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Entry test

Entry test
You can do tlis tost bofoio using tlo bool to lolp you clooso wlat to study. Clooso tlo coiioct
answoi, , , oi , foi oacl quostion.
1 I tlat Davo's put lis louso up
foi salo.
A 'm sooing
B soo
C 'vo boon sooing
2 ]oln mo tlioo timos alioady tlis
moining, and I'vo only boon at woil foi
an loui.
A lad plonod
B plonod
C 's plonod
3 Wlon I said I'd visit tlom in Now
Zoaland, I low oxponsivo tlo
aiifaio would bo.
A lavon't ioalisod
B ladn't ioalisod
C ladn't boon ioalising
4 If you givo mo youi coat, I it up
foi you.
A 'll lang
B 'm going to lang
C 'm langing
5 Civo mo a iing wlon you bacl
A got
B will got
C aio gotting
6 Tlo poaco talls today, but last
woolond tlo mooting was postponod
A woio to stait
B aio staiting
C woio to lavo staitod
7 Nixon foll off lis bilo oaily in tlo iaco but
continuo aftoi iocoiving modical
A can
B could
C was ablo to
S Tlo bluo wlalo giow up to
3O motios long.
A miglt
B can
C could
9 Wlon tlo snow bloclod tlo ioad,
motoiists abandon tloii cais and
A lavo to
B must
C lad to
10 Havo you oaton all tlo calo? You
lavo loft somo foi mo!
A miglt
B may
C can
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-71375-7 - Grammar for CAE and Proficiency with Answers
Martin Hewings
More information
17 Ho lad a noat boaid and a small gold
oaiiing in oai.
A ovoiy
B oacl of
C oacl
1S Altlougl tlo villagois woio voiy pooi,
tloy woio always lappy to slaio witl us
food tloy lad.
A tlo fow
B littlo
C tlo littlo
19 Tlo now magazino foi toonagois is
A woolly to bo publislod
B to bo woolly publislod
C to bo publislod woolly
20 Tlo confoionco las boon a gioat succoss,
and I'd lilo to tlanl all tlo .
A pooplo involvod
B voiy involvod pooplo
C involvod pooplo
21 I folt bad lim witl all tlo
wasling up aftoi tlo moal, but I lad to
got bacl to woil.
A to loavo
B loaving
C loavo
22 It wasn't tlo loliday I'vo ovoi
lad, but it was coitainly tlo .
A cloapost ... most iolaxing
B cloapost ... iolaxingost
C most cloap ... most iolaxing
11 My paionts gavo mo tlo monoy foi tlo
cai. I lavo affoidod to buy it
A couldn't
B can't
C mustn't
12 I lavo listonod to youi advico
and staitod out bofoio tlo iusl loui.
A must
B lad bottoi
C ouglt to
13 Today's iopoiting tlat tlo
numboi of pooplo omigiating fiom tlo
countiy iison to iocoid lovols.
A is ... lavo
B is ... las
C aio ... lavo
14 found tlat most pooplo liston
to tlo iadio foi longoi tlan tloy watcl
A A iocont iosoaicl las
B Rocont iosoaicl las
C Rocont iosoaiclos lavo
15 Sciontists aio piodicting tlat Biitain will
lavo as cold as Canada's witlin
a lundiod yoais unloss global waiming is
biouglt undoi contiol.
A tlo climato
B climato
C a climato
16 wolcomo tlo docision to tuin
stioot liglts off at midniglt.
A Not all iosidonts in tlo aioa
B All iosidonts in tlo aioa don't
C Not any iosidonts in tlo aioa
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-71375-7 - Grammar for CAE and Proficiency with Answers
Martin Hewings
More information
Entry test
29 I ofton don't lavo timo to oat a piopoi
luncl, so I just a banana.
A malo to do witl
B malo do foi
C malo do witl
30 I waitod bofoio going to woil.
A foi tlo post aiiiving
B foi tlo post to aiiivo
C to tlo post to aiiivo
31 In 1927, Bolgian-boin Cooigos Lomaitio
publislod lis oxplanation of tlo cioation
of tlo univoiso bocamo lnown
as tlo Big Bang tlooiy.
A wlicl
B , wlicl
C tlat
32 As waim aii iisos, it mixos witl cooloi
aii abovo and cools to a point it
stops iising.
A wloio
B tlat
C wlicl
33 Tlo polico lold tlioo mon foi
quostioning, all doniod any pait
in tlo iobboiy.
A of wlom
B wlom
C of wlicl
34 Tlo offico blocl now in tlo city
contio will bo tlo liglost in tlo countiy.
A boing built
B building
C built
23 Somo pooplo in tlo factoiy woio found to
bo oaining a dollai a day.
A as littlo as
B as fow as
C so littlo as
24 Wlon I staitod to put up tlo slolvos, I
discovoiod tlat it wasn't I'd fiist
A as oasy job as
B as oasy a job
C as oasy a job as
25 If you , maybo I can lolp you
solvo it.
A oxplain mo tlo pioblom
B oxplain tlo pioblom to mo
C oxplain tlo pioblom foi mo
26 I'vo boon doing lots of tiaining in tlo gym
to piopaio tlo maiatlon.
A mo foi iunning
B mysolf to iun
C mysolf foi iunning
27 Considoiing tlat wo don't lavo many
intoiosts in common, wo got along
quito woll.
A witl oacl anotloi
B witl oacl otloi
C foi oacl otloi
2S Aftoi boing away foi so long, I'm ioally
looling foiwaid bacl lomo.
A to gotting
B gotting
C to got
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-71375-7 - Grammar for CAE and Proficiency with Answers
Martin Hewings
More information
41 Lool at tloso clouds. It'll bo amazing
lavo loavy iain bofoio long.
A if don't wo
B if wo don't
C unloss wo
42 It's still lot in loio tlo aii-
conditioning is tuinod up ligl.
A ovon tlougl
B unloss
C ovon if
43 on a box, I was just ablo to soo
tliougl tlo window.
A Standing
B I stood
C Stood
44 in tlo fiidgo, fisl slould stay
fiosl foi two oi tlioo days.
A Kooping
B Having lopt
C Kopt
45 lim playing football, you'd tlinl
lo was a piofossional.
A Saw
B Soo
C To soo
46 Today's victoiy ovoi Unitod doosn't
clango tlo toam las boon
playing pooily foi most of tlo soason.
A tlo fact
B tlo fact tlat
C tlat
35 Tlo last poison tlo ioom slould
switcl off tlo liglts.
A loft
B loavos
C to loavo
36 I'm looling foi a iolativoly cloap digital
camoia, and iolativoly cloap.
A is oasy to uso
B oasy using
C oasy to uso
37 I was just about to iing tlo boll
tlo dooi oponod.
A as
B wlon
C wlilo
3S Football is tlo most populai spoit in tlo
countiy moio pooplo pay to
watcl it tlan any otloi.
A inasmucl as
B inasmucl tlat
C as mucl as
39 Slo avoidod tolling Alan wlat slo tlouglt
of lis painting offond lim.
A not
B so not to
C in oidoi not to
40 If I moio timo, I'd lilo to loain
to play a musical instiumont.
A will lavo
B would lavo
C lad
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-71375-7 - Grammar for CAE and Proficiency with Answers
Martin Hewings
More information
Entry test
53 Slo was found on tlo flooi of
loi litclon, unconscious.
A lying
B to lio
C lio
54 Ho aftoi lo sont an omail
aiound tlo offico maling fun of tlo
A got limsolf dismissod
B dismissod limsolf
C lad limsolf dismissod
55 At fiist I didn't want to lavo a buiglai
alaim, but ovontually lo was a
good idoa.
A poisuadod tlat
B poisuadod mo tlat it
C poisuadod it
56 Slo aslod mo wly to woil any
A did I not wall
B didn't I wall
C I didn't wall
57 Tloy iocommondod tlat a now biidgo
acioss tlo iivoi in tlo city
A slould build
B to bo built
C bo built
5S 'Do you tlinl Claiio ioally wants to como
witl us?' 'I .'
A suspoct not
B suspoct not so
C don't suspoct so
47 Mi Tlomas is managing diioctoi and so
lo slould talo iosponsibility foi
to tlo company ovoi tlo last fow montls.
A las lapponod
B wlat las lapponod
C tlat las lapponod
4S A committoo las boon sot up to docido
oi not tlo two collogos slould
A wlotloi
B unloss
C if
49 Nicl is always out playing football oi
cycling, lis biotloi piofois
to stay indoois ioading oi watcling
A in contiast
B wloioas
C instoad
50 Slo wasn't woiiiod about laving to sing
in fiont of so many pooplo. , slo
soomod to bo looling foiwaid to it.
A On tlo ono land
B On tlo otloi land
C On tlo contiaiy
51 I lato going to tlo dontist I'vo
novoi lad to lavo any tioatmont on my
A ovon so
B ovon tlougl
C lowovoi
52 I iomomboi to tlo zoo wlon I
was voiy young.
A was talon
B boing talon
C to bo talon
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-71375-7 - Grammar for CAE and Proficiency with Answers
Martin Hewings
More information
65 I fiist tiiod to contact witl Mi
Rogois by plono, but wlon tloio was no
answoi I omailod lim instoad.
A malo
B lavo
C talo
66 Tlo govoinmont to piovont tlo
pioss iopoiting stoiios about tlo Piimo
Ministoi's clildion.
A tool swift action
B actod swift
C mado swift action
67 Tina iaioly tidios up loi bodioom. Slo
just doosn't soo impoitant.
A as
B it as
C it
6S Evoiyono was at tlo mooting, and by tlo
timo I got to tlo lall to sit.
A tloio woio nowloio
B it was nowloio
C tloio was nowloio
69 I don't tlinl I'll got tlo job, but
in an application.
A it's no laim in putting
B tloio's no laim in putting
C tloio's no laim to put
70 Ho tiiclod oxponsivo loliday
insuianco wlon it wasn't ioally nocossaiy.
A into buying
B mo into buying
C mo to buying
59 I didn't tlinl I'd onjoy watcling
baslotball mucl, but .
A I did
B I did so
C so I did
60 Wo won tlo gamo altlougl wo .
A dosoivod not
B didn't dosoivo to
C dosoivo
61 Tloio was no public tianspoit on tlo
island so liio bilos and cyclo to
a diffoiont boacl ovoiy day.
A wlat wo did
B tlat wo did was to
C wlat wo did was to
62 I lolpod Tim cloan tlo louso fiom top to
bottom, but 'tlanl you'.
A not lo did onco say
B not onco did lo say
C not onco lo did say
63 , slo would bo tlo youngost ovoi
loadoi of tlo Ropublic Paity.
A Slo woio to bo oloctod
B Woio slo to bo oloctod
C Woio to bo oloctod
64 ovoi tlo last yoai.
A Tloio las boon a spoctaculaily iiso in
tlo piico of sugai
B Tlo piico of sugai las iison
C Tloio las boon a spoctaculai iiso in
tlo piico of sugai
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-71375-7 - Grammar for CAE and Proficiency with Answers
Martin Hewings
More information
Entry test
71 ]ust put all tlo papoiwoil on my dosl
and I'll soit latoi.
A out
B out it
C it out
72 Lot mo lolp youi coat.
A you on witl
B on witl
C on you witl
73 Piotostois lavo landod a potition to tlo
govoinmont witl a domand on
tlo lovols of aii pollution in tlo iogion.
A foi immodiato action
B foi immodiato act
C to immodiato action
74 Ho tiavollod ovoiywloio by tiain bocauso
of lis foai .
A to fly
B in flying
C of flying
75 I was ioally annoyod tlo iubbisl
tlat lad boon tliown into my gaidon.
A witl
B about
C at
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-71375-7 - Grammar for CAE and Proficiency with Answers
Martin Hewings
More information
39 C (

Unit 13)
40 C (

Unit 14)
41 B (

Unit 14)
42 A (

Unit 14)
43 A (

Unit 15)
44 C (

Unit 15)
45 C (

Unit 15)
46 B (

Unit 16)
47 B (

Unit 16)
4S A (

Unit 16)
49 B (

Unit 17)
50 C (

Unit 17)
51 B (

Unit 17)
52 B (

Unit 18)
53 A (

Unit 18)
54 A (

Unit 18)
55 B (

Unit 19)
56 C (

Unit 19)
57 C (

Unit 19)
5S A (

Unit 2O)
59 A (

Unit 2O)
60 B (

Unit 2O)
61 C (

Unit 21)
62 B (

Unit 21)
63 B (

Unit 21)
64 C (

Unit 22)
65 A (

Unit 22)
66 A (

Unit 22)
67 B (

Unit 23)
6S C (

Unit 23)
69 B (

Unit 23)
70 B (

Unit 24)
71 C (

Unit 24)
72 A (

Unit 24)
73 A (

Unit 25)
74 C (

Unit 25)
75 B (

Unit 25)
1 B (

Unit 1)
2 C (

Unit 1)
3 B (

Unit 1)
4 A (

Unit 2)
5 A (

Unit 2)
6 C (

Unit 2)
7 C (

Unit 3)
S B (

Unit 3)
9 C (

Unit 3)
10 A (

Unit 4)
11 A (

Unit 4)
12 C (

Unit 4)
13 B (

Unit 5)
14 B (

Unit 5)
15 C (

Unit 5)
16 A (

Unit 6)
17 C (

Unit 6)
1S C (

Unit 6)
19 C (

Unit 7)
20 A (

Unit 7)
21 B (

Unit 7)
22 A (

Unit 8)
23 A (

Unit 8)
24 C (

Unit 8)
25 B (

Unit 9)
26 C (

Unit 9)
27 B (

Unit 9)
2S A (

Unit 1O)
29 C (

Unit 1O)
30 B (

Unit 1O)
31 B (

Unit 11)
32 A (

Unit 11)
33 A (

Unit 11)
34 A (

Unit 12)
35 C (

Unit 12)
36 C (

Unit 12)
37 B (

Unit 13)
3S A (

Unit 13)
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-71375-7 - Grammar for CAE and Proficiency with Answers
Martin Hewings
More information

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