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A. Read the text and c hoose the best answer .

1. Ivan : It's hot in here. Could you ...... the windows?
Rehan : Don't worry.
a. close
b. open
c. break
d. clean
2. Toi : I can't do y Cheistry hoework! it's very di""icult. Can you help e?
Diana : #ure. .................
Toi : Thank you.
a. I know your house
b. $o! thank you.
c. Do it now by yoursel"%
d. Coe to y house this evenin&! please%
'. Clara is helpin& (lil decoratin& her roo.
Clara : #hall I put the paintin& above the window?
(lil : ........ ! ....... it above the table%
a. )lease! put
b. )lease! take
c. )lease! throw
d. )lease! hide
*. +ather : ,here are you &oin&?
-risna : I a &oin& to the &arden.
+ather : .... the "an be"ore you leave your roo%
-risna : #ure.
a. #witch o""
b. Turn on
c. )ick up
d. )ast on
.. /ana : 0,ould you please ....0 It is &oin& to rain.
1usli : 2lri&ht.
a. stand up.
b. open the door.
c. switch on the "an.
d. close the window.
B. Arrange the words into a meaningful and correct sentence!
1. "loor 3 sweep 3 please 4 the 3 %
2. roo 3 turn 3 % 3 dinin& 3 o"" 3 lap 3 the
'. % 3 your 3 chapter ' 3 book 3 pa&e 1* 3 open
*. back 3 the 3 please 3 tie 3 on 4 brin& 3 % 3 book
.. % 3 and 3 prayin& 3 lead 3 "or 3 your 3 to&ether 3 &reetin& 4 "riends
C. Give instructions based on the situation on the pictures! Do it in our wor! boo!!
1. 1ou have to open your book on pa&e
$ae : 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555
Class : 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555
2. 1ou have to clean your bedroo.
'. 1ou want to look the view out site.
*. 1ou have to clean the whiteboard.
.. 1ou have to turn o"" your phone when

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