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Notes for Troubleshooting Module

Case 1 2 Stage Compression simulation

The Three Errors are:
1) Guesses for RCY1 are on the input side, not the output side.
2) Pressure is set on input and output of Mixer2. Mixer2 is set to Equalize Pressures.
) !apour fra"tion of 1 is set on outlet of #$ !al%e &2
1) 'dd Mole (ra"tion of )exane at *, or nor+alize "o+position.
2) Mo%e ,e+perature and (lo- esti+ates to other side of Re"."le operation. /0ot
) $elete pressure %alue in strea+ To IS Sep.
1) $elete !apour (ra"tion spe"ifi"ation in strea+ LD2 Out.
Case 2 Refrigerated Gas Plant with Balane and !d"ust
The Five Errors are:
1) 2alan"e 3peration not set to 'uto Cal"ulate
2) 2alan"e +ode not set.
) E41** set to i5nore.
1) 'd6ust step size is set at 2**
7) 'd6ust toleran"e is set at *.***1
1) 8et the 2alan"e +ode as Mole.
2 2) Che"9 the 'uto Cal"ulation :ox.
) ;n4i5nore E41**.
1) 8et the 'd6ust step size at 1*
C, and the toleran"e at *.1
Case # NG$ %rationation Train& 'emethani(er and 'eethani(er
The Four Errors are:
1) '"ti%e spe"ifi"ation on $e+ethanizer is not "hosen.
2) Molar flo- rate for DC1 is spe"ified on the -or9sheet, "ausin5 "onsisten". error.
) <ron5 spe"ifi"ations are "hosen for $eethanizer. /'ll three are fo"used on the top of
the "olu+n.)
1) ,he spe"ified produ"t rate for $eethanizer is 5reater than the feed rate.
1) Choose either spe"ifi"ation as a"ti%e for de+ethanizer. /not :oth)
2) $elete Molar flo- rate for DC1 on <or9sheet.
) $ea"ti%ate Vent Rate spe" and a"ti%ate Comp Ratio spe". ,his sol%es errors and 1.
Case ) Refrigerated Gas Plant with Storage %ailities.
The To Errors are:
1) ,he 2alan"e operation is hidden.
2) ,he 2alan"e +ode is not set.
1) ;nhide the 2alan"e operation.
2) 8et the 2alan"e to Mass.
!ote = ,his "ase "an also :e sol%ed :. re+o%in5 the "onsisten". errors one4:.4one. )o-e%er,
this results in a >8-eet Gas to 8tora5e? "o+position that "ontains ne5ati%e +ole fra"tions.

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