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Allow your child to choose three 21

Century Learning tasks for the week.
Check them off as you go! See if you can get three in a row! If you are an over-achiever, try to make an
X pattern, Square pattern, or Blackout by doing them all!

At the grocery store, have
your child count items in
your basket. Let your child
figure out if you can go in
the Express Lane with 15
items or less.

(Standard: Counting & Cardinality)
Go on a drive or a walk. Let
your child take a picture
(with a tablet, iPad, camera
or phone) of as many flags as
s/he can find (sports teams,
American flags, etc.)
See if your child can explain
why we have flags.

(American Symbols)
Go on a Phonics Hunt for
objects that begin with the
letters A and B, or even
products that have these
letters written on them (i.e.
cereal boxes, magazines). To
make it more fun, let your
child carry a magnifying
glass like a detective!

(Phonemic Awareness)
Let your child take pictures
(with a camera, iPad, tablet,
or phone) of shapes s/he
sees around your home and
neighborhood. Have your
child decide if they are
flat or solid.

Do you have pets? Do your
neighbors have pets? Have
your child dictate through
drawing, writing, or verbally
what type of covering your
pet has. Compare it with
another pet or animal in your

(Animals Attributes)
Let your child get a library
card. Go through the
process of checking out a
book. Can your child use
words to do this
independently? (i.e. May I
please check out these
books? & Thank You!)

(Speaking & Listening)
We discuss American
Symbols all year long. The
concept of symbol is
abstract. Have your child
collaborate with someone in
the family to come up with a
symbol for your family. (This
can be a flag, or a statue,
an animal, or some other
artifact that represents
your family.)
(American Symbols)
As we learn about the pledge
of allegiance, we talk about
how a pledge is like a
promise. (The Pledge of
Allegiance is a promise to our
country, the Brumby Pledge
is a promise to our school)
Have your child come up with
a pledge for at home. Let
him/her practice this pledge
(American Symbols)

Let your child take pictures
(with a camera, iPad, tablet,
or phone) of shapes s/he
sees around your local
grocery store. Let your child
explain if they are flat or


Allow your child to choose three 21
Century Learning tasks for the week.
Check them off as you go! See if you can get three in a row! If you are an over-achiever, try to make an
X pattern, Square pattern, or Blackout by doing them all!

Have your child write his/her
sight words on note cards. Then
let him/her cut the words into
individual letters. Can your child
put the word puzzles together?

(Sight Words)

At the grocery store, go
over to the frozen section.
Have your child open a
freezer door. What do
people use to keep warm
when its cold? What do
animals use to keep them

(Animal Coverings)
Go on a Phonics Hunt for
objects that begin with the
letters C and D, or even
products that have these
letters written on them (i.e.
cereal boxes, magazines). To
make it more fun, let your
child carry a magnifying
glass like a detective!

(Phonemic Awareness)

Pick up all the trash off of the
floor in your home. How many
pieces of trash did your child
find? Do it for a few days did
you find more or less trash each
day? Discuss ways to reduce
messes. (Alternative to trash
pick up all the toys left lying
(Counting & Cardinality; Citizenship)

Find one book in the library
that is non-fiction and one
book that is fiction. Have
your child talk about the
difference between the
pictures (photographs vs.
drawings). Which does your
child like more?
(Text Types & Purposes)

Have your child highlight the
sight words s/he can find in
a magazine (on 1 or 2 pages).
Then create a graph of the 4
most common ones. Let your
child compare to find out
which word was the most

(Sight Words; Data, Counting &
Go to National Geographic Kids
(the website). Have your child
search the word Animals. Let
him/her look through the
Extension Activity let your
child take a picture of a pet or
animal and upload it to My Shot
(Animals; Digital Literacy)

Let your child help put the
dishes away. Have your child
count each and every dish
s/he puts away. Make it a
competition to see who does

(Counting & Cardinality; Citizenship)

With old food packaging
(cereal boxes, cracker
boxes, etc.) have your child
cut out common shapes s/he
can find. Then create a new
image from the cut out

Allow your child to choose three 21
Century Learning tasks for the week.
Check them off as you go! See if you can get three in a row! If you are an over-achiever, try to make an
X pattern, Square pattern, or Blackout by doing them all!
Have your child talk through
the directions for making a
Peanut Butter and Jelly
sandwich. Take a picture as
you make it, or draw each
step in the process.
*Feel free to modify the
sandwich to your childs

Find two flags in the
community. Take a picture,
and compare them. What is
different? What is similar?
Which one do you like more?

Go on a Phonics Hunt for
objects that begin with the
letters E and F, or even
products that have these
letters written on them (i.e.
cereal boxes, magazines). To
make it more fun, let your
child carry a magnifying
glass like a detective!

(Phonemic Awareness)
Discuss habitats with your
child. Observe a habitat
outside. Have your child
compare an animal/insect
habitat with his/her own
habitat, or home.
Go on a sight word hunt
through a book at home. Use
sticky notes to flag the
words. How many sight words
could you find?

(Sight words)
Read a book and make a
puppet of your favorite

Over the break have
students look at billboards
(if traveling) and see how
many sight words they see.
Have them keep a tally of
how many sight words they
saw over the break.

(Sight Words, Counting,
Representing numbers with
drawings: Tally Marks)
Since it is fall break, talk to
your child about the leaves
falling. How many leaves
can your child find? 50? 100?
Sort the leaves you find by
their attributes.

(Counting and Cardinality;
Sorting Materials by

Have your child sort snacks
based on flat shapes and
solid shapes. For example,
Cheese Its are flat
(squares) while Coco Puffs
are solid (spheres). Other
examples include: Doritos
(triangles) and marshmallows


Allow your child to choose three 21
Century Learning tasks for the week.
Check them off as you go! See if you can get three in a row! If you are an over-achiever, try to make an
X pattern, Square pattern, or Blackout by doing them all!

Have your child help you
bring in the mail. S/he can
act like the mail carrier
and bring a satchel. Have
your child deliver the mail
by looking at the names on
the envelope.

(Community Helpers)

Count the steps in your
home. How many times do
you have to go up and down
steps to count to 50?

(Counting & Cardinality)
Go on a Phonics Hunt for
objects that begin with the
letters G and H, or even
products that have these
letters written on them (i.e.
cereal boxes, magazines). To
make it more fun, let your
child carry a magnifying
glass like a detective!

(Phonemic Awareness)
Visit the library. Find a book
about an animal/insect you
have seen in your
neighborhood. Check it out
and read it with your family.

Go on a sight word hunt
through kitchen food
packaging (cereal boxes,
crackers, etc.) How many
sight words could you find?

(Sight words)
Have your child do an art
project with glue and
markers. Can your child
remember to put the caps on
the glue sticks and markers?

(Citizenship; Taking care of
Collect 5 objects in your
home. Put them in
alphabetical order. (Ex:
Apple, Book, Fork, Hat,

(Phonics, Letter Sounds,
Alphabetical order)
Have your child act like a
librarian. Pretend like you
(family member) want to
check out a book from your
child (librarian). Let him/her
check you out. Then return
the book and have him/her
put it away.
(Community Helpers)
Using household objects
(toothpicks, pen/pencils, or
other straight edge objects)
build 2-D shapes. (For 3-D
shapes, you can get
toothpicks and


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