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* 3 Days 2 Nights Classic Italy Tour

1. Day; Florence, city tour and accommodation and
dinner in Rome,
2. Day;, Naples and Pompeii trip, accommodation and
dinner in Rome
3. Day; City tour Rome, airport sent off

Tour Programs Are Included In The Services;
All 4-star hotels for accommodation including
The bus transportation and airport shuttle services for
the duration of the tour.
All spanish and English during the tour guide service.
Local guidance services.
Services Not Included In The Tour Programs;
Museum entrance fees.
Visa fees, Personal expenses and fees

Rome; The heart of the Roman Empire, 2500-year-old
capital city is waiting for us.First day we are going to
panaromic city tour and then we're going to go over every
inch of Rome for two days. The Vatican Museum, St.
Peter's Cathedral, the Colosseum, the Capitoline Hill, the
historic Forum of Constantine Jewelry Area and the
Capitol Museum, the Golden House of Nero, Trajan's
column, Trajan's Forum, and the famous Spanish steps,
Pantheon, the Diocletian baths, lovers ' fountain and St.
Angelo Castle.we are goingto time travel from antiquity to
the Renaissance dating back to 2000 years of time in
Rome. 2000 years ago the Romans with fascinating
Renaissance artists and architects to be engraved in our
memories with the masterpieces.
Naples-Pompei: Panoramic city tour in Naples Italy, one
of the oldest cities of colorful squares, narrow streets, and
accompanied by the classic architecture of the product
structures of Italy Mediterranean.After a Tour in Naples
we will go to Pompeii. Once a sprawling metropolis of
shops and residences, restaurants and brothels, you can
walk the streets of Pompeii as the Romans did the
stones are still worn with tracks from the carriages that
used them nearly 2,000 years ago. Wander from mosaic
to monument, temple to theater, and imagine daily life in
this UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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