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Weekly Highlights

Science (Health)
Students learned that
nutrition can keep their
bodies and minds
healthy! They explored
My Plate, a plate
graphic that promotes
healthy portions of
grains, vegetables, fruits,
protein, and dairy. They
sorted foods into healthy
and junky categories
and created a healthy
meal that included all
the food groups. They
enjoyed listening to
Gregory the Terrible
Eater by Mitchell
Sharmat, a fiction book
about healthy eating.

We also discussed the
many ways that we can
be safe (a school-wide
rule) at home and at
school. Students
created a class book to
demonstrate safe
choices they make.

Please note:
- If you would like to
volunteer, please take
the Volunteer Survey
sent to your email.
Volunteering will begin
in October.

- Please return library
books to our classroom
by Tuesday morning.

- Please respond to
your students letter in
her/his Home/School
Journals and return the
journal by Friday.

- Please encourage
your student to play
Reflex Math at least
once a week, for 15
minutes. If you need
the login information,
please contact me!

Math Corner

Students compared
the attributes of regular
and irregular plane
shapes through hands-
on activities and
literature. They
explored and used
geoboards to create
regular and irregular
shapes. They also
listened to the book
The Greedy Triangle,
by Marilyn Burns.

September 13, 2014

First Grade News *209-7901* Website:

In addition, students
played a class game
called Guess My Rule to
help them identify
defining plane shape

Students learned
that a strategy for
decoding unknown
words is to look at the
picture for clues. In
addition, they learned
that using their fingers
to point to each word
is a strategy for
tracking their place.
They practiced this skill
during independent
reading time. Students
worked on N and M for

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