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Due date : 25 Februari 2014

Problem #1
Suppose we have a simple processor, single bus, 4 general-purpose registers (R0
through R3) and of course other functional registers like IR, PC, as well as ALU with
two inputs and one output latches (the same as we have discussed in class). This
processor has 3 basic instructions
!"" Ra,# Ra is register number a, and M is address of a
memor$ location
%f processor&s clock is ' ()* ('0
hert*), and memor$ c$cle time is ,0 nano second
- (,0. '0
second), please answer the following /uestions. )ow much is the 01% of
this instruction2 )ow much time needed to e3ecute this instruction2
%n answering the above mentioned /uestions, we assumed that in calculating the 01%, the
fetch c$cle is ignored, meaning we do not have to calculate the number of clocks needed
to fetch an instruction. %t is assumed that the instruction is alread$ present in the %R.
Problem #2
! small program in assembl$ language consists of '0 instructions, including the branch
instruction for program loop. %f this program is e3ecuted, the composition of the
instruction mi3 could be seen in the table below
No Instrution !"pe Clo#$instrution Perent o% &'eution
' #emor$ reference 4 50
5 !rithmetic 5 60
3 7ranch 6 50
!otal 1((
a. 0alculate the 01% of this program
b. %f 50 8 of the above mentioned program could be run in parallel, calculate the speed
up if we use , (four) processors.
Problem #)
9rite a short paper (one page, si*e !,, font si*e '') about performance measures of a
processor, which outlined about 01% (0lock per %nstruction), #%1S and #:;<1S. =se
the reference book as $our source, but $ou can use other sources as well.

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