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a. Jigsaw reading
D A communicative activity where learners rely on each other. each learner has some information
which must be combined with the information from other learners in order to understand the
entire text
E Each learner has a paragraph of a text. Learners paraphrase their section and communicate with
other learners in order to put the text in order.
F Motivates students they need to communicate in order to learn
A little artificial
Related to problem based learning
b. Delexicalised verbs
D Verbs which are used frequently in everyday expressions, but which contribute little or no
meaning to the expression. The real meaning lies in the word or words which collocate with the
delexicalised verb.
E Get get wet, get lost. Little bit of meaning- become but relies on collocating words to convey
Make make a complaint = complain
F Form part of phrasal verbs and some idioms.
c. Top down processing
D Using prior knowledge, the context, expectations and schema in order to understand language.
E Eg. Learner draws on real life experience of air travel to understand a narrative about travel
problems lost luggage, delays, security etc.
F Opposite to bottom up processing where learners use the information present to understand
higher level meaning.

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