Viññana Sutta

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Viana Sutta

Translated from the Pali by Thanissaro Bhikkhu
For free distribution only
At Savatthi. "Monks, eye-consciousness is inconstant, changeable, alterable. Ear-
consciousness... Nose-consciousness... Tongue-consciousness... Body-consciousness...
Intellect-consciousness is inconstant, changeable, alterable.
"ne !ho has conviction " belie# that these $heno%ena are this !ay is called a #aith-#ollo!er&
one !ho has entered the orderliness o# rightness, entered the $lane o# $eo$le o# integrity,
transcended the $lane o# the run-o#-the-%ill. 'e is inca$able o# doing any deed by !hich he
%ight be reborn in hell, in the ani%al !o%b, or in the real% o# hungry shades. 'e is inca$able
o# $assing a!ay until he has reali(ed the #ruit o# strea%-entry.
"ne !ho, a#ter $ondering !ith a %odicu% o# discern%ent, has acce$ted that these
$heno%ena are this !ay is called a )ha%%a-#ollo!er& one !ho has entered the orderliness
o# rightness, entered the $lane o# $eo$le o# integrity, transcended the $lane o# the run-o#-the-
%ill. 'e is inca$able o# doing any deed by !hich he %ight be reborn in hell, in the ani%al
!o%b, or in the real% o# hungry shades. 'e is inca$able o# $assing a!ay until he has
reali(ed the #ruit o# strea%-entry.
"ne !ho kno!s and sees that these $heno%ena are this !ay is called a strea%-enterer,
stead#ast, never again destined #or states o# !oe, headed #or sel#-a!akening."

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