Project 2-Scanograms: Assignment: Project 2, Part 2: Concept Development Journal Title: Mythological Monsters

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Project !

Assignment: Project !# Part !: Concept Development Journal
Title: Mythological Monsters$

After searching for a few image references# I found that a lot of mythical
creatures are a combination of existing creatures$ This
seems interesting# because it is in a way creative# but also
in a way %not% creative &since certain elements already
exist'$ I think there are still more to develop$ From the
images that I%ve found# I think even if we use existing
elements &especially through scanograms'# there are still
more possibilities on mythical creatures$

Most images from Greek# Japan# India and China seem
relatively similar$ However# I found one creature
interesting: the fish with the cow%s head$ We know today
that these kinds of creatures are impossible because fish
uses gills instead of lungs to breath$ However# they never
cease to interest me$
Recently# mythical creatures are appearing more
commonly through the media than through fine arts#
comparatively speaking$ Although a lot of movie
producers are starting to turn towards the computer to
create their creatures for them# there are still
professionals who sculpt models for movies$ The
following images are created by a sculptor(designer for movie characters$

These are exactly the kind of things that I have in mind$ Although I don%t think I
will develop my mythical creatures with the sphere# I am more interested in the
forms extending from the sphere$ Certainly# some of them can be their own
free"form creatures &without the sphere'$ From these# I developed my own

Very rough sketches# but I used this as a template to try out some scanograms$

This was roughly created from the sketch above$ I quite like the combination of
the different elements# so I continued to do other sketches$

I wanted to create a dragon type of creatures$
Or a man in )dragon suit*
From these images# I
created the scanograms

First try

Wanted to add )cloud* effect# but failed
The project assignment A and B are derived from these images$ I did not want
the final images to look like the sketch# because although the sketches are
smaller &making the images easier to twist and distort'# it looked bad on bigger
sized images$
The ! final
)Fallen Angels*
seems ok# but a
bit too )cute* to

These seem OK# however it still seems a bit )obvious* so I created some more

Among the sketches# I like this one the
most$ And the scanograms result:

This is a lot more closer to what I have in mine &and in style!' than the previous
sketches$ I produced the final image:
I )saved* the form of the original sketch# but replaced the scans to see how they
work together$ This looks more )simple* than the sketch$ Although I like the
mood of the sketch# I+m afraid that it might be too complicated# and simplified it
down$ Although I named this )Fallen Angel*# this looks more like an existing
creature than a gothic legend,similar to those fallen angels that transforms
into insects in Bosch+s paintings$

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