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Zaniboni 1.

Thomas E. Zaniboni
Ms. Connie S. Douglas
UWRT 1101-090

This I Believe
Science is the state of knowing: knowledge as distinguished from ignorance or
misunderstanding (Webster 740). The study of science is in fact the study of the natural world that has
been proven through experiments and observations. Due to Science being accurate I feel it is more
believable, not considered a religion but indeed a belief. Although, religion in our world has a lot of key
aspects on modern day society. We the people in America have the free rights to pick and choose our
beliefs, whatever makes us feel more comfortable. With that being said I want to begin with a quote
from Mr. Randy Pausch, I dont believe in no-win scenario (Pausch 8). I think this statement can go in
so many directions, after all we are all entitled to our own opinions. Referring to the quote no-win
scenario does not mean to win or lose in a competitive attribute, but more of a better understanding
over fact and fiction. The context of the quote does change because how I value and experience life
around myself.
The Book of Eli as depicted by the King James Holy Bible being the last copy on earth, had a
significant impact on myself. The people look to a book not by belief and fact but by faith alone. Faith
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including its processor both the old and new testaments have been used for centuries to determine
what is right and wrong. However, the holy bible is based on interpretation and speculations. Is this a
no-win scenario? Yes, I have based my life on proven facts, I would always lose to the bible because
there is no scientific facts to prove its real. Not only that but in my life experience, having an argument
with someone running on shear faith is utterly pointless. Yet, are they wrong? Not to them there
answers will always be the same out of respect for others faith it is an argument I tend to avoid.
Our world is a cornucopia, a vast land separated by vast bodies of water. Studies of Geodesy,
Chemistry, as well as Mathematics is all around us every day. I look for these answers when I have the
time. Who are my Major influences? Steven Hawkens, Gregg Forbes, and Jim Cantore. Dr. Steven
Hawkens was the first person I laid eyes on in the science community, Dr. Hawkens is a theoretical
physists. I first saw him on a television program called Steven Hawking Universe which played on both
Offal and Discovery Channel. This was only the beginning for my love of the sciences, in the year 1996 of
September Hurricane Fran was on a direct path into the low country (sand hills) of North Carolina. Living
in Fayetteville, NC was a hardship in itself being the minority. However, in times of crisis people do show
compassion before fear. My mother and I were in a store to buy supplies for the cyclone, I remember
my mom talking to a woman about the bottle of water and I heard the name Hugo. A couple of days
later my Family and I are both face-to-face with nature, this was a scary time for me but I got through it
my feelings at the time cannot be described. After the storm ended I remember the devastation and
impact on my community, I saw a great deal of hardship and love from a stranger.
Experience is what you get, when you didnt get what you wanted (6). I joined the United
States Army in late 2006 in hopes of going to college. However, I got much more then I bargained for
and I dont regret any of it at all. I have learned computer systems not use in civilian populations. How to
protect myself and my fellow soldiers, plus medical training that I would later on use at a fire station.
Unfortunately, experience is not enough but age and wisdom on how to use the experience you gain to
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make your life better. When I dedicated my life to study science I have been told multiple things by
many people. One thing these people had in common was Christianity, faith driven to do and say things
against the word yet they justify it because its what he wanted.
Brick walls are there to stop the people who dont want it badly enough (6). This quote also by
Mr. Pausch has made me think long and hard about everything I have given up on. However, it is flawed
to speculate what a break wall entails most people cant compare their charmed lives to others. In basic
texts this quote is both a beautiful harmony when trying to speculate others, but also very arrogant. In
conclusion, humanity has a basic drive, but we need others around to feel better about oneself. To
coexist in this world, an opportunity for world peace can and has presented itself numerous times. Yet it
will always fall through because of selfishness, Faith, intuition. Humanity will be our undoing.

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