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Marina Samantha Chong

English 1301
Discourse Community Response

Communication has always been an important factor in society. People have
been discovering many different ways to communicate with one another and express our
ideas or feelings. This century has found many ways of communicating, and it also changes
the way we express ourselves depending on our surroundings and the people we affiliate
with. The voice, tone, context, media convention and genre we use is important because
affects the way your message is transmitted to others within your different discourse
communities, such as professional, family/friends, civic or academic.
In my family/friends discourse community communication can be informal but
still appropriate. When communicating between family members there arent specific
guidelines that we must follow, we can show emotions and talk about almost everything. We
communicate either by written text, such as text messages or cards and oral communication,
like a phone call or a conversation. With the elderly we try to show more respect and talk in a
more formal way. We share with each other our daily life, or discuss current events. Between
friends we communicate in a more informal manner and share gossip or knowledge between
each other.
In the academic discourse community Im in, joining was the most difficult. In order
to join you must take certain exams the school requires you to take such as a TOEFL,
Accuplacer, SATs, and others. You also need a high school diploma and other documents the
school asks you to turn in. Communication between classmates varies from Spanish to
English, but English is the most used. Between classmates communication is informal most
of the time but always appropriate. With faculty members, such as teachers, its important to
always speak in a formal way and have the proper respect towards them. The media and the
topics vary on the subject of the class you are taking but most of the assignments must be e-
mailed, printed or uploaded onto Blackboard or another educational platform. Our
assignments must be on the format specified by the teacher but mostly is in MLA or APA.
On my professional discourse community, it is important to always maintain a formal
communication with coworkers and costumers. My job consisted in making costumer
invoice; proper grammar is important on my job position in order to show formality and
professionalism. I communicate with the clients via email, and with my coworkers through
notes or reminders. The purpose of this job is to keep record of a clients money and financial
In the civic discourse community Im in that is ballet, to join you must have
some knowledge about some dance steps and have physical condition. The goal of this
community is to teach other people the art of dance while dancing to music and remaining
light and delicate, delicate being that your movements look fine and fragile and soft, thats
what ballet is. Ballet is also a healthy way to exercise and maintain your physical condition.
In todays society communication is very important because that is the way we share
knowledge we acquire with others. By using the proper ways to communicate within our
different communities it would be easier to share and to transmit the message we want to give
to others.

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