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Grade 5 The Solar System and the Universe - Earth in Space and Time

Grade 5 The Solar System and the Universe - Earth in Space and Time

dwarf planet
a large, round body that
revolves around a star
nearly round bodies whose
orbits cross the orbits of other
bodies; Pluto is a dwarf planet.

Grade 5 The Solar System and the Universe - Earth in Space and Time

Grade 5 The Solar System and the Universe - Earth in Space and Time

rock and iron objects
that orbit the sun
a chunk of frozen gases, rock,
ice and dust; Comets have long
orbits around the sun.

Grade 5 The Solar System and the Universe - Earth in Space and Time

Milky Way
Grade 5 The Solar System and the Universe - Earth in Space and Time

inner planets
the galaxy of which
the Earths Solar
System is part

Mercury Venus Earth Mars

Grade 5 The Solar System and the Universe - Earth in Space and Time

Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune

Grade 5 The Solar System and the Universe - Earth in Space and Time

outer planets
solar system
a large system made up of a
star and the planets and
other space objects that
revolve around it

Grade 5 The Solar System and the Universe - Earth in Space and Time

Grade 5 The Solar System and the Universe - Earth in Space and Time

a group of billions of stars,
the objects that orbit the
stars, gas, and dust

everything that exists

Grade 5 The Solar System and the Universe - Earth in Space and Time

Grade 5 The Solar System and the Universe - Earth in Space and Time

the study of objects in
space and their
a pattern of stars that has been defined
and often given a name; Constellations
and stars have distinct patters of
apparent movement through the sky.


Grade 5 The Solar System and the Universe - Earth in Space and Time


Grade 5 The Solar System and the Universe - Earth in Space and Time

huge balls of hot, glowing
gases that produce their
own heat and light
the manner in which parts are

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