers quested farther, deeper, finding hot, moist flesh.
She bucked into his hand, her hips angling just right for him to slip a finger inside while his palm pressed the
harder nub at the cleft of her sex. She keened, squirming. Her hands flew up, one digging into Davey's hair
and the other reaching back for Jason's. He felt her starting to lose it and held tight as she shook, something
between a scream and a sigh bursting from her lips.
Davey sat back on his heels, a wolfish grin on his face as he continued to thumb her nipples, watching her.
His cock curved up between his legs, listing slightly to the right. Jason watched a small stream of precum
ooze from the tip before he realized what he was doing and averted his gaze.
Oooo, man. Tacy sank back against Jason, distracting him. That was awesome.
We haven't even started, Jason assured her, exchanging grins with Davey.
Who nodded. Lay down, he commanded as he pulled off his shirt.
Not sure who he meant, Jason helped Tacy lie on her back, then stretched out on his side next to her.
Now naked, Davey grabbed a condom and stretched out on Tacy's other side. He traced her sternum with
the corner of the packet. Who do you want first? His bright green eyes flashed up at Jason before settling
back on her, accompanied by another grin. Or do you want both of us at once?
Giggling, she brought her hands up to cover her eyes. Oh my God! This is so embarrassing.
Cute. Jason stroked her belly, his fingers drawn to the juncture of her thighs.
Davey bent closer to her cheek. You want to suck Jason off? He's got a big, fat cock just made for sucking.
That startled both Tacy and Jason into looking at him. Said cock kicked at Tacy's hip.
Davey might not have noticed. Or you could suck mine while he fucks you from behind.
She licked her lips, glancing down at the two cocks bumping against her.
Or one of us could take you in front and the other from behind.
That made her flinch. I don't do anal.
Ah well. Jason mentally shrugged off that fantasy.
But She reached down and took one cock in each hand, exploring lightly, weighing.
Davey grinned over her at Jason as they waited.
When she squeezed just under the head of his cock, he had to close his eyes to enjoy.
I want to suck you, while you
Jason had to drag his eyes open to find out he was the first you. He rolled onto his back, adjusting as she
crawled down between his legs. Davey knelt beside them, and Jason wondered at himself when he caught
his eyes watching Davey's fingers rolling on a condom rather than the girl taking his cock in hand. But when
Tacy dragged her tongue up the length of his shaft, his priorities properly readjusted, and she had most of
his attention.
Yeah, Davey crooned. He slid a hand down Tacy's side as he moved behind her. Good, isn't it? A dark
chuckle burbled from his lips as he squeezed the curves of her hips, lifting her ass to where he wanted her.
Grabbing his cock, he grinned up at Jason and waggled his eyebrows. Good?
So good, he heard himself answer.
Fuck yeah. Davey rubbed his cock against Tacy, making her whimper.
Jason could tell when he slid in that first bit because both of them tensed. Tacy added an extra squeeze and
suck on Jason's cock as well, which closed his eyes and distracted him for a few glorious moments. When
he opened his eyes, Davey was pubes to ass with Tacy, his head thrown back in pure enjoyment. He
lowered his head, and that wicked grin was back, curling the lip that he bit as he slowly pulled out and thrust
back in. Tacy groaned, the vibrations delicious around the head of Jason's cock.
Watching Davey fuck was a revelation. Usually the computer geek was quiet and in complete control. Sure,
he had a wicked streak, but he was always in control of that too. Not until Jason had seen Davey in the
throes of sex had he ever seen his friend completely lose it. The closer he got to climax, the more Davey's
iron grip dissolved. It was amazing to watch. His mouth opened, and a stream of barely coherent
obscenities poured out, both encouragement and cursing. Sweat broke out on his chest and neck, more of
it plastering the fall of his hair to his forehead. Vivid green eyes either shone with a maniacal light or were
screwed shut in agonized concentration. A flush across his chest and shoulders made his tan a ruddy
brown. He started to thrust so hard that he threw Tacy off balance, pushing so her cheek slid in the sweat
that coated Jason's belly, her breasts pressing the shaft of his cock. She cried out, clutching the sheets
below Jason as she could do little more than hang on. Jason held her, fisting his hand in her hair and curling
his back, wiggling down so his lips could reach hers. He swallowed her cries, sucked at her tongue. When
his hand found a breast, his finger and thumb a nipple, she screamed and shuddered, her nails now digging
into his sides. Behind her, Davey cried out. As Tacy melted into Jason's chest, Davey pounded into her,
eyes screwed shut, mouth open. Jason saw it when the release came, when everything went rigid. Davey's
hips jounced those last few times of their own accord before it all left him in a rush.
Jason was harder than nails, but he stayed still, letting them recover. Davey first. He sucked in a huge
breath, then took a controlled fall back, freeing Tacy. She sighed happily, squirming atop Jason.
She lifted her head and beamed at Jason through the damp strands of hair. Now you.
Who was he to argue? He lay back and reached for a condom as she pushed up onto wobbly knees.
Oh man, she laughed. She reached back for Davey. That was awesome.
He knelt to kiss her while Jason tore open the condom packet. She positioned herself over Jason as Davey
disposed of the first condom.
Oh fuck yeah. She groaned as her weight settled her down over Jason.
He could only echo her groan, his fingers digging into her hips.
Oh fuck, fuck, fuck! That's deep. She ground her hips, bracing her palms on his shoulders. Oh man.
Clearly the angle was one she enjoyed. Jason rolled his hips up just to make sure, just to make her cry out.
He was strong and she was light, so once he braced his knees apart, the only issue with pumping up into
her was holding her hips so she didn't bump off.
Hands on his knees confused him for a second before he saw Davey appear over her shoulder. Knowing
his friend was kneeling between his legs added a kink to things that forced Jason to think of baseball
standings lest he lose his load right there. By the time he had himself back in control, Davey had Tacy sitting
up and leaning back against him, his hands cupping her breasts. Fuck. His fingers looked so long wrapped
around pale, creamy flesh. Davey's lips were at her ear, whispering words Jason couldn't quite make out but
didn't doubt were obscene. Jason thrust up into Tacy, and she bit off a shriek. She rode Jason helplessly,
held steady by Davey. Her back arched, her arms rising to reach behind and wrap as best she could around
Davey's neck. It thrust her breasts into his hands, forced him to slip one down to span her belly. Caramel
skin against her lighter tan, wiry strength holding her as Jason plunged into her clutching, wet pussy from
She came, and Jason knew he was almost done for. He neededhe wanted. Then she was pressed to his
chest. He opened his eyes to find her just as surprised as he.
Roll over, Davey commanded them both.
Jason hardly thought about it. He wrapped an arm around Tacy to hold her as he rolled her underneath him.
Yes! This was what he needed. The new angle allowed him to catch hold of her knee, wrap her leg around
his hip, and thrust with everything he had. She howled, nails biting into his shoulders as she begged him to
fuck her ever harder. He didn't know how long it lasted. He clamped his eyes shut and rode the pleasure
when it burst white-hot up his spine and took control of his twitching hips.
That was sexy as hell.
Braced on one elbow and mostly on his side, Jason blinked sweat out of his eyes to look up at Davey, who
knelt on the floor, chin on the arms he had folded on the edge of the mattress. He grinned triumphantly up at
Jason, who could only grin back.
Humming to himself, Davey crawled up on the bed until he could nuzzle at Tacy's neck. She'd barely moved
from where she'd been when Jason had finally come, her channel squeezing gently at his softening cock.
Up for more? Davey murmured by her ear.
Her eyes flew open in surprise. Then she laughed.
Jason had to join the laughter. Looked like they were in for a long night.
Chapter Three
Jason rolled out of bed before either of his bedmates. He took a moment to sit on the edge, watching them
in the early-dawn light that eked through the blinds on the north-facing windows. Tacy was curled up in the
top sheet in the middle of the mattress, facing Jason. Her open mouth and faint snores clued him in that she
was a heavy sleeper, was completely worn out from the previous night, or some of both. Her butt almost
nudged Davey's side, where he lay on his belly on the far edge of the bed, one of his arms dangling over the
side, the other buried underneath the pillow supporting his head. Since Tacy had all of the sheet, his back,
legs, and butt were on full display. Damn. Jason had known Davey was toned, but his ass was trim.
Jason stood, yawned, stretched, all the while convincing himself that it wasn't wrong for him to check out his
friend's ass. Guys checked each other out all the time. How else could they compare themselves, right? He
wandered into the bathroom, snagging his boxer briefs off the floor as he went. Once inside, he twisted to
check out as much of his own ass as he could in the long mirror mounted on the back of the bathroom door.
Not bad. He flexed it. Tight. Although he had tan lines where Davey did not, and since he favored swim
trunks, the lines extended a little way down his thighs. Oh well. No help for it. He faced front and brushed at
his chest hair. Golden, just a little darker than the short-cropped hair on his head. He looked good, if he had
to say so himself. Softball, basketball, swimming, and the occasional go-round on his home gym kept him in
good shape. He'd never had a lady complain, even if some did remark that he might be too pretty. His
sisters sometimes commented that it was his rounded chin or the long lashes around his blue eyes. He
didn't see it, but he usually kept something of a beard shadow on his jaw just to emphasize his masculinity.
He shrugged, stepping into the shower. Not that there'd been too many ladies lately. Before last night,
there'd been the two times with Jen during the summer. Prior to that, it'd been a month since his last date,
longer since he'd had sex with another person. Last night was the first time since college he'd learned a
girl's name and slept with her in the same twenty-four hour period. These days, he much preferred to get to
know a girl longer. Unfortunately, the getting-to-know part often made the sex part less attractive. He figured
he just wasn't wired like most guys. He played ball with guys who'd fuck a girl even if they couldn't stand her.
Jason couldn't do it. Jeneven back before they'd slept togetherhad assured him it was a quality that
made him more attractive. That might be so, but it didn't make for an active sex life.
He finished a quick showermore of a sluicing off, reallyand toweled off. He slept over at Davey's often
enough that he had a toothbrush handy. He chuckled while he used it. Normally he slept in the second
bedroom or on one of the couches downstairs. Sleeping in Davey's bed last night was a first. Figured the
little shit had the most comfortable bed in the house. Jason forgave him that as he left the bathroom. It was
Davey's house, after all.
Scraps met him on the landing. Jason bent to scoop the dog up and carry him down. Heya, pups. He
rubbed his face in the furry neck, accepting a barrage of wet kisses. Jason had been with Davey when the
mutt had adopted him, and he still felt a special thing for the little guy. Sorry to put you out of the bedroom
last night. Scraps was Jason's usual bed partner when he stayed over. He let the dog down when he
reached the bottom of the stairs, only to stop and pay homage to the thick orange tabby who perched on top
of a short bookcase. Ginger, too, had decided on Davey as an owner rather than the other way around.
She'd shown up in his backyard as a wet, miserable kitten and managed to stay and grow into the rotund
purrbox she now was. Mornin', sweet girl. She rumbled, butting into his hand. He picked her up and took
her to the kitchen, Scraps happily in tow.
After a check that their bowls in the laundry room were full, he returned to the kitchen for coffee. Davey, the
gadgetmeister, had one of those awesome coffee brewers where you put in a packet and three minutes
later out poured a fresh gourmet cup of rich brew. The scent of hazelnut filled the air as Jason retrieved half-
and-half from the fridge to doctor it just a tad. As the first sip warmed his throat on the way to his belly, he
picked up the remote and switched on the television to catch the early Sunday news. He contemplated
taking a swim but got distracted by a documentary about lions on National Geographic.
Tacy found him an hour later still at Davey's kitchen table, now watching a show about arachnids. Eww,
was her first reaction.
He laughed, standing. Don't like spiders?
She averted her eyes, heading for the refrigerator, barefoot but otherwise completely dressed. A slight
dampness to her hair said he'd missed hearing the water in the bathroom. Not this early in the morning. No,
not ever.
He leaned his butt against the counter. Can I get you something? Coffee? Cereal? I think there's bread for
Fridge door open, she paused to give him a look. I thought this was Davey's place?
It is. But I spend a lot of time here.
She blinked, studying his face for a strange moment, her blue eyes a little wide, then shrugged. I don't drink
coffee, thanks. But I will have some of this. She pulled out the orange juice.
Jason fetched her a glass from the cabinet behind him. He noted the way her eyes slid over him as he
turned back. Looked like she appreciated what she saw but wasn't quite comfortable that he was still only in
his underwear.
She smiled as she took the glass. Hi.
He smiled back. Hi.
Her flush was rather attractive. Some night last night, huh?
She faced the counter to pour her juice. I don't, uh, normally do stuff like that.
I gathered.
She shuddered. You've got to stop that.
The drawl thing. She shot him a grin over the rim of her glass. It's too early in the morning for sexy.
He laughed. Sorry. I can't help it. Retrieving his mug from the table, he realized that he could have taken
advantage of the opening she'd left him, but he was reluctant to do so.
She was quiet as he started another cup of coffee, then got distracted by the coffee brewerpeople who'd
never seen one always did. By the time he was sipping, the seductive moment was over.
She finished her juice and set the empty glass in the sink. I don't suppose you keep a car here?
He frowned.
She sighed. No worries. I'll call a cab.
Oh. Oh no, don't do that. I can take you home.
But you don't have a car.
He shrugged. I can take Davey's. He gestured toward the ceiling and the bedroom above. He'll be asleep
for hours.
She nodded. And I thought I was a heavy sleeper.
Oh, honey, you don't even know. Chuckling, he finished off his coffee. Let me go get some pants on.
She nodded, and he caught her glance at his crotch. Again, he knew he could have probably coaxed
something to happen between them, but he wasn't inclined. He pondered that as he returned to the
bedroom, but chalked it up to not knowing her that well. Last night's impetus had been all Davey. With him
out of the picture, most of the seduction was gone too.
Wasn't that a kick in the head?
Davey stirred enough to turn his head while Jason was climbing into his slacks. The green of his eyes was
barely visible under heavy eyelids, and his voice was gruff. You leaving?
Taking Tacy home. He snagged Davey's keys from the dresser. In your car.
Davey nodded, eyes closing. Fed the beasts?
I did.
He might have heard; he might not, since he was out before Jason put on his shoes and left the room again.
Tacy was quiet as they got in the car and headed out. She gave directions but then stared out the window
for a few minutes.
Jason felt compelled to break the silence. I didn't see you at the wedding last night.
She startled, then faced him. Wha Huh?
He smiled. The wedding last night. Were you a guest?
Oh! Oh no. I didn't even know there was a wedding back there. I was having dinner with some friends at the
I met Davey at the bar and She shrugged. Giggled nervously. I don't usually do stuff like that.
I'm not complaining.
I don't want you to get the wrong idea.
I didn't. Although he wasn't quite sure he knew what she was talking about.
I hope not. I meanyou seem like a nice guy. Both of you.
Oh. He nodded. I get it. No worries. I don't think either one of us expects anything.
He seemed to have hit on the point she wanted to make, because she relaxed. I don't want to seem
That made him laugh.
She groaned. Oh man, that sounded horrible.
Chuckling, he reached over to pat her knee. I think I can speak for Davey and say that we're both grateful
He chanced a wicked look her way, which she caught. Her eyes went wide, then narrowed. Then she
She stared at her apartment building a moment after he pulled up to the curb, then turned to him. Can we
exchange numbers or something? Just in case? She shrugged.
Without comment, he pulled out his cell and gave her his number. She called it from her cell right there, and
they both spent a minute to store numbers. When she put away her phone, she looked at him fully for the first
time since last night.
She smiled. You were awesome.
So were you, darlin'. He took the chance and leaned toward her, thinking she expected it.
He was right. She leaned in, and their lips met. Call me, she said with a grin just before she got out of the
Call me. He thought about it as he drove away. Would he? She seemed like a nice enough girl, but he knew
nothing about her. Could he get to know her after he'd known her intimately? Would it be the same to be
alone with her without Davey?
He let the mysteries go unsolved and turned up the Mustang's stereo. It was a gorgeous Sunday, and he
deserved to enjoy it. With that thought utmost, he stopped by his own apartment to pick up trunks and
change into jeans and a T-shirt, then headed back to Davey's.
His friend still wasn't up by the time he got back, nor had he shown his face after Jason had changed and
taken a few laps in the pool. Jason was dozing in the sun around noon when Davey finally showed up,
waking Jason when he dove into the pool to begin his laps. Jason used the cover of his Ray-Bans to
disguise that he watched Davey. Bright sunlight gleamed off the churning water as well as Davey's tanned
skin as he crossed the pool. Scraps was less circumspect in his attention, racing back and forth to keep up
with his favorite person.
Thirty laps later, Davey finally slowed. He folded his arms on the side of the pool and used one hand to
shade his eyes as he looked up at Jason. What'd she say when you took her home?
Jason shrugged, stretched. Nothing much. She was kind of embarrassed.
Davey dropped his hand to rub at the belly Scraps exposed by dropping onto his back. Embarrassed?
Was she pissed?
Nah. Jason folded his hands behind his head. Just real awkward. You didn't give us much of a chance to
know each other.
Davey snorted. You got to know each other real well last night.
That's different.
Did you get her number?
Cool. We should call her again soon.
It occurred to Jason to ask a number of whys. Why had Davey done it? Why not just sleep with her on his
own? Why the we in we should call her again? But every one of those questions dissolved as Davey
levered himself out of the pool and Jason saw that he was naked. Water poured down skin that was dark
caramel all over. Even his cock was the same soft color, although maybe a tad redder. The sight short-
circuited Jason's brain. He'd seen Davey naked before, even before the first group sex scene. He was even
pretty sure he'd seen Davey wet and naked. But thisthis was different somehow. The shorter man threw
back his head, letting water fly before he reached up to smooth his hair back. The sun made sparkling
diamonds of every droplet on his smooth, damn-near-hairless body. Diamonds that poured down the
sharply defined lines of his muscles. How did the presence of the chunky silver necklace that he'd started
wearing lately make him look more naked? Jason bit his tongue to keep it in his mouth, to keep his jaw from
falling open. He held very still as Davey started for the door behind him.
I've got burgers. Want to fire up the grill? He didn't wait for Jason's answer, just continued into the house.
What. The. Fuck? A glance down showed the start of a boner tenting his trunks.
He sat up, eager to hide the fact of his arousal from his friend. Yeah. Burgers sound good. I just need
Fuckfuckfuck. To cool off a little.
He took the three paces and jumped into the blissfully cool water. It's last night, he convinced himself,
swimming toward the shallow end. All that sex last night's got me going. Yeah, that was it.
A few laps worked to calm him down. He got out of the pool, dried off, and headed for the barbecue at the
side of the patio. He was back in control by the time Davey appeared with two thick patties and two ears of
corn to throw on the fire. Thankfully, this time Davey had trunks on. He turned on the outside televisionyes,
Davey had one outside tooand they fell into normal behavior watching the game.
Jason most decidedly did not dwell on the fact that while he'd gotten hard looking at Davey, being alone with
Tacy hadn't done a thing for him.
Chapter Four
Another Thursday night, another softball game.
I can't believe you're here. Tina stood at the opening of the chain-link fence that led into the first-base
dugout. She put her hands on her hips and glared at Jen. Shouldn't you be out honeymooning or
Jason glanced up just in time to see Jen scoff as she nudged Tina out of the way. Nah, we're not leaving
until November.
Except for the fact that both were about the same height and dressed in their team jerseys and softball
pants, the two women looked very little alike. Jen was tall and packed with trim muscles, while Tina was
slimmer and almost delicate. Jen had long brown hair pulled back in a haphazard tail held by her cap. Tina's
blonde hair was cut short around her neck and ears. Jen had a rack where Tina had pert little B-cups. In
personality, Jen acted like a guy in almost every way. Tina, while she might be termed something of a
tomboy, was definitely a girl.
Tina shook her head at Jen, then at Ken as he passed her into the shade of the dugout. But you just got
married. Why are you at a softball game?
Jen's back was to her, so Tina didn't see the eye roll. But Jason did, and his smile might have given it away.
Like Jen cared. We've been at work all week. She dropped onto the bench. What? We're supposed to be
in quarantine?
Ken chuckled, dumping his duffel bag on the ground, then dropping down onto the bench next to his wife to
open it.
Aww, how cute, Davey drawled on the field side of the fence. He dug the fingers of one hand into the chain-
link, green eyes hidden behind prescription sunglasses. Even at seven at night this late in the summer, it
was still bright enough for them, although the sun would be gone in another half hour. They're sharing an
equipment bag now. Have you been taking good care of Ken's bat, Jen?
Jen threw a softball at him, which bounced off the fence right in front of his face. It just made him laugh.
All right, called Carlton, the ump. Now that the newlyweds are here, can we see about playing some ball?
Jen groaned, shoving a foot into one of her cleats. Damn, Carl, don't we even get a chance to warm up?
Carl leaned on the fence next to Davey and shot her a look over the top of his sunglasses. What? Ken
didn't warm you up before you got here? The marriage is doomed, I tell ya. He exchanged a high five with
Laughter erupted around them, only gaining in volume when Jen flipped Carl the bird.
Carl banged the fence, then ambled off. You got ten minutes.
What the fuck is with everyone? Jen grumbled and bent down to tie her shoes. It's not like that much has
Everything's changed, Tina assured her. How can you not see that?
Jen ignored that, standing up to grab her mitt. She knocked Ken on the shoulder, indicating he should follow
her. Ken caught Jason watching them and grinned. They both knewand Jen knew too, but she'd never
admit itthat things had changed. Not just the fact that they'd arrived together and shared an equipment
bag, but the little things they did to indicate that they were a pair. It made Jason smile. It was all good. He
couldn't be happier that they were together.
He envied them. He envied Ken. He wanted a girl like Jen. For a brief time last month, he had thought that
he might want Jen herself. But he could see now that she belonged with Ken. It wouldn't have worked
between them. Damn it. It wasn't easy to find girls who didn't do the annoying girl things.
Yo! A crash against the fencing got Jason's attention. He looked up to see Davey kicking at it. Quit
daydreaming. We got a game to play.
What about Tina?
Rather than play his accustomed first base, Davey had switched with Neil to play right field today. Since
Jason was playing center, they had some wait time while their team finished warming up in the infield.
At the mention of her name, Jason looked at the woman standing behind home plate. In slo-pitch, that was
where the weakest player usually played. They were lucky because Tina wasn't actually that bad; she just
wasn't as good as any of their other players. What about her?
We could get her into bed. It wasn't quite a statement, but not exactly a question either.
Gaze still pointed her way, Davey grinned. I'm thinking ahead to the weekend.
Jason's heart kicked up in beat. Damn, man, two weekends in a row? Slow down.
Why not? Lotsa people have sex more often. He snorted. You've been positively chaste the last few years.

Speak for yourself.

Davey just gave him a look.
Hey, I've gotten laid.
A couple of months before Jen? Who was it? Deidre?
Not wanting to dwell on it, Jason changed tactics. What's with you lately, anyway? You order some Viagra
or something?
Don't need it. I'm high on life.
Jason laughed. Well, if you want Tina, go for it. I won't stand in your way.
Now he had Davey's attention. Sunglasses had been replaced with his sports glasses. I meant us, redneck.
You and me and her.
Damned if Jason's cock didn't tingle at the mere thought. Why the threesomes?
He got a look over the rims of Davey's glasses, green eyes tinted black in the shade of his cap.
What? You no like?
Jason deliberately turned away from those eyes. I liked, but shit, most people just stick to one other person.

Bart gave a shout from the pitcher's mound, telling them to take their positions, so Davey only got one quick
parting shot: No imagination. Then he was trotting away.
Which meant Jason didn't have an answer to his question. What was with Davey lately?
The game proceeded as normal after that. Jason was able to put Davey's strange behavior out of his mind
as they scored the runs that would win them the game. It all rushed back when he finished tying the laces on
his Nikes, then sat up and saw Davey standing by a large oak tree, alone with Tina.
Is he serious?
Intrigued despite his panic, Jason rushed over.
will be a madhouse, I'm sure. Tina saw him coming and smiled. Hey, Jason.
Hey, Tina. He gave Davey a look.
The bright park lights overhead gleamed off Davey's lenses as the shorter man gave him a bland half smile
that told him nothing. Tina was just telling me that her Mom'll be in town this weekend.
Jason didn't breathe a sigh of relief. Barely. That's great.
Mom, Dad, and two of my nieces. Then we're all going up to see my sister. What a pain. She looked
between them. What are you guys up to this weekend?
I'm sure we'll figure out something, Davey answered.
She poked his chest with one finger. Whatever you do, leave Jen and Ken alone, do you hear me? They
deserve some time, just the two of them.
Bart showed up just then, equipment bag slung over his shoulder. Hey, I've decided to barbecue at my
place tomorrow. You guys in?
Bart's barbecues were not to be missed. He had a house in the hills with actual acreage and access to a
gourmet restaurant for the food.
Wasn't much thought needed for Jason. I'm in.
Tina groaned. I can't. Got a family thing.
Bart gave her a sympathetic hug, then looked at Davey.
He shrugged. I'm in.
Great. Bart patted Jason's arm. I'm off. See you guys tomorrow night.
I'm off too, Tina said with a sigh. I've got to get some cleaning done. She waved and trotted off.
Jason rounded on Davey. What did you say to her?
Davey's eyebrow arched. What?
Did you ask her tohe glanced aroundyou know?
Davey chuckled, reaching up to lift his cap and smooth back his hair. I didn't get that far.
Good. Look. Another glance around. I don't think it's a good idea to tell anyone about what we did with
The tone was enough to give Jason pause. Do you think we should tell the others?
As it so happens, I don't. But I'm curious why you don't. You usually spill everything.
I don't spill everything.
You hardly shut up.
I do not.
Fuck you.
No, thank you. Davey started to walk away.
Jason grabbed his arm. Wait. He dropped his hand when Davey looked at it. Fine. Whatever. I just don't
think we should involve our friendsany of our friendsor the people we work with inyou know.
That might have been a smile teasing at the corners of Davey's very mobile mouth. Or it might have been a
shadow. A threesome?
Jason felt the flush on his neck. Yes. We're lucky things aren't awkward with Jen. I don't think we'd get so
lucky with someone like Tina, for instance.
Davey pursed his lips and cocked his head to the side, thinking. Then he nodded. You're right. Good
Jason's relief almost collapsed his knees.
Davey patted his arm. I'll find someone else.
Shock held Jason's tongue as Davey walked away.
They were really going to do it again?
Chapter Five
A lonesome Saturday night. Unfortunately, not a rare occurrence. Jen and Ken were still unofficially off-limits
for visitors, Bart was on a date, and Daveywell, Jason was avoiding Davey. He hadn't heard anything
more about threesome plans since the game on Thursday, and he wasn't sure that he wanted to. He'd been
a nervous wreck last night every time he caught Davey talking to a girl at Bart's barbecue. Nothing had
come of it, but it had been weird. Part of him was turned on by the thought of another threesome, while part
of himjust, no. Davey had called, sent an e-mail, and sent a text to find out what he was up to tonight, but
Jason hadn't returned any of them yet. He'd deal with Davey tomorrow. Or, better yet, Monday at work.
Alone was not so bad. Alone was good for the soul, sometimes. After a good basketball game this
afternoon, he'd gone for a run, had a shower, and had some chili while he enjoyed one of the games he had
recorded on his DVR. What did he need a girl for? He had his right hand and porn for later, if needed.
At ten forty-two, his doorbell rang.
He turned on the couch to stare at the front door. Whoever was out there would know he was home. His car
was in the drive, all the lights were on, and they could probably hear the television through the open front
window, right beside the door. The same open window was in the wrong spot to allow him to see who it was,
but he could hear murmured voices. Two people at least.
Sure that it must be Ken and Jen, he stood and stopped the DVR playback but left the television on, muted.
What were they doing out? Maybe they went to dinner and came by? Never happened before, but it wasn't
out of the question. Dressed in comfortable, worn cargo shorts and a Braves T-shirt that had seen far better
days, Jason rounded the couch, crossed to the little entryway, and opened the door without using the
So Davey and the woman with him got a good look at his surprise.
She was a stunner. About half a head taller than Davey, she approached Jason's height; he couldn't tell how
much of that was the high heels she was wearing. Her hair was too cherry red to be natural, but she pulled it
off beautifully. Big brown eyes were heavily made up, and her wide mouth was painted a glossy red just a
few shades off her hair. Perfect breasts were plumped up and displayed nicely by a snug vest that allowed
ample cleavage to show. The flashy lime green plastic purse that dangled from her shoulder went with the
pale green of the vest, and low-rise jeans allowed her to show off a sparkling emerald in her belly button. He
could tell she was older than either of them, probably in her late thirties or early forties, and she didn't even
try to hide it. It made her even more attractive.
Hi, she greeted, smiling brightly when her voice dragged his attention back to her face.
He knew he was blushing, but it couldn't be helped. Uh. Hi.
Melanie, Jason. Davey smirked. Jason, this is Melanie.
She extended a hand sporting three largish silver rings beyond a wrist draped with at least a dozen jangling
bracelets. Nice to meet you.
He took her hand, too scared to speak. God, is she a hooker? She could be. Or not. He didn't know how to
tell, never having gone to one himself.
Davey put a hand on her back to nudge her forward. She stepped over the threshold, closer to Jason, and
he hastily backed away. Because her hand was still in his, he supposed he kind of pulled her along with him.
When he realized it, he dropped her hand. What are you guys doing here? On a date?
Davey's back was to him as he closed the door. Sort of. You'd know if you'd called me back. He wore
acceptable date clothing: slacks and a nice short-sleeved, button-down shirt.
Melanie elaborated for him, stepping closer to Jason. Davey and I are fuck buddies. Her straight teeth
were blinding white behind the red lipstick. He suggested we come and include you tonight.
Fuck His attention snapped over her shoulder at Davey. Huh?
His friend shrugged, taking off his glasses as he passed Jason on his way around the couch.
While his attention was elsewhere, Melanie stepped up into him, sliding her arms around his neck so the
plastic purse thudded against his chest. We met online a few months ago, she explained when he swung
back around to meet her eyes. We've been each other's dirty little secret ever since.
Jason didn't have the first clue how to respond to that. He was quite sure that Davey had dozens of dirty little
secrets because he never told anyone anything. Come to think of it, this shouldn't be all that surprising.
Except that Davey was involving him in the secret.
Melanie snuggled closer, her breasts a pleasant press against Jason's chest. What do you say, sweetie?
Dj vu. Tacy had asked him almost the same thing just a week ago.
Smiling, she threaded the fingers of one hand in the short hair at the back of his head and pulled him into a
kiss. Once there, he couldn't help but reciprocate. Warm, plush woman in his arms, offering sex. He was a
guy. Was there much question that he'd give in? She hummed into his mouth, opening so he would,
encouraging his tongue in past her teeth. Her fingers tightened in his hair as his arms tightened around her.
You two. Davey poked the back of Jason's shoulder, startling him out of the kiss. Get over here.
Melanie drew away from him but took his hand to lead him around the couch. No bedroom?
Davey had the oversize ottoman that doubled as a coffee table pulled back. He'd cleared most of the clutter
off the ottoman and taken it to the small dining table nearer to the door to the kitchen. His glasses were
neatly folded on the cabinet that held the wide-screen LCD television. Out here's better'n the bedroom.
True enough. Jason spent most of his time in the living room. He'd spent far more money on the comfortable
L-shaped sectional and matching ottoman than he had on his full-size bed. The bed that he had to sleep
diagonally on to properly fit. Three people on it wasn't the best of ideas. Besides, it squeaked something
awful. Three people on the couch would be much more comfortable.
After guiding her around to the front of the couch, Jason gestured for Melanie to sit. When she did, he knelt
at her feet and lifted one foot.
She chuckled, setting aside the plastic purse. Such a gentleman.
He kept his gaze on unfastening the tiny buckle just over her ankle. My mama raised me right.
Ohhh, there it is. Her fingers sifted through his hair. Davey told me that you had a sexy accent sometimes.
Did he now? Strange. Davey used him as part of his seduction?
She lifted her other foot as he put aside her shoe. He also told me you were quite a gentleman.
That surprised him enough to look up.
That's not what I said. Davey sat at her side, draping his shirt over the arm of the couch. I said he was
raised to treat a woman like a lady.
She laughed, leaning toward him. Unlike you.
He wrapped a hand around the back of her neck to urge her closer. Unlike me.
Jason considered that as he sat back on his heels with Melanie's second shoe. He knew Davey was pretty
much an only child. He had a brother, but there was a sixteen-year age difference, so they didn't know each
other well. Davey had been a surprise childa mistake, he'd sayto parents who didn't want to raise a
child in their later years. As such, he spent a lot of time alone. They treated him well and gave him pretty
much everything he wanted, but as he told it, they were relieved that his world was in computers because
that excused them from having to entertain him or do much in the parental arena. Jason, who had two
sisters and a brother, had rarely been alone growing up in his loud, boisterous family, so he could hardly
imagine what it had been like for Davey.
He watched Davey kiss Melanie. It wasn't like Davey treated women badly. He didn't. He treated women just
like he treated men, in a straightforward, no-nonsense manner that didn't much allow for human foibles. If
you didn't get Davey, you really had no business talking to him. Clearly, Melanie could appreciate this about
Davey. Otherwise, Davey never would have touched her. Davey could only feign interest in someone for so
long. If they'd slept together more than once, he had to have some interest in her, at least physically. One
hand slid into her hair to angle her head while the other slipped down her neck and into her vest to cup a
breast. Jason's heart hammered his ribs. God, that was hot. Watching Davey open his mouth, glimpsing his
tongue twining with Melanie's. Even the way her lipstick smeared his skin was sexy.
Jason ripped off his T-shirt and threw it aside before getting back up on his knees. Nudging between
Melanie's legs, he quickly unbuttoned her vest and drew the fabric aside so he could watch Davey's thumb
and forefinger squeeze her bright pink nipple.
Davey drew his head back. As Melanie's lips drifted down his jaw to his neck, he gave Jason one of those
catlike grins. Here. He nodded toward Melanie's breast, jiggling it a little so Jason knew what he meant.
Jason licked his lips, then leaned in. Davey drew his thumb and forefinger away but kept her flesh cupped in
his hand, offering it up. Jason tilted his head so Davey could see, opened his mouth, then let just his tongue
trace the pebble of her nipple, getting it wet. Melanie's hand found his shoulder, fingers digging in. Smiling,
he closed his lips around her sensitive peak and suckled. Melanie moaned, and wet smacking indicated
she and Davey were kissing again. The bulge of her breast firmed because Davey squeezed it. With
nothing else to do with his hands, Jason smoothed them over Melanie's sides and belly.
After paying due homage to one breast, he kissed his way across her breastbone to the other. This one he
had to hold for himself. It was much closer to Davey, so he found himself almost laying his head against
Davey's chest. Didn't bug him, but he was careful not to touch too much, in case it bugged his friend. Then
he found out it didn't bother Davey at all when he felt his friend's hand slip down his back to rest on his
spine, just above his shorts. How weirdly intimate. They hadn't really touched when they'd been with Tacy.
Jason kind of liked it.
All right, Melanie said, pushing them both back. Too many clothes on. Get naked, you two.
Still kneeling, Jason had his shorts open and at his knees when Melanie encouraged him to stand. She still
had on her jeans, but that seemed to have escaped her notice. All of her attention was on his cock.
Oh my, she cooed, wrapping her fingers around his shaft. You're just pretty all over, aren't you?
He swallowed, tilting his head back. If you say so.
She slowly pumped him from tip to base and back up again. I say so.
Laying his hands lightly on her shoulders, he watched her eye him, lick her lips, then take the head of him
inside. Sweet, wet warmth covered his tip as her firm grip squeezed him harder. Then she sank farther,
slowly covering him until her lips met her fist. God!
Naked, Davey dropped onto the couch beside Melanie. His eyes on what she was doing, he leaned back
against the arm of the couch, displaying that taut, toned body as he reached down to palm his own cock. He
and Jason exchanged grins before they returned their attention to Melanie.
God, you're gonna kill me, Jason moaned, knees shaking as the suction on his cock threatened to pull his
brains out of his dick.
Mel's good, isn't she? Davey murmured.
She laughed and pulled back so just her lips surrounded the head, giving her tongue enough room within the
wet warmth of her mouth to lash his tip.
Oh, honey, I'm gonna come if you keep doing that there.
She popped him out of her mouth, grinning up at him. Can't have that yet, can we? She glanced over at
Davey. What about you?
In answer, he squeezed his dick, pointing it at her.
Laughing, she took the point. Jason stepped back to give her room to stand and take off her jeans. He took
both the jeans and the skimpy little thong that she handed to him and tossed them on the ottoman as she
knelt between Davey's legs. She lingered over the flatness of Davey's belly with a few slow, wet kisses
before she settled down and got to business devouring his cock.
Jason got stuck watching them. Live-action porn, right there on his couch, and not the awful cheesy stuff
either. The flickering of the muted television provided the main lighting, limning them in what looked like
bright moonlight. The lamp on the side table gave the scene a little more natural color, letting the rich brown
tones of Davey's skin and the vivid red of Melanie's hair stand out.
Reality stepped back in when Jason had to shut his eyes and squeeze his cock to stop from coming right on
the spot. He needed condoms. Back in control, he headed for the bedroom.
Where are you going? Davey called.
Be right back. Minutes later, he returned with three little packets. He held them up to Davey, who was
watching for his return. Need these.
There's more in herah! Purse.
Good to know. He would have said that, but he noticed what Melanie was doing, and it chased the reply
from him. Davey's cock was deep in her mouth, but her other hand was the one that distracted him. She had
a few fingers underneath his balls, moving so that he was pretty sure she was rubbing that sensitive space
between balls and anus. Either that, or she was rubbing his anus. Jason knew from one experience that
fingers in or around the ass could feel pretty damn good. Judging from the way his head was thrown back
and the muttered obscenities that burbled from his throat, Davey thought so too.
Dropping all but one of the condoms on the coffee table, Jason knelt behind Melanie. He slid the fingers of
his free hand over the curve of her hip to squeeze one cheek of her ass. She wiggled, spreading her knees
as far as she could and arching her back to display her sex for him. Encouraged, he dipped his fingers into
her folds, spreading her juice over the plump pink tissues, gently probing, searching until he found that hard
little nub that drove women wild.
Oh yeah. He could just make out the words of Melanie's moan, muffled as they were by her mouthful.
Davey pulled his head down and opened bright, feverish eyes to watch Jason. Jason smiled as he pushed
two fingers deep into Melanie, keeping his thumb at her clit. Davey rolled his eyes, his fingers fisting in
Melanie's hair and his hips rolling a little. Jason liked that his attention to Melanie resulted in more pleasure
for his friend. The angle didn't allow him to see, but he imagined her fingers probing at Davey's ass. Would
she take him if Jason sank into her now? He glanced down at Melanie's ass. Her position spread her
cheeks nicely, presenting the clean, pink pucker of her anus. He was surprised by how much he wanted it,
wanted to know how much tighter and how different it was from sliding into her pussy. But it didn't seem
right. Not with a woman he didn't really even know.
Putting the thought from his head, he leaned over to press his lips to the center of her spine. His fingers still
busy within her, he kissed his way up toward her shoulder. Can I put it in, honey?
Quiet moans turned into a breathless laugh as she pulled her mouth from Davey's cock to glance at Jason
over her shoulder. Oh, God, yes, please.
Pleased, he kissed his way back down her spine all the way to her tailbone. Straightening up, he used his
teeth to open the condom pack but finally had to remove his fingers to use both hands to roll the condom on.
He'd never quite perfected the art of doing that one-handed. Once done, he scooted forward, rubbed the
head of his cock through her folds to mix the condom lube with her juices, then slowly pushed in. He did love
that part, the first penetration, the first push through tight, wet walls, the squeeze around the head of his cock
as it pressed inward.
God fuck yes suck Words dribbled out of Davey's mouth, and Jason just had to watch, fascinated by
how his usually quiet friend could not remain so during sex. Davey's hands slid restlessly over his own chest,
his eyes now closed. His head tossed side to side as a thin sheen of sweat gleamed on his skin.
Jason was almost too far gone before he realized it. Mesmerized by Davey, he hadn't realized he'd started
pumping in earnest until Melanie was pushing back at him, silently urging for more. He gave it to her, trying
to enjoy without giving it up, but it was a near thing.
Then Melanie stopped. She threw back her head, pushing up on her arms. Wait.
Jason could almost hear the screeching tires in his head as he willed his hips to cease motion.
Melanie reached back, pulling up until she could reach behind and pull herself against Jason, close enough
so she could turn her head for a kiss. Let me ride you, baby.
'Kay, he breathed into her mouth.
Then they were adjusting. Jason fell back into the middle corner of the couch, both feet on the floor. Melanie
straddled his lap and gave his cock a few pumps for good measure, testing the condom was all right before
she sank down onto him.
You okay? she asked, fingers digging into his shoulders.
Oh yeah.
You've got a gorgeous cock, she assured him, brushing her lips over his.
She chuckled, then looked to the side. Davey had just finished rolling on a condom. Jason blinked. What
was he going to do with that? He fished in Melanie's purse and drew out a bottle of lube, then poured some
on his fingers.
Shit. Jason couldn't help his shock. Really?
Melanie laughed and kissed him again. You're gonna love this, baby.
Davey gave Jason one of his devil grins as he positioned himself behind Melanie. She hissed over Jason's
lips, and Jason felt what must be Davey's fingers probing into her ass. The little extra pressure was weird
but far from bad. Melanie seemed to like it enough, if the way she writhed on top of Jason was any
Jason could not believe this. If he weren't so shocked, he'd probably have come already. You've done this
Melanie's breasts rubbed his chest. I have. Davey hasn't.
Davey didn't look up from his task, nor did he comment.
Jason smoothed his palms over her back and sides. You're okay with this?
Oh, you sweetheart, she cooed, nuzzling his neck. I'm more than okay with this.
After only a short while and only a little more lube, Davey tossed the bottle aside. He climbed up onto the
couch over them, feet to either side of Melanie's knees, one hand braced on the couch by Jason's head.
Jason couldn't see what Davey was watching, but he could guess it right enough.
Ready? Davey's voice was rough with anticipation.
Now lying flush against Jason's chest, Melanie nodded. Yeah.
Jason could not properly describe what it felt like. The extra pressure against his shaft, the extra weight of
Davey's body over them. Davey braced both hands on the couch back, strong legs keeping him balanced
as he drove his cock home. Melanie moaned, wiggling like crazy between them, clearly enjoying whatever
she felt. Jason was too damn scared to move at all, afraid he'd either hurt Melanie or topple the crazy
balance of the two people on top of him.
Shit. Davey bit his lip, eyes tightly closed.
You okay? Jason heard himself ask.
Fuck. God. Davey might or might not be answering him.
Davey started to pull out slowly, and Jason felt the drag on his cock. In and out, two, three times more, and
he seemed to get the hang of it. Melanie spoke up, moaning out directions, getting Jason to move so that
soon Davey and Jason had worked up a rhythm where one pushed in while the other pushed out. For a
minute or so, they were gloriously in sync. Then Melanie started writhing, coming. Jason couldn't speak for
Davey, but when Melanie's sex clamped down on his cock, he lost it. Trying his best not to get too wild, he
surged up into Melanie, unable to fight the orgasm that took over everything between belly and knees. Over
them, Davey's stream of obscenities started, and his rhythm picked up too. Jason came. Melanie came
again. But Davey had to pull out and flop down on the couch, yanking off the condom so he could jerk
himself to completion. Dazed by his own orgasm, Jason could only watch Davey writhe and moan for a
moment before several short white streams of cum pumped out over his belly.
After a few moments draped heavily over Jason's chest, Melanie kissed her way up his neck until her lips
reached his lips. Did you like that?
He had to laugh. Uh, yeah, you could say that.
Oh good. With a satisfied cat-grin, she sat up. His cock, now soft, slipped out of her as she leaned toward
Davey. And you?
Languidly sated, his head pillowed on the cushioned arm of the couch, Davey cracked open one eye. It'll
Melanie laughed and swatted at his thigh. You rat. She climbed to her feet and stretched, sublimely
unconcerned with her sweaty nudity. Not that she had anything at all to be ashamed about. Everything about
her was beautifully natural and tightly toned. You mind if I find some water?
Jason waved toward the kitchen. Please, help yourself. There's juice and pop too.
Don't you boys go anywhere now. I'm not done with you.
Jason watched her disappear around the corner, then turned to give Davey wide eyes.
Davey laughed. She's something else, huh?
Where'd you find her? He kept his voice low.
So did Davey. Like she said. On the Internet.
One of those dating services?
Davey gave him a look. God no. She's a sys admin at Taeta Corp.
She's a computer geek?
Yes, she is. And a damn good one.
We met in person at NAB in Vegas last year.
Chuckling, Jason reached down to take off the condom. Man, I gotta start going to these conferences with
Davey laughed, pushing to his feet. Looking down at his chest, he seemed to just notice the spunk dribbled
over his pecs and abs. 'Kay. I gotta clean up. He winked at Jason on his way to the bathroom. She's good
for the whole night, by the way.
Jason blinked at the muted game that no one was watching on the television. Shaking his head, he got up
and tossed the condom inside an empty microwave popcorn bag on the table, then, returning to his seat,
fumbled for the remote to turn off the set. He stared at the blank screen. Well. He grinned. Damn.
Chapter Six
Melanie returned from the kitchen with three bottles of water from the fridge. Where's Davey?
Jason took a bottle from her, content to remain in his sprawl on the couch. Bathroom.
She dropped the second bottle onto the ottoman and opened the third. After taking a long drink, she grinned
at him. Davey's told me something about you.
He paused with his drink at his lips. Oh?
You, Bart, Ken, and Jen. She rattled off the names like she knew them well. The only other people he's
ever mentioned by name, and that includes family.
Not surprising. We're all pretty close.
I gather. You're the sports nut.
He frowned. I don't know about that. We're all into sports.
She glanced around his room to remind him of the framed, signed Bobby Cox and Michael Vick jerseys,
mounted over the table with the baseballs and footballs he'd personally gotten signed when he was a kid. A
hockey stick stood in the corner next to his bat, both of them beside his two open duffel bags spilling various
equipment on the floor. One of his own team jerseys was draped across the bench of his Bowflex, and more
sports memorabilia crowded the bookcase beside it. Gaze returning to him, she arched a brow.
Okay, I like sports.
It's okay. She knelt on the couch beside him, eyeing his chest. I doubt you'd have such a beautiful body if
you weren't active.
He blushed and tried to ignore it.
Still grinning, she set her water bottle on the floor, then crawled up close to him. She placed a warm hand
over his left nipple. Hi.
He swallowed some of his own water, then grinned back. Hi.
Nice to meet you.
He laughed. You too.
Amused, she pressed her lips to his for a languid kiss. Lots of lips and slow tongue teasing.
Davey returned to find them like that but made no comment. Jason heard him open the third water bottle.
Melanie drew back and stood. My turn in the bathroom.
Davey drank more of his water as she left, then glanced around, frowning as he scratched at his belly. You
have some of those double fudge cookies?
Yep. Jason got up, snatching the popcorn bag as he followed Davey into the kitchen. He used a paper
towel to swipe at the sweat on his chest and neck while Davey rummaged in the cabinet by the door.
I don't see any cookies.
They're there. He tossed the paper towel into the trash after the popcorn bag, then stepped up beside
Davey. He only had to stretch a little to reach the higher shelf that was above where Davey could see. Here.

Davey took them, but he was frowning at the front of the shelf. What're those?
Jason touched a bag of oatmeal cookies. These?
No. The yellow ones.
Ah, those. Lemon macadamia nut.
Davey held up a hand. Give.
Obediently, Jason snagged the bag and gave it to his friend.
Now that's nice.
Startled, both men looked toward where Melanie leaned on the open frame that led into the kitchen. Arms
crossed under her breasts, she grinned. You boys getting cozy without me?
Only then did Jason realize how close they stood. The fact that they were naked had kind of slipped his
mind as they discussed cookies, and he'd gone to stand directly behind his friend. If he moved forward a
few inches, his cock would brush against Davey's back.
He spun and stumbled aside while Davey edged the other way.
Melanie laughed. Don't jump apart on my account. I don't mind if you boys want to get touchy-feely. She
winked. I won't tell if you let me watch.
Davey snorted, digging into the paper and foil cookie bag. Just for that, no cookies for you.
His comment made her laugh harder. What did I say?
Jason pressed his ass against the cold edge of the counter, gripping it beside either hip. We're not like
She arched a brow. Like what?
Like, uh, you know. He looked to Davey for help, but the little shit's full attention was on testing and
apparently liking a macadamia nut cookie.
Like, uh, gay?
Jason frowned at the way she teased him. Yeah.
Still laughing, she sauntered toward Davey. Perish the thought.
Davey growled and swatted at her hand, snatching the cookies away. No way.
I let you fuck my ass. You owe me a cookie.
You loved every minute of it. Still, he held out the package to her.
Jason was still processing the previous topic. There's nothing wrong with being gay, he clarified. It's just
we're not.
Davey rolled his eyes. She gets that.
Melanie's smile grew. It's okay, Jason. I don't know you well enough to judge you. She gave Davey an
amused look. But a girl can hope to see a little hot guy-on-guy action, can't she?
Jason blinked. Huh?
She bit into her cookie. What? You don't think women get into shit like that? She pointed at him with the
cookie. Let me tell you something, handsome. Plenty of womenthis woman includedwould pay good
money to watch two twinks like you go at it.
Hey! Davey glared at her. I am not a twink.
She laughed hard enough that she had to rush to the sink lest she spew cookie crumbs all over the floor.
Davey glared at her back, then looked Jason up and down. Neither are you.
Melanie was in tears, doubled over the counter. It was a full minute before she could straighten up and turn
around to face them. Oh man, Davey, you are so very much a twink.
Twinks are high school and college kids.
Twinks are sweet, pretty young boys, and both of you qualify.
Jason scowled. He'd heard the term and knew what it meant, but had never given it much thought. Some
women had called him on the verge of pretty but never called him a twink.
Davey finished off his cookie and pulled out another. Does that make you a cougar?
Ha, ha. Bite me, pretty boy.
Now Davey, yeah, he could see Davey being considered pretty. That face just was too much. It was probably
a good thing he covered it up with chunky glasses. What the hell are you thinking? Jason reached over to
get the bag of double fudge cookies. Whatever. It's not going to happen.
Fine, fine. Melanie stepped into his side, sliding in under his arm as he put a chocolate treat to his mouth.
I've got no problem with all that male attention being aimed at me. Pretty as the two of you are, you'd
probably decide you like each other more.
Davey snorted. Give it a rest.
Okay. Melanie edged around Jason so she could press up against his front. Her fingers stroked his cock,
making it twitch. You have enough rest, baby? Here, let me make you forget anything else I said. She sank
to her knees.
The bite of cookie lay forgotten on his tongue as he looked down to see her mussed red hair obscuring the
sight of his crotch. A groan pushed from his throat when warm lips nipped at his softenedbut rallying
shaft. He glanced up at Davey, who was leaning back against the counter, watching.
Davey shrugged, grinning. I told you.
Chapter Seven
Jason heard someone outside his office door and looked up to see Davey saunter in. It was a company
where button-downs and jeans were the norm, but Davey naturally followed his own dress code. Today he
wore a crazy dancing-pirates T-shirt over jeans with too many holes and worn patches to be considered
intact. He twirled a screwdriver in one hand as he approached Jason's desk. No preamble, no small talk.
He leaned over and spread his hand over the health insurance applications on the blotter before Jason.
What about tonight?
Frowning, Jason tugged at the papers to rescue them. Tonight?
I can call Mel and have her meet us at my place. Or we can pick a bar and find a new girl. Your choice.
Shocked, Jason blinked up at Davey, catching his own reflection in the glass shielding wicked eyes. It's
It's the middle of the week.
Davey stood up straight. What? We have to wait for the weekend to have sex?
Jason shot to his feet, glancing over Davey's shoulder at the open door. Would you keep your voice down?
Davey waved his concerns away. Ilsa's at lunch, and Gene's got his headphones on.
Yeah, well, still. Shut up.
With a roll of his eyes, Davey went to close the door. There. You happy?
No. Jason was one of the two who wasn't an officer of the company but got an office. The filing cabinets
that stored payroll and human resources documents crowded the walls and, along with his crap laminate
desk, limited the floor space. With the door closed, it was almost claustrophobic, only the window into the
main office beyond making it bearable. But it afforded him some privacy that he appreciated.
Standing before him was the only other nonprincipal with his own office. The company's genius, who kept
them digitally connected to and secure from the world at large and was the idol or nemesis of every
programmer on payroll. What? Are you ashamed of me now?
Oh bite me, geek.
Casually, Davey flipped him off. Sohe stopped at the edge of the desk as Jason sat back downwhat
about tonight?
Jason gathered all his papers, needlessly stacking them. No.
Why not?
Not in the mood.
Are you sure you're male?
You've seen the evidence.
True. But maybe you're just a girl inside. He tapped Jason's forehead with the handle of the screwdriver.
Papers arranged, Jason turned back to his keyboard and stared at his monitor. Nothing he'd been doing
was time sensitive, but he acted like he'd been busy. Insulting me doesn't make me want to go out tonight.
Oh come on.
If you want to pick up a girl, go pick up a girl. You've proven you don't need me for that.
I know.
When Davey neither elaborated nor left, Jason had to look up at him. The sideways tilt of his head, the
glasses, and the hang of shiny brown hair mostly hid his eyes, but his mouth was drawn into a scowl that told
it all.
That couldn't be a pout, because Davey didn't do pouting. I want you to come with me.
He stood the screwdriver up on the edge of the desk, holding it upright with one finger on the tip. I just do.
Weird. They had been friends for years now, but Davey had never been so adamant about Jason going out
with him. Usually Jason's no was met with a shrug and the subject dropped.
What is it with you and wanting toJason glanced at the door to make sure it was closed, then lowered
his voice for good measurehave sex with me around?
Davey shrugged and tried a smile. It's more fun that way.
Go ask Bart.
The smile morphed into a grimace. I don't want to do it with Bart.
Jason didn't like the way Davey phrased that, but didn't want to call attention to it by saying anything. Why
The screwdriver dipped, flipped, and was deftly caught. Doesn't appeal.
Why me?
Davey sighed, tapping the screwdriver on each of the pens in the holder at the corner of the desktop. Girls
react to you. It's fun to watch.
Work forgotten, Jason stared.
Fidgeting stopped. What?
Girls react to me?
Davey dropped into the uncomfortable gray guest chair across from Jason. Yeah. They do. You've got this
whole He held the screwdriver before his eyes, studying it. I don't know. There's this thing about you that
makes girls get all warm and gooey.
Jason's eyebrows soared up. Me?
God, I need Jen here to explain this.
You haven't told Jen about this, have you?
He dropped his hands to his lap and rolled his eyes. Don't be ridiculous. I agreed we shouldn't tell them.
Good. Jason picked up a pen to play with. Because, yeah, they shouldn't know.
Davey shrugged. They didn't know anything about my sex life before. I see no reason to change that now.
Hey, yeah, what's up with that? Why didn't you ever spill about Melanie before?
Why should I?
We're your friends.
Yeah. So?
You should tell us about girlfriends.
She's not a girlfriend.
Fuck buddy, then.
Davey shook his head. No. Who I fuck is my business.
Jason's curiosity was up now. What Davey said was true. It was also true that he'd been the instigator of
what had happened with Jen. He'd been the one to arrange the threesome with Tacy. Someone's sexual
side was coming outbig-timeand Jason wanted to know why but wasn't sure how best to ask. Direct
inquiry clearly didn't work. Who else has there been? For all he knew, Davey could have committed a ton
of sexual acts and never let on.
Davey cocked his head and arched a brow. You think I'll tell you now?
Well, yeah. Since now you're involving me in your sex life.
Davey gave him an odd look that Jason couldn't decipher, but it was quickly gone, replaced with a devil's
grin that Jason knew all too well. Davey leaned forward to fold his forearms on the edge of the desk. Come
out with me tonight, and I'll tell you.
That took him aback. What?
Davey pointed with the screwdriver. Like you said, I'm involving you now, so you should know more.
Jason frowned, suspecting a trap. Oh-kay. He considered. But let's just go to The Bull. The Braves are
playing Houston tonight.
We're not likely to find a girl we don't know at The Bull.
I know.
Davey snorted, sitting back in his chair. Not The Bull. DB's.
DB's was a microbrewery, bigger and louder, with a real restaurant attached to the bar. There would
definitely be more women there. Deal.
Good. Davey stood, putting his back to Jason. He took a second to shove the screwdriver into his back
pocket. It barely fit into the snug denim over the curve of his ass. Six, then?
Jason tore his gaze away from his friend's ass and transferred it to his monitor. Sure. Yeah.
Chapter Eight
What about her?
Davey glanced at her, then away again, shaking his head. Not her.
Jason frowned, his eyes on the cute brunette seated at the end of the bar about fifteen feet in front of them.
What's wrong with her?
Davey wouldn't even look at her again, sipping his beer as he continued to shake his head. This is why you
don't ever just have sex.
Eyes on any of the eight games playing on the large screens above the bar ahead of them, Davey gestured
in her general direction. That one is looking for husband material.
Aren't they all?
No, in fact, they're not. But that's beside the point. Davey transferred his attention to the iPhone lying right
by his hand, looking up something unknown. Still, he kept to the topic. That one has set herself up as bait in
a trap and is ready and willing to use anythingsex includedto hook an acceptable Mr. Right. You would
very likely qualify.
Jason scowled when the Braves struck out to end another inning. You don't know that's true.
Let's compare track records, shall we?
Not wanting to go therenot yetJason sipped his beer and surveyed the selection of available women
again. The pickings weren't great on a Wednesday night, but DB's was a popular place. What about the
blonde in green over there?
Davey set down the iPhone and gave her a cursory look, then shrugged. Better, but still off. That one
probably isn't looking as hard, but she's looking. Again, you would be a prime target.
Why me?
You're so sweet. Jason heard the parody of a dozen women at the office in Davey's voice, but the next was
all his own disdain. And gullible.
Davey lifted a placating hand. In this, with women, you are.
They paused to cheer the Cubs scoring two against the Phillies.
After he'd settled down, Jason took another pull on his beer and looked around again. Okay, fine. So who
would you pick?
Davey looked up from his iPhone briefly, then right back down at it. None that are here right now.
You were the one who wanted to come out, remember?
This wasn't where I wanted to go.
I don't even want to know where you wanted to go.
Davey's evil laugh actually gave Jason the shivers.
Then I guess we'd better order some more wings. Jason glanced around for their waitress.
They'd been there an hour already, but Jason hadn't had the courage to bring up the answers Davey had
promised him. Now that they were there, he wasn't so certain he wanted to know details about Davey's
sexual past. How the hell did he learn all that he claimed to know about women anyway? True, Jason didn't
spend every night with him, but it bugged him that Davey had a thingmany thingsthat he hadn't been
previously aware of. If Davey wasn't just blowing smoke, which was entirely possible. Jason would have no
way of knowing. In many ways he knew his friend very well, but in this he was clueless. It was a weird
A tense inning ending in a classic 6-4-3 double play distracted both of themas well as a number of other
patrons of the barfrom anything else for a few minutes.
Oh man! That was awesome. Do you remember that triple play we saw down at? Jason trailed off
because Davey was staring pointedly over his shoulder. He looked up and around, expecting to see their
waitress. He startled instead. Fiona?
The girl standing at the edge of their table was a different server than their own, dressed in a referee
uniform jersey except it was brown and gold and fitted to her feminine curves. He knew those curves, having
dated her for about eight months a few years ago. She smiled, her blue eyes sparkling underneath her now-
shorter blonde hair. Hey, Jason.
Instinct had him standing and holding out his arms to gather her into a hug. He laughed. Hey, honey, I didn't
know you were back in town.
I haven't been here long. It's my first week back at work. She glanced down and nodded. Hey, Davey.
He nodded. Fiona.
She quickly looked away from him and back up at Jason. Dina told me you were here, so I thought I'd come
over and say hi. She gave a little goofy wave for good measure.
I'm glad you did. He braced his butt against the side of the booth seat and crossed his arms loosely. How
are you? What brought you back to town?
Where's Tom? Davey asked.
She winced. Tom had been the main reason she'd broken up with Jason.
Jason scowled at his friend.
Before he could apologize, Fiona answered. Tom and I broke up. A big reason I'm back here. She rolled
her eyes. Boy, was that a big mistake. One of the things he'd liked about Fiona was that she laughed a lot
and rarely took herself seriously. Being with her had been fun.
Oh. I'm sorry. Jason stood there, unsure what to say.
No, no, don't be. Not your fault. She wouldn't meet his eyes. I meanwell, you know what I mean. He did.
He'd introduced them when she'd come to watch one of his weekend basketball games, not knowing, of
course, that she'd be attracted to Tom. She rubbed her hands on her apron and glanced around. Anyway,
I've got to get back to work. It was really good to see you and Finally, she looked up, some of her smile
fading to serious invitation. Call me sometime. I'm at the same number. That is, if you still have the number.
I do. Sure, she'd broken up with him, but it hadn't been nasty. She'd just decided to move on. With Tom.
He'd been hurt, but he was over it now. He gave her another hug. Good to see you. He watched her
walking away as he sat down. She still had a gorgeous ass.
Davey glared at him. Don't you fucking dare.
Don't call her. That's trouble with a capital T.
Jason stared at the cardboard coaster beneath his beer. Who says I'm going to call her?
You're thinking about it right now.
He shrugged and stole another glance after her. Fiona wasn't so bad.
Selective memory.
It's not like she tore my heart out or anything.
Just left you in lurch. For someone better.
She never said that.
It was implied.
How do you know? You weren't there.
Fucker. Davey punched his arm. I know because you told me. When you were miserable. You wouldn't
leave my house for a week, remember?
Jason caught the next punch on his palm and held Davey's fist. All right, already.
Davey jerked his hand away. God damn it, I have to watch you like a fucking hawk, don't I?
I said, all right. I'm a grown man.
You are a child when it comes to women, just like every other man who lets himself get roped into marriage.

Jason scowled. Gee, that's nice. That what you think about Ken?
Jen and Ken are entirely different. Jen didn't use tricks to rope him. If anything, it was the other way around.
Just because you don't choose to date anyone seriously
Davey waited, then raised an eyebrow in his direction when Jason didn't finish the thought.
Which he couldn't because he didn't know where he was going with that. Growling, Jason wrapped both
hands around his beer and stared at the monitors.
Davey chuckled.
Nerd ass.
Jason simmered in silence but only lasted a half inning. There's nothing wrong with wanting to be with
There is when your only reason is the being, not the someone.
Unfortunately, that made sense.
We just need to get you laid regularly. Davey finished his beer with a slurp and an ahhhh. When getting
some isn't an issue, it'll free your mind to what you really want.
It's not like I'm sex starved.
Not now, no. I've gotten you laid well in the last two weeks. If I hadn't, you'd be all over Fiona or the brunette
at the bar right now.
Jason blinked. Well, damn, that might actually be true. You really thought about this.
I have.
Should I be flattered?
That just got him a sideways grin.
It works for you?
He picked at the label on his empty bottle. So, you get sex regularly.
And have, for a long time?
Long enough.
Shock. He'd known Davey four years. He would not have said the egghead got laid ever, much less all the
time. When did he sneak out to do it? And with who? Sure, he was good-looking, but how did a girl ever get
past the personality? People who compared Davey and Jason always assumed that Jason was the one
with all the experience. How wrong they were. How wrong Jason was. With women like Melanie?
Women you pick up at bars or on the Internet.
Unconcerned, Davey watched the games. You make it sound so seedy.
That'sdangerous. You could get diseases and stuff.
That's what condoms are for. Plus, there's a lot to be said for looking carefully at your partner before you put
your dick or your mouth anywhere.
It was impossible not to catch his meaning. Jason flushed. You didn't look at Tacy.
I did before either of us went down on her.
Had he? Jason couldn't remember. It kind of irked him that Davey had been so cool about it when he'd been
caught in the moment. But then, if Davey did this all the time That's not very romantic.
Davey sighed. Romance will get you into trouble. Every time.
So says the brainiac.
Bite me, redneck.
Jason smiled at their halfhearted insults. Standing, he grabbed both empty bottles. I'm going to get us
another round.
If Davey thought it strange that Jason chose to visit the bar rather than wait for their waitress, he said
Jason wasn't sure he could handle any more revelations. The past few months had completely altered his
view of some of his best friends and had opened a few new doorways to him that were previously only late-
night fantasies. He never would have imagined that he'd participate in a threesome, much less with Davey.
He never would have thought he'd sleep with Jenalthough he'd hopedand he'd certainly never expected
to be in a foursome with her, Davey, and Bart. Right before she got married, no less. To Ken! Strange things
afoot, he mused to himself, needing some space from Davey to think.
He ended up standing at the bar not too far away from the brunette he'd been admiring. Unconsciously on
purpose? Perhaps. She was still cute up close. Her wavy, dark brown hair proved to have lighter streaks in
it, and she hadn't overdone it with the makeup like so many women did. She was small, but she filled out her
blue sundress rather nicely.
Her doe eyes lit up when she saw him standing there. Hi.
No sense in being rude, right? Hi. Because that didn't seem enough, he gestured at the monitors
overhead. You a baseball fan?
She grinned. Go, Cubs.
You from Chicago?
Born and bred.
What brings you out here?
Chitchat. It was natural. He talked to girls all the time. Liked it, even when it stopped with talk. Sometimes it
ended in his getting a phone number; more often it didn't. No harm, no foul. He was a talker. He blamed his
mother for that.
So maybe he shouldn't have stayed at the bar with Davey's open beer sweating on the coaster. That was
probably a foul.
He was trying to figure out when to ask for Portia's phone number when Davey slugged his arm.
Ouch. He rubbed at the spot and turned to face his friend. It hadn't been that hard, but it'd been hard
enough to make him wince.
Davey gave him a cool look and raised eyebrow. If he were a girl, that look would mean no sex for the night,
if not the week. No, month. I'm out of here.
What? Now?
His attention was on the monitors, as though he couldn't bother to look at Jason. I paid our tab. If you want
me to drive you home, hop to it.
What had his knickers in a twist? But what about?
Davey waited, a knowing edge under the ice.
But Jason couldn't say why they were here around Portia, and Davey knew it. All right. Give me a minute.
Davey sighed and faced Portia, not one bit of warmth melting the ice in his expression. Are you going to
sleep with him?
Her jaw dropped. What?
Speechless, Jason grabbed his arm.
Davey kept his attention on her. Are you going to fuck him, or are you just going to lead him on? He yanked
his arm free. I ask because he's a nice guy, and he won't ask for himself.
Shut up, you asshole.
He'll let you lead him on all night, then smile when you send him away lonely.
Jason put up a hand between them and spoke to Portia. Don't pay any attention to him.
She didn't seem to know how to respond. Jason couldn't blame her.
Davey backed out of Jason's reach. Whatever. Get her number, waste your time, do what you want, and
make it fast. He held up the valet ticket. If you're not in the car when they bring it around, I'm leaving your
ass here. With that, he walked out.
Jason was too stunned to think for a minute. What the hell was that all about? The two of them had been out
together plenty of times when Jason had left with a girl. Davey had never reacted like this. Was he pissed
just because Jason talked to the girl he'd rejected? Had he expected to be included? What the hell did it
matter anyway?
Movement to his right jump-started his brain. He faced Portia, shaking his head. I'm so sorry.
No one else at the bar had paid them any mind except the bartender, who went back to drying glasses.
Portia made a small sound that was almost a laugh, folding her hands on the bar. Your friend having a bad
Or something, yeah. I don't know what his deal was. I'm sorry. He glanced at the door again, but Davey
wasn't anywhere to be seen. Would he really leave?
It's okay. I'll survive. You'd better hurry. Orshe cocked her head to the side, smilingif you need a ride, I
can give you one.
Stunned again, he stared at her. It would serve Davey right. And he wouldn't have to put up with whatever snit
his friend was in. He smiled. You wouldn't mind? I can call a cab.
She waved at the barstool beside her. I don't mind. I assume you live close.
He climbed onto the seat, smiling. Not too far away.
Chapter Nine
Nothing. No call, no instant message, no visit to his office the next day. Davey's silence was ominous after
his outburst the previous night.
Yeah, right, Jason muttered to himself as he entered numbers in the spreadsheet on the monitor in front of
him. You're acting like he's a girl or something. His instinctual guilty glance toward his open office door
made him wonder about his sanity. He was just pissed you messed up his threesome. Not that he'd found a
girl anyway. Yes, he was talking to himself, but no one could see or hear him, so who cared?
At lunch, he considered heading down to Davey's lair to see what was up, but Ken and Jen showed up at
his office instead and suggested Chinese.
What about Davey? he asked casually as he stood up behind his desk.
Jen shrugged. I asked, but he said no. He's got work to do or something.
Right. Not out of the ordinary. Typical, in fact.
Nothing was wrong.
Except that Davey blatantly ignored him at the softball game that night. Jason got one cold hi to match the
look in Davey's eyes, and he wisely kept his distance. Evidently, he needed to give Davey some room to
seethe. He could do that.
The game went well even if they didn't win. Jason wondered if he should go to pizza as usual with Jen, Ken,
Bart, and Davey, but to not go would have been strange. Davey made no comment when they left the field in
their separate cars or when they arrived at The Bull. Jason waited and chose a seat on the other side of the
pocked wooden table as far away as he could get from Davey without being obvious. When he was sure
that Davey was relaxed and joking with the others as usual, he relaxed himself and fell into routine.
Which, of course, was when Davey struck.
So, redneck. Which one did you go home with last night? The brunette or Fiona?
Silence descended over their friends as Jason swiveled his head to look down the table at Davey.
Glasses glinted as Davey cocked his head, grinning coldly.
What's this? Bart asked, clapping Jason on the shoulder. You pick up two girls last night?
Davey was only too happy to fill in details. We went to DB's last night and not only found out that Fiona is
back in town but single again. Of course, when I left Jason had moved on to some brunette at the bar.
Bart whistled. Way to go, man.
Jason narrowed his eyes at Davey, striving to keep his cool. Good thing too, since you fucking left me
Bart's hand slid from Jason's shoulder.
Davey waved a hand in the air. I tried to get you to go, but I wasn't going to hang around and watch you
tighten one or the other noose around your neck.
God damn it, give me a break, would you? I barely said hi to Fiona, and I probably wouldn't have even
gotten Portia's number if you hadn't left and she'd given me a ride home.
Green eyes glittered maliciously behind those thick rims. I hope you rode her right back.
Jen gasped. Whoa, Davey!
Ken raised a hand between them, trying to break the glare. Hey, what gives, you two?
But Jason and Davey were locked on each other. I didn't. But I could have. And it all would have been
thanks to you.
A nasty smile stretched Davey's mouth. Why, then, you're welcome.
There was so much Jason wanted to say, but he got caught reviewing it all in his head, not wanting to give
away any hints at other things he and Davey had been doing.
Davey watched him with a knowing look.
You two have a lovers' spat or something? Bart asked lightly.
It was a joke, but Jason jumped anyway. It was too close to the mark. And his jump only upped their friends'
curiosity. He could see it in their scowls.
No surprise that Davey smoothed it over. All of his nastiness disappeared behind a sheen of his usual
nonchalance as he picked up his mug of beer. I tried to point out to the lowlife here that Fiona and the
brunette were trouble. He didn't listen.
Although his heart was racing, Jason tried to hide behind his own veneer of normalcy. You just think I should
get laid.
I do.
Can I help it that I want a little bit more?
Davey's mask cracked for a brief instanta twitch of one brow, a pull at the corner of his mouthbefore he
repaired it.
Uncertain how to take that, Jason turned to Jen. That's understandable, isn't it?
She startled. What?
Wanting a little more out of talking to a girl than just getting her into bed at the end of the conversation.
Her narrowed gaze tried to read his face but seemed unable to find what she was looking for. Sure. Sex is
better when it's with someone you care about.
Jason nodded, slapping a hand on the tabletop hard enough to make their mugs jump. Exactly. So what's
wrong with wanting to be friends with a girl before I go to bed with her?
Bart played devil's advocate. Sometimes it's great to just have sex for sex's sake.
Thank you, Davey murmured.
It is, Jason agreed. But that only works sometimes.
Jason was talking to Bart, but he noted Davey averting his face, hiding his expression by helping himself to
another slice of pizza.
Seeking freedom from scrutiny, Jason went on the offensive with Bart. What about you and Holly?
The big man cleared his throat. What about us?
You spent time with her before you slept with her, didn't you?
If you count three dates, sure.
Oh, please, Jen butted in. One of those 'dates' was chatting her up at the bar in your restaurant.
He gave her a mild glare. We count that.
Whatever. In trying to make his point, Jason bulldozed over the details. I'm just trying to say that sex is
better with a woman you care about.
Hey, I care about every lady I'm with.
Jason shook his head. That's not what I mean. He sighed and turned to Ken. You know what I mean.
Ken nodded. He kept his eyes off Jen, but the two of them were so much a pair now that Jason knew his
attention was on her.
Some peopleJason gave Davey a pointed lookare so dead-set against any kind of romance that
they'll ruin any chance for their friends.
Davey chewed and glared at his pizza, refusing to return Jason's stare.
Surprisingly, Jen brought them out of the mire. Yeah, but that's Davey. She waved a hand in the air like that
explained everything. Which, actually, it did. She pointed at Jason, eyes narrowed. But here's the important
thing: you're not getting back together with Fiona, are you?
The tension broke as the rest, including Davey, cracked up. Jason sat back in surprise.
Jen scowled, grabbing his arm. I mean it, you. She's trouble. I don't want to see you go through that again.
Smiling, he patted her hand. I don't think so.
She punched his arm. I'm serious. Don't, okay? Just don't.
Yes, ma'am.
I have to agree with her there, Ken mused, emptying the pitcher into his mug. That Fiona was bad news.
Jason scowled. Oh come on, she wasn't that bad.
He ignored Davey's tiny little grin as their friends began to remind him of all of his ex-girlfriend's foibles.
Chapter Ten
Another day, and still Jason didn't know what was up with Davey. After the previous night's outburst, Davey
had backed way off and barely said anything for the rest of the night. Jason chose to keep his distance.
Bitten and shy and all that.
So when Davey walked into his office the next day, Jason was understandably alert.
The shorter man made eye contact but stayed silent until he stood at Jason's desk. Then he reached back,
pulled a folded piece of paper from the pocket of his jeans, tossed it on top of the legal notepad, and
Warily, Jason picked it up and unfolded it. When his mind processed what he saw, shock submerged
everything else. Whoa.
Peace offering.
Jason looked from the paper to Davey, then back again. Are you serious? In his hands was an electronic
receipt for a deposit on two tickets to the play-offs at Dodger Stadium. Infield box seats? The receipt
showed that they cost a pretty penny.
It looks like the Dodgers will actually make it, so
Hey, chances are good. The play-offs wouldn't begin until the start of next month, but stadiums always
presold tickets. Still shocked, he looked up at Davey.
Who averted his eyes, staring at the side of Jason's LCD monitor. I was a shit last night. And the night
before. Sorry.
Not one to hold a grudge, Jason laughed and waved the paper. Hell, if this is the result, anytime, man.
That made Davey smile. I'm not saying this'll happen every time butyeah. He hitched up on the edge of
the desk, folding his hands on his thigh. Besides, that should be a cool series.
I'll say. Jason beamed up at Davey.
Tension drained away. All was right again.
Davey picked up a pen to twirl between his fingers. So, what are you up to tonight?
And just like that, tension ramped back up. Jason hesitated, eyes on the cell phone that sat beside his
keyboard. What timing. Uh
Davey cocked his head. Hot date?
Well, yeah. Sort of.
With the girl from DB's?
Um, no. Jason carefully refolded the receipt and set it down. Actually, I got a call from Tacy.
Pause. Oh?
Yeah, sheshe asked me out tonight.
She called you? Davey's voice remained light and steady, but then, butter wouldn't melt in Davey's mouth if
he so chose.
Where's she taking you?
Jason shrugged, fiddling with the cell phone. Dinner and a movie.
Davey's laugh made Jason jump. This is weird.
Jason peeked up to see an amused smile on Davey's face. He relaxed a little. Yeah, it is.
Davey shrugged, averting his eyes as he regained his feet. Obviously she liked you more than me. No
surprise there.
You're not mad? Mad she called Jason. Mad Jason accepted her invitation. Mad he wasn't invited. Those
were just the top three reasons Jason could think of.
I'm not mad. He spread a hand over his heart and made a half attempt at a mournful sigh. Mortally
wounded but not mad.
Jason grinned. If Davey could joke about it, maybe it really was fine. He watched his friend stretch, then
vigorously scratch the side of his head. It was on the tip of his tongue to ask Davey to come with him tonight,
but he wasn't sure Tacy wanted that. She hadn't mentioned Davey at all during their short phone call.
I should look at that hard drive tonight anyway. Davey sighed, gazing at the poster of The Natural mounted
on Jason's wall.
Jason vaguely recalled Davey mentioning server problems at home. Nothing he could remember in detail,
but he was sure Davey didn't expect him to. Braves play the Cards tomorrow at one.
Davey nodded, already on his way to the door. I'll be home. Translation: call me, come over, whatever.
Jason stared at the door after Davey left, relieved there hadn't been a repeat performance of either of the
last two nights. He and Davey were always jokingly at each other's throats, but the last two days had been
very different. Jason was glad they seemed to be back to normal.
Chapter Eleven
It turned out to be a pretty typical date. The movie was good, as was the Thai dinner. Most of dinner was
spent discussing the movie, then their jobs and family. Jason noted that Tacy carefully avoided speaking of
their night together, so he followed suit, content to let it lie until or unless she brought it up. While it wasn't a
horrible date by any stretch of the imagination, Jason could tell that they probably wouldn't go out again.
He walked her to the front door of her duplex, despite her giggling protests. They stood on the miniscule
concrete porch between two dying spider plants as she unlocked the door.
Did you want to come in? she asked, eyes on her task.
Do you want me to? Because he would. Don't get him wrong, he still thought she was hot, and he'd sleep
with her despite his romantic protestations the previous night. But he got the feeling she wasn't into it.
Seemed his instincts were right. Yeah.
She took a breath and pushed it out as she twisted to face him. Her pretty blue eyes shone in the
unflattering light overhead. This is weird.
He laughed, leaning his shoulder against the doorframe. Kinda.
She shook her head. This entire time I kept thinking 'he's already seen you naked.'
And more.
She flushed. And more. It shouldn't matter. It should make it easier.
But it doesn't. He knew now nothing was happening, but he stood there anyway, letting her reason it out.
It doesn't. I'm sorry, Jason.
He reached out to smooth a hand over her shoulder. Don't be. It's okay.
She covered his hand with hers.
Attempting to make things light, he laughed. Maybe we should have brought Davey along.
Because his hand was on her shoulder, he felt the slight shiver. I don't know. To be honest, he kind of scares
He's so serious.
Not so much once you get to know him. He's the one you hooked up with in the first place. That struck him
as odd, but he kept it to himself.
Okay, maybe serious is a bad word. Intense is better.
That he is.
She glanced up at the three leaded glass windows in her door. It was sexy at first, but She shook her
head again and sighed. I don't know. Her eyes met his. I guess this just won't work out.
No worries. He pulled her closer and brushed his lips over her cheek. I had a nice time tonight. Huh. He
couldn't recall a date when he'd been the first one to say that.
Me too.
He stepped away and backed down one of the two steps. See you around.
She nodded. See you.
He was on the way down the path to his car before she'd finished her words.
Chapter Twelve
Jason dropped onto the couch in Davey's home office with a sigh. So, what?
Davey didn't bother to look up from the table in the corner of the room that was covered with computer
innards. Sunlight from the sliding glass door augmented the light from the work lamp beside him, both lights
together with the dim glow from the two twenty-two-inch LCD monitors and the forty-two-inch wall-mounted
televisiongiving the most used room of Davey's house the definite aura of a man cave. Cold air spilled
into the already air-conditioned room from the open door to the server roomformerly a closetjust behind
him. He was currently elbow-deep in a bright blue tower, performing surgery with a screwdriver. How'd your
date go?
Ginger jumped up into Jason's lap, and he adjusted to accommodate her comfortably. It didn't.
That got him a glance. What?
Jason shrugged, scratching the cat's head as she edged up his chest to nibble at his chin. She liked to
nuzzle freshly shaven chins. Movie, dinner, then I took her home.
Davey stood up, head cocked. His glasses sat on his desk, safely out of the way, so only his overlong bangs
shaded his eyes. No sex?
Nope. We didn't even kiss. The brush on the cheek didn't count.
Eyes rolled toward the ceiling. I would have gotten you laid.
And why did that make Jason's cock pulse? No big deal. Just wasn't there last night.
Davey bent back over the computer corpse. You going to see her again?
Doubt it.
Why not?
She's scared of you. No, that didn't even make sense. But the more he'd thought on it, the more Tacy's
aversion to Davey had bugged him. Too weird. Besides, we don't have much in common.
That doesn't usually stop you.
He pulled the remote from its nest of pillows and pointed it at the television to turn up the sound of the
pregame show. Not interested.
Damn. Pigs must be flying.
Fuck you.
They lapsed into a comfortable silence with a Braves/Cardinals game playing overhead.
During the rest of the afternoon, Jason considered asking if they should call the others. Would be nice to
spend some weekend time with Bart, Jen, and Ken. They hadn't been doing that much lately, not at all since
the wedding. But thinking about it didn't put the suggestion to Jason's lips, and Davey didn't mention it. He
sat and watched the game while Davey switched from worktable to server room to desk, where he puttered
with two different keyboards as he tried to get the wayward tower to function. Jason didn't have a clue what
he was checking, but Davey's muttering and mild cursing was kind of soothing. His friend was like the
baseball gamenormal and maybe even kind of boring sometimes, but there were sure to be abrupt
spikes of action to keep things riveting. He laughed at his comparison and kept it to himself, sure Davey
wouldn't appreciate it.
At four o'clock, after a pretty awesome game where the Braves beat the Cards 7-6 in the ninth, Jason took
a break for a swim. It was hot enough that Scraps joined him for a dunk, and he played with the dog for a
while. When he returned to the house, Davey was still in the computer room, but the server-room door was
closed. Something must be working.
You hungry? A check in Davey's kitchen hadn't produced anything Jason was in the mood to eat.
Huh? Sure. Long fingers flew over the keyboard, and monitor light glinted off the lenses of his glasses.
How about I go get us some chicken?
Something blipped, and Davey paused.
Jason waited but got no answer. I'm going to get some chicken.
Yeah. Okay.
Amused, he left the room, not bothering to ask Davey if he wanted to come with.
He was surprised to find a blue Mazda in front of the house when he got back. Turned out to be Melanie.
She sat beside Davey at his desk, her red hair held back with a black headband. She wore a light, oversize,
denim button-down with the sleeves rolled up over her elbows. Half unbuttoned, it revealed a faded green
tank top underneath, just a few shades darker than the shorts that peeked out underneath the hem of the
Hey, sweetie, she greeted, coming to him with a smile for a kiss.
I didn't know you were coming. Now he felt kind of guilty for not calling the others.
Davey mentioned wanting to try something on my MacBook so I brought it over. She waved at the laptop
that Davey was bent over.
Wow, talk about pigs and flying, he said, poking the back of Davey's shoulder.
The pause to flip Jason off hardly interrupted what Davey was doing.
Both Jason and Melanie laughed.
I'll turn you over to the Mac-side one of these days, Melanie warned.
He ignored her altogether.
Jason invited her to chicken, aware by Davey's behavior that something was wrong and Davey was
therefore not going to budge from the room for a while. In the kitchen, Jason turned on the Dodgers/Giants
pregame, and they ate at the kitchen table. He found out Melanie was more of a hockey fan than a baseball
fan, not that she was much of a hockey fan. It wasn't his main game either, but Jason enjoyed a good
showdown on the ice. But talking to her about hockey made him realize that he knew next to nothing about
her. Didn't seem right.
So he pried. Davey tells me you're a sys admin too?
She blinked, then laughed softly over the greasy thigh meat she was dissecting. We're going to get to know
each other, are we?
He ducked his head, dragging his spork through the remains of his mashed potatoes. Well, I thought He
shrugged. Seems strange that weyou know. And I don't even know your last name.
Oh my, you are precious. She said it softly so it sounded endearing rather than condescending. I am
shocked that you're still single.
He laughed, dropping the spork and leaning back. Girls usually find someone more exciting.
More fools them. Extracting the last bit of meat that the bones supported, she popped it between lips
already shiny with chicken oils. If I was looking, I'd snatch you up.
Why aren't you looking?
She licked the fingers of one hand and daintily picked up one of the napkins from the center of the table.
Been there. Done that.
Were you married?
She avoided his eyes, busily cleaning her hands. For a while. Biggest mistake of my life.
I'm sorry.
I'm not. Finally she looked at him. The set determination in them showed a woman who'd been dragged
through the wringer and come out improved on the other side. Or so she believed. I'm on my own from now
Sounds lonely.
That just got him a shrug. It's better than the alternative. She stood, balling up her napkin. I'd better go
check on him. She took her paper plate and the remains of her lunch and dumped them in the trash can on
her way out of the kitchen.
Jason watched her go, appreciating the firm tone of her legs. So that's why nothing more permanent had
happened between Davey and Melanie. They each, for their own reasons, avoided relationships like the
plague. He mulled that over as he covered the chicken and sides, putting them in the refrigerator. They'd
probably brought him to bed with them to further avoid getting close. He wondered if he should leave them
alone or even try and get them to admit to something more between them. It was probably in their best
Except the idea held no appeal. He couldn't quite figure out why, but he didn't think they belonged together
and kept thinking it over as he moved to watch the rest of the game in the comfort of the living room. Finally,
he decided that they were too much alike to make it together. They each needed someone more laid-back.
Davey in particular needed someone as a buffer between him and people, someone to smooth the sharp
edges of his personality for the unsuspecting layman.
Content with this conclusion, Jason lay back on the couch with Scraps and chilled out watching the game.
Chapter Thirteen
Davey's whoop of triumph startled Jason out of a half doze. Scraps scrambled off his chest and hit the floor
running, nails clacking on his way to the computer room. Jason pushed up on his elbow and listened, then
smiled when he heard celebratory sounds from the others. Davey must have finally conquered his problem.
Yawning, Jason sat all the way up and reached over to turn on the lamp. Dark had fallen, and his game had
ended. He picked up the remote and made a halfhearted attempt to find a roundup show that'd tell him what
the final score was, since he'd managed to doze through the last few innings with the Dodgers so far ahead.
He was starting to think of what to eat when he heard a laughing feminine yelp that was cut short. He
grinned. Sounded like Davey had chosen Mel as a reward for his triumph. Jason lay back down on the
couch, staring at the darkened ceiling. He couldn't hear them, but he could damn well picture the two of them
in a lip-lock, Melanie pressed up against the table or the wall, or maybe Davey had tackled her to the couch.
Knowing Davey, clothes were already loose to air-sensitive skin. Or maybe she'd dropped to her knees and
had his dick down her throat already. A soft groan spilled over Jason's lips, his eyes shuttering at the
thought. His own dick started to fill, and he reached down to stroke it through his cotton shorts. Nothing
serious, but enough to enjoy. Maybe he'd go in and join them in a few minutes. Or, maybe, he should leave
them be.
Before he could decide a course of action, Davey led Melanie into the room and flipped the switch that
turned on a few more lamps. His glasses were gone, and his hair was mussed and crookedly spiked on
top, indicating that he or Melanie had been running their hands through it. His shirt was gone, and his worn
denim shorts sported a boner too. Behind him, Melanie's overshirt was gone, as was her tank top, leaving
her in shorts and a little lacy bra. She looked amused as she trailed him.
Jason noted the last as he sat up. Sounds like you fixed your problem.
I did. The I won tone gave his voice that distinct, sure Davey sound.
Without pausing, Davey stepped right over the low coffee table, and as Jason sat up fully, Davey lowered
himself onto the couch.
Straddling Jason's lap.
What the hell? On instinct, Jason grabbed Davey's waist to keep his groin at midthigh and not any closer
to Jason's erection.
Relax, Davey murmured, leaning his forearms on Jason's shoulders.
Relax? What's going on?
Vivid, glittering eyes met Jason's gaze over a devil's grin. What a hell of a time to realize that Davey's light
brown lashes glinted gold in certain lighting, just like his hair. Kiss me.
Jason's fingers dug into Davey's hips, keeping him at bay. What?
Kiss me.
Come on. It'll drive Mel wild.
Jason chanced a glance at the woman, who knelt on the couch beside them, watching avidly. Her
excitement was evident in the glint of her eyes and the way she bit her bottom lip. It was an awful
comparison, given that she was older than them, but she looked like a cougar ready to pounce.
This is your idea, he accused, not asking a question.
Guilty. But he makes a good point.
Your point? He had to turn his attention back to Davey, who was trying to squirm closer. Jason brought up
one hand to spread on Davey's sternum, but trying to hold the smaller man was difficult. He might be small,
but he was wiry, and he was damn strong.
Actually, no, Melanie answered. My point was different.
Davey quit his struggles to narrow his eyes at her, a very clear warning.
She laughed. But his reasons are probably better.
Satisfied, Davey gave Jason his full attention again, leaning against Jason's palm. Right. So, can we do
Sitting back, Davey rolled his eyes ceilingward. He swatted Jason's arm aside and put both hands on his
hips. His trim ass pressed the surprisingly sensitive skin right above Jason's knees. Stop being such a
I'm not. And neither are you, in any form.
Green eyes returned to bore into his skull. Green eyes from which they both knew he had no defense. He
was all too aware of his hands resting on Davey's thighs. Of Davey's weight on his legs. Hell, he was even
aware of Davey's smella little bit of sweat and even some chlorine, though he hadn't been in the pool
since Jason had been there. Without his shirt, the muscle tone of his chest and arms was quite evident
since there was almost no hair to obscure it. Shit, what was that swirly feeling low in Jason's gut? Was
Davey serious?
Would it be so bad? Evidently, yes, he was serious.
We're not gay.
Jason blinked rapidly. What?
If you're comfortable in not being gay, what does it matter if we kiss?
Jason was so not up to Davey logic when the man was sitting on his lap. Because I'm not gay. Now get off
Instead of obeying, Davey fell forward. He grabbed the couch to either side of Jason's head before Jason
could stop him. My point exactly.
Jason froze. Davey was too close. He had, of course, been close to his friend, closer than this even, but
never with intimate intent. He knew what a rabbit felt like in the sights of a wolf.
Davey's gaze bore into his, but his voice was light and matter-of-fact. You're not gay, so a kiss won't do
anything for you. It will, however, do something for Mel.
He needed to say no. It was important not to do this. He needed to deny Davey in a way that this subject
wouldn't come up again. He couldn't kiss Davey.
So why was he just sitting there, staring at Davey, lips parted with the words that wouldn't manifest?
Only when his fingers dug into hard muscle and bone did he realize that he again held Davey's hips. This
time they were closer. Davey had inched forward. His groin was only inches away from Jason's, the heat of
it further warming Jason's cock. Shouldn't be a turn-on. Shouldn't be a turn-on.
Was a turn-on.
Jason licked his lips. Just a quick kiss.
Without comment, Davey leaned in, tilting his head.
Jason braced, watching Davey's mouth. No tongue.
He managed to see Davey's grimace before they were too close. Lips touched his in a brief caress.
He pulled his head aside and shoved at Davey's hips, intent on bucking the other man off. Okay. That's
Davey knew him too well. The little shit had been ready for that, and he held on, making a fucking vise grip
with his thighs. Between that and his grip on the couch, Jason's element of surprise failed dismally. Refusing
to appear any more childish, Jason immediately subsided.
Davey grabbed his head with both hands, fingers wrapping around the back of his skull to hold him still. Fire
glinted in those determined eyes. Quit being an ass, and just relax.
Jason decided that he didn't hear the soft whimper that came out of his throat and shut his eyes as Davey
leaned forward again.
Lips to lips. A kiss. Soft, dry, nice. He couldn't even tell it was a guy instead of a girl. Firm hands tilted his
head farther to the right, and his lips parted by instinct, by instinct. He did not do it on purpose. That was the
only excuse he could summon for allowing the warm tongue past his teeth. He tensed. Davey growled. Well,
hell, you're in it now. In a rush, he let go of the tension in his shoulders, kept his eyes shut, opened up, and
just went with it. He felt Davey hesitate, and determined to give as good as he got, he stroked Davey's
tongue with his, doing some plundering of his own back into Davey's mouth. The hesitation only lasted for a
few seconds. Then Davey's hands tangled in his hair, tilting his head yet a little farther to ramp the kiss up.
Whoa. Jason's hands slipped up the smooth, satiny skin of Davey's sides to hook under his armpits, holding
tight. With no more resistance, Davey's hips slid forward to bring the warmth of his crotch into contact with
Jason's. Fuck! Jason knew they should stop there, but one of his hands slid down Davey's back to spread
at his waist. Davey's cock pressed hard against his belly as their bodies mashed together. The fingers in
his hair and the tongue in his mouth were setting fires in Jason's blood that a guy just shouldn't be able to
ignite. Especially not his friend. But he was helpless to extract himself, unable to pull away, capable only of
enjoying and reacting until Davey finally relented and tapered off. His assault softened, and his tongue
withdrew until it was just their lips, wet and swollen, that brushed and gently stuck with little soft smacking
Shit. He was both worn out and amped up, just from a kiss. Jason swallowed, eyes opening to lock with
Davey's as the other man's hands slid from his hair, down his jaw, his neck. Davey sat back, palms finding
rest on Jason's shoulders. He looked as shell-shocked as Jason felt, if only in his casually calculating way.
Jason's hands slipped back down to Davey's hips, then withdrew farther to rest on Davey's thighs just above
the hem of his shorts. His lips felt bruised, and his tongue wanted nothing more than to dive forward again
and plunge into Davey's mouth for another duel. What the fuck, man? He wanted to ask, but he couldn't. If he
didn't ask, they didn't have to talk about it. If they didn't talk about it, he wouldn't have to acknowledge
Davey cleared his throat. The searing heat in his gaze changed tenor and summoned a smile as he looked
at Melanie. Happy?
Jason turned to find her biting the knuckles of one hand, the other hand thrust between her thighs.
Oh so very happy, she assured them breathlessly. Indeed, there was a flush to her skin that he recognized
from when she wasn't far from orgasm. Don't stop on my account.
Growling, Davey reached out and hauled her closer into a kiss. He pulled and twisted her between them,
draping her sideways over both their laps. Jason helped to situate her, glad of the warm, feminine buffer
blocking hot, masculine skin. Jason told himself that his aching excitement was due to the sexy little
whimpers that squeaked from Melanie's throat and not the fact that he knew the fire of Davey's kiss now and
sympathized with her abandon. He made quick work of the tiny hooks of her bra, freeing her breasts to
Davey's hands. He kissed the curve of her shoulder as he slid his hand down her side and slipped
underneath the waistband of her shorts. He tried to pretend that he wasn't acutely aware of Davey's weight,
still on his thighs.
At last, Davey slid back off of Jason's lap. Upstairs.
Jason tried not to miss his warmth as he helped Melanie to her feet, then followed them both. It was normal
to be turned on, right? They were about to have sex. The threesome thing was still new and exciting to him.
The potential crackled in the air. It didn't mean that the kiss had done more for him, did it?
And if it had, would that be so bad?
His wayward thoughts took their own course as the three of them reached Davey's bedroom and stripped.
Melanie pushed Davey onto his back in the center of the mattress, then climbed up to straddle his face,
facing his feet. He readily reached up to help adjust her hips so he could comfortably taste her.
Jason watched, all too aware of his gaze straying over the sleek lines of Davey's body more than the
gorgeous curves of Melanie's. She massaged her hands over Davey's chest and waist, missing too many
intriguing places to caress as she worked her way down to the cock arched up toward his navel. From
Jason's angle at the end of the bed, with one of Davey's knees bent up and the other lying aside, he could
clearly see the flushed, dark pink of Davey's balls and the dark, shadowy recesses of the secrets beneath.
He tore his gaze away when Melanie lifted her head. Grinning, she crooked her finger. Come here.
He went, kneeling beside her, beside them. She used his shoulder to pull up so she could kiss him properly.
He dug his fingers into her hair and took her mouth. One of her hands found his cock, dry fingers wrapping
around it to squeeze and give him further reason not to think. She squirmed, clearly enjoying whatever
Davey did to her core. When she came, Jason gladly swallowed her cries and steadied her as she shook.
She pushed him back, laughing delightedly. Get a condom.
As he did so, she climbed off of Davey and turned so she was on all fours above him. When next Jason
looked, they were kissing, messy and wet.
Jason climbed up behind them. Damn. There was Melanie's ass, full and gorgeous over her drenched,
flushed sex. There again, underneath, were Davey's balls, sparsely furred and partially drawn up in his
excitement. But there, also, underneath his balls was the dark crevice of his ass, the puckered hole just
visible now that his legs were spread wider. Within his own thoughts, Jason couldn't deny the desire to
shove apart Davey's thighs, fully expose that hole, and plunge in.
God! Just from one kiss?
Eager to distract himself, Jason pressed his lips to the soft flesh of Melanie's ass. He nibbled and licked his
way toward the cleft of her ass as he slid his hands up her thighs and in toward her fleshy, wet center. As his
thumbs found her folds, he slipped his tongue down between her cheeks to find the pucker of her anus. This,
he knew, she liked. He'd watched Davey tongue her last weekend. He'd never done it to anyone himself and
was, to be honest, a tad apprehensive, but it wasn't so bad. She was clean and warm, and the skin there
was much softer than he'd expected. Strange how it sort of grabbed at him as he pointed his tongue to push
at it. She wiggled, and he had to hold her, one hand gripping her ass while the thumb of the other was deep
inside her core.
He heard her rip up from Davey with a cry. God, Jason, that's Her body rocked back into him, pushing to
encourage him. Davey. Lube.
Jason had to pause while Davey pulled out from under them, but he put his tongue right back as soon as he
could, wildly intrigued by her reaction to his attentions. Just beyond the rim of her hole, the skin was so very
soft and tight. He put both hands on either cheek of her ass, pulling them apart so he could delve farther.
A thump on the mattress announced the arrival of the lube bottle.
Jason. Melanie was breathless, her face almost buried in the pillow she now clutched beneath her. My
ass. Fuck me there.
He froze. That was still something he'd yet to doto anyoneand she knew it. Unbidden, his eyes sought
out Davey.
Who grinned. You sure? Davey's voice was low and husky as he bent down beside Melanie, his eyes still
on Jason. You want that monster in there?
She laughed, sounding a little wild. A toss of her head cleared tousled red hair from her glinting brown eyes.
She beamed over her shoulder. Oh yeah.
Matching her laugh, Davey rose to his knees, keeping his hand on her back. His cock thrust up between his
thighs, and Jason forced himself not to look at it. For distraction as well as courage, Jason ducked down
and took a long, leisurely lap at Melanie's pussy, finding and teasing her clit with his tongue.
It made her scream and wiggle. Jason. Please.
Melanie was not above begging when it suited her purposes. Davey had taken great delight in making her
beg before. Jason considered doing the same but quickly decided not. He really did want to do what she'd
asked, and he'd better do it now before he lost control just thinking about it.
He knelt, withdrawing his hands from Melanie and picking up the lube. The condom still hugged his aching
boner, but he left it alone in favor of pouring a generous amount of liquid on his fingers, then directing them
at her ass. She was already wet with his saliva, but the he rubbed the lube around her hole and pressed
slowly in. The tight confines sucked his finger right in.
Ooooh, yes. If she was uncomfortable at all, it didn't show in the slack profile he could barely see
underneath the rumpled mop of her hair.
He was startled when Davey edged closer, and held his breath as Davey's dark hands slipped over the pale
mounds of Melanie's ass, pulling her apart, making more room. Davey glanced up at him and winked.
Reassured, Jason twisted his wrist, smearing lube inside, then added another finger.
Melanie whimpered and shifted. Jason saw her hand creep into Davey's lap, fingers wrapping around his
Davey's eyes shut briefly in appreciation of her attention, but his focus was on Jason's fingers.
Jason pumped slowly, gently, in and out of Melanie's hole, fascinated by the way it squeezed him. Similar to
but altogether different from her pussy. He poured some more lube over his fingers when they were mostly
out, then pushed them back in.
Jason, she moaned.
Fuck her, Davey growled.
Jason shook, froze, needing to quell an instant need to come. He managed to control it, but knew he was
close. I'm gonna come.
Fuck me, she whined.
Do it, Davey whispered. He caught Jason's eye. His face was flushed, lips swollen and green eyes bright.
But his gaze was certain. You won't hurt her.
He knew. He knew why Jason hesitated. He was there. He'd stop it if Jason screwed it up.
Encouraged, Jason pulled his fingers out and adjusted to place his cock at Melanie's wet, stretched
Davey pulled a hand from where they rested on Melanie's hips and reached underneath. Jason didn't need
to see where it went. Melanie's ragged groan told him that Davey had found her pussy.
Do it, Davey repeated, nodding, watching.
Jason pulled in a breath to steady himself and pushed in that first little bit.
Melanie cried out, threw her head back, and shoved back enough to take his shaft just a little below the rim
of the head.
God! So tight.
Yeah. Davey's lips parted. More.
Jason obeyed.
Fuck, you're big! Melanie reached up to grab more pillow.
Using every resource he had, Jason paused.
No! she wailed, glancing over her shoulder. Her eyes, too, were shining bright. Don't stop.
Thank God. Letting out the breath, Jason pushed more until he was almost all the way in. Fuckfuckfuck. He
fell forward, catching himself on one arm on the mattress beside Melanie. His weight pushed her knees
farther apart and her front almost flush with the mattress. Davey descended with them, landing on his side
with his hand still busily buried underneath Melanie. Jason noted the new positions, but most of his attention
was on the crazy good grip on his cock. He started to pull back and wondered if it was even possible.
A slap on one side of his ass startled him.
Davey's devil grin aimed up at him as he smacked Jason again. Move.
Jason shoved back into Melanie's heat. Fuck you, he muttered, too far gone to worry about the
implications of his words.
Davey just laughed and struck him again.
Fuck if that didn't make it better.
Jason closed his eyes, braced himself, and concentrated on his thrusts, slowly picking up speed, trying to
last. Melanie went wild underneath him, matching his rhythm as she encouraged him to fuck her hard. All the
while, Davey lay beside them, muttering encouragement. One hand remained mostly underneath Melanie,
fondling her sex, but his other roamed. Mostly on Jason. Jason couldn't be bothered to protest when his
friend smacked his bare ass or slid a palm over his shoulder. Truth be told, it added to the excitement.
Jason had to bite his lip and close his eyes when the abrupt thought of leaning over to kiss Davey popped
into his brain. Then he lost everything as the rush of orgasm took over. He thrust into Melanie, sweat
dripping from his forehead, chest, and neck. Her cries spurred him on, and one last spank from Davey set
him off. White light exploded, and Jason came hard.
Chapter Fourteen
Jason lay on the comfort of the pillow-top mattress, face half buried in a pillow that smelled like Davey, eyes
closed as he listened to the others sleep. A brief glance at the clock a few minutes ago had told him it was
almost midnight. Jason wasn't sure, but he thought they'd been having sex for at least two hours before the
three of them had collapsed, exhausted. Wasn't surprising that they'd all fallen asleep for a few hours. He still
felt worn out. The sex had been amazing. He didn't blame Melanie for practically passing out. She'd
switched from him to Davey and back again twice, with a whole lot of other stuff in between.
He smiled into the dark. A furry warmth crept up to press against his side, and he gladly settled his hand on
Scraps's head, scratching lazily. To his other side, Melanie moaned softly and squirmed, her fingers
brushing his arm. Beyond her, Davey continued to sleep soundly.
Davey had kissed him. That thought chased away some of Jason's doze. Despite the sex that'd come
afterward, despite the fact that the kiss hadn't occurred again, that was the one thing that blared stark and
clear in Jason's memory. Davey had full-out, no-holds-barred kissed him, and Jason had not only enjoyed it,
but he'd kissed back. It had been good too. More than once during the sex marathon, Jason had considered
kissing Davey again. In the heat of the moment, it'd seemed like a really good idea. Luckily, the timing had
never been completely right. He wasn't sure he was ready to deal with the backlash.
Davey had kissed him. His lips had been soft, his tongue demanding. The body underneath Jason's hand
had been all hard lines and muscle under satiny skin. Jason had always liked toned women and enjoyed the
defined curves of muscle. Davey had those, in addition to really soft lips that Jason couldn't get out of his
mind. He bet Davey would give awesome head.
His eyes flew open, staring blankly at the ceiling. His cock had taken note of his thoughts and had
lengthened over his thigh. Shit. He sat up, dislodging the dog when he put his legs over the side of the bed.
He gave Scraps an apologetic pat, then stood and made his way to the bathroom.
Davey would be great at giving head. There was no question. His kiss proved that. But Jason had no
business thinking that. Certainly no business getting hard over it. Trouble was, following thoughts of
cocksucking came the memory of Davey's hands on him. Aside from the brief spanking while Jason was
fucking Melanie, Davey had touched him a lot more than usual. Touches and caresses Jason had been able
to overlook during sex but which looked a lot more suspect in retrospect. Davey surely hadn't meant
anything by them, but Jason's overactive imagination easily pictured Davey's fingers digging into his
shoulders, the strength of Davey's thighs wrapped around his waist. Oh God, the grip of Davey's ass around
his cock.
Jason closed the bathroom door and stumbled to the toilet. He just stood there, leaning his hands on the
wall, eyes closed as he tried to banish thoughts of fucking his friend. But the thoughts stuck just like fucking
Velcro. It was far too easy to imagine Davey on his hands and knees, writhing and cursing up a storm while
Jason rammed him from behind.
Shit. He hissed as he wrapped his fingers around his boner. He stroked it gently, still very sensitive from
the activity a few hours before. Pressing his forehead to his arm, he braced on the wall and concentrated on
getting himself off quickly. Was he really worked up thinking of fucking Davey? Had the kiss gotten to him
that much? He lost himself to pleasure before he could answer himself, and just let his imagination go,
picturing Davey's lips wrapped around his cock or Davey's ass holding him every bit as warm and tight as
Melanie's had. Suppressing a groan, he just managed to grab some tissues to catch the spunk that squirted
from his dick. Fuck. He dropped the tissues into the toilet and just stood there, reeling. What. The. Fuck?
He wasn't gay. Wasn't like he thought being gay was bad or anything, but he liked women. Why was he all
hyped up thinking about a guy? His longtime friend, no less.
Bad juju, man, he told himself, grabbing one of the small towels on the counter and wetting it so he could
wipe himself off. Sweat and spunk had dried on his skin from earlier. He considered taking a shower but
didn't want to wake the pair in the bedroom. A general wipe-down would have to do.
He draped the wet towel over the shower rod and took a moment to leave the bathroom and grab a few
more towels from the linen closet to put on the counter for the others.
When he wandered back to the bedroom in search of his shorts, he found Melanie sitting up, yawning,
Scraps sat at her side, his nub of a tail wagging eagerly. Up over Davey's head, Ginger formed a furry
orange cap for her master, whose face remained pressed into the pillow.
After giving the dog a good rub, Melanie stood up and stretched. Jason stopped and openly leered. Yes,
see? He thought her curves were delicious and was proud of himself for salivating at the thought of sucking
on her breasts.
She saw his leer and chuckled. Not now, sport. She patted his arm on her way past him to the bathroom.
I'm completely worn out.
He smiled and trailed his fingers over her hip as she passed. He even gave her a mild spank on her ass.
She jumped and laughed, then left.
No sooner had the door closed than Jason found his eyes on Davey's ass. The smaller man lay in his
accustomed sprawl, one hand and one knee dangling over the side. His bare back shone in the dim light
from the one lit lamp beside Jason at the door, and his butt curved up into two perfect, pert swells. Against
his better judgment, Jason admired the way each ass cheek melted into the top of a toned thigh. The
spread of his legs gave some separation to the cheeks, parting the crack so the opening Jason had
imagined before was almost visible. Beneath, the small globes of Davey's balls were just visible in the
shadows, mashed into the mattress. Amazing. Beautiful. Sweet? Jason wasn't sure why the sight turned him
on so and really didn't want to explore it anymore.
Swallowing, he tore his gaze away, grabbed his shorts, and left the room to hurry down the stairs with
Scraps at his heels.
You're leaving?
Jason stood as Melanie crossed to the kitchen table where he sat munching on cold fried chicken. She was
fully dressed, with purse in hand and her sleeved MacBook secure under one arm.
Yep. She put a hand on his shoulder as she leaned up to brush his lips. I need to drive down to see my
mother tomorrow. After a glance at the clock, she laughed. Today. I'll need to shower and change after I get
some more sleep.
Oh. Okay. He really didn't want her to go and wouldn't dwell on why.
She beamed up at him, caressing his cheek briefly. You boys behave now. He didn't appreciate her evil
little laugh as she turned away. I'll see you soon.
He sat down to finish his chicken, sharing some of the meat with the dog as he listened to Melanie get in her
car and drive away. The silence of the dark house was oppressive. He thought he could actually hear the
whirr of computers from Davey's office. Maybe he'd go in and check his e-mail, do some web surfing. But
the thought of sitting in Davey's domain was a tad intimidating. He could just go home, but frankly, he was
worn out. All he wanted to do was sleep. He cleaned up and left the kitchen, but stopped at the bottom of the
stairs, looking up. The bed was up there, warm and comfortable. Davey probably wouldn't even blink an eye
if Jason rejoined him. Davey, warm and naked.
No, Jason didn't trust himself. Without the buffer of Melanie between them, he wasn't sure what he'd do. The
couch it is.
Resigned, he dropped down onto the couch, accepted the dog, who jumped up to snuggle at his side, and
settled down to finish his night's sleep.
Chapter Fifteen
Jason woke when Scraps launched off the couch and hit the floor running toward the stairs. Davey must be
Yawning, Jason stared out the sliding glass door through the vertical blinds that had never gotten closed the
night before. The crystal clear water of the pool beckoned, sparkling in the early-morning sun. He
considered going for a swim to clear his head, but thinking of swimming just got him to thinking of Davey
again. Davey would be taking to the pool as soon as he shook off sleep. Would he swim naked again? Did
Jason really want to see that? God, why did he really want to see that?
It was just a kiss!
Groaning, he slapped a hand over his eyes, willing the blood away from his crotch. He was so not going to
get hard for Davey again!
Yeah, he really should leave. Go home. Chill out. Get his head on straight.
Yet he was still on the couch when Davey's footsteps sounded on the stairs.
Jason concentrated on breathing normally, rubbing his eyes, and acting far more sleepy than he actually
was as he watched his friend approach. Thankfully, Davey was dressedwell, he had on loose cotton
shorts anyway, with one of the pool towels held to his belly.
He stopped at the bottom of the stairs when he noted Jason was awake. Melanie gone?
Yeah. Jason made a show of stretching and scratching his scalp. She left around midnight.
Davey watched him steadily as he stepped forward into the room. When did you come down here?
Around when she left. He chose to look for the remote control, seeking it in the cushions around him. I
needed a snack.
Mm. Yeah. I didn't eat yesterday.
I tried to get you to eat. Weird pause where he couldn't quite make himself look at Davey. I finished off the
chicken, though. Sorry.
Davey turned to the sliding glass door. I'll make waffles after my swim.
Jason had to laugh at his stomach, which growled. Davey made a mean waffle. Jason should know. He'd
bought the waffle iron in Davey's kitchen, as well as the one Davey had worn out before that.
But Davey didn't hear it, already outside. Jason found his eyes glued to the way the bright blue short shorts
hugged Davey's ass and admired the way the sun glowed off Davey's skin when the man walked out from
under the shadow of the house. Short and slim, but tightly packed, that man.
He groaned, sinking back on the couch after Davey dove into the water. What the hell was he doing? Was
he really attracted to Davey? Or was the sex getting to him? Maybe it was natural to get a thing for the man
you've shared women with. That kinda made sense, didn't it?
Jason took a calming breath, listening to the splash of Davey's laps break the relative silence of the Sunday
morning. He was okay. They were okay. This was normal. They'd shared mornings like this many, many
times. Okay, not exactly like this, but without the sex thoughts. He turned on the television and began a
doomed trip around the hundred or so stations on Davey's cable, knowing he wasn't going to find much. But
luck was with him as he found the X-Men cartoon and saw that three more were due to play after it. That was
good enough.
The phone rang. It was odd enough for someone to try and contact Davey at that time of the morning for
Jason to get up and check the caller ID. It was Davey's mother.
He did give it a second thought but ended up clicking the Call button anyway. Hello, Ghent house. If it were
one of their friends, he'd answer differently, and if he didn't know who it was, he wouldn't have answered at
all. But he figured Davey's parents deserved a person.
There was a pause on the other end of the line before he heard Davey's mother's low, soothing voice.
Hello? David?
No, Mrs. Ghent. This is Jason, Davey's friend.
Oh. Good morning, Jason. How are you?
I'm fine, ma'am. He'd met Elizabeth Ghent twice and her husband Howard once. They were both very quiet
and very proper. His own mother begged everyone to call her Hattie, but Jason wouldn't dream of calling
Davey's mother anything but Mrs. Ghent. How are you?
I'm fine. Thank you for asking. How is your mother? Mrs. Ghent had never met his mother, but she always
asked after her.
She's just fine. I heard from her the other day. She and my father have settled into a new place outside the
They live in Atlanta, do they not?
Yes, they do.
Ah, lovely. One day I must go there. I've heard such wonderful things about Atlanta. Meantime, I do wish
them well. He had no doubt that she meant it, even if he also knew that she and his mother would probably
never meet. Is my son available?
He's taking a swim just now. Should I go get him?
Oh. She thought about it. No. This is not an emergency. Could you have him call me? His father's birthday
is next month, and I would like him to come to a family dinner that Saturday night. Gerald will be in town, and
we thought it would be nice if he could drive up as well.
Jason winced, knowing Davey would be everything but thrilled to see his older brother. I will certainly give
him that message, ma'am.
Thank you, Jason. I appreciate it.
They said their good-byes, and he noted that she called on the dry-erase board near the phone. As he
always did after talking to one or the other of Davey's parents, he wondered that his friend made it through
his childhood without losing it completely. He stared through the glass at Davey still churning through the
water. No wonder he'd lost himself in computers. They'd been his lifeline.
Agitated with nothing else to do, Jason headed into the kitchen to get out the waffle makings. Once done,
he sat at the table and watched some more X-Men while dissecting a tangerine. He thought about when
he'd met Davey. He'd heard of the cocky little genius one of the VPs had recruited out of college long before
Davey came into his office to fill out the HR papers. The whole company had. Davey had been brought on
as a programmer, and Jason's first label on seeing him had been nerd. He didn't have the classic look, but
the glasses, the quiet, intense demeanor, and the faraway look in the eyes behind the lenses were the clues.
That had been before Davey got the house with the pool, before he'd become aware of himself physically.
Back then he'd been small and scrawny, with an awkward buzz cut because he couldn't be bothered with his
hair. Now, he was small andwell, not scrawny, and the shaggy haircut looked a mess on purpose. Jason
was rather proud to have had a hand in the improvements. Not a year after they'd become friends, he'd
helped to convince Davey to buy the house and hetogether with Jen, Ken, and Barthad coaxed the
computer geek into playing softball and using the pool at his new place. The last few years had seen quite a
change for Davey, both inside and out, and Jason was happy to be one of the few people who Davey had
learned to open up with and trust. He wasn't going to let one little kiss put that in jeopardy. He'd handle it,
and he wouldn't lose his best friend.
A little later, when he heard Davey enter the house through the office, he got up and headed that way.
He froze in the doorway. Davey stood in the middle of the room, facing the far wall, still damp and now bare-
assed naked. Wet shorts lay at his feet, and dry khaki cargo shorts were in his hands. Jason caught him just
as he was bending over to lift one foot. The drip of water from his hair drew Jason's gaze down the arch of
his back to the swell of his ass.
Davey must have heard him, because he glanced over his shoulder. He gasped. Jason jumped. Davey
nearly fell over trying to yank his shorts up before properly inserting his foot, while Jason rammed his
shoulder into the doorframe.
Shit. Jason grabbed his shoulder to rub it, glad for the distraction.
Fuck. Davey spun halfway around and caught his balance but lost his hold on the shorts, which fell to the
rug and tangled around his foot.
Jason tried not to look at Davey's cock, but he was pretty sure Davey caught his glance. He stared hard at
the geometric circles and squares of the rug spread over the hardwood rather than at his friend. Sorry.
Didn't mean to startle you.
'Sokay, Davey mumbled, leaning over to snatch up his shorts. He held them up to cover his hips. What's
I'm getting there. Your, uh, mom called while you were in the pool.
Davey hesitated long enough for Jason to glance up at his face. There went that sheet of ice over Davey's
expression. No, not ice, just that weird blankness he hid behind when discussing his family. What did she
She wants you to go up for a family dinner for your dad's birthday. Gerald will be there.
Great. A slight grimace. His fist bunched up the shorts as his gaze fell.
She said to call her back later.
He made a noncommittal sound. Then the ice melted. He stared at Jason, and Jason would have had to be
blind to miss the way those green eyes raked over him from toe to top. It was quick, and Davey might be
nearsighted, but Jason was now intensely aware that he only wore shorts himself.
Davey bent over to get dressed. Right. I'm hungry. Now covered, he smiled as he snatched up the glasses
that sat on a shelf beside his monitor and put them on. Waffle time.
Jason stepped back to allow Davey to pass and didn't let the shorter man see him inhale. Davey smelled
like chlorine, for fuck's sake. How could that be appealing? Willing his body to stay calm, he followed into
the kitchen. Davey suggested sausages, so Jason found himself busy at the stove while Davey put together
his special waffle mixture. It was just as well that he kept busy. It helped him not to snatch glances at Davey.
Helped, but didn't wholly prevent. What was wrong with him anyway? Davey didn't look any different than he
had on a bunch of other mornings they'd spent together. He'd never been particularly interested in watching
Davey cook before.
By the time they sat at the kitchen table, Jason was concentrating more on the food than anything. After
setting down the plate of sausages, he doctored a waffle with butter and syrup, then grabbed a sausage,
placed it in the middle, and folded the waffle around it, taco-style. Across from him, Davey did the same. No
forks, and a knife only to spread the butter. Jason had grown up eating waffles like this. Occasionally, it was
good to throw some eggs in there too, but today the sausage was enough. Davey had learned it from him,
delighted by the act that would have horrified his mother and the series of nannies who'd fed and clothed
See? This was good. Watching TV over breakfast with his friend. This was normal. Hey. Jason licked
syrup off his fingers before grabbing another waffle. You still have that mitt of mine? I think I've got my cleats
in my car, so He froze, hand over the last of the sausages, to find Davey staring at him. What? You want
this last one? I can make more.
Davey blinked, then shook himself. No. Go ahead.
Jason frowned, watching Davey's hair rush down to fringe over his eyes as he bent over the last of his
breakfast. Just like that, Jason was uber-aware of the man again.
He left the sausage and picked up the waffle from his plate, biting into it with just the leftover butter and
syrup from his plate. Or maybe I should head home. Game's not until three. I could get some stuff done.
Davey stood, picking up his empty plate and the one that had been piled with waffles. Got a lot to do?
Not a blessed thing. Not a lot, but some stuff's been piling up. He stretched, arms high over his head. I
could call Rick and see if they're playing hoops today.
The dishwasher door groaned open. Rick.
Yeah, I lost track of them last weekend. Hey. He picked up the last two plates and took them into the
kitchen proper. You should come. He shook off the double meaning and kept his gaze high on Davey's
back instead of low on the rump that thrust toward him as Davey bent over the bottom tray of the
dishwasher. You had fun the last time. Baseballand softballwas Davey's game, but he'd sometimes
join Jason in the weekend hoops or tag-football games.
Unexpectedly, Davey stood and turned, bringing him right up into Jason's bare chest. They bumped, then
startled away from each other. Jason waved empty plates aloft to keep them from crashing to the floor, and
Davey caught himself on the counter rather than falling on his ass on the open dishwasher door.
Sheepishly, Jason set his plates on the counter. Sorry.
Davey scowled at the sink as he fixed his balance. Then his gaze darted up at Jason. Sunlight from the
window over the sink made his glasses shine. This is stupid.
Jason's heart leaped. What?
With a growl, Davey ripped off his glasses and tossed them on the counter. Avoiding this, he murmured
before launching himself at Jason.
Jason stumbled back a step into the corner of the two counters. Trapped, he barely had time to catch his
breath as Davey's fingers combed into his hair and yanked his head down. Davey's groan underlined his as
open lips met open lips and a syrup-and-sausage-oiled tongue thrust into his mouth. His hands skated over
the cool, smooth skin of Davey's back, finally finding purchase, one in the middle between Davey's shoulder
blades and one just at the top swell of his ass. Davey's fingers left his hair so strong arms could wind around
his neck. It took the elbows out from between them and allowed bare chest to press to bare chest. Jason's
cock filled against the hard plane of Davey's belly. Moaning, he slumped down, bringing him closer to
Davey's height. One of his thighs slid between Davey's. A little nudge and a little pull with the hand at the
small of Davey's back, and Davey's cock and balls pushed into Jason's thigh.
Fuck. Davey barely pulled his mouth from Jason's to speak.
Jason kept his eyes closed. He slid his hand up to the back of Davey's neck and angled his head to secure
those wet, gorgeous lips into another kiss. It was better when they were kissing. No talking. No
acknowledging. He adored the tiny whimper that escaped Davey's throat, not recalling that he'd ever heard
that sound during sex before.
Davey's arms unwound from his neck and inserted between them. Jason lamented the loss of contact but
didn't so much mind that both palms found his nipples.
Wait. Davey pushed to allow some airflow between them, leaning back against Jason's hold.
The air brought a little sanity back, enough so Jason didn't yank him right back. Through half-lidded eyes, he
studied Davey's face. Damn! He'd seen Davey all flushed and lip-swollen before, but to know that kissing
him had done it added a whole new dimension to it. When green eyes opened to lock on his, he knew he'd
never seen that raw, needy lust before.
He watched Davey try to think, knew the signs. Part of him wanted to stop the thinking at all costs, but a
bigger part of him waited, willing to follow Davey's lead. For a long moment, Davey said nothing. He licked
the corner of his bottom lip, breathing hard through flared nostrils. His thighs flexed to either side of Jason's
leg. Tension sang between them as Jason hardly dared to breathe. He almost heard the snap when the
decision was made.
Davey's hands slid up to bracket Jason's neck. Upstairs.
Jason's eyes went wide. What?
Davey kissed him again, hard and quick. Surprise made Jason's grip slack, so Davey easily slid from his
hold. Upstairs. Now.
Jason had followed for three steps before his mouth caught up with what he was doing. Are you serious?
Davey turned the corner into the living room. Deadly.
But Jason's attention snagged on Davey's thumbs, which thrust into the waistband of his shorts and
started pushing them down as he walked. Wait.
At the bottom of the stairs, Davey spun to face him. No. Although his eyes glittered with excitement, his
expression was eerie, Davey-calm. We both want this.
This? Wait. What is this? Jason tried desperately not to understand what was crystal clear.
Unrepentant, Davey shucked his shorts, leaving them on the bottom step. His cock thrust straight before
him, pointing the way upstairs. Come on.
He was halfway up the stairs when Jason reached the bottom. Am I doing this? I should leave. But he
couldn't. Davey's ass was a beacon he couldn't ignore.
A happy bark broke the spell for a moment, and Jason turned to regard the little dog wiggling at his feet.
Scraps, stay, came the command from the landing above. Davey stood above them with hands on hips.
Jason, come.
Jason groaned. I'm a dog now? Still, his feet took the stairs two at a time.
Davey was at the nightstand, pulling out lubefuck, lube!when Jason reached the bedroom door.
Maybe. Davey tossed the bottle near the rumpled pillows and sat on the bed. Come.
Jason's fingers dug into the doorframe. That fucking bed had never looked so inviting. His blood sang so
that he felt light-headed. His cock throbbed and aimed itself in Davey's direction.
Jason, don't make me come and get you.
Why are we doing this?
Davey sighed. He leaned back on one arm, letting his free hand trail toward his groin. Why not?
Jason's eyes followed Davey's hand. Long, clever fingers he'd always thought were graceful skated over
that flat belly. This is insane.
Don't worry about it. Davey's fingers wrapped around the shaft of his cock. I'll do it all. All you have to do is
lie here.
Fuck that. He was halfway across the room before the decision was fully made. Then again, as always,
Davey had already made the decision. Easier for Jason just to give in.
He caught himself before he dropped to his knees, but he didn't think Davey noticed. As soon as he'd left
the doorway, Davey sat back up and reached for him. When Jason reached him, Davey slid to his knees
and grabbed the waistband of Jason's shorts. A quick stretch to clear Jason's erection, then the shorts were
yanked down out of the way.
Yeah. Davey abandoned the shorts at Jason's knees, eager to wrap both hands around Jason's shaft.
Jesus fuck. Jason clutched Davey's shoulders for balance as a wash of pure pleasure melted his bones.
And that was just from the moist heat of Davey's breath over the head of his cock. When those lips actually
pulled him in, he was a goner. His fingers curled up into Davey's hair, and he fought coming with every fiber
of his being. Oh shit. He could barely enjoy the velvet stroke of Davey's tongue, gritting his teeth as he tried
to hold it back. I can't. I'm gonna
A ruthless hand squeezed the root of his cock hard. Don't you fucking dare.
He stared at the ceiling, shuddering with aborted release. I
The hand was gone and so was the mouth. He looked down just as Davey snatched up the lube. He popped
open the cap, then paused and glanced up at Jason, calculating.
His bit his bottom lip over a grin, then poured lube into his palm. Jason knew there was something missing
but couldn't for the life of him remember what when Davey's wet hand slicked over his cock.
You're gonna fuck me. He pumped Jason's shaft hard. With this.
Jason groaned, reeling. He always had gotten off more with women who were assertive. Davey was that
and more. Jason was puttyhard, throbbing puttyin his hands. There were a thousand arguments he
should be voicing. He should be racing out of the house in fright. Instead his heart and soul would not let him
conjure the reasons why this should not be done.
The bottle cap clicked. Davey's hand was gone, and the mattress jounced. As Jason tried to relearn the
simplicity of breathing, Davey leaned forward on one arm and reached his free hand back behind him.
Oh man, you're not
Grinning at him, Davey slipped his fingers down the crack of his own ass. Jason couldn't see from this
angle, but it was very clear what was happening when Davey bit his lip. His eyes hooded a little, and a
groan spilled from his throat.
I've gotta see Eagerly, Jason scrambled up on the bed behind Davey. Yes. There they were. Not one but
two wet fingers were thrust into Davey's anus. Fuck, man. You've done this before.
Feels great, Davey assured him, breathless. Fingers. Dildos.
Dildos! Jason smoothed his palms on Davey's cheeks, eyes still locked on the slowly thrusting fingers.
In the bottom drawer. The one that never opened. As Jason watched, Davey slowly introduced a third
finger. But it'snot as big That breathless groan was intoxicating. as you.
That last bit allowed Jason to tear his gaze from Davey's ass to his face.
Davey's devil grin stirred his blood. Put it in.
Yes. Now.
Davey pulled his fingers from his ass and lowered his hand to the mattress. Jason couldn't help but look
down and watch that stretched pink hole contract, pulsing a little as it glistened in the sunlit room. The
temptation to put his tongue to it was nearly overwhelming.
Instead, he smacked the left side of Davey's ass once, hard enough to make the other man gasp. Then
Jason moved forward to aim the fat head of his cock at that tiny opening.
He brushed the tip over the tight ring, then froze. No condom.
Don't need one.
Davey rose up higher on his arms. Just fuck me already.
Before Jason could stop him, Davey shoved back. Jason's cock popped past the slight resistance into
velvet heat. He'd never had sex without a condom before and was not prepared for the raw sensation.
Davey threw his head back, bursting a Fuck! at the ceiling.
Ah shit. Jason wanted to ask if he was okay but could only manage to grip Davey's waist.
Davey pulled forward a little, then shoved back more, impaling himself. Jason's hips followed his lead,
rocking with his motion.
Oh God. Davey groaned, his upper body sinking flush with the mattress. Oh fuck, oh God. Shit, shit shit!
Jason knew those sounds. Recognized them from the height of passion. He could only hope he was right,
because when he started to thrust, pulling back with his hands at Davey's waist as his hips thrust forward,
there was no stopping him. Davey's heat engulfed him, the tight grip actually helping to keep him from
coming at first. But the way gradually eased, and Jason bore down on the smaller man, fucking in earnest,
having to trust that Davey would stop him if needed. God, it was fabulous. Better than anything. Sweat broke
out on his skin, mingling with Davey's to slick ass to groin, thigh to thigh. Jason's fingers slipped their grip,
so he slid them up Davey's back until he could grip the man's shoulders. That gave him better leverage
anyway. As Davey babbled incoherently, Jason rammed his ass. He didn't know when Davey's hand
burrowed underneath to find his cock, but he became aware of Davey jerking himself. The muscles of his
arm worked, and Jason's lust soared to realize that having his cock buried within was getting Davey off.
The sizzle buzzed in his balls, and he knew he couldn't contain it this time. Can't he barked, falling
forward on his elbows, mashing Davey into the bed. Gonna come.
Davey keened, his profile glowing with sweat. Yes.
Jason neither knew nor cared how they got into this position, but he found himself straddling one of Davey's
thighs. He grabbed the other, pulling it up, opening Davey's groin. Leaning on one elbow behind Davey's
back, he found his spot and went for gold, grinding hard into the willing grip of Davey's ass. Lying mostly on
his side, Davey jerked himself furiously, his cock flushed and purple in his grip. Jason came with a shout,
digging his fingers into the bend of Davey's knee and pressing his forehead to the back of the man's
shoulder. He filled Davey's ass with endless gouts of cum, wondering if it would ever stop. It finally did, but
left him wiped, boneless, and weak as he spooned Davey's back, his cock remaining in that pulsing,
squeezing channel. Davey writhed, half underneath him, spilling curses into his pillow. Just as Jason formed
thoughts of perhaps helping him to completion, the smaller man shouted. The angle was good for Jason to
look down over Davey's shoulder to see the spurts of creamy white gush onto the sheets.
Chapter Sixteen
Outside, birds chirped in the bright summer sunshine. The blinds over the window were half closed and
obscured the view of the clouds, power lines, and the next-door neighbor's roof. Davey had slumped
forward, face in his pillow, hidden from view. The heaving of his rib cage gradually slowed as the sweat
dried on his skin. He was fucking gorgeous, and Jason was having a hard time shutting off the part of his
brain that thought that.
What the hell happens now?
Jason didn't know what to do. Should he pull away and put some distance between them? Should he wrap
his arms around Davey and hold him close? He wanted the latter more, and that kind of freaked him out.
What the hell was Jason supposed to say? He liked to think that he was pretty good at this moment with
girls, but this? This was like coming to a basketball game with his mitt, cleats, and a bat.
Nature took care of expelling Jason from Davey's body. When he drew his hand back from where it rested
on Davey's thigh, the tight channel that had just been squeezing the life out of him pushed him gently out. A
small wash of his own cum followed him out, and damn if that wasn't sexy enough to make his cock try to
rally for another go. But there was no way it was getting up again that soon after shooting so hard.
He settled on his side, watching Davey's spine, wondering at the baby-soft tufts of hair that trailed partway
down Davey's nape. He waited. He had to. The next move was Davey's.
After a few quiet moments, Davey's chest expanded and contracted in a deep breath. Then his shoulders
started to shake. For a horrible second, Jason thought he might be crying. But that ridiculous thought
dissolved when he heard the distinctive rumble of Davey's laughter. He's laughing. That was good. Laughing
was almost always good.
As he was still wondering, Davey pitched forward and rolled away until he was on his other side, facing
Jason. Grinning, he bent an arm and propped his chin on the ball of his hand. That was something.
Breath expelled through Jason's teeth. He knew he looked shell-shocked, but was incapable of policing his
expression. Uh. Yeah.
One of Davey's eyebrows hiked up. Can't tell me you didn't like it.
Uncomfortable under that frank green gaze, he dropped his eyes to stare at the rumpled sheets between
them. No.
Davey punched his arm. Hard.
He jumped back, grabbing his bicep. Ow! What was that for?
Davey narrowed his eyes. Don't freak on me.
Um, hello? What did we just do?
Amazingly, that made Davey smile. Sex. Pretty fucking awesome. Davey dropped onto his belly, then
pushed up on all fours. He winced and chuckled, arching his back. Damn. That smarts.
Jason stared at his elbow, hesitant to glance down toward his groin. Damn, he really did want to reach out
and touch. Did I hurt you?
I'll live. The smug note in his voice was more comforting than his words.
Davey straightened up on his knees, raising his hands to shove back his sweaty hair. Jason's attention
snagged on the smear of spunk low on his belly, right near his navel. Below the smear, Davey's softened
cock and the nest of hair at the base of it gleamed with more. Davey had come with Jason's dick rammed in
his ass. Oh fuck. If he wasn't wiped, he'd probably be all over Davey again.
His hand balled in the sheet in front of him. You've never done that before? It was imperative that he get
that one fact clear, now, while he could.
Davey's palms smacked on his own thighs, and his clear gaze studied Jason. I have never had sex with a
guy before this, he stated very clearly.
But you?
I what?
Jason gestured toward the nightstand. Dildos?
Davey laughed. Oh. He scrambled off the bed and squatted down to open the drawer. A bright blue, slightly
transparent vibrator landed on the bed, almost on the wet spot he'd left behind. This, my fingers, and Mel's
fingers. That's all. Until now.
Scowling, Jason watched his back as Davey sauntered toward the door. Then why? Full sentences were
beyond Jason at the moment.
Davey turned just before leaving the room. I wanted it. You wanted it. Seemed ridiculous to keep pretending
we didn't. Then he was gone.
Jason fell forward, burying his face in the pillow to mute a frustrated yelp. Okay, fine. The time for denial was
over. Yes, he'd wanted it. Okay, maybe he hadn't known he wanted all that, but he'd wanted something from
Davey. The attraction was there. Clearly, it was mutual. How long that had been the case, Jason wasn't in
any shape to figure out.
He breathed in, and his head filled with Davey's slightly chlorinated scent underneath the musk of the sex
they'd just had. He closed his eyes and stayed that way, cleared his head, and just enjoyed the pleasant
tingle in his blood. Davey was okay. He was okay. No need to freak.
When Davey returned from the bathroom, Jason rolled off the far edge of the bed and eased past him for
his own trip to the john. Aware Davey was watching him, he kept his gaze cast down and said nothing. After
washing up, he stared at his reflection in the mirror. He didn't feel wrong. He felt damn good, actually.
Ho. Lee. Shit.
Davey was lying on his back on the bed, eyes closed, still naked on top of the bedspread that he'd pulled up
over the sheets. Scraps, always good at sensing when the frantic sexual excitement was over, was curled
up at his side.
Jason stopped in the doorway. What now?
Davey cracked open one eye and dropped his head toward Jason. A nap?
That's it?
Laughing softly, Davey turned his head back and closed his eye. I'm worn out. How about you?
Davey reached over to pat the empty place beside him. Come lie down. We'll sleep. We'll eat. Then we'll
go to the game in a few hours.
The game? Jason heard the panicked squeak in his voice.
So did Davey, although he didn't reopen his eyes. Remember? Softball? Three o'clock?
I remember. But?
Davey yawned again. No one but you and me has to know what happened.
Jason swallowed, aware that his feet were taking him toward the bed. The lull in Davey's voice was
intoxicating. Now he did feel tired. You don't think they'll know?
Why should they?
How couldn't they? But he didn't ask it. What was the point? Davey said it was fine. They were fine.
Resolved to believe that, he stretched out on his side, facing Davey, and closed his eyes. The air-
conditioned room, the soft late-morning sunshine, the gentle breathing, and the comforting scent of sex
lulled him to sleep.
He'd never woken up to a blowjob before. Now he had.
Jason's fingers were tangled in the silk of Davey's hair long before consciousness fully caught up with him.
He dragged his eyes open to stare blearily at the ceiling, but all of his limited awareness was centered on
the sucking warmth around his aching cock. He glanced down to see the arch of Davey's back, the man
lying on his side as he concentrated on sucking Jason's dick off.
Oh fuck. Sleep garbled Jason's words, but the sentiment was clear.
Without releasing his hold, Davey switched sides. He managed to do it all while keeping his lips locked
around the head of Jason's shaft. As he settled facing Jason with Jason's thigh tucked up under his armpit,
he finally popped his wet mouth clear. You had a boner.
Jason had to laugh. Uh, yeah.
He'd seen that wild look in Davey's eyes before, usually when he got a new gadget or hacked a new
program. Now that excitement centered around Jason's dick. Davey stroked it fondly, lapping at the tip.
Thought I'd take care of it.'
Jason shuddered. Not complaining.
Chuckling, Davey bent his head back to his business. Damn, he's a born cocksucker. Jason was going to
die, and die happily. Trying to distract himself to make it last longer, he found his eyes wandering down
Davey's body. Quite naturally, his attention landed on the thrust of Davey's cock, just visible under the bend
of his thigh. Not allowing himselfactually, not really ableto think clearly, he reached down and wrapped
his fingers around it.
Davey hesitated, groaning around his mouthful.
Smiling, Jason squeezed, fully intending to get back some of his own. Davey's cock felt perfectly
comfortable in his hand, smaller than his own, but that was understandable given the difference in their
heights. He stroked, noting that this new development slowed Davey's suction. Now it was lazy and drawn
out, and Jason was able to wake up a little, so thought was easier.
He thought he might want to suck Davey's cock. Yeah. If Davey could do it, so could he. Decision made, he
shifted, rolling over to his side.
Hey, what?
Jason ignored the protest, grabbing Davey's thigh to shove it out of the way. It took a little maneuvering, and
he had to bend more since he was tallerbecause he didn't for one second want Davey to stop what he
was doingbut he managed to get his face closer to Davey's crotch. The moment deserved some
hesitation and thought. He had Davey's thighs spread, groin open. Davey's cock thrust toward him, hard,
purple and leaking at the tip. He wrapped his hand around the shaft and pulled up, bunching the skin around
the rim of the head. Noting that nothing was happening around his own cock, he glanced down at Davey.
The other man was watching, face flushed. Wet, swollen lips were parted, poised to resume their task.
Jason grinned. My turn. Without any more hesitation, he dipped down and took Davey in his mouth.
Davey's expletive served for both of them since there was no way Jason was releasing that smooth skin just
yet. He'd often contemplated what it felt likecome on, what guy hadn't at least thought about it during years
of wanking?but it was no surprise that it was different than he'd expected. How the hell was it so soft over
the steely hard? His tongue dragged over loose skin, and the firm head of it pressed the roof of his mouth.
He took it in as far as he dared, then sucked back up to the tip.
Ah shit, Jase.
Seemed he'd distracted Davey from his blowjob, but Jason didn't particularly mind at the moment. It let him
fully appreciate and explore. The salty, warm smell filled his head. He held on with his lips, explored with his
tongue. Curious, he reached farther to cup Davey's balls with his fingers, squeezing gently as he'd seen
Melanie do. That particular move didn't do much for him personally, but Davey squirmed, loving it.
He heard Davey's damn it right before wet warmth closed over the head of his cock again. Davey's fingers
dug into Jason's hip as the back of his throat closed, squeezing. Groaning, Jason picked up his own speed
as reward, and they played a game of one-upmanship, each striving to outdo the other. Jason knew he was
probably going to lose, but then he thought of something. As stealthily as he could, he wet his fingers, then
reached around behind Davey. Rather easily, he found Davey's hole and rubbed. Davey yelped around his
cock, hips rocking back into Jason's fingers. Smiling around his own mouthful, Jason pushed two fingers
past the token resistance of Davey's anus.
Oh God! He felt Davey's forehead press to his hip, hot breath fanning the wet left behind on his cock.
Moaning, Davey pumped Jason's cock with one hand. Oh God, yeah. Shit.
Davey was close. Jason could tell. He was more than close. He was past the point of no return. That strong,
lithe body squirmed, rocking back and forth from Jason's fingers to his mouth. Relentless, Jason gave him
no moment to recover, sucking hard and pumping his fingers, hoping he was hitting something good.
Whatever it was, he found it. Davey stiffened and shook. Pressure squeezed Jason's fingers as thick, salty
spunk hit the back of his mouth. Startled even though he'd expected it, Jason gagged and had to draw back
as more and more semen filled his mouth. Truth? The taste wasn't all that great. Better than hisyes, he'd
tasted hisbut not something he wanted to drink down. But he might have to rethink that in the future, given
what a blowjob did to Davey. His friend sank down, moaning happily, his face pressed to the side of Jason's
groin. Jason's cock lay under the line of his jaw. Torture, but God, what a sight.
Still flushed, Davey cracked one glittering eye to look at Jason. His grin kicked up a notch. Fuck me.
But you Jason gestured at the cum splattered on Davey's thigh.
So what? Davey rolled onto his back. I want you to go inside me again.
Jason gaped, speechless, as Davey climbed on all fours, presenting his ass.
You serious?
Never more. Turned out he was pointed in the right direction to reach up and grab the lube. He tossed it
back toward Jason and wagged his hips. Come on. You want to come.
He did, and that peeking little pink hole was too much of a temptation. He popped the bottle cap as he
moved and poured the lube directly onto Davey's ass. Davey groaned, fingers reaching up through his legs
to help spread the liquid. Nearly blind with need, Jason placed the head of his cock at that hole and pushed.
Fuck yeah. Davey gripped the sheets as Jason pressed home.
There was no finesse this timeif, indeed, he'd managed finesse before. Again, Jason trusted Davey to
warn him if he went too far, leaned forward to grab Davey's shoulders, then proceeded to thrust with
abandon. Davey's back arched, the expression on his profile one of pure, unadulterated bliss as curses and
encouragement spilled from his lips. It didn't take long. The blowjobs had Jason cocked and ready to go.
The grip of Davey's ass did him in, and he came with an explosive curse of his own.
He collapsed onto Davey's back, spent. Before he caught his breath, Davey broke into laughter.
Now that we're all rested, we gotta clean up for the game.
Huh? Jason's synapses hadn't reconnected yet.
Davey wiggled and shoved and managed to get out from under Jason. Check the time, redneck.
Jason heard him leave, but it was another minute or two before he could turn his head and focus on the
clock. Two o'clock?! They had less than an hour to get dressed and get down to the field!
Chapter Seventeen
I have to go home.
Davey didn't look away from the monitor, hand busy with the mouse. It's not in the closet?
Jason clutched the edge of the doorframe that led into Davey's office, irked at the man's inattention. No. I
could've sworn I left that other mitt here, but I can't find it.
Okay. I'll see you at the field. When Jason hesitated, Davey deigned to look up. What?
He had this insane urge to haul Davey off that padded swivel seat and toss him onto the couch. It was
almost as strong as the urge to yell at Davey for just sitting there. But why? Davey wasn't acting any different
than usual. Except
He shook his head. Nothing. I'll see you there.
He left the house with just a brief scratch for the dog and didn't look back. If Davey could act like nothing
strange had happened, so could he. Still, he couldn't stop thinking about it during the ten-minute drive to his
house. He'd wanted to kiss Davey. That's what it was. He wanted Davey to want to kiss him. They hadn't, he
realized now. Once they'd left the kitchen and reached the bedroom, their lips hadn't touched. Well, not each
other. Lips had gone a whole hell of a lot of other places. Which means it was just sex, he muttered at
himself, turning down his street. It was just sex, just like Davey always has, so stop being such a girl about
He did his best to put that thought into practice as he quickly changed into softball pants and an old college
jersey, then grabbed his equipment bag. He ignored the strains and aches from the ample sex over the past
two days and tried real hard not to dwell on fucking Davey. It wouldn't do to give himself a woody right before
a game.
The park wasn't far away so he did manage to get there in time, even if he couldn't warm up. Hell, his
muscles were pretty damn worked up anyway. Davey materialized as a shadow and then a body, kneeling
beside him on the grass as Jason changed his shoes.
Tell no one, he murmured.
Jason glanced up. He could tell Davey was serious enough, even if his eyes were hidden behind dark
sunglasses and underneath the bill of his cap.
Davey helped him out by tipping his sunglasses down, but the eyes were still deep in shadow. It's no one's
business but ours.
Jason had the urge to argue, but what was the point? He agreed. Yeah.
Satisfied, Davey nodded, stood, and left.
Again, Jason felt bereft and was irritated with himself for feeling so. He kept reminding himself that Davey's
actions were completely normal. It was Jason's head that was buzzing irrationally.
He made it through four innings before it really hit him. Man, I'm tired. He did a quick tally and figured that
although he'd had more than eight hours of sleep, the longest chunk of time was four hours. He'd make it,
but he was dragging.
After he struck out for the second out of the fifth inning, Ken plopped down beside him on the dugout bench.
What's with you?
Ken's eyes were on Jen, who was now up to bat. You're a space case. What's up?
Oh. Unconsciously, he glanced toward where Davey stood near the dugout exit, but he didn't think it was
too obvious. He forced his attention back on the game. Nothing. I didn't get much sleep last night.
Date with the Shakespeare girl? Cleopatra?
Jason smiled. No. Wasn't out with Portia. Just up late.
Jen hit a shallow drive into the left side of center field, and both he and Ken surged to their feet to cheer her
on around first base and into second for a double. Bart crossed the plate to score a run that put their team
ahead. The excitement drove the questions out of Ken, but Jason wandered away from him toward the other
end of the dugout, just to be safe. He leaned against the chain-link fence shielding the bench from the field
and clutched the metal as Davey sauntered up to the plate. His sunglasses served as a shieldhe hoped
to hide any lustful look in his eyes as he coveted Davey's ass when the man stepped into the batter's box.
Damn it, now he really knew what that toned body could do.
The rest of the game went smoothly, even if he, personally, only managed a pathetic blooper over the
shortstop's head to get on first. Still, their team won.
It was Jen who plopped down beside him as he changed his shoes this time. Dinner at our place, she
said, pulling off one of her cleats. Ken made curry.
His stomach growled, well familiar with Ken's yellow curry chicken, a recipe from his mom and something
he'd been making for ages. Yum. Okay.
You all right? she asked, picking up one of her sneakers.
Just tired.
Big weekend?
He tied off his own sneaker, fighting the race of his heart. Not really. Just He shrugged.
She took that at face value. After making quick work of her shoes, she leaned against his arm, digging her
chin into the meat of his shoulder. He could clearly see her dark eyes through the gold lenses of her
sunglasses. You'd tell me if something's wrong?
He laughed, winding his arm around her shoulders to pull her close. Nothing's wrong.
He'd be willing to bet she heard the evasion, but she let him get away with it.
* * *
Davey parked his Mustang right behind Jason's Explorer as they both arrived at their friends' apartment
Jason waited as Davey approached him. None of the others were in sight. Jen and Ken had disappeared
into the underground parking garage, and Bart would be a little late. It was just the two of them in front of the
building's small lawn under the sparse, near-twilight shade of the towering palm trees.
Davey twisted his cap backward as he approached, the bill ending up shielding the back of his neck. What
did you say about this weekend?
Jason jangled his keys. Nothing.
Davey took off his sunglasses and tucked them into the collar of his T-shirt. He didn't look mad, just focused.
Did you tell anyone you were with me?
I don't think I mentioned it, no.
Hmm. Davey screwed his mouth to the side in thought, brows crowding down over the bridge of his nose
as he opened the glasses case he held in his hand.
Davey didn't answer until he had his regular glasses perched on his nose. Jen and Ken were watching you.

Me? Why?
Don't know. Davey looked him up and down, and damned if Jason couldn't feel those sharp eyes caress
him. You do look tired.
Gee, thanks. He almost added Whose fault is that? but decided against it.
Davey grinned, tucking his sunglasses into the case. Okay. If anyone asks, you spent the weekend with me
and played MVP Baseball all last night.
Jason considered that. It wasn't a secret that the game, though old, was his all-time favorite. Any of their
friends would easily buy that he'd gotten caught playing it all nightagainand roped Davey into it with him.
What? It would be child's play for Davey to see Jason's hesitation. You don't think they'll buy it?
No. That's not it.
Davey cocked his head to the side. The breeze tugged at the straight, silky hair that extended from
underneath his cap. Perhaps you'd rather tell them what really happened?
Won't they find out?
Why would they?
He glanced up toward the third floor of the apartment building as though he could see their friends' place.
He couldn't, but the idea was there. Is this something we can keep from them?
When he turned back, Davey was staring at him, a blank expression on his face.
Davey said nothing. Just when Jason was about to protest, he shook his head. Fuck. He turned and
started up the walk.
Hey, wait.
Of course he didn't, but Jason's longer legs easily caught up. I'm not saying we have to tell them now, but, I
mean, this is big, isn't it?
Davey jabbed his finger on the button for the right apartment. Only if you make it a big deal, he muttered.
No way. He paused for Davey to talk briefly to Ken, then followed the shorter man through the double doors
after they buzzed open. Not even you can pretend this isn't a big deal.
Davey stepped onto the stairs, then spun. It's not a big deal. We had fun. We did some exploring. Hopefully,
we'll do it again. Whose business is that but ours?
Not even our friends?
And what does it help to tell them? You think they'll take it lightly? Or you think they might freak? Just a little?
You ready to risk that?
Jason clutched the sturdy wooden railing that led up the stairs. He glanced up, but no one was around to
hear them. I'm freaking. He hated to admit it.
Davey sighed. I know. A hand squeezed his arm. Okay, that's my fault. We should talk about it, I guess.
He didn't quite quell the irritation in his voice, but it was under a level of understanding. That was something,
coming from Davey. A mark of respect for Jason that he wouldn't have with someone who wasn't a valued
friend. But let's leave them out of it for now, huh? I'm not up to dealing with a ton of pointless questions.
Jason could see the sense in straightening things out between the two of them first before they told their
friends. So he nodded.
Davey sidestepped into Jason's personal space, almost brushing his chest. Jason barely got to see the
devilish grin before Davey hooked a hand around the back of his neck and hauled him in for a kiss. It was
brief, but it involved tongue, and it left him breathless.
You should come home with me tonight. Davey turned away and hurried up the stairs.
Jason groaned, bending over briefly to take a deep breath. Down, boy, he ordered his cock. Okay, you've
got to stop that, he called after Davey as he started up the stairs.
Laughter was Davey's only response.
* * *
Everything was perfectly normal until Bart had to ruin it.
What is up between you two?
Jason straightened up in his chair from where he'd reached over to nudge Davey. They sat beside each
other on one side of the six-seater table, across from Bart and Jen. Ken sat at the end nearest the kitchen,
between Jason and Jen.
What? he asked, hoping he managed to hide the leap of his heart.
The big man narrowed those odd, light green eyes at him. You two've been acting strange lately.
Jason aimed a thumb at Davey. He's been acting strange? How can you tell? He was rather proud of
himself for joking.
Bart didn't buy it. He shook his head, then looked to Jen and Ken. Am I right?
Jen shrugged, setting down her fork on her nearly empty plate. You guys have been spending an awful lot of
time together lately.
That's a crime? Davey asked.
Course not. But we haven't seen much of you outside the normal stuff.
True. As recently as a few months ago, Jason had spent a lot more of his free time with his other friends. But
since the wedding, he'd been almost exclusively at Davey's.
You're the ones who got married, Davey pointed out. We were just giving you time to be alone.
Bart waved a hand. Hello? What about me?
You've been out with Holly, Davey threw in.
Not this last weekend. I called you both, and you never called me back.
Jason blinked. He'd forgotten Bart had called, which was bad enough. Uh-oh. His heart raced. He didn't
know what to say. He gave Davey wide eyes, which only made the other man roll his.
Fine. Davey swiped a paper napkin over his mouth and balled it up as he set it down. We've been having
Jason's stomach dropped to his toes, along with his jaw. He gaped at Davey.
Who calmly shrugged. We've been inviting girls over to my place and having threesomes. He met Bart's
eyes. Happy?
The other three actually seemed less shocked than Jason, but the surprise was there. Jason had enough
time to get over his initial whoa to throw a glimpse around the table to judge reactions. All wide eyes and a
lot of blinking while they digested that. When his attention landed back on Davey, the man caught his eyes,
shrugged, then gave him a little grin.
You little shit.
Wow. Bart was the first to recover. He sat back in his chair, crossing muscular arms over his chest. And
you didn't invite me?
Davey snorted. Yeah, right. A girl gets one shot at that huge dick of yours, and there's no going back. He
grinned at Jen. Present company excepted, of course.
That helped her recover. She raised a hand to flip him off, then turned to Jason. Wow. Really?
His blush probably sealed the deal for them all. But he saw what Davey had done now. By admitting to the
threesomes, that neatly covered just the two of them having sex.
Ken picked up his iced tea for a calm sip. Damn.
With who? Jen asked. This new girl? Not Fiona?
Oh God, not Fiona, Davey scoffed.
Jason frowned at him. Hey.
No. Davey ignored him. Random, faceless women that neither of us remember. He was deliberately
flippant in his exaggeration. Clearly, Melanie was not to be discussed, and the fact that there had only been
two women they'd shared was to be downplayed. He really did lie very well.
Well, shit. Now I'm jealous, Bart grumped.
Jason had a moment of panic, unwillingly picturing Bart mounting Davey from behind. He didn't want to see
that happen for so many reasons.
But Jen unknowingly came to his rescue with a knowing grin. And what would Holly think about that?
The dark tone of his skin didn't allow the blush to show very well, but the look on Bart's face said it all.
Uncomfortable, he averted his eyes and sat up straight. I don't know what you're talking about.
Jason's brows leaped. Have he and Holly gotten serious? he asked Jen.
She raised one shoulder in a casual shrug. Sure seems like it. They were real close at the wedding.
Bart rolled his eyes. All women get sappy at weddings.
Jen patted his shoulder. Of course they do. Her eye roll made her words less sympathetic.
Davey's evasion and Bart's increasingly serious love life got Jason and Davey out of the hot seat nicely.
Little more was said about it as they helped Ken and Jen clean up after dinner, and all three of them left
soon after that.
Don't be a stranger, Jen murmured in Jason's ear as she hugged him good-bye.
He gave her a smile. I won't. He had to wonder why he almost said we instead of I.
Bart walked out front with them. Okay, you wild boys. He laughed as he pointed his key fob at the Beemer
parked in front of Jason's Explorer. You'll have to tell me about these threesomes some other time. Waving,
he strolled off toward his car.
Jason was left standing with Davey in front of his passenger door. They couldn't do or say much with Bart
still in range.
Davey smiled and shrugged at Jason's pointed stare. I figured it was the lesser of two evils.
Jason nodded.
Bart's engine started.
Davey yawned. Rain check on tonight. I'm beat. He started toward his own car. See you tomorrow.
And just like that, Jason was alone. He shook himself and rounded his car to his own driver's door. Davey
drove off while Jason was fastening his seat belt.
Strange. Lying to his friends seemed wrong, even if it wasn't completely a lie. He didn't feel the need to tell
them everything, of course, but this certainly seemed like the elephant in the room that should be
addressed. He thumped his head on the headrest. But Davey was right. They took the fact that Jason and
Davey had shared women at face value. What would they think of Davey and Jason fucking each other? All
the gay questions would come out, and Jason had to concede Davey's point that he wasn't ready to deal
with those.
Resigned, he started up his car. No reason to worry about it now. Davey had dodged that bullet for tonight.
They'd deal with it all eventually.
Chapter Eighteen
He'd had Davey's dick in his mouth. In his mouth! Thoughts such as these did not allow him to concentrate
on time-card adjustments or health insurance forms. At times like these, he was so very glad he had an
office with a door that allowed him some privacy. Because if he had to work in a cubicle like Jen and Ken
and talk to people on the phone all day, he might have had to call in sick.
In his mouth! He could still feel it, soft and hard at the same time. Was his own dick that velvety smooth on
the head? Did he taste the same? There were more veins in his shaft, he knew that. Davey's cock was
almost as smooth and perfect as the rest of his body. Not to mention his ass. Groaning, Jason braced his
elbows on his desk and dropped his face into his hands. Jesus Christ, Jason would never have expected to
find heaven inside his friend's ass. But he had. He wanted to go there again. Fatigue had allowed him to
hold it together last night and sleep, but this morning his mind and body were both tied up in one
overwhelming thought: get back into Davey's bed, Davey's body.
So how did he accomplish that? Send a text: Need to fuck you. Now. Oh yeah, that'd go over well. Didn't
work with women, and he had a feeling it would work even less with Davey, even if he might get points for
use of technology. This was all on Davey's terms, Jason realized. Not surprising. Davey liked to call the
shots, so he engineered things along his own plans. His quick little brain worked like the computers he
mastered. Jason was just a convenient body for his use.
Frowning, he pulled his head up to stare at his pen cup. Okay, that was a disturbing thought. Davey wasn't
going to try this gay sex thing with someone else, was he? Jason didn't have a particular problem thinking of
him with women, but just the idea of him with another man made Jason sick. Maybe that was just because
he couldn't imagine fucking another guy himself, so he didn't want the only man he was attracted to to be
unavailable. Weak, but he'd go with that for now.
He glanced at the clock. Eleven forty-five. Quickly deciding, he set his instant messenger to Out to Lunch,
stood, and left his office, locking his door behind him. Not wanting to wait for the elevator, he took the stairs
down one flight and turned down the short corridor that took him to Davey's daytime lair. Three tables lined
the walls, covered in all manner of computer equipment and parts. Davey's personal space occupied one
corner along with three monitors, keyboard, mouse, and a few hidden workstations. The setup wasn't all that
different than his one at home, actually, except at home there was a couch, a television, rugs, and a pool just
Davey sat in profile to the door so he could see anyone coming. Today's polo was green, the jeans new. His
fingers flew over the keyboard as he read the code before him, and he spared only a mere glance for
Jason. At first. A second glance assured him who it was, and a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.
One sec, he said, lifting a hand briefly from the keys.
Jason took another step into the room, stopping behind the crappy guest chair that sat in front of one of the
tables. He held onto the back of it, fingers digging into scratchy gray material. Was it wrong that he wanted
to lick the bare line of Davey's neck, exposed by the hair hooked behind his ear? It was definitely wrong that
he found the computer nerd in his lair sexy. That just wasn't sexy. Never had been before. Had it?
Davey finished what he was typing and sat back, spinning his plushy chair to face Jason. What's up?
Jason's eyes strayed down the polo to the open vee of Davey's legs. Yeah, he could just drop to his knees,
open the fly, and take out the prize. He might have licked his lips. Certainly his face gave him away. Davey's
expression when Jason's eyes returned to his face said that.
Did you want something? Davey murmured, voice low and suggestive, the fingers of one hand stroking his
You doing lunch today?
The seduction melted with Davey's put-upon sigh. No. I gotta stay here. One of our servers got hacked over
the weekend.
Oh shit.
Davey shrugged, gaze now on the monitor. Wasn't too bad. He poked one finger at the keyboard,
distraction in his next words. They didn't get anything but I gotta make sure I shut it down. Found a fucking
loophole I need to close, and this fucking code Frowning slightly, he turned back to face the monitor.
Oh. Jason knew that tone, that look. The computer geek was fully engaged, both annoyed that someone
had attacked and excited to have a problem to tackle. Jason had seen Davey forget the physical world for
days on end before, all starting with something that prompted that look on his face. Much of the heat in
Jason's blood cooled. He stood up. You want me to bring you something?
Nah. Davey pointed at the granola bar next to the keyboard. I'm good. Thanks.
Jason left, completely unsatisfied, even though he had no idea what he'd really expected in the first place.
He was flipping through movie channels on cable when the knock sounded at his door. Glad for the
distraction, he muted the television and turned just as the door opened.
Davey breezed in and waved a brief hello, taking a plastic shopping bag with him into the kitchen.
Hello? Jason pushed off the couch and followed.
Just in time to watch Davey pull a little bin of strawberries and a canister of whipped cream from the bag.
Dessert. He put the strawberries into the sink and popped the lid. I'm going to assume you already ate.
It was ten thirty, so that was a safe bet. Also happened to be true. Jason stood in the doorway, watching
Davey from the side. He had on the same polo and jeans from work, which meant he probably hadn't been
home. The air of wired weariness clued Jason in that he'd probably only just left the office, with a short stop
at the grocery store. Did you get your problem solved?
I nailed it, Davey proclaimed with enthusiasm. He watched the water pour over the berries. Took me all
fucking day, but I found the hole and plugged it up. Turning off the water, he threw a smoldering glance at
Jason over the thick rims of his glasses. Was thinking I'd get you to plug me up now.
Jason couldn't hope to misunderstand him. The heated flush ran up his neck and face so fast it made his
head spin. He ducked his head. Jeez, Davey.
His friend laughed. No reason to be shy now.
Plastic ripped, and Jason glanced up in time to see Davey pop open the whipped cream and start to shake
it. Grinning, he plucked a huge, dripping wet strawberry from the sink and held it up toward Jason as he
spurted cream onto it. When he was done, he held the treat out toward Jason. Come here. Strawberries
were his favorite, and Davey knew it.
Jason's mouth watered, and not just for the fruit. It had to be his imagination that Davey seemed to glow in
the dim light from the hood over the stove. He bit his lip.
Davey waved the berry in a slow figure eight. Come on, Jason. You know you want it.
The berry or the man? Did it matter? No. What the hell. He'd been fantasizing about the man all day.
Pointless to resist now, right? Not letting himself dwell on it too much, he stepped forward. Davey raised the
treat, and it met Jason's lips as soon as he was an arm's length from Davey.
Good boy, Davey cooed, holding the stem as Jason bit down.
Jason frowned at the shorter man, but it was mild. He couldn't muster indignation with sweet goodness
exploding in his mouth and sexy sin staring up at him behind chunky-framed glasses.
Davey grinned and turned back to the sink, shaking the whipped cream again.
Still chewing, Jason made an abrupt decision to go on the offensive. In for a penny Davey froze, a berry
dropping back to the bin, when Jason pressed up against his back, trapping him against the counter.
Gotcha. Proud of himself to have caught Davey off guard, Jason reached around him into the sink. Davey
leaned back, skull pressing into Jason's shoulder. Smiling, Jason slipped his arm around Davey's waist as
he picked up the berry Davey had dropped. Cream? he prompted, liking the deep tone of his voice.
Davey held up the canister, aimed down, finger ready at the nozzle. Spreading his hand flat on Davey's belly,
Jason positioned the berry. Eyes mostly closed, Davey's aim was a little off. He got cream on the berry, but
just as much of it over Jason's hand.
Jason considered what he had all over his fingers. Hmm. Smiling, he brought the mess to Davey's lips.
Open up.
Green eyes glanced sideways at him, but Davey obeyed, a grin tugging up the corners of his mouth as he
bit down. Jason pulled with his other hand, snugging Davey's body up against his so that Davey couldn't
mistake the growing reaction in his shorts. He couldn't be sure if Davey's soft moan was a result of the berry,
the embrace, or both. Good boy, he murmured in Davey's ear.
The unexpected laugh made Davey bring a hand to his mouth to block strawberry and cream from spitting
out. You shit, he mumbled over a mouthful.
Just following your lead, Jason replied calmly as he licked the remaining cream from his fingers and
reached for another berry.
Davey licked cream from his own palm. That so? As Jason bit into another treat, Davey grabbed his wrist
and shoved his hand down lower until his palm covered the bulge in Davey's pants. Then, by all means,
A chunk of berry lay forgotten on his tongue as his attention dropped to where his fingers closed and
squeezed of their own accord. Since the jeans were new, he couldn't feel Davey's cock nearly as well as he
wanted to, but Davey voiced his appreciation with a moan. Fuck, that's awesome. He couldn't help it.
Strange as it was, new experience as it was, it turned him on to know that he'd made Davey hard.
Jason chewed his mouthful, enjoying the slide of sweet juice and pulp down his throat before bringing his
lips to the curl of Davey's ear. Feels like you brought me another treat.
The body in his arms shuddered minutely. Mmmm. Davey curled his free hand around Jason's at his
crotch. The silk of his hair tickled Jason's nose. Thought I'd use them to lure you into sex.
Don't need them. Jason didn't say the words, too wrapped up in slowly squeezing and releasing Davey's
cock in time to the man's breathing. Fuck, if he kept it up, he just might come in his shorts. To avoid that
embarrassment, he pulled back from Davey's ear. Catching sight of the cream canister, he plucked it from
Davey's hand and shook. Since he was watching, he saw when Davey's eyes lazily cracked open. That was
when he held the can up near Davey's lips. Open up.
Another grin as Davey parted his lips. Jason squirted a stream of stiff cream onto his tongue. He hadn't
thought far enough ahead to figure out which hand to use to turn Davey into a kiss before he had a chance
to swallow, but he needn't have worried. Davey was on his wavelength. Without closing his mouth, Davey
turned his face toward Jason's and speared his free hand into Jason's hair to pull them into a lip-lock. The
whipped cream had nothing on the intoxicating taste of Davey's mouth. Their tongues wrapped around each
other as they lapped at the melting cream and continued on when the confection was gone. It was a little
awkward since neither of them wanted Davey to turn and dislodge Jason's hand from his crotch, but they
Their lips were wet and sticky when Jason pulled back. He lapped at the corner of Davey's mouth, intrigued
by the faint scratch of stubble. Good?
Davey moaned, fingers digging into Jason's hand as he helped squeeze. So good.
Jason pressed his forehead to Davey's temple, now aware that his knees were getting weak. His cock was
certainly sucking the blood from every other organ in his body. When had his hips started to rock into
Davey's back? Fuck. The cream canister rattled from his shaky grip as he set it down.
Yes. Abruptly, Davey pushed back. Now.
Caught off guard, Jason stumbled away, but Davey's death grip on his wrist kept him upright. For a second.
Then Davey was hauling him out of the kitchen toward the living room. Laughing, Jason stopped when
Davey fell onto the couch and immediately reached for the laces of his boots.
Davey glared up at him. Quit laughing and strip.
Jason was at an advantage since he only had on shorts and a tank. He was about to shuck them when he
realized the blinds on the front windows weren't closed. He'd been so caught up in his daydreaming that
he'd forgotten. Not that his neighbors were nosy, but it was easy to see what was going on in the room with
them open.
Where're you going? Davey demanded from the couch.
Shut the blinds.
He saw Davey's reflection in the window, head popping up over the couch for a moment. Oh. Yeah, good
Jason's hand shook. They were going to do this again. This time, Davey had come to him. Did that mean
No. Just go with it.
By the time he was done and back at the couch, Davey was barefoot and down to his jeans, even his
glasses gone. He rose up in an awkward arch to dig something out of his back pocket.
Jason pulled off his tank, amused. What's that?
Davey held up a palm with three plastic packets on it, grinning wide. Lube packets. Found them at the
store. Awesome.
That made Jason laugh aloud. Davey was like a kid in Toys R Us. Strangely, Jason was the toy. And he
liked being it.
Davey dropped the packets onto the ottoman and scrambled closer to Jason. He grabbed the stretch
waistband of Jason's shorts with both hands, then pulled it out over Jason's cock and down his legs. For the
hungry look Davey gave Jason's cock, it might have been one of the strawberries they'd left behind.
Want me to go back and get the whipped cream? Jason asked, voice husky due to Davey wrapping
fingers around his shaft.
Don't need it. Davey's tongue darted out to lap at Jason's tip. Got cream right here.
Fuck. The expletive spilled from his lips as Davey sucked him in. He concentrated on the head, driving
Jason crazy as his tongue explored. God, wait. Davey's other hand had found his balls, squeezing gently.
Gotta sit.
Davey allowed that, but impatiently pushed him back into the corner so he could settle between Jason's legs
and resume activity. Jason's head fell back, hand over his eyes, unable to watch while Davey devoured him.
That busy, wet mouth slid down his shaft to nuzzle his pubes. Davey's fingers gently fondled Jason's balls
before his tongue found and bathed them.
But when his tongue ventured farther down Wait. Jason curled up in momentary panic. Davey might be
all for that, but Jason wasn't ready for it.
Without glancing up at him, Davey pulled back from the danger zone, drawing his tongue up the side of
Jason's groin as his free hand petted Jason's belly. Gradually, he lulled Jason back to relaxing, and then his
mouth returned to Jason's dick, and Jason was fully back in the swing of things.
Far too soon, and just in time, Davey pulled off Jason's cock with a wet pop. Skin flushed, eyes glittering, he
stood. Here. He tossed one of the lube packets to Jason. Wet that down.
Jason sat up and ripped open the plastic while Davey shucked his jeans. What the? He sniffed the
liquid, then examined the package. Strawberry flavored?
Davey chuckled, tossing his jeans aside. Theme of the night.
Jason laughed softly, covering his erection with the strong-smelling lube while Davey knelt in front of him. He
paused, taking a good look at Davey's ass before giving in to temptation. He reached forward, held one
cheek with his dry hand, and toyed with Davey's puckered hole with wet fingers.
Don't worry about that, Davey threw over his shoulder, despite rocking back into Jason's fingers. Just fuck
Don't you like this? Jason demonstrated by pushing two fingers past the tight ring of Davey's anus.
Davey dissolved against the arm of the couch.
Jason took that as a yes. He smeared lube inside, enjoying the pull as muscles clamped around him. Fake
strawberry scent mixed with the sharp musk of Davey's body, making Jason light-headed.
Then the cursing started, mostly murmurs muffled into the cushion of the couch. Jason knew when Davey
was really into it, because the words spilled nonsensically from his lips. He knew by that that it was time to
switch. Taking one last rub of a spot that made Davey's whole back shake, he pulled his fingers out and
readjusted to get closer. Davey hissed when Jason rubbed the head of his cock over that tight pink hole.
You want this?
Damn it, you know I do.
Jason pushed in until the rim of his cock popped inside. Davey's back arched as he howled through gritted
Intrigued, Jason reached forward to twine an arm around Davey's chest, pulling the other man up onto his
knees, closer. He braced one leg on the floor, supporting them both as the new position allowed Davey's
weight to settle him on Jason's cock. Davey loved it, clutching the back of the couch, reaching up and over
to grip Jason's neck, all the while spouting sweet obscenities. Jason concentrated on him rather than the
velvet squeeze of Davey's channel, trying his damnedest to make this last. Still holding Davey up with one
arm, he managed to balance so the other was free to let his hand slide down and wrap around Davey's
Oh, fuck yeah! Davey was caught and wasn't able to move much, but he managed to writhe in a most
exquisite way.
Damn, Davey, Jason growled, hearing the Southern boy pour out of his mouth, feeling it affect Davey as it
affected most of his lovers.
Damn it, Jason, Davey gritted. More. Need more.
Whatever you say. He used his weight to take Davey down to the couch, covering the smaller man with his
body. He kept his hold on Davey's cock, still-wet fingers pumping the shaft.
Davey adjusted on his knees, clutching the cushions, giving Jason a better position to allow him to start a
good, steady thrusting rhythm. They rocked together until sweat from Jason's neck dripped down on
Davey's back. Davey swore at him, and it was the sweetest of melodies, in harmony with the buzz in Jason's
blood as he began to lose control.
Gonnacome. He grunted, wanting Davey to know, wanting Davey to come with him.
Eager fingers batted his aside from Davey's cock, taking up a more punishing rhythm. Davey keened,
curses melting into primal grunts and whines. Jason knew when he came, because his entire body froze,
shook, then broke into spasms like he'd exploded, and the grip on his cock doubled, squeezing the life out
of him. Jason could barely thrust through that grip. He cried out, clutching the couch as he lost control of his
hips. He let go, and the fire ripped through him, shattering every bone in his body.
So good.
Jason managed enough strength to push back on his knees so he didn't topple over onto Davey. He sat
back on his side of the couch and watched Davey crumble with a satisfied sigh. His head was propped up
on the arm, so Jason could see his profile through locks of sweaty hair, smiling as though he'd just won a
It didn't last long. After a few minutes of simply breathing, he stirred and pushed up, twisting so he lay on his
side. It allowed him to fully look at Jason while he wiped the spunk from his hand onto his belly. Don't you
see how perfect this is?
Jason's mind reeled with a dozen possible meanings of that. He knew better than to think he could guess.
Davey pulled up farther, then got distracted by the wet spot on the couch near his crotch. All over his polo
shirt, which was too conveniently placed for Davey not to have put it there. He held it up and laughed. Hey, I
saved your couch. Shirt's toast, though.
Jason shot forward to grab his arm, stopping him. Who cares? He put as much command as he thought
would work into his words as he met Davey's gaze. What did you mean?
Green eyes widened under raised brows as thoughts of mutiny flitted through them, but he relented. He even
smiled. This thing we have now. This is perfect. We get to get our rocks off, and don't have to deal with any
of that shit that women bring into it.
God. He let Davey's arm go and flopped back. You are just completely against women, aren't you?
Davey was back to messing with the shirt, using it to wipe his hand dry. Not completely. Women are fine.
Some of 'em are even great. But they tend to equate sex with relationships, and it just doesn't have to be
that way.
Some men do too.
That got him a glance, but a brief one. Davey continued to carefully wipe his hand and thigh. Jason, don't
make this out to be bad. We both enjoy it.
I'm not saying we don't.
What are you saying?
Jason sighed, lifting a hand to cover his eyes. I don't know. I'm confused. I never thought I'd be in this
Neither would anyone else. Which makes it more perfect. No one will suspect.
They will if they catch us together.
So we don't let that happen.
Oh, come on. Odds are against us.
Davey sighed, twisting to sit up properly, then grimacing. He stood, shirt in hand. Time out. I've got to wash
Jason watched him go, aware of the zing of lust that speared through him at the sight of his semen dribbling
down the back of Davey's thigh.
As the bathroom door closed, Jason sat forward with a growl. Think. He stood and headed for the kitchen.
So he liked having sex with Davey. That was disturbing enough, maybe more so in that he thought he should
have much more of a negative reaction. So he might be gay. He'd deal with that one later, considering he
knew that he had a thing for women. He moved through the kitchen to the laundry room, where he grabbed a
towel off the pile to be washed. A sniff and a feel told him that it wasn't too dirty, and he used it to wipe
sweat, lube, and semen from his skin. So Davey wanted to continue doing this on the sly. Which made
Jason what? A booty call? A convenient fuck? That put him on level with Melanie, who didn't seem to mind,
but she wasn't looking for any ties. Well, neither was Jason, but come on. As he returned to the living room,
he got an absurd flash of a possible future where he was married, still friends with Davey, and fucking him
on the sly. That was just all kinds of wrong. But what was the alternative? Davey might be willing to be single
for the rest of his life, but that wasn't Jason's plan. He'd always known he'd hook up with someone, assumed
he'd have a family. How much of that was his true desire and how much was just assumption based on how
he grew up? Okay, that was worth dwelling on. Later. Now
The bathroom door opened, but Davey didn't immediately appear. While Jason found his shorts and put
them on, he heard a drawer open and close. He was frowning at the doorway when Davey came through it,
pulling on one of Jason's old T-shirts. When his head emerged, hair damp and skin freshly rinsed, he saw
Jason staring at him. Do you mind? Mine's not fit to wear home.
Wasn't anything new. Davey'd worn his shirts before. Davey could, being smaller. It's just that Jason had
never really thought of him as cute before. The hem barely passed his crotch, but it still looked huge on him.
Jason wanted to jump him again.
Oh man. He groaned, sinking back onto the couch, head in hands.
Now what?
Nothing. Just going to take me some time to get used to this.
He heard clothing rustle. It's not that big of a deal. You've had lovers before.
None of them like this.
Okay, take the fact that I'm a guy out of the equation.
Jason lifted his head. Davey had pulled on his briefs and was now turning his jeans the right way to step into
It's more than that. You're my best friend.
Which should make this less complicated. What is it? Is it keeping a secret from the others that bugs you?
Among other things.
Jeans were now up at his waist, nimble fingers working at the zipper. Fine. You want to tell them?
I thought you didn't want to.
I don't. But I'm aware that it's not just me here.
Jason gaped.
Davey sighed. All right. I admit that I didn't think this through thoroughly before it happened. He sat an
arm's length away from Jason and pulled his socks and boots closer. I let my curiosity get the better of me,
and I dragged you into it.
Curiosity? A bad word to use with Davey, who was your typical cat.
He got a sidelong glance, followed by a single-shoulder shrug. It started the night we were all with Jen.
Jason recalled that vividly. Four men and one woman. One woman they all cherished as a friend. Not until
around that time had they realized that one of them cherished her more than the rest. He didn't begrudge
what Ken and Jen had, but it might have been nice to explore the group thing for a while. Yeah?
Yeah. I watched you with her, and I wasfascinated. That might not have been the word he wanted to use.
He concentrated on tying one boot. I liked watching you fuck.
Jason blinked, poleaxed. Jason would admit that pretty much all of his attention had been on Jen that night.
Sure, it was cool to watch her with other guys, but his focus hadn't been on Davey or Bart. Me?
Davey laughed. You do it with abandon. It's terrific to watch.
His thoughts flew. So the threesomes?
Davey nodded, pushing his foot into his other boot. Yep.
Just to watch me?
Well, I can't say I hadn't thought of threesomes before, but I'd never really wanted to orchestrate one until
Jason slouched back on the couch. You're an odd little man. He stared at Davey's back.
Proven fact, yes.
Okay. So, now?
Right. He kept tying his boot. Once Melanie mentioned it, I couldn't help but wonder what it'd be like with
you myself.
So this was Melanie's fault.
Davey sat up straight. Yeah. We shouldn't tell her, though. We'd never hear the end of it. He turned, bringing
one knee up onto the couch so he could face Jason. If his confessions bothered him, none of it showed.
Aside from a sex flush and a certain glitter in his eyes, he seemed perfectly calm. This is all brand-new. You
know how it is when you sleep with someone for the first time. There's that initial rush when you can't think of
anything else. That's where we are.
Which was Davey's way of confessing that he'd been thinking about Jason a lot too. That made Jason feel a
little better.
I propose we ride it out. Davey laid a hand on Jason's bare knee and squeezed. Doesn't hurt anyone, and
we get our jollies. Once it all wears off, we deal with that then.
Once it all wears off.
Davey grinned. It always wears off. You know that.
And why did that bug him? Yeah.
I suggest we don't tell anyone, because they'll make a big deal of it. Analyze it. Make it much more than it
needs to be. You know if we tell this to Jen or Bart, they'll never see us the same again.
Maybe they shouldn't. But he kept his mouth shut. Anything he said now would have little thought behind it,
and with Davey, that was like going into a gunfight with a gun containing only one bulletyou might hit
something, but chances were you'd be shooting blanks. He did nod, though, conceding Davey's point.
Davey rose to his knee, leaning closer to Jason. Wide-eyed, Jason watched him come.
Sandra Bullock.
Jason blinked. What?
Kerri Walsh. Jessica Simpson. Tamera Young.
Jason scowled, watching Davey hover over his shoulder while he named famous women Jason thought
were hot. What are you doing?
Reminding you that you still like women.
Jason was laughing before he knew it, but he couldn't look away from Davey's face. Kiss me now, and that'll
ruin the effect.
He didn't know why he said it, but interesting that he did. Caught Davey off guard, displayed by the blink,
then the wide eyes. It was brief, and he would have missed it if Davey's face wasn't right there. Then the
eyes rolled, and Davey pulled back so he could stand. This is two healthy, horny men exploring new
territory. Don't make it a lifestyle change.
You mean, don't say that we're gay.
At most, we're bisexual.
Jason was laughing again but groaning inside.
He opened his eyes when he felt Davey's hand on his shoulder. The man stood behind the couch, keys in
hand, tainted shirt balled up and tucked in one armpit. Get some sleep. He patted Jason's shoulder, then
moved toward the front door. I'll see you tomorrow.
Jason stared at the television, listening to the front door open and close. He didn't move until the purr of
Davey's Mustang faded into the night air.
Was it all as simple as Davey said? If it wasn't, was Jason up to the challenge? Trouble was, he still couldn't
really figure out what was going on, so decisions were difficult. His natural instinct was to make more of the
sex than Davey wanted him to. Maybe Davey was right and a casual thing would be good for him. Or maybe
they were caught in the initial rush of lust, just like Davey said, and he should ride it out until things cooled
off. Trying to shut off his attraction to Davey now would be like trying to stuff an elephant into a breadbox.
He closed his eyes, too tired to deal. So he let his thoughts drift to stuffing more pleasant things into tight
little orifices.
Chapter Nineteen
He couldn't miss the roar of the Mustang pulling into the driveway. Jason shut the laptop and took it back to
Davey's desk to plug it in. He's early. It was ten at night, but Jason hadn't expected him back until much later
that night, if not early morning.
Davey was just coming out of the kitchen, Scraps sniffing around his feet, when Jason came into the living
room. They both stopped, each shadowed by the dim light of the one lamp by the couch.
Did you come straight from dinner? Jason asked, gesturing at the dark jacket and tie that Davey still wore.
Davey glanced down at himself. Snorted. Yeah. He looked back up at Jason. What are you doing here?
His tone was clipped, brows drawn in a frown that looked like he'd worn it for a few hours.
Jason didn't take it personally; he knew the reason. He jabbed a thumb back the way he'd come. Came to
use your computer. A lie, but a small one. Truthfully, Jason had wanted to be there when Davey got home
from his father's birthday dinner.
Davey shrugged, accepting what he said at face value. He headed for the stairs, shedding his jacket along
the way.
Relieved not to have his excuse exposed, Jason followed Scraps after his master. How'd it go?
It went.
Jason took a deep breath. This was what he'd been afraid of. Davey's parents had this effect on him. Add
his brother into the mix, and Jason didn't want Davey to be alone to stew. Better that he talk it out and blow
off some steam. Jason leaned in the doorway of the bedroom, hands deep in the pockets of his shorts as
he watched Davey drape the jacket on a chair. What's Gerald up to these days?
No wrong, Davey murmured, sinking onto the side of the bed. He yanked his tie loose but left it around his
neck. Sold another company. About to buy another. Showed up in a fucking Humvee. Ditched wife number
four and has already found potential wife number five.
Ouch. Was she with him?
The cat curled up on Davey's pillow lifted her head, wary of her owner's jerky movements. Of course. Think
he'd come to see my mother without a woman in tow to distract her?
Damn. Didn't he just marry the latest wife last year?
Yep. He didn't hurl his dress shoes toward the closet, but they were thrown with perhaps more force than
Please tell me he didn't get this one pregnant.
Can't do that. Eyes glittered in the lamplight as he sneered. The baby was there too.
Davey was a four-time uncle and had yet to see any of his nieces or nephew past the time they were three
years old, much less spend any time with them. Jason knew his own nieces and nephews and couldn't
imagine a family where Davey didn't enjoy the pleasure of being an uncle.
Wait. Jason edged into the room, propped his butt up against the dresser, and crossed his arms. I thought
you said he was done with that wife.
I did. Socks followed shoes. You'll love this. The new one was the nanny. Conveniently, it's Gerald's
weekend to have custody.
Jason gaped. Get out.
No joke.
What an asshole.
My mother was pleased. He tore his black shirt out of his waistband and started at the buttons. Baby and
Jason silently damned the people who caused the misery Jason knew supported Davey's anger. Keeping
his own anger under wraps, he dropped into a squat to pet the dog, who seemed to be as worried about his
owner as Jason was. Who else was there?
The shirt parted to reveal caramel skin. Jason and Davey had been doing their thing now for about a month,
so Jason well knew just how smooth that skin was and how firm the muscles beneath were. My parents,
Gerald, and his whatever. He pulled the shirt off of his shoulders, only then realizing he'd failed to unbutton
his cuffs. He was so beautiful with the dark fabric draped low over his elbows and the lamplight glowing
softly on his shoulders and hairthe hair that was now almost long enough to brush his shoulders, plenty of
strands to tangle in Jason's fingers. Not that Jason could tell him he was beautiful, of course. Some of my
father's family. My mother's sister and my cousin and her baby. He growled, freeing the cuffs, then shoving
the shirt from his person. About a dozen, not counting the infants. A lovely dinner to be had by all, and not a
genuine emotion at the table.
Here it comes.
Davey threw the shirt behind him, tie still buttoned up in the collar. It barely missed Ginger, who decided the
bed was not the best place to be at the moment and hopped off. Davey stood, hands at his belt buckle. I
was made aware that I was the only cousin remaining to marry. No one made mention that all but one are
divorced and twoincluding my brotherare on subsequent marriages. I am also the only one who had yet
to spill my seed into a fertile body. Again, no one mentioned that, with one exception, I was the only man at
the table besides my father who doesn't pay alimony or child support. Oh, waithe snapped his fingers,
and the parody of a smile he aimed at Jason was scaryI'm wrong. My cousin Dave is receiving alimony
from his ex. That was a big joke that entertained everyone. They actually congratulated the brainless fuck.
He yanked open his pants and shoved them down his legs. As usual, no one gave a shit what I'd done. I
didn't even bother trying to tell them, because most of them don't know the difference between an e-mail and
a Web site, and most of them hadn't even heard of Twitter. He laughed, an awful, bitter bark. Oh, and my
iPhone is a neat toy, by the way.
Ripping out of his briefs, he stomped naked into the bathroom. The door didn't close. Jason could hear him
muttering over the hiss of running water.
Jason exchanged glances with Scraps, gave the dog a reassuring pat, then got to his feet. His own anger
took a backseat to concern for his friend. Normally, Davey didn't tell anyone when he was visiting his family.
But the one time Jason had been there when Davey's parents paid a surprise visit to his house, Davey had
vented in a similar manner afterward. Since he'd heard about the birthday dinner, Jason had planned to be
here to give his friend some company who cared.
He sat on the edge of the bed. This has to be why he hates relationships. Jason had given a lot of thought to
the way Davey approached relationships, and that was the best explanation he could come up with. Even
though he'd been born to a couple who'd been together for over forty years, the rest of Davey's family was
so morally bankrupt that Davey had learned to keep people at bay. His parents hadn't provided much of a
buffer, happy to let their little computer genius spend all his time at his keyboard.
He watched Scraps and Ginger sniff at Davey's discarded clothing while listening to their owner finish up in
the bathroom. He looked up as Davey reentered the room. You want me to stick around?
Naked, Davey stood in the doorframe, laser eyes fixed on Jason. I should have brought you with me. Told
them what we've been doing. Let them think I'm gay. That would throw them into a tailspin.
Jason frowned as Davey laid his glasses on the dresser. His first instinct was to be offended, but he
squashed it. His friend's usually sharp mind was off track at the moment.
Maybe that would get them to leave me alone for good, Davey grumbled as he stalked toward the bed.
Jason fell back obediently when Davey shoved him onto the mattress, welcoming the lithe body that crawled
up over him. Thought you didn't want to tell anyone, Jason murmured, striving for casual as he slid his
hands up Davey's sides.
Davey paused, focus gone for a second as he realized what he'd said. I don't. He yanked up the hem of
Jason's shirt, baring his belly for a nibble.
Jason let it go, knowing Davey wanted him to. He shuddered as Davey nipped around his navel.
Davey's fingers made quick work of the button and zipper of his shorts. Up.
Jason lifted his hips and scooted back on the bed as Davey divested him of the shorts and the briefs
beneath. He attended to his own shirt as Davey crawled back on the bed between his thighs and hovered
over his crotch. Time for talk was clearly at an end. Jason's cock didn't seem to share his mind's slight
trepidation at the vigor with which Davey attacked him. That he was still angry was clear. That the sex was a
way to blow off steam was also clear. Jason could only hang on and hope his friend's natural control was in
force. When Davey swallowed him nearly whole after licking him wet and squeezing him hard, there was no
more room in Jason's blood-deprived brain to worry anymore. He let his lover hear his enjoyment through
gasps and groans, sifting his fingers through Davey's hair while trying not to grab hold and fuck his face
He protested with a cry when Davey popped off and pulled away, but silently agreed that the timing was
probably good if Jason had any hope of holding off until he had his dick stuffed deep in Davey's body. He
stayed on his back as Davey retrieved the lube, then watched with interest as the smaller man crawled up
on the bed and straddled Jason's chest, facing away. Ah. He knew what Davey wanted and adjusted with
him as Davey backed up and leaned over. It exposed that cute little hole, bright pink and smelling of soap.
Jason grinned as he ran his tongue over it, appreciating that Davey thought of this even in his pique. Davey
groaned, rewarding Jason's attentions by closing his lips back around the tip of Jason's cock. Happily,
Jason slurped and pushed at Davey's anus, wetting it as thoroughly as he could while Davey swallowed him
down. When Davey's attention grew sloppy, Jason made it worse by gripping Davey's cock and stroking just
the way he liked it.
Somehow Davey managed to find the bottle of lube without dislodging Jason. Cool liquid dribbled over
Jason's cock, milling with the hot saliva that already coated it. When Davey had things as wet as he liked
them, he pried Jason's hand from his cock and crawled forward. Jason adjusted, one hand splayed on
Davey's lower back, the other gripping his cock and holding it steady as Davey lowered himself onto it.
They'd only tried this position recently, but Davey seemed to like it. It put him physically in charge and let him
use thighs made powerful from swimming as he lifted himself up and dropped back down on Jason's dick.
Jason held his hips, more to steady himself than Davey. He watched, fascinated as Davey's body
swallowed him up, then nearly let him go. Breathless obscenities spilled from Davey's mouth with less
conviction than usual. The trailing ends of his hair brushed his spine, emphasizing the clear, smooth
expanse of his back.
With a small whimper of his own, Jason shoved up, first to his elbows, then to a proper sitting position, his
movement pulling the smaller man as they repositioned. He growled low his appreciation when he could
wind his arms around his lover, hugging him chest to back. The position allowed him to bury his nose in the
bend of Davey's neck while freeing his hands to roam the firm muscles of chest and belly and the proud
upthrust of his cock. All throughout, Davey kept working his hips, grinding Jason's dick as deep into his ass
as he could. Unintelligible words degenerated into moans as he picked up speed, orgasm approaching
fast. Jason bit his shoulder and gripped his cock, giving him something to strive against, the resistance that
he needed to spur him on. It worked. His arm came up, and his fingers tangled in Jason's hair, keeping his
face where biting and kissing Davey's shoulder and neck were imperative. Feeling the boil in his own balls,
Jason slapped Davey's hip, jacking him faster. They strove together, mattress creaking beneath them.
Davey came on a shout, body shuddering, ass clamping down on Jason. He cried out again and came
harder when Jason bit into his shoulder. Jason held him through it, holding out until Davey was almost spent.
Then he let go, leaned back, and used both hands on Davey's hips to move the other man, using him to set
off an orgasm, then coming deep into his body.
Spent, Jason fell back on the bed. Davey fell forward, catching himself on arms braced on the bed. They
stayed that way, Jason's cock slowly slipping free as it softened. Davey waited until then to move, groaning
as he crawled off the bed. Jason watched him when he returned with a cloth, approving of the sated
exhaustion that made his movements boneless. Jason pushed him to lie down and took the cloth back to
the bathroom himself. By the time he returned to the bed, Ginger was curled up in her accustomed spot over
Davey's head, and her master was fast asleep.
Propped on an arm behind him, Jason studied his profile. Davey looked so oddly vulnerable in sleep, the
only time he didn't seem to be scheming. Jason trailed his fingers over Davey's shoulder and dared to drop
a brief kiss on the curve of muscle before he reached over the smaller man to shut off the lamp. He settled
on his side behind Davey, his eyes adjusting to the dark as he stared at Davey's silhouette.
I love you. He'd been avoiding the words, would still avoid them for fear of Davey calling quits, but the truth of
them rang clear. He waited for the panic that didn't come. Why panic? The man was his best friend. They
knew each other better than anyone else. He was not only willing but wanted to be the one Davey turned to
when he needed someone. He'd do all he could to fill in the gaps left by a family who could never fully
appreciate Davey.
Now he just needed to figure out how to convince Davey.
Chapter Twenty
So you'll come?
Jason unlocked the Explorer but didn't get in. Yeah, sure. He turned to face Jen and Ken, who stood with
him in the office parking lot. I wasn't planning anything for Halloween anyway. And after the game last night, I
don't think I'm up for going to the bar.
My thoughts exactly, Jen agreed, shaking her head. I was depressed all night. That sixth-inning homer
Jason held up a hand. Please. Let's not relive it. Neither the Phillies nor the Yankees were his personal
favorite team, but he was rooting for the Phillies to win the series.
Ken chuckled, adjusting his sunglasses over his eyes as he glanced toward the setting sun. Under the
shadow of their building, the late-afternoon gleam of the orange-red sun didn't hit them directly, but it could
be seen through the line of trees along the top of the hill between them and the freeway. Cool. We'll see you
at Bart's tomorrow, then? We'll bring candy in case he gets trick-or-treaters.
Jason laughed. At his place? Not likely. He kept his tone casual as he opened the driver-side door to toss
in his padded laptop case. You talk to Davey yet?
Not yet. He didn't answer his cell.
Was he even here today? Jen asked.
Yeah, Ken answered. I IM'd him this morning but haven't heard from him after lunch.
Jason shrugged as he turned back to face them. Probably working late.
Yeah. We'll try him later. You'll mention it if you talk to him?
He breathed easy. Careful listening didn't detect any hidden meaning to their words or implication that
Jason was more likely to know where Davey was. Over a month now they'd been having sex, and their
friends didn't know. Jason still didn't like keeping the secret, but so far he'd managed to keep Davey happy.
Will do.
Jen stepped forward to stroke Jason's arm. Okay, see you tomorrow, then.
He leaned over and brushed his lips over her cheek. She was a lot more touchy-feely since this summer. He
approved, and Ken didn't seem to mind. See ya.
He and Ken bumped fists, and then he and Jen headed to their car. Jason watched with envy as their hands
found each other in a comfortable grasp. A couple who could show themselves publicly. Something he
couldn't have with Davey. He snorted, getting into his car. It wasn't even the gay thing that was the worry. He
believed he'd come to terms with that. Jason was pretty sure Davey wouldn't openly hold hands with him
even if one of them were a girl.
Mildly amused as he pictured either himself or Davey as a woman, Jason allowed it to lift him from what
could have started a depression as he drove home. He'd never been much for dwelling. Things were what
they were. He had what he had now with Davey, and even if it was flawed, it was fantastic. That had been
proven last week when they'd taken two days off to attend the play-off game down in LA. As soon as they'd
left the city limits, Davey had become surprisingly more demonstrative. He kept it toned down in public, but
he had definitely brushed up against Jason more than usual, and most of the smiles they shared were
steeped in their secret. The sex that night had been wildly explosive, leaving the single hotel bed they'd
shared damp and reeking of sweat and sex. That trip had renewed Jason's hope. If they could share time
like that, then maybe all Jason had to do was wait for Davey to clue in.
As he neared his freeway exit, Jason fingered the cell phone that lay on the seat next to him. Two exits
ahead would take him to his place; a third would take him to Davey's. He hadn't been alone with Davey
since they'd gotten back from LA. The previous night, they'd gone to the bar with their friends to see the
second game of the World Series. Tonight was a travel day, so no game. If they were going to spend the
day with their friends tomorrow, it might be a good idea to get together tonight.
Aware of his rationalization, he thumbed open his phone and speed-dialed Davey. The ringtone filled the
car through the Bluetooth he'd had installed recently. But after four rings, a recording of Davey's voice
picked up. It's Davey Ghent. Leave a message.
Damn. It's me. You're probably still at work. I'm headed home. Bart's having us over tomorrow for the game.
So He stopped himself from saying that they should get together tonight because of that. Too much like
dating. See ya. Lame. He shut off the call before he could say anything stupid and refused to acknowledge
the disappointment in his gut.
Twenty minutes later, he was home and changed into sweats and a T-shirt. As he stared into his refrigerator,
it dawned on him just how much time he'd been spending at Davey's. The results of his last grocery trip had
all gone to what he thought of as his other kitchen. A quick tally, and he was pretty sure he had at least two
pair of jeans, a few pairs of shorts that could double as swim trunks, and a half dozen T-shirts at the other
man's house. He laid his forehead against the cool metal of the refrigerator, allowing himself a wishful
moment that he was at Davey's now. But there wasn't any use calling. Davey would check his messages. He
was religious about it. If he wanted to see Jason, he would call.
With a sigh, Jason settled on making himself a grilled ham-and-cheese sandwich. He caught himself turning
to throw scraps of sliced meat to the dog or catwho, of course, wasn't there. Damn, man, you've got it
The sandwich sustained him through an extended search of cable channels, which settled him on the Atlanta
Hawks game.
He heard his front door open, and he grinned, assuming it was Davey. He sat up to look over the back of the
couch. Glee practically levitated him to his feet when Davey walked in. The grin froze, and gravity brought
him back down to one knee on the couch when Melanie followed him. Davey looked a little frazzled, but he
wore a wicked smile, shared only with Jason as he crossed the room. His gray polo shirt was untucked, and
his boots clomped on the floor. Melanie quietly closed the door, brightening up the entryway in a shapeless,
loose, lime green blouse over her jeans.
Jason struggled to find words but didn't manage before Davey stood before him.
Hey, the smaller man greeted, gripping the back of the couch as he leaned over to brush lips with Jason.
Jason's mouth fell open in further shock.
Chuckling, Davey took advantage, slipping his tongue into the opening and tilting his head so their lips
could fit better. Jason could hear the chunky heels of Melanie's shoes approaching, which kept him from fully
enjoying the kiss.
Davey pulled back slowly, wicked grin in place beneath twinkling green eyes. Did you miss me?
Jason glanced at Melanie, who now stood at one end of the couch, watching happily. Uh
She knows.
She does?
I told her.
He felt his brows crowd closer to his eyes as he tracked Davey's progress around the far end of the couch.
You did?
Davey shrugged, supremely unconcerned. She started it. Seemed appropriate.
Jason twisted around to fall back down on his rump. They came at him from both sides, closing in like
wolves on the hunt. Melanie reached him first, seating herself on the couch cushions right at his side. If her
smile were any bigger, it'd break her face.
How long have you known? he asked.
She shook her head, red hair bouncing around her ears thanks to a sporty new cut. He hadn't seen her for
weeks and was reasonably certain Davey hadn't had the time to see her either. Just tonight when Davey
came to pick me up.
Jason stayed still as Davey lowered to straddle his lap. So very familiar now, so welcome, except the
audience kept Jason from enjoying it fully. Davey had already set aside his glasses, so nothing got in the
way of the smoldering look he gave Jason. His lips looked so very pink within a shadow of dark, early-
evening stubble. Jason locked gazes with Davey and hoped his eyes conveyed the many questions he
wasn't asking. I thought we weren't talking to anyone else about this?
Davey rested his forearms on Jason's shoulders, allowing his fingers to play with the short hair above the
back of Jason's neck. He settled forward, bringing his groin so very close to Jason's, the ease of his
posture clearly showing they were now used to this. We're not talking about Mel with anyone else either.
She braced an elbow on the back of the couch, propping her hand on her palm. Don't worry, sweetie. I
wouldn't dream of telling.
Though he monitored her out of the corner of his eye, Jason's focus remained on Davey, who slid one hand
down Jason's shoulder to his chest. Besides, it's been a while since the three of us fucked. He pinched
Jason's nipple, and his tongue appeared between his teeth as his grin widened to split his lips. Think of
how much fun we can have now.
Jason kept his eyes open and lips lax as Davey leaned in for another kiss. His brain was whirling. On the
one hand, fuck yeah! He couldn't avoid the instant image of his cock deep in Davey's ass as Davey's was
deep in Melanie's pussy. What kind of cursing and bucking would that little body do when he got it from both
sides? His mind's eye saw sucking Davey's cock while Melanie sucked his, fucking Davey while Mel
sucked him off. Definitely sexy. But
Davey pulled back, frowning now. What?
Jason stared at him. Sure, that stuff would be hot, but it wasn't what he wanted. He stared into green eyes
and only wanted green eyes, only wanted the weight currently on his lap. His body was willing enough; the
boner tenting his sweats was evidence of that. But You could have warned me.
Surprised, Davey sat back, palms lightly braced on Jason's chest. Why?
Aware Melanie was watching, he kept his eyes on Davey. Was that? Yes, it was. Anger. Nagging, nipping
anger pushed the next words from his mouth. How come you get to choose who knows and who doesn't?
Davey's eyebrows flew up in shock. What?
Get off me.
Not needing further prompting, Davey stood.
Jason stood too, his shin roughly pushing aside the oversize ottoman on his way to the other side of the
room. I should at least have a say who else knows about this, since you made me keep it a secret.
I made you?
You absolutely fucking did. He spun to face Davey, trying to tamp what he realized was an explosion. But it
was kind of like trying to put the cork back in a champagne bottle after it first popped. We can't tell Jen,
Bart, and Ken, but you decide it's okay to tell Mel? Sorry, Mel.
She shook her head, lips slightly parted in shocked concern as she silently looked from Jason to Davey and
Davey's head tilted forward so his eyes were mostly shadowed as he glared at Jason. Telling Mel's a little
different, don't you think? We've been fucking with Mel. We could be now if you'd stop
That's it. We've been fucking with Mel. Is that fair to her? To bring her into this now?
Surprise made Davey shake his head. What are you talking about?
Jesus H. Christ, you just don't get it, do you?
I guess not. Why don't you explain it?
Hello? I'm in this too, you know. I should get a say in who knows about it.
Fine. I won't tell anyone else withoutWhat?
Jason was shaking his head, turning his back to the man before he closed the distance between them and
shook him. You need to leave.
Get out.
He didn't need to see it to feel the instant fury that took Davey. Right then, he didn't care if it was in anger
he needed Davey to leave.
Fuck you. Davey's boots thumped over the floor, his glasses making a slight scraping sound as he
snatched them from the chest against the wall.
Jason saw Melanie out of the corner of his eye, approaching him. He held up a hand. Please, Mel, just go.
Jason, I
Leave him the fuck alone, Davey snapped from the front door.
Jason glanced toward her, but his eyes never quite met hers. Just go, Mel.
I'm so sorry. With that quiet, breathless apology, she fled.
Jason kept his focus on the wall until long after his front door slammed.
It might as well have slammed on his heart, cut open his throat, and spilled his life's blood on the floor. He
stumbled back to the couch and fell, elbows bent to press the heels of his hands to his eyeballs in a vain
attempt to staunch the flow of tears. That was it. He'd blown it. Despite the anger that still simmered in his
blood, he knew he'd made a mistake. A big one. He should have just slept with them, both of them. Sex was
still sex, right? And it would have included Davey. It's not like he hadn't known the subject would come up.
Like he'd said, Mel had started Davey to thinking about them; it did make sense that she know. Even made
sense that she was the only one to know.
He dropped his hands and stared at the ceiling, letting the tears flow. You're a fucking idiot, he told himself.
No one was around to dispute his statement.
Chapter Twenty-one
He doubted Bart bought his excuse, but Jason didn't really care. Rather than go to see the World Series
game and spend Halloween with his friends, he lay on his bedhis actual bed, rather than his couchand
stared up at the darkened ceiling. Life went on, enjoying the warm, early-autumn afternoon outside his
apartment, but he ignored it.
A sleepless night hadn't given him answers to his problem with Davey. Nor had he talked to Davey in any
Mel had been sweet. It had taken her about two hours after she and Davey had left Jason's house, but she
somehow found his number and left a message on his machine. He'd heard it only because he couldn't be
bothered to get up. I'm so sorry, Jason, she said after a halfhearted try at getting him to pick up. I didn't
realize. I just want you to know that I didn't sleep with Davey. I made him take me home. We didn't go back
to his place or do anything or God, Jason, I didn't know you two She left her number with a lackluster
request for him to call her, then hung up.
He felt kind of bad about that. It wasn't her fault. She'd done nothing wrong. Hell, it wasn't even Davey's fault.
He hadn't done anything Jason shouldn't have expected. Davey wasn't the one who'd taken things in a new
direction. He'd been, as he'd always been, very direct in what he wanted and very clear that what he and
Jason had was just sex. If it was anyone's fault, it was Jason's. He accepted that. But until it stopped hurting,
he'd just lie there. Stare at the ceiling. Wasn't so bad. He drifted in and out of fitful dozes, wondering if a
person could just waste away and how long that would take.
How maudlin.
The knocking at his door about an hour after he called Bart didn't really surprise him. He didn't care. He
didn't get up.
Jason? Jen. How nice of her. Over the rapid rapping of her knuckles she sounded concerned. Jason, I
know you're in there. Your car's in the drive.
He could have taken a walk. He could be out with a friend she didn't know. He had a few of those. Might be
time to get closer to them. Wasn't fair to ask Jen, Ken, and Bart to choose between him and Davey.
The sound of a key in the lock did surprise him. Frowning, he sat up, listening as his front door opened.
Damn. He'd given Ken a key once to watch his apartment. What Ken had, Jen had. Thus, their murmured
voices followed the opening of the door.
Jason? Jen called.
Yo, Jase? Ken, right behind her.
Reluctantly, Jason rose from his mattress and shuffled toward the door.
Jen was just a few feet shy of the same opening and stopped when she saw him. She was dressed for the
game in a dark-sleeved jersey and jeans, a Dodgers cap taming her long brown hair. Ken was a few steps
behind her, similarly dressed, except his team of choice was the Angels. Surprisingly, they weren't alone.
Bart was closing the front door. The black T-shirt under his white Dodgers jersey had seen better days, as
had the jeans.
Davey stood halfway between the front door and the bedroom door.
Time stopped. Jason felt dizzy. He grabbed onto the frame of his door, leaning against one side. What was
he doing here? And why did he have to look terrific? A baseball cap must have recently been on his head,
because that shining hair still bore the mark of it, even if it was obvious fingers had been through the sleek
brown strands. He wore a Braves T-shirt that had been worn to the point that it was tissue-thin andJason
happened to knowsuper-soft. His jeans rode low on his hips, the pair Jason liked most because they
were just a little too snug around his butt and thighs. If Jason didn't know better, he'd think Davey had
dressed to entice him. The shirt was one of the first things Jason ever bought as a gift for his friend. But that
was ridiculous. The snapping anger behind the lenses of his glasses told Jason very clearly that Davey was
beyond pissed.
Jen got between them, stopping in front of Jason to reach up and grab his jaw with both hands, forcing him
to look down at her. You don't look sick.
He grimaced and pulled his face from her grasp. I'm tired. Didn't sleep well last night.
So? That keeps you from a World Series game?
He shrugged, switching his grip from the edge of the doorframe to the top, hooking his fingers on the tiny
ledge created by the molding. I just didn't feel like it. He stared at the floor and immediately went on the
defensive, knowing he didn't have a good argument for staying away. Well, other than the truth, which he
couldn't reveal. What's the big deal, anyway? Why aren't you guys at Bart's watching the game?
Jen punched his gut, not hard, but enough to get make him grunt. We came to check on you, nimrod.
Yeah. This from Bart, who'd moved closer, a tall, dark shadow despite his white jersey. You can't just call
and hang up on me like that. Something's wrong.
We're your friends, Jen said, crossing her arms over her breasts, giving them a rather pleasant-looking
squish. Spill. What's wrong?
He shook his head, gaze on the floor, feeling Davey's stare like a brand. Why had he let them come? Davey
was a far better liar than Jason. He would have guessed why Jason stayed home and could have come up
with a good excuse. Instead he was here. What did he expect Jason to say? Nothing you guys need to
worry about. I just Couldn't face Davey. Couldn't sit there with him. Couldn't deal. Right now was bad
enough. I just don't feel up to it.
Jason. Still Jen talking. He had a feeling this trip was her idea. Although she was more like a guy in many
ways, when she worried about her friends she was as tenacious as any woman and bound to get the truth.
She laid her hand on his chest. Something's been up for a while. What is it? You can tell us.
The laugh exploded from his lips before he could stop it. An embarrassed flush warmed his neck
immediately after. He shook his head. Nothing you need to worry about. I'll be fine. Justnot today.
Davey's voice startled Jen into looking at him. Jason suppressed a glance just in time. Alarmed when he
heard Davey stalking toward them, he dropped his hands from the doorframe and planted his feet.
What the fuck? Jen demanded, but stepped aside when Davey crowded into her place.
Jason took one instinctive step back into the bedroom. He had to keep from meeting Davey's gaze.
You have got to be kidding me. Davey growled, ducking down to try and catch Jason's gaze. Does it bug
you that much?
Feeling cornered, Jason snarled and found his hand on Davey's shoulder, shoving the man away. Yeah, it
does. Sue me.
With a muttered curse, Davey caught his wrist and twisted it, using the action to step even closer into
Jason's space. So help him, Jason hesitated, both confused by Davey's direct confrontation and warmed by
his close proximity. He blamed that confusion for not realizing what Davey was doing until the shorter man
had a hand hooked around the back of his neck and yanked him down into a kiss. Need and familiarity
melted Jason into position, tilting his head and opening his mouth to accept the warm tongue that tasted
faintly of beer and peanuts. His hands landed on Davey's hands, fingers digging into firm muscle. The
breathy whimper that spilled from Jason's throat was undignified enough to pull him back to his senses, but
Davey ended the kiss. Jason did his best to return Davey's glare, but damned if the sight of the man's
tongue swiping at moist lips didn't ruin it.
Happy? Davey demanded, deadly calm even if his eyes did glitter.
Need, confusion, and anger did not make a happy combination in Jason's head. What was Davey up to?
Fuck you. He pushed Davey back a step, needing space.
Right now? Davey's head tilted, and sarcasm dripped from his lips. Damn, I didn't think you'd want them
to see that much. Isn't the kiss enough?
He had no answer for that, and Davey knew it. As usual, he could only wait and let Davey reveal as he
With enviable dramatic flair, Davey turned to face their friends. We've become lovers, he announced, as
though he were telling them they went grocery shopping. Him. And me. Alone. With no woman involved. I
suggested we keep it quiet, but it's been eating at him. Sothere you go.
Jason glanced at the others and noted the shock in their expressions. He also noted that no trace of disgust
showed in their faces. There was hope in that direction.
He glowered at Davey. You think that's it?
Davey blinked and faced him again. What?
You think keeping that secret was all that bothered me?
Davey frowned, then sighed. Even rolled his eyes. Okay, okay. I should have asked you about Mel last night.
I will do so in the future. Promise.
Jason shook his head. You're a fucking piece of work. You know that?
Anger cracked the cool Davey had gathered. What. The. Fuck? What's got your panties in a wad now?
The others remained silent as Jason steamed. He pounded the doorframe once in frustration. This entire
fucking thing has been at your convenience. I've done everything you've wanted and done it your way.
So? What? If I didn't take the lead, nothing would ever have happened. Davey snarled, fists on his hips. If
you want something, speak up, man. I can't read your mind all the time.
You can't? Fuck you.
Not right now, and not ever again if you don't give me a fucking clue what you want. God, you're worse than
a girl sometimes.
The words were very likely meant to push his buttons. His knowing that didn't stop them from doing so.
What I want? I want you. I want to be with you. The words bled from Jason's lips without his permission. I
love you.
Davey froze, shock showing only in the slight widening of the eyes that had been narrowed in anger. The
silence that built in the room might have been flammable gas, just waiting for a spark to ignite it.
Finally, Davey spoke. What?
Jason shut his eyes, anger draining from his bloodstream as he realized what he'd said. The L word, when
applied between most people, was something to be ridiculed and scorned by Davey. He allowed it only
between people like Jen and Ken, who he could acknowledge liked to spend time together. But he would
certainly never accept it applied to any relationship that involved himself. Jason knew that. Forget it. He
sighed, shaking his head and propping a shoulder against the door. You should go.
The response was low and sharp and not at all what he expected. You're throwing me out again?
Surprise made Jason look up. He'd never had this much of Davey's anger directed at him. Seeing it spiked
a different kind of panic. Davey didn't get truly mad often, and when he did, he was more unpredictable than
You never think, do you? Davey snarled, green eyes flashing beneath lowered brows and fists bunched at
his sides. Does it just not occur? Or are you not capable?
What? Jason had no choice but to go on the defensive. I know that's not what you wanted to hear. Just
leave. I'll get over it.
You'll? Davey's eyes went wide, and he went pale under his tan. Quite suddenly, he turned to face the
others, who remained a stunned, captivated audience. Do you care? Bart jumped at his demand. Jen kept
her eyes narrowed and fixed on Davey. Ken watched Jason with that eerie all-seeing gaze. Do any of you
care that we're sleeping together?
Not at all, Jen answered quickly.
Bart shook his head, bewildered.
Ken's normal cool had returned, so he could answer with a straight face. No, man.
Even if this nimrod pulls us into a longtime, public thing? Although he tried to talk through it, Davey's voice
Jason's jaw dropped, and his attention returned to Davey. Only then did he see that the hand that pointed his
way was shaking, just a little. Davey must have seen it too, because he dropped his hand and stalked to the
other side of the room, near the entrance to the kitchen.
Of course not. Jen stepped forward. Is that what you've been hiding?
Jen. Ken's voice was soft but firm, as was his hand on her shoulder. Why don't we let them handle it?
Yeah, but
It's their issue.
Jason heard her grump, but his eyes wouldn't leave Davey's profile. He was rattled. Did that mean? Could
that mean?
Fine. Jen moved so she was within line of sight for both Jason and Davey. She glared at one, then the
other, twice before she spoke. We'll leave you alone, but you two had better work this out. I love you both,
and I will not lose you over this. She turned, then paused. Another glance between the two of them. And for
the record, I think you two make a great couple. Davey might not have seen her grin, but Jason did. I
always have.
Jason scowled after her, but she ignored him, pleased with herself as she followed Bart and Ken out the
front door.
Once he was alone with Davey, though, his annoyance faded, and he centered his focus on the other man.
Davey now stood in the open portal that led to the kitchen, gripping the edge with both hands and thumping
his forehead against the molding. Jason could hear the soft thump-thump of it. This is stupid, Davey
muttered. I should have known better. I knew you couldn't He kept muttering, but it was too garbled for
Jason to make out at a distance.
Jason cleared his throat, taking one step into the living room. Why'd you say that?
Davey sighed and rested his forehead against the painted wood. Say what?
Why'd you ask Jen about the longtime, public thing?
Davey kept his eyes closed, his voice quiet. The titanic anger seemed to have fizzled down into oddly
endearing resignation. Endearing, probably, because Jason couldn't remember ever seeing it before.
That's what you want, isn't it?
The fingers tightening on the doorframe stopped Jason in his tracks, and he only then realized he'd crossed
a third of the room.
That's what you want? Davey's voice was so soft. That's what you've been trying to show me. What you've
been trying to hide.
Jason swallowed. So Davey had seen, had known. Didn't surprise Jason. He already knew Davey was
infinitely smarter than he. As well as he knew Davey, Davey returned that knowing with interest.
The thumping of Davey's forehead started again. Why do you want to do this?
I love you. Nothing but the bare truth would help him now. He took heart that Davey was still standing before
him and hadn't fled.
The thumping stopped again, and Jason was close enough now to see the slight shudder that took Davey's
shoulders, the tightening of his closed eyes.
Look, I don't figure much needs to change, Jason went on, now at the other end of the couch, about ten
feet from where Davey stood. We already spend most of our time together. We did that before this all
happened. People have joked about us being a couple for years. Remember Cathy's 'bromance'?
Yes. Davey sighed.
You don't have to change anything for me. You don't have to do anything different, really. I like how we've
been this past month. Well, except
Yes. Except.
He was close enough now to reach out, but he didn't. Davey had to know he was there, but kept his death
grip on the wall.
If we never tell anyone else, that's fine. Jason said it and meant it. If, eventually, you want to bring girls into
it sometimes, I'm okay with that too.
That got Davey's eyes open. He rolled his head a little so he could look at Jason sideways, vision slightly
obscured by both the fall of his bangs and the frame of his glasses.
Jason tried a grin. Found it easy. He shrugged. Seriously.
Davey blinked slowly. But?
Jason's grin melted. He took that last step and made bold to put his hand on Davey's shoulder. But I need
to know that it really is just us. You and me. Ineed to love you, and I need you to love me back.
Eyes closed. Such a romantic.
He fingered the worn seam of Davey's shirt. You knew that from the start.
I did.
Davey turned into him, uncommonly vulnerable as he pressed his forehead to Jason's sternum. His death
grip transferred from the wall to Jason's hips. Gladly, Jason rubbed his hands up and down Davey's arms,
realizing it wasn't quite the time for a full embrace. But it was getting there. He'd only dreamed of this
favorable a reaction.
I don't do love, Davey muttered, clearly enough for Jason to hear him. You know that. It just doesn't work.
Jason kissed the top of his head. But we're not like anyone you've known. He hadn't been idle. He'd
thought of Davey's objections, arming himself for when the time came. For now. It's just kind of an extension
of our friendship. With sex.
The sound Davey emitted might have been a snort, but it might have been a laugh. Or some combination of
the two.
I already practically live at your house. I buy half your groceries. I know and obey the rules about your
computers. I know when to leave you alone. I knew all that before the sex.
He could almost hear the ice of Davey's resolve cracking. That he wasn't shoving away and protesting was
an excellent sign. I can't lose you, Davey rasped softly.
Warmth surged through Jason, giving him confidence he couldn't have felt without hearing those words. He
settled his hands on Davey's shoulders near the neck, squeezing those muscles that never fully relaxed. You
won't. I love you, man. More now than ever.
Davey shuddered. Shit. In one smooth move, his hands slipped around behind Jason, allowing his body to
melt close. Ican'tsay
Jason squeezed him tight, chin propped on the top of his head. Hey. Don't say it. Not now. I'm happy you're
even still here talking to me.
Davey laughed, a weird, brittle sound. Fuck you.
He grinned. Right now?
Davey pushed away just enough to tilt his face up. His eyes sparkled bright with what Jason would not dare
label as tears. I think so. Yes.
Jason gave Davey his biggest smile. Groovy.
Chapter Twenty-two
Right now turned out to be a slight exaggeration. Davey took one look at the couch, one glance back
toward the bedroom, then announced that they had to leave for his house. Jason gave a halfhearted protest,
but it was spoken as he was grabbing his keys, so that stole his thunder. Convenient that Davey's car was
still parked at Bart's. Jason didn't think he could have stood driving separately after the breakthrough they'd
just survived.
Strangely, they didn't talk much. Davey mentioned that the game would start in another hour. Jason agreed.
They discussed the chance that the Phillies would win and got into a mild argument when Davey insisted the
Yankees would take the series. Normal stuff. The nontalk kept them busy until Jason had the Explorer
parked in Davey's driveway.
Did you get candy for tonight? Jason asked as he followed Davey inside. Not that he could really think
clearly about trick-or-treaters right now.
Door opened, Davey gestured at a bowl of treats on the kitchen counter right next to the uncarved pumpkin.
Was going to just put the bowl outside the front door.
Scraps appeared to yap happily at their feet.
Good. He shut the door as Davey disappeared through the far door, then bent down to rub Scraps's head.
We should have carved the pumpkin the other night.
Too late for that now. Are you coming?
Jason stared out the window for a moment. So, they were back to normal, were they? That was good, very
good, but
Coming. He hurried out of the kitchen in time to see Davey's legs retreating up the stairs.
He took the stairs two at a time and reached the bedroom just as Davey was unbuttoning his jeans.
Davey paused, throwing a glance over his bare shoulder. What?
Jason plucked the Braves T-shirt off the floor and held it out. Put it back on.
He grinned. Because I asked.
Davey narrowed his eyes. You're not going to get all funny on me now, are you?
Just a little.
Hey, I've played this by your rule book. Let me call the shots this time.
Mutiny was written all over Davey's face, but Jason thought it was a tad overdone. Could it be that Davey
kind of enjoyed this? Hopeful, he shook the shirt.
Davey rolled his eyes, snatched it from Jason, and tugged it back on. There. Happy?
Jason let himself look his fill, letting Davey feel it. The worn T-shirt was nearly transparent in places. The
fabric clearly displayed the pebbled state of Davey's nipples despite the mild temperature of the room. He
was barefoot, and his jeans sagged around his lean hips because the button fly was half loose. His hair was
tousled from having the windows open on the drive over, and a mild sheen of sweat traced his hairline due
to the unseasonably warm weather outside.
His eyes snapped as he frowned at Jason. What?
You're gorgeous.
Davey couldn't stop his sudden inhale. Quit it.
Why? You are.
This is not necessary.
It is so necessary. I want you to know that I find you beautiful.
Okay, gorgeous is one thing, but beautiful? I'm not a girl.
No. Jason stepped toward him, still looking his fill. You're not anything like a girl. But you're still beautiful.
Davey allowed him to remove the glasses. He stayed where he was while Jason stepped to the side to put
them on the nightstand.
I always thought you were good-looking
Wrong. Davey's neck twisted, tracking Jason as he circled him. You didn't when we first met.
Jason chuckled, brushing Davey's back with the outside of his arm as he passed behind. Okay, I'll give you
that. You were mundo nerdo then.
Davey was smiling when Jason reached his other side. You changed that, he admitted softly.
Jason pressed his chest to the back of Davey's shoulder, spreading a palm over his collarbone. Did I?
You know you did. Davey shifted from foot to foot. Must we get all mushy?
Yes. We must. He bent to brush his lips over the side of Davey's neck.
Davey's head fell to the side, giving Jason more room to play. We're not going to make a habit of this, are
Nah. He lapped at the pulse just under Davey's chin. Just once in a while.
A hand closed on his hip, pulling him closer. Okay.
Jason was not prepared for how much Davey's surrender excited him. He opened his mouth and pressed
his teeth to warm flesh, and Davey stood pliant in his arms.
Why did you want the T-shirt on? Davey murmured.
Jason smiled. You look good in it.
Don't I look better out of it?
Yes. He put his hands on Davey's shoulders and turned the shorter man. He had to pause to catch his
breath when he saw the darkly seductive look in those gorgeous eyes. But I bought you this one.
One brow rose. I've got plenty of your T-shirts here. Why not one of them?
I didn't think about it. They shared a laugh, neither moving away. Jason plucked at one of Davey's nipples.
Besides, this one has other advantages.
Whatever you say.
Davey glowered. Within reason.
Jason laughed and maneuvered Davey to the bed. Oh, come on, don't you trust me?
Davey stood at the edge of the bed, looking up at him. Yes.
Jason beamed. He couldn't help it. Of their own accord, his hands cupped Davey's jaw, cradling that
precious face and angling it up for a kiss. Davey let him lead, merely opening up to his questing tongue.
Jason drank his fill, drunk with love, but found he was still hungry when he finally lifted his head.
We don't do that enough, he declared, nudging Davey to sit.
He pulled his T-shirt off, aware Davey was just watching him. Can we do it more from now on?
Davey shrugged, as though it didn't concern him. If you want. Jason wasn't fooled. That hungry look meant
more than Davey's words.
With caresses and gentle pushing, he guided Davey into lying back in the middle of the bed. Davey was
quiet as Jason pushed pillows underneath his head and shoulders, making sure he was comfortable. The
amused grin on his face told Jason he was doing all right. Davey even laughed when Jason pulled his jeans
and underwear off but instructed that the T-shirt stay on.
You're a complete nutjob.
Yeah. He tossed Davey's jeans aside. You'll have to learn to deal with that.
I've been dealing with that for years.
Jason let himself enjoy the pretty picture Davey made, snuggled among pillows, wearing an oversize T-shirt
with a hem that draped nicely over the jut of his cock. Oh yeah, Davey was enjoying this.
After a silent moment, Davey spread his hands. Now what?
Too many choices. Jason wanted to do many things to Davey. He stalled by removing his own jeans.
You know, you're not so bad yourself.
Startled, Jason nearly lost his balance and took a nosedive. What?
Davey chuckled. I think you're beautiful too.
Davey said it to throw him. He knew that. Didn't mean that he didn't mean it. Jason let him see his goofy
grin. Beautiful? I'm not a girl.
Oh, no. I've had the sore ass to prove that.
Jason winced, tossing his jeans aside. You seemed to like it.
I didn't say it was a bad sore. Hopefully we'll get around to making me sore again. Sometime this century?
Jason frowned, letting go of his hesitation. Patience, he reasoned, retrieving the lube from its drawer.
I have none. You know that. Still, Davey didn't move as Jason tossed the lube onto the bed and crawled
between his legs.
You're patient with computers. He draped Davey's legs wide apart, then smoothed the T-shirt up to expose
most of his belly and chest.
Ha. You're far too illogical to be a computer.
Jason smiled, sliding his hands over satiny skin. On purpose, he avoided Davey's cock, but noted how it
swelled and flushed, making Davey squirm.
Davey could only stand that so long. Damn it. His hands reached down.
Jason caught Davey's wrists, having expected the move. Laughing, he bore down until Davey's wrists were
pinned to the pillows.
Get on with it. Davey growled.
Uh-uh. He kept his body out of reach, touching Davey only at the wrists. I'm calling the shots, remember?
Do I need to tie you up?
Davey's eyes flared before settling back into a glare. Don't. Get. Cocky.
Jason kissed Davey's forehead. Some other time, perhaps.
While Davey seethed, Jason kissed one fluttering eye, the narrow bridge of his nose, the pointed tip; then
he found the soft, rounded edges of Davey's lips. He kissed around the edges, enduring Davey's growling,
before finally sealing their mouths together. Davey let himself be kissed, but this time he got back a little of
his own by sucking Jason's tongue into his mouth.
Jason had to release Davey's wrists when he started trailing kisses down Davey's neck. Surprisingly, Davey
kept his arms where they were while Jason explored his chest. He writhed and muttered curses spilled
between his teeth, but he kept himself in check, allowing Jason to have his way. That turned Jason on nearly
as much as the scent of his skin or the warmth of his body.
Davey reached a breaking point when Jason skirted his groin and started kissing down his thigh.
Oh, come on! Really?
Jason laughed, continuing his exploration down the leg, enjoying the scrub of soft brown hair that was just a
few shades darker than the skin it covered. I like all of you.
He peeked and caught a flush of pleasure that Davey tried to disguise with a scowl. Okay, great, but come
Jason nipped at the bend of one knee. Don't like it?
Davey jumped. Turnabout is fair play, you know.
Jason laughed again, biting Davey's ankle. I really hope so.
Davey endured until Jason made his way up the other leg, but he exploded again when Jason just blew on
his balls. I'm going to fucking kill you if you don't suck me right now.
Would anyone else know that getting Davey to the end of his wits like this was a high compliment? Really?
He hooked his hands under Davey's thighs and surprised him by shoving them up.
How about this instead? The move bent Davey in half, lifting his hips off the mattress and spreading his
ass open. Jason dove and found that hot little opening with the point of his tongue.
Ah, fuck!
A few months ago, he would not have guessed that he'd enjoy this particular action so much. But when
Davey moaned and clutched the pillows like that, Jason couldn't help but get a thrill. Besides, he'd grown
rather fond of that little hole and found it a pleasure to lavish attention on it.
But he knew he shouldn't linger too long. He was keyed up and almost ready to blow without either of them
even having touched his cock. He knew by the expletives that filled the air that Davey was close too. Taking
pity on them both, he abandoned that clutching little entrance for now, nuzzling his way up over Davey's taint
to his balls.
Careful, Davey breathed as Jason's tongue traced up the underside of his cock. You suck me now, I'll
You want that? Jason asked, teasing underneath the mushroom head. Or you want me to fuck you?
Fuck me. Now.
Obediently, Jason rose to his knees. He grabbed Davey's ankles to keep him from turning over, which
gained him a look.
I want you on your back.
Davey frowned. They hadn't done it like this. From behind, with Davey on his side, yes, but never face-to-
face. By the looks of it, Davey understood what Jason wanted. Quietly he settled, and Jason didn't push it by
commenting. Instead he picked up the lube and used it to coat his cock. Once done, he leaned forward over
Davey, bracing on one arm. Davey avoided his eyes, watching Jason's hand and spreading his knees.
Reluctantly, green eyes dragged up to meet his.
I love you.
Before Davey could finish, Jason fastened their mouths together, preventing talk. Davey's hands came up to
clutch Jason's shoulders as he rubbed his cock under Davey's balls, back farther, seeking and finding the
way to paradise. He found it. Davey had to adjust a little and winced when Jason first pushed in, but they
quickly found how to fit together, and Jason slid home.
Different. He closed his eyes, forehead pressed to Davey's, their heavy breaths mingling as they got
accustomed to the new position. It was more intimate. Closer. This was probably why Davey had avoided it.
Jason opened his eyes to see Davey's eyelids, light brown lashes fanning over his cheekbones. Hey.
Those eyes fluttered open as a hand slid up to cup the back of Jason's neck.
You okay?
Davey thought about it. He curled one leg up over Jason's hip and twisted a little. Jason didn't miss the
shudder that took him as the adjustment moved Jason's cock within him. Yeah.
Can I move?
You'd better.
Smiling, Jason slowly pulled out and pushed back in. He lowered to his elbows and spread his knees,
finding a slightly deeper angle.
Davey's neck arched back, shoving his skull into the pillows. God.
Yes! More.
Jason gave him all he had, but slowly. He ignored Davey's prodding for more speed, preferring to take his
time and watch the effect of their lovemaking on his lover's face. He'd never gotten this view before, and he
decided he quite liked it. Liked watching Davey's lips caress the stream of obscenities that poured out of
them, liked seeing those eyes roll back and eyelids squeeze. Somewhere in there, he reached down to start
pumping Davey's cock, slow and steady to match his rhythm.
Jason! Fingers dug into his biceps, heels into his lower back.
Come on!
Say please.
Davey didn't bother to protest. Please.
GrinningrelievedJason grabbed Davey's hand and pulled it down to wrap around his cock. Take care
of that for me.
He pushed up on his arms to get better leverage. Eyes closed, Davey jacked his own cock, writhing his
hips. Jason gave in and gave them both what they wanted. He thrust hard into Davey's body, knocking the
smaller man higher on the pillows, then clutching his shoulder to pull him back. Davey cried out, beyond
words now, deteriorated to barely articulate grunts and cries. The speed and thrust and his own hand
proved to be what Davey needed. He growled, squeezing, tensing. White ropes of semen spurted from his
cock, coating his hand and belly. The sight and the clutch of Davey's ass brought Jason over not long after.
Jason collapsed atop Davey, heedless of the bodily fluids that mashed between them. To his weary delight,
Davey's strong arms came up to wind around his neck, holding him close.
I love you. It was barely more than a whisper, spilled just near Jason's ear.
He grinned and held Davey close, smart enough to let the small confession come and go without comment.
It was plenty.
Jen fell back in her chair. Really?
Jason glanced up as he plopped a scoop of ice cream onto a slice of cherry pie. What?
You're both going?
He grinned at Davey, who shrugged and answered her with an awfully wicked smile. She's thrilled that I'm
bringing Jason for Thanksgiving.
Ken snorted over a bite of pie. Did you tell her you two are together now?
I will. Davey picked up a fork. When we get there. Unconcerned, he leaned into Jason and cut himself a
big bite from Jason's slice.
And you're okay with that? Bart asked Jason.
Jason watched as the red treat dripping with melting ice cream disappeared between Davey's lips. Yeah,
Oh, man. Bart laughed aloud. You're fucking whipped!
Still grinning, Jason sat forward and dug into his pie. Yeah. Pretty much.
What does your family say?
Jason shook himself and faced forward as he cut his own bite of pie. They're cool with it. Mom's insisted
we come for Christmas, though.
Christmas in Atlanta, Davey mused, then chuckled. Should beinteresting.
Jason couldn't stop smiling, thrilled that Davey was being more than good about this. A little over a week
since the Big Day, and they'd not only made holiday arrangements with each other, but Davey was the one
who'd asked Jason when he was moving in. That had been a surreal conversation, with Davey pointing out
that most of what was in the house was due to Jason's influence anyway. In his mind, it simply made sense
that Jason would move in. Jason had no objections.
Davey. Jen sat forward at the table, her attention on the man beside Jason.
Davey indulged her, sitting forward to mirror her pose. Jen.
You do realize with the way you're bossing him around that you're now treating Jason exactly like all the
women in his life you've objected to?
Jason stopped chewing, eyes wide.
All attention turned to Davey, who stared at Jen, thinking.
Then he smiled. Well, of course. Without looking, he reached over to weave his fingers with Jason's. Why
wouldn't I object to other women in his life when he's mine?
Ken and Bart snickered.
Jen shook her head. That's not what I meant.
Davey shrugged.
Fine. Jen smirked. But he wasn't yours then.
A matching smirk twisted Davey's lips. Are you sure about that?
The snickering stopped, and three jaws dropped.
Jason kept eating his pie, still grinning like a loon.
Jen found her voice first. Jason?
What did you do to Davey?
He laughed. So now it was him? Quite naturally, his head turned so he could see his gorgeous loverhis
best friendgiving him a smug grin. The power of love. He endured Davey's eye roll, lifting their still-
entwined hands to brush his lips over Davey's knuckles. It's the best play in the book.

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