Resignation Letter

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Your Name
Your Address
Your Managers Name (e.g. John)
Managers Title
Company Address
Dear John,
I would lie to resign my position as (!o" title) with (#ompany name) to lea$e (date).
I would lie to tae this opportunity to say that maing this de#ision has "een di%%i#ult, as woring at
(#ompany name) has "een su#h a positi$e e&perien#e and one %or whi#h I am grate%ul. I ha$e gained
mu#h here and ha$e en!oyed woring with you and my other #olleagues in
(owe$er, I am e&#ited a"out the new position I am undertaing and my de#ision is irre$o#a"le as I am
now legally "ound "y ha$ing signed a #ontra#t.
I am #ons#ious o% the need to pro$ide support to the (name o% the department) until my departure and I
shall gi$e my %ull #ommitment until then.
I wish (department and #ompany) e$ery su##ess in the %uture and than you %or the opportunities I ha$e
"een gi$en during my time here.
Yours sin#erely,
C#) (uman *esour#es Manager

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