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Hi! Greg here; Mike Long calls me the One Man Gang these days.

. I've had an extraordinary year

and a!ter m"ch disc"ssion #ith Mike d"ring those months I'm looking !or#ard to sharing #ith yo"
#hat I do and ho# I do it.
$eaching is something that I'm really !inding that I en%oy. I'm nearly !inished creating an entire OMG
Machines co"rse act"ally one that is &"ite extensive '"t this video('ook gre# o"t o! that )ro%ect &"ite
nat"rally. *+hen released it #ill 'e called OMG ,o Holds -arred -ootcam) i! that gives yo" any
hints a'o"t ho# m"ch I reveal inside o! it..
Here's ho# this video('ook arose as I have 'een creating ,o Holds -arred/
I had com)leted several ste)('y(ste) videos sho#ing #hat I have done #ith #e'sites to make a'o"t 0.1
million !rom scratch in the )ast year and Mike s"ggested that I also !ilm a !e# series o! over the
sho"lder videos to give co"rse mem'ers an additional )ers)ective on things.
It #as going to 'e a !air 'it o! #ork '"t I #as game and as the series got com)leted #e reali2ed that
)"tting the entire set o! one o! the series into its o#n video('ook #o"ld 'e a great #ay to introd"ce
)eo)le to #hat is )ossi'le.
$here are also a series o! )rinci)les that I have discovered to 'e key as I've "sed OMG Machines to
acc"m"late so m"ch cash so &"ickly and I'll share those !irst right no# and then the videos come right
a!ter #hich #ill sho# more o! the technical and ste)('y(ste) as)ect o! #hat I do.
Here's #hat I do in a n"tshell/
I '"ild #e'sites *like little 3$M machines !or clients or )ersonal "se. in a certain !e# #ays *de)ending
on the needs o! the client or the nat"re o! the niche.. $hen rent or sell according to a )artic"lar ty)e o!
initial deal I o!!er. 3nd these days all the '"siness I can handle and then some comes !rom re!erral
and existing clients.
One o! the keys to my s"ccess is one o! the deal ty)es I o!!er really a))eals to large clients so I can get
a lot o! '"siness even totaling in the h"ndreds o! tho"sands o! dollars !rom %"st one good client *and
there are at least h"ndreds i! not tho"sands o! '"sinesses #ith that sort o! si2e and need.. 3nd
'et#een the str"ct"re o! the deal the de)th o! my kno#ledge and my )hiloso)hy #e can retain clients
like that once #e get them 4 something many !ind di!!ic"lt to do.
$he #e'site I '"ild in the O$5 series in this v('ook can 'e "sed to !"l!ill at least three o! the main
ty)es o! deals I o!!er clients so it is sa!e to say that I have made a'o"t 0 million dollars in the )ast year
'"ilding #e'sites "sing the method I sho# yo" here in this v('ook and I already have orders totaling
over a million !or !"rther #e'sites that c"rrent clients #ant me to '"ild !or them in a similar #ay.
In addition to everything else yo" learn in this v('ook I #ant yo" to come a#ay !eeling that this is all
so 673L! Ok no# I'll list the )rinci)les that I have o'served serve me #ell this )ast year/
Begin by Focusing on SEO (Free Google Rankings Search Engine Optimization):
$here is more to '"siness than 57O o! co"rse '"t I'd recommend to virt"ally any '"siness #hether it
is a one )erson entre)rene"r starting o"t an existing online '"siness or even a so(called o!!line
'"siness that the )lace they #o"ld 'ene!it most 'y !oc"sing right no# "ntil they really master it is
I've seen other )eo)le !oc"s other )laces like trying to start #ith a!!iliate marketing deal making
creating a great )rod"ct social sites etc. I !oc"sed on 57O and a year later I've 'anked aro"nd 0.1
million. I don't re)eat this to im)ress yo"; I re)eat it to im)ress ")on yo" the val"e it #ill 'e to yo"r
li!e i! yo" start 'y mastering 57O.
$he internet is o'vio"sly a massive )lace o! gro#th and notice #ho the 'iggest internet com)any is 4
Google. 8om)are Google's stock gro#n to 9ace'ook's )l"nge. One o! those com)anies !oc"sed on
57O. 9ace'ook is the :; com)any s"re '"t also it is sand#iched 'et#een yet another Google
com)any that is tied right in #ith 57O <o"$"'e.
8om)are the di!!erence 'et#een the !ollo#ing statements/
Hi I'm a la#yer in 5an =iego. vs. Hi I'm the la#yer in 5an =iego #ith the :0 site on Google !or
5an =iego La#yers.
Hi #o"ld yo" Mr. >no#n 7x)ert like to make a )rod"ct as a %oint vent"re #ith me? vs.
Hi I'm ranked in the to) @ on Google !or 0A ma%or key#ords in yo"r niche Mr. >no#n 7x)ert and
that gets me 1AA ne# leads )er day. +o"ld yo" like to make a )rod"ct as a %oint vent"re #ith me?
Hi do yo" #ant me to make a #e'site !or yo"? I 'et it #o"ld hel) yo"r '"siness. I co"ld even hel)
yo" rank I think. Bm ho# m"ch is in yo"r '"dget? vs.
I'm like a One Man Gang #ho has mastered the art o! &"ickly and cost(e!!ectively getting #e'sites
ranked on Google. I've made several sites !or key#ords similar to ones that #o"ld drive lots o!
'"siness yo"r #ay; yo" can see them and ho# they rank right here on yo"r I)hone. Here is the "ni&"e
deal str"ct"re that I o!!er.
<eah I have a #e' '"siness. I like it. It makes me a little 'it o! money. vs.
I "sed to %"st have a '"dding #e' '"siness. $hen I !oc"sed in on mastering 57O. 3ll o! a s"dden
door a!ter door o)ened. Coint vent"res 'ecame easy to make. I set ") an additional large income
stream making OMG Machine #e'sites !or )eo)le #ho sa# me ranking so #ell and asked me to hel)
them do the same. I have so m"ch more #e' tra!!ic to my site !or !ree so nearly all o! my gross
income is also )ro!it.
5ince this is a video('ook not %"st an e('ook let me interr")t this listing o! )rinc)les and !ollo# my
o#n advice 4 #e'll start 'y !oc"sing on 57O. Here are D o! the O$5 videos a 'it o"t o! order.
$hese !o"r videos I'm a'o"t to sho# yo" right no# in this section I made &"ite recently #hen #e
reali2ed that it #o"ld 'e 'etter to get this v('ook in yo"r hands sooner rather than later. I kicked things
into overdrive !ilming t#o extensive videos sho#ing me "sing several advanced techni&"es in real
time on this real #e'site.
I'll sho# the !irst o! the t#o overdrive videos then I'll )"t t#o videos here right a!ter that !irst one
sho#ing some res"lts that ha))ened and then I'll sho# yo" the second overdrive video *#hich is D1
action )acked min"tes so 'e s"re that yo" are com!orta'le and are ready to take notes #hen yo" #atch
it.. $hen I'll go 'ack to disc"ssing the )rinci)les I've 'een !ollo#ing to )ile ") so m"ch cash so
I'll tell more o! this story later '"t I have a so"rce #ithin Google #ho is #illing and )ermitted to )ass
along to me some )ointers a'o"t #hat to do #hat to not do and #hat to kee) an eye o"t !or regarding
Google's ranking algorithm. I can reveal these insider ti)s to yo" '"t I have agreed not to reveal #hich
advice I give came !rom that so"rce. <o"'ll %"st have to g"ess 4 #henever I reveal a )artic"larly
insight!"l techni&"e yo" can s"))ose it came !rom him not !rom my o#n nat"ral 'rilliance...
*3lso to hel) make things clear and organi2ed I'll still sho# these same !o"r videos later in the 'ook
in their )ro)er chronological order as )art o! the 01 videos. I'll make a note o! them #hen I do that so
yo" kno# that yo" can ski) over re(#atching the same video later..
im !or at least " #illion $ollars in the Bank (a!ter ta%es):
Listen the B5 economy alone is c"rrently a'o"t 0D.@ $6ILLIO, dollars )er year. Eirt"ally every )art
o! that economy has a #e' )resence. 3nd '"sinesses large and small are al#ays #illing to s)end
h"ge s"ms o! money as long as that money 'rings them even more in )ro!it.
Google's ;A0A )ro!it #as F;G.@; 'illion... !or %"st one year. I! I sho# 0AAA )eo)le ho# to make F@
million total that is %"st F@ 'illion or 0H0A o! %"st one year o! Google's )ro!its.
$here is IL7,$< o! room to make $O,5 o! money online.
I #o"ldn't even call F@ million thinking 'ig ( I %"st think o! it as thinking normally! -"t I im)lore yo"
not to think smaller than that. $reat yo"r OMG Machine '"siness very serio"sly and !oc"s on
a'"ndance not on scarcity.
3nd then even in a very sa!e investment vehicle that )ays o"t @J a year that is FGAAAA a year in
)assive income !rom that F@ million yo" have saved. <o" can make more money a!ter that; yo"'ll
)ro'a'ly en%oy doing so '"t clearly yo" #ill 'e doing so #ith no !inancial #orries and #ith #onder!"l
!reedom in li!e to do #hat yo" #ant.
3nd i! yo" #ant the Lam'orghini and the dream ho"se as #ell yo" can al#ays %"st aim !or FD million
O'vio"sly yo" can )ick #hatever amo"nt that s"its yo" to !oc"s on '"t the key is there is )lenty !or
all and i! yo" are #illing to )"t in some e!!ort and !oc"s in a creative #ay adding val"e and then
rea)ing yo"r !air share o! it yo" don't have to #orry a'o"t imaginary com)etition or the economy
r"nning o"t o! money. I! yo" #ant to 'e yo"r o#n F@ million One Man *or +oman!. Gang it is right
here !or yo".
Il"s yo" have me to hel) yo". <o"'ve )"t some !aith in me and I'm not one to let a )erson do#n #ho
is co"nting on me.
&une Out the 'oise:
-"ilding ranking and then renting or selling OMG Machine #e'sites means that !or every ho"r I
s)end I make several h"ndred dollars at minim"m. *K ho"rs a day L days a #eek at FDAA an ho"r is
a'o"t F0.0L million.. $here!ore time #asters and motivation killers cost 'ig '"cks!
I! yo" have )eo)le in yo"r li!e that #aste a lot o! yo"r time or de)ress yo" or #e'sites yo" visit that do
the same )rocrastinate !rom !oc"sing on those )eo)le and )laces !or a year or t#o #hile yo" '"ild
yo"r !ort"ne. I love receiving Mike Long's emails '"t other#ise I "ns"'scri'ed !rom most lists that
%"st tried to make me think the grass #as al#ays greener some#here else. I ignored the ne#s !or the
most )art last year.
I didn't s)are one tho"ght !or the s"))osed com)etition #hat I no# call the imaginary com)etition
'eca"se once I sto))ed imagining it #as there... it #asn't. I %"st did my #ork and made money. ,o
com)etitor )o))ed into my li!e to sto) me or to make it di!!iclt. I remem'er seven years ago hearing
)eo)le talk a'o"t search engine o)timi2ation and I remem'er #orrying a'o"t may'e there #o"ld 'e
more and more com)etition.
5ix years #asted "ntil I %"st got started. $here is less and less com)etition not more and more as
Google #eeds o"t s)ammy 'lack hat methods. $o most '"sinesses yo"r ne# OMG Machine skills
#ill 'e like #ater !or them in a desert.
En!orcer (s) Employee))) or e(en Entrepreneur
$he #ay I '"ild and rank OMG Machine #e'sites !or rent or sale I !eel like I occ")y a "ni&"e )lace
o"tside o! the normal '"siness hierarchy sort o! like a 5am"rai in !e"dal Ca)an a la#yer o! today's
civil society or even )erha)s an en!orcer !or the ma!ia.
,one o! those !olks are em)loyees in many cases and calling them o"tso"rcers or even
entre)rene"rs doesn't entirely seem a))ro)riate. In today's internet(driven '"siness #orld #arriors
#ho can rank sites and '"ild them to ca)t"re and accelerate visitors are similar to 5am"rai la#yers
and mo' en!orcers.
3s long as yo" can do the %o' #ell yo" hardly need to sell yo"r services 4 yo" only need to do a
minimal amo"nt o! sales early on and o!ten *as #as my case a!ter %"st a !e# months. it is all re!erral
'"siness !rom there. Ieo)le need yo" and they kno# they need yo". $hey %"st need to kno# that yo"
#ill do the %o' they need done and do it skill!"lly and they #ill )ay yo" )lenty.
-eing an em)loyee is restrictive 'eing an entre)rene"r can 'e hard #ork es)ecially emotionally and
s"ccess is !ar !rom ass"red. -"t i! yo" are a decently skilled 5am"rai la#yer en!orcer or OMG
Machine '"ilder yo" are going to get )aid )eriod.
$hat is ho# I look at it and that has 'een the reality !or me. +ith this )ers)ective )hrases like "ntil
yo" have seen 57O the #ay I do it yo" haven't seen 57O roll o!! the tong"e.
&ake Outsourcing Seriously*
$his means many things. Iro)er o"tso"rcing can make or 'reak yo". In the O$5 videos here and in
my !"ll co"rse i! yo" choose to )artici)ate in it *and I really ho)e yo" #ill I'm very excited a'o"t ho#
it has t"rned o"t and can't #ait to see yo"r s"ccess #ith it. I give yo" names o! o"tso"rcers that I "se.
5ome are )eo)le some are #e' services.
I! I tell yo" that yo" need to have 0A articles o! a certain length made '"t don't tell yo" #hich #e'
services to go to get them made I haven't really given yo" eno"gh detail and yo" might 'e st"ck
legitimately so.
9"rthermore ex)erience has ta"ght me that !or ongoing tasks it is an "n#ise )i)e(dream to %"st ex)ect
an o"tso"rcer to kee) doing it #ell #itho"t yo" kee)ing a good !eed'ack loo) #ith them in #hich yo"
are consistently a#are o! their res"lts and they kno# yo" are a#are. *In other #ords #atch them like a
ha#k !or a long time and then at least kee) #atching them #ith one eye..
$his is good !or them any#ay 'eca"se )eo)le res)ect #hat yo" ins)ect. I! yo" don't kee) a close eye
on the #ork o! o"tso"rcers 'eca"se yo" are allegedly '"sy #ith more im)ortant tasks #hat signal does
that send to the o"tso"rcer? +atch their #ork and react #ith some )assion to it and i! necessary tell
them that yo" think they can do 'etter.
I! yo" do this the good ones #ill 'e noticed and motivated to do more and the 'ad ones #ill get si!ted
o"t. 3nd i! yo" have clients de)ending on <OB yo" o#e it to yo"r clients to have good o"tso"rcers
hel)ing yo" #ith yo"r #ork not 'ad ones. 3nd i! yo" have a 'ad ex)erience #ith some o"tso"rcers
the )ro'lem isn't o"tso"rcing in general; the )ro'lem is the )erson #ho does a 'ad %o'.
3s a One *+o.Man Gang #eeding o"t 'ad so"rces is )art o! #hat yo" do. It isn't an inconvenience it
is )art o! #hy yo" are val"a'le %"st like it isn't an inconvenience that #e'sites don't rank n"m'er one
%"st 'eca"se yo" )ost them and get them a !e# links.
<o" are an OMG Machine sam"rai and sometimes sam"rai have to cho) o!! a !e# heads...
Short +uts (s +utting +orners (but not ,O(er-.eli(ering/)
-"ilding a site #ith )otential gra)hics articles sales co)y etc. and then es)ecially ranking a site on
google search makes it a'sol"tely essentially to learn the di!!erence 'et#een a legitimately e!!icient
and e!!ective short c"t vs. setting yo"rsel! ") !or a !all 'y c"tting corners ina))ro)riately.
Here's a good exam)le/ ind"stry standard !or #e' articles is a'o"t 1AA #ords. I commission articles
that are LAA(0;AA #ords. *Iosting articles on article directories is one o! many )otentially good #ays
to get links to a #e'site #hich hel)s that site rank on Google search.. Is this 'eca"se I al#ays #ant to
go a'ove and 'eyond? ,o. Going over'oard is generally not even a good strategy; it can 'e costly
#ith too little re#ard and make yo" "ncom)etitive against the imaginary com)etition.
$he !act is LAA(0;AA #ord articles I5 the shortc"t along #ith making s"re those articles are intelligi'le
and in!ormative. ,early every time Google has another ")date my sites seem to 'e 'etter and 'etter
o!!. Iaying less !or shorter andHor less #ell #ritten articles t"rns o"t to 'e ine!!icient corner(c"tting in
my *one and a hal! million dollars #orth o!. ex)erience.
8"tting corners is $H7 !atal tem)tation that )otential search engine o)timi2ers constantly !all !or. $he
shortc"t regarding 57O is to reali2e that 'y !ar the most e!!icient thing to do is to ,O$ c"t corners
#ith content. 3nd in online '"siness in general that is tr"e as #ell. 8ontent is king online. $he more
yo" )o"r yo"r !oc"s and creativity into good content the !"rther ahead yo" #ill !ind yo"rsel! over
$his video('ook itsel! is another exam)le. It is %"st FDG '"t it isn't a good time !or me to c"t corners
#ith yo". It is )ro'a'ly yo"r !irst ex)erience #ith me so it is 'est !or "s 'oth i! I deliver at least ten
times that amo"nt in val"e to yo". +hen yo" !inish reading and #atching it i! yo" don't !eel that it
#as act"ally #orth FDGA then I )ro'a'ly !ell short *'"t i! I do it isn't !or lack o! e!!ort or creative
5imilarly I 'elieve very strongly that yo" sho"ld take my !"ll ,o Holds -arred co"rse to 'e released
very soon. +hatever amo"nt yo" !eel yo" #ant to make it #o"ld 'e an ine!!icient corner(c"tting
mistake to try to slam the door on me contin"ing to hel) yo" a!ter %"st this one video('ook no matter
ho# m"ch I've )o"red into it. 3s yo" #atch the O$5 series in here yo"'ll 'e a'le to imagine ho#
incredi'ly !ar ahead yo"'ll 'e as yo" immerse yo"rsel! in the !"ll co"rse.
0assion1 Enthusiasm1 Gratitu.e (s) 'othing1 Silence1 Blah
Imagine yo" have an o"rso"rcer doing #ork !or 3nd I can tell yo" tr"th!"lly that i! yo" contin"e on
and 'ecome a mem'er in my !"ll ,o Holds -arred co"rse I #ill 'e grate!"l to yo" and I #ill do my
'est to hel) yo" achieve yo"r OMG machine goals #ith )assion and enth"siasm.
Here's a story that can hel) yo" make a lot o! money 'eca"se there are a LO$ o! '"sinesses like the
!ollo#ing/ I've gotten over a hal! million dollars !rom %"st one 'ig client in a s"'(niche in the health
genre ranking sites !or him !or his vario"s key#ords modi!ied 'y states and largest cities.
I started small #ith him; he needs a lot o! #ork done so has "sed many o"tso"rcers. More and more
#ork started coming my #ay ho#ever. One day he told me #hy. I have several )eo)le #ho I kno#
do good #ork yo" incl"ded. -"t #ith yo" yo" are also so consistently ex)ressing yo"r gratit"de and
talking a'o"t ho# m"ch yo" love doing #hat yo" do. 3nd it sho#s in yo"r #ork and even yo"r )ricing
and lack o! !eeling o! entitlement. $here are )ro'a'ly only a'o"t 1 )eo)le I really tr"st in my #hole
'"siness and yo" are one o! them.
He then #ent on to share #ith me that he had a !riend high ") in Google #ho #as a'le to share certain
ti)s #ith him !rom time to time or #ho co"ld signal to him that a )artic"lar ranking strategy #o"ld
contin"e to #ork or #as )ro'a'ly going to 'e less e!!ective over time. 3nd he )asses those ti)s along
to me no#.
*$he release o! the in!ormation is a))ro)riate and #ithin Google's internal r"les '"t still has 'een
"ni&"ely val"a'le. 7ach ")date I seem to !ind mysel! !"rther ahead o! the imaginary com)etition. 3s
yo" #atch my O$5 videos in this 'ook yo"'ll see some o! those ti)s in action. I've agreed that I #on't
)oint o"t ex)licitly #hich ti)s came !rom the insider '"t sometimes yo" might 'e a'le to g"ess..
SEO is either Easy1 2mpossible1 or 3ucky1 but ne(er 4ar.)
$his is really im)ortant; it #ill have a h"ge im)act on yo"r &"ality o! li!e mindset and
"ltimately yo"r s"ccess online.
It is going to )retty o!ten !eel s"ch as )ossi'ly #hen yo" go to get hosting !or the !irst time and
log into the control )anel or #hen yo" !irst try to do a Bni&"e 3rticle +i2ard s"'mission or #hen yo"
go to make yo"r !irst video that the task can !eel con!"sing or even im)ossi'le. It is di!!erent moment
!or di!!erent )eo)le *and may'e some s")ermen and s")er#omen among "s never enco"nter that. '"t
ho# yo" think and !eel d"ring those times is key.
,e# tech st"!! is im)ossi'le... "ntil yo" !ig"re o"t #hat to ty)e and #here to click and then it
'ecomes so easy. 3nd then the next day or the next #eek yo"'ll r"n into the same thing #ith some
ne# skill or task or a))lication or #e' service. It may !eel im)ossi'le. -"t i! yo" )"sh thro"gh it #ill
'ecome easy. $he !"nny thing it never is really hard i! yo" sto) to notice. 9irst yo" !eel !"lly
'locked then yo" get it and %"st do it easily and then i! yo" do it again soon 'e!ore yo" !orget it is
easy again.
5imilarly try to kee) this "se!"l tho"ght in mind/ it isn't an o'stacle it is a ste))ing stone.
Imagine yo" are making yo"r !irst video and are having tro"'le !ig"ring something o"t and yo" can't
move !or#ard "ntil yo" do. Is that an o'stacle? Or is the ste) yo" are c"rrently #orking on a ste))ing
stone along yo"r )ath o! online )ro!its? 7ither can 'e tr"e so I !ig"re it is %"st a matter o! )icking the
more "se!"l )ers)ective.
Ho#ever a di!!erence in )ers)ective isn't %"st something that is in yo"r head. I !ind that it
makes a tangi'ly real di!!erence in #hat goes in yo"r #allet each month and %"st )lain ho# m"ch yo"
en%oy it... #hich in t"rn a!!ects ho# m"ch goes into yo"r #allet each year 'eca"se sooner or later i!
yo" aren't having eno"gh %oy #ith #hat yo" do !or money yo"'ll slo# do#n and !ind lots o! exc"ses to
sto) doing things that make yo" money etc.
7m'race con!"sion. =oing so is one o! the secrets o! a geni"s and I )"t that #ord in &"otes
'eca"se I am talking a'o"t )eo)le #ho a))ear to 'e geni"ses in their !ield not )eo)le #ho necessarily
are. -"t i! yo" !"nction as a geni"s the &"estion o! #hether yo" really are a geni"s starts to 'ecome
a little 'it )ointless doesn't it? +e tend to get trained in school that con!"sion is a 'ad !eeling that
st")id )eo)le !eel #hen they don't kno# something *and not kno#ing something is -3=! and sho"ld
res"lt in a -3=! Grade..
-"t con!"sion and not kno#ing #hat to do isn't 'ad. It is ho# yo" are going to !eel )retty
o!ten as yo" gain online skills. 8on!"sion is another thing that is )"rely a ste))ing stone and not an
o'stacle. I! yo" em'race con!"sion that is exactly the right thing to do 'eca"se con!"sion constantly
and )redicta'ly comes as )art o! learning. 7m'racing con!"sion means #hen yo" !eel con!"sed yo"
say something to yo"rsel! very m"ch like great this is exactly ho# I sho"ld !eel right no# as I am on
the #ay to learning this. It means that my 'rain is going into a ne"rological state in #hich it learns 'est
and is o)en to gaining the ne# in!ormation it needs. I! yo" instead shrink in the !ace o! con!"sion
yo" are t"rning yo"r mind o!! right at the #rong moment and yo"r intelligence and general &"ality o!
li!e #ill 'e diminished.
3nd o! co"rse yo" have OMG Machines no# so that #ill make everything #e cover end ")
'eing easy a lot !aster in nearly every case. <o" can see everything I do !or the
-aton6o" site to get it ranked in the over(the(sho"lder series in this v-ook and in
!"rther OMG materials yo" can see me or Mike Long go ste) 'y ste) thro"gh virt"ally everything
yo"'ll ever need to kno#.
I mentioned l"ck in the s"'headline !or this section since sometimes yo" can %"st )"rely get
l"cky and do something right and hardly kno# ho# '"t #hen it comes to 57O in )artic"larly it is
good to really kno# #hat #orks and #hat doesn't. 3 )erson can get l"cky '"t their l"ck can change in
the next Google ")date or they might rank highly !or a little #hile '"t then dro) later on and not 'e
s"re ho# to !ix it. 9ollo# allo# #ith #hat I sho# yo" and yo" #ill not have to rely on l"ck. <o"r
"nderstanding #ill increase all o! the time.
$he other reason I mention l"ck is that sometimes )eo)le come to de)end on it '"t then they
!eel a sense o! )anic each ne# time they hit an o'stacle since their method is %"st to )oke at random
"ntil 'lind l"ck gets them thro"gh. >ind o! !"nny to )ict"re... "nless it is yo"rsel! doing it. 6ely
instead on methodically !inding and gaining "nderstanding and each o'stacle #ill relia'ly disa))ear
and yo" #ill a))roach every next ne# im)ossi'ility #ith increased con!idence.
3nd that 'rings me to the !inal )oint in this section. 7very time it seems im)ossi'le or hard
tem)orarily remem'er that every'ody else !eels the same #ay )lenty o! the time online 4 I certainly
do. 3nd then remem'er this is #hy yo" are going to make a lot o! money! <o" are learning a val"a'le
skill !or every o'stacle yo" ste) thro"gh that is a reason #hy some'ody else #ill )ay yo" so that they
don't have to deal #ith it. -"t 'y then that o'stacle #ill 'e s")er easy !or yo" 4 yo" already
overcame it )revio"sly. <o"r )ersonal val"e and earning )o#er goes ") every time yo" enco"nter
something im)ossi'le and then seek the "nderstanding to make it easy.
Bltimately yo" %"st have to kno# and remem'er #here to click and #hat to ty)e in any
)artic"lar )lace. 7very tech iss"e online is %"st a matter o! not yet kno#ing #hat to ty)e or #here to
click. It is im)ossi'le "ntil yo" kno# and s")er easy once yo" do.
I 'egan the Over($he(5ho"lder video series in this v-ook #ith -aton6o" already
registered already on a server and #ith +ordIress set "). $his a))endix #ill catch yo" ") to s)eed on
that #ith the 'asics so that I haven't ski))ed any ste)s !or yo" to get started.
I recommend "sing the exact same services that I list 'eca"se doing so #ill allo# yo" to most easily
!ollo# along #ith me and it #ill allo# me to hel) ans#er yo"r &"estions i! have them. I've tried
vario"s services and the ones I "se no# are very good relia'le and cost(e!!ective.
$o register a ne# domain s"ch as -aton6o"ge3rchitectsnet I "se ,ame8hea).com.
8reate a ne# acco"nt then search !or the domain name yo" #ant. Once yo" register *)"rchase
o#nershi) o!. yo"r domain *a one year term sho"ld 'e !ine to start #ith. yo" are done #ith
,ame8hea) "ntil a!ter yo" get yo"r hosting.
Once yo" do get hosting *'elo#. yo" #ill log 'ack into yo"r ,ame8hea) acco"nt select yo"r domain
and click on $rans!er =,5 to +e'host on the le!thand men". <o" #ill then enter in the t#o
nameservers !rom an email yo" #ill receive !rom yo"r hosting service. $hat #ill link yo"r ne#
domain to the hosting service com)"ter and it #ill look something like snsGK.#e'
and snsGG.#e'
9or hosting "se create an acco"nt and !or no# yo" can )ick the smallest )ackage 1
8(class II's "se co")on code @1O99 to get yo"r !irst month !or 0 cent. 3!ter that the minim"m
)ackage is F@1 )er month '"t the "ni&"e 8(class II's are #orth it.
<o" #ill receive an email !rom #ith yo"r nameserver in!ormation and server
)anel login in!ormation. 7nter yo"r t#o nameservers into yo"r ,ame8hea) acco"nt !or yo"r domain
as descri'ed a'ove and login to the +HM *seohosting. control )anel.
$o c"t do#n on several o! the ste)s 'elo# and to make hosting less ex)ensive !or yo" yo" can get
yo"r hosting control )anel and #ord )ress 'ack o!!ice in!rastr"ct"re thro"gh "s at OMG. $his service
is F01A and yo" #ill receive 0 year o! 5eohosting done !or yo" 'y me and !"t"re years i! yo" choose
to contin"e hosting yo"r domain thro"gh OMG #ill 'e F0AA.
$his OMG seohosting #ill make !ollo#ing in my !ootste)s #ith yo"r !irst OMG machine #e'site
easier and less costly than ty)ical seohosting. 5ign ") #ith the link 'elo# and yo" #ill receive an
email #ith sim)le instr"ctions and the email !or my )ro%ect manager and yo"'ll get all set ") #ith him.
$his service is non(re!"nda'le "nless #e are "na'le to !"l!ill #hat #e descri'ed in #hich case yo" #ill
receive a )ro(rated re!"nd.
Hostgator has excellent c"stomer service i! yo" have &"estions. Ho#ever here are some im)ortant
things to kno#/
3!ter yo" add a second domain #ith 57OHosting make s"re to 'change II address' o! the ne# domain
so that it is on a se)arate II address !rom other domains.
$o install +ord Iress go to to the c)anel !or the #e'site yo" #ant to install +I on. $hen select
'9antastico =el"xe' ''logs' then '+ord Iress.'
5elect ne# install
Leave root directory !ield 'lank
Bsername and )#ord #ill 'e "sed to login to yo"rdomain.comH#)(admin
,ickname #ill 'e #hat )eo)le see )osting 'log as
Iick email yo" #ant tied to 'logHdomain contact
8a)itali2e each #ord in yo"r domain name !or clarity
7nter in descri)tion a !e# #ords o! ex)lanation )l"s yo"r key #ordH)hrase
click Install +ord)ress.
yo"rdomain.comH#)(admin is "rl to login to #ord )ress
i! it doesn't seem to #ork right a#ay it can sometimes several ho"rs !or yo"r site to )ro)agate on the
#e' a!ter yo" entered yo"r nameservers in ,ame8hea) !or this domain altho"gh "s"ally these days
)ro)agation is very !ast and #e'sites #ork )retty m"ch immediately.
$he !ollo#ing #ill give yo" g"idance once yo" log into #)(admin on yo"r ne# #e'site/
B)date +ord Iress #ith '")date no#' link on to) o! )age yo" may need to con!irm ")date no#.
8heck 5ettings Irivacy to make s"re the to) o! the t#o o)tions is chosen allo# search engines
Settings1 0ermalinks:
8lick on c"stom str"ct"re !ill in !ield #ith HJ)ostnameJ
Settings1 General:
8heck it over it might 'e !ine as is. ,ote site address *B6L. and notice it doesn't have '###' in the
"rl. I! yo" leave it that #ay then #hen yo" make 'acklinks to yo"r site in the !"t"re the no(###
version is yo"r main B6L that yo" #ill "se as anchor text *anchor text is the text that is clicka'le as a
link on a #e')age and "s"ally sho#s ") "nderlined in yo"r 'ro#ser.. In other #ords it #ill 'e *or
.net i! yo" are .net etc.. not htt)/HH###.#e'
ppearance1 2nstall &hemes:
$y)e 'comment central' into search 'ox and install and activate O6 click '!ind themes' '"tton !arther
do#n the )age and select one o! yo"r choice to install and activate. $o change themes %"st install a
second *or third etc.. theme and activate that one instead. <o" can delete themes #hen they are not the
active one.
+omments1 the .e!ault comment:
8hange name !rom Mr. +ord Iress to yo"r main key #ordH)hrase
8hange B6L !rom #ord) to htt)/HHyo"r#e' *no ### as ex)lained a'ove.
8hange comment to something like +elcome to my#e' #here #e hel) yo" !ind Nlsi
version o! yo"r key#ord #hich means #ording that google considers to 'e nearly synonymo"s to yo"r
key#ord like )hotogra)hers !or yo"r reno #eddingO. +e #elcome yo" to leave yo"r &"estions
!eed'ack or comments '"t #e do not tolerate s)am!
8lick ")date '"tton to the "))er right to save the ne# version o! this comment.
Go to 3inks in the le!t han. menu:
8lick check'ox 'y the #ord ',ame' to select all click ''"lk action' dro)do#n to delete and click
a))ly to delete those links that a))ear on yo"r #e'site 'y de!a"lt !rom #ord)ress.
Go to 0osts1 ll 0osts:
$rash sam)le )ost
Go to 0osts1 +ategories:
7nter yo"r main key #ord in the ',ame' !ield "nder '3dd ,e# 8ategory.
7nter that same main key #ord in the descri)tion 'ox nothing else necessary !or that 'ox
*each are !ree i! yo" choose not to donate./
3ctivate 3kismet #hich comes installed
5elect 'Il"gins' and '3dd ,e#' and search !or and install the !ollo#ing/
Google 6#3 Sitemaps
ll 2n One SEO 0ack
3nd one !inal reminder yo" can host yo"r !irst domain *or m"lti)le domains i! yo" )re!er. #ith "s at
$o c"t do#n on several o! the ste)s and to make hosting less ex)ensive !or yo" yo" can get yo"r
hosting control )anel and #ord )ress 'ack o!!ice in!rastr"ct"re thro"gh "s at OMG )o#ered 'y
seohosting. $his service is F01A and yo" #ill receive 0 year o! 5eohosting done !or yo" 'y me and
the yearly )ayment in !ollo#ing years is even less *F0AA or less than FGHmonth. 'eca"se yo" are no
longer )aying !or the initial set(") service.
$his OMG seohosting #ill make !ollo#ing in my !ootste)s #ith yo"r !irst OMG machine #e'site
easier and less costly than ty)ical seohosting. 5ign ") #ith the link 'elo# and yo" #ill receive an
email #ith sim)le instr"ctions and the email !or my )ro%ect manager and yo"'ll get all set ") #ith him.
$his service is non(re!"nda'le "nless #e are "na'le to !"l!ill #hat #e descri'ed in #hich case yo" #ill
receive a )ro(rated re!"nd.
LAA(0;AA #ords &"ality ;(@ on a scale o! 0(D 0 'eing the least &"ality.
>ey#ord density 0(;J
$o 's)in' an article means to "se an a))lication that hel)s yo" take a note)ad doc"ment containing a
)lain article s"ch as one that is KAA #ords and t"rn it into a doc"ment #ith a !e# tho"sand #ords
#here nearly ever #ord is )resented in 'rackets along #ith vario"s synonyms !or that #ord.
3n exam)le o! a 's)"n' article title and the !irst ; )aragra)hs can 'e seen 'elo#.
$he a))lication I greatly )re!er to s)in articles is called Magic 3rticle 6e#riter and yo" can )ick it ")
here !or a one time cost. It is a )rogram not a #e' service so yo" %"st )ay once #hen yo" '"y it and
then yo" o#n it !orever.
7hat a title an. !irst 8 paragraphs o! a spun article looks like :
PP=etailsQIm)ortant In!ormationQ9actsQIn!ormation and 9actsQIm)ortant IointsQIn!ormationR P3'o"tQ
6elating toQ6egardingQ8oncerningQInvolvingR 3rchitectsQ3 PGlim)seQGlanceQIeekR in the PLi!eQ
Li!estyleQ6es)onsi'ilitiesQ+orkQ$asksR o! 3rchitectsQP+hatQ$he $hingsQ$he $hings thatQ5ome 9actsR
<o" PMay ,otQMight ,otQIro'a'ly =on'tR P>no#Q3lready >no#R P3'o"tQ6egardingQ8oncerningQ
6elated toR the P6es)onsi'ilitiesQ="tiesQ$asksQ3cco"nta'ilitiesQCo'sQ+orkR o! 3rchitectsQP+orkQ
8areerR and P6es)onsi'ilitiesQ3cco"nta'ilitiesQ$asksQ="tiesR o! 3rchitectsR
S)TPP6ight no#Q3t this timeQ$odayQ,o#Q3t this )ointR it's PtimeQthe timeQhigh timeR !or yo" to PlearnQ
"ncoverQlearn a'o"tQkno#Qst"dyQ!ind o"tQdiscoverQ"nderstandR PsomeQa 'it o!Qa n"m'er o!QseveralQa !e#Q
a littleR o! the PveryQ&"iteQreallyQratherR Ps)eci!icQ)reciseQ)artic"larQdistinctR Pim)ortantQnecessaryQ
essentialQcr"cialQsigni!icantQvitalR PdetailsQin!oQ!actsQin!ormationQ)ointsR Pa'o"tQ#ith regards toQ
concerningQregardingR architects PthatQ#hichR Pno'odyQno )ersonQno oneR has P)ro'a'lyQ)erha)sQ
likelyR ever PsharedQdisc"ssedR #ith yo" P") "ntilQ"ntilR Pthis )ointQthis timeRQPI!QI! )erha)sQIn caseQI!
everR Pyo" areQyo"'reR Plooking !orQin search o!Qsearching !orQtrying to !indQseekingQinterested inR
PsomeQa 'it o!Qa !e#Qa n"m'er o!Qa littleR Pim)ortantQsigni!icantQcr"cialQessentialQvitalR and Ps)eci!icQ
)artic"larQ)reciseR P!actsQdetailsQin!ormationQ)ointsQin!oQdataQtr"thQ)artic"larsQ)ieces o! in!ormationR
Pa'o"tQregardingQconcerningQ#ith regards toR architects this ParticleQdoc"mentQ#rite(")Qg"ideR #ill
Pshare #ithQgiveQ)resent toQsho# toQtellQo!!erR yo" PsomeQa n"m'er o!QseveralQa !e#R P)ointsQ
in!ormationQdetailsQideasQ!actsR P#hichQthatR yo" P)ro'a'lyQlikelyQmost likelyQ)erha)sR haven't PheardQ
learnedQ'een toldQkno#nR 'e!oreR. P<o" P)ro'a'lyQmost likelyQ)erha)sR PthinkQ)res"meQ'elieveQ
s"))oseR that architect"re is Pa reallyQan incredi'lyQan extremelyQa veryR PeasyQstraight!or#ardQsim)leQ
"ncom)licatedQsim)le and easyR P!ieldQnicheQareaQdisci)lineQline o! '"sinessR to P'reak intoQenterQget
intoR and that there PreallyQcertainlyQtr"lyR Pare noQisn't anyR Pma%orQkeyQ'igR Ph"rdlesQchallengesQ
o'staclesQroad 'locksR to P%"m) overQho) overQovercomeR Pin order toQas a #ay toQso as toQso that yo"
canQto 'e a'le toR P'ecomeQ'eQemerge asR an architect in this PdayQtimeR and PageQeraRQPMay'eQ
Iro'a'lyQIossi'lyQIerha)sR yo" PthinkQ)res"meQ'elieveQass"meQ%"st thinkR that architect"re is Pan easyQ
a !airly easyQa sim)leQan "ncom)licatedR P!ieldQdisci)lineQareaQind"stryQnicheR to Pgo intoQget intoQenter
intoR. <o" P)ro'a'lyQ)ossi'lyQmost likelyR PthinkQ'elieveQs"))oseR that PanyoneQany individ"alQany
)ersonQany'odyR #ho P#antsQlikesQ#ishesQ#o"ld likeQdesiresR to P'ecomeQ'eR an architect Pin these
daysQno#adaysQ)resentlyR PcanQco"ldR PeasilyQsim)lyQvery easilyQe!!ortlesslyQconvenientlyR PovercomeQ
handleQget overQmanageR its PmanyQn"mero"sQvario"sQdi!!erentR Ph"rdlesQo'staclesQroad 'locksR and
PchallengesQstr"gglesQtestsQdi!!ic"ltiesRR. SH)T
S)TPP,othingQ,othing at allQ3'sol"tely nothingQIractically nothingR co"ld 'e P!"rtherQ!artherR !rom
the Ptr"thQreal tr"thQrealityQtr"th o! the matterR and yo" PreallyQtr"lyQgen"inelyQde!initelyQserio"slyR
Pneed toQo"ght toQsho"ldQm"stQhave toR P"nderstandQ!"lly gras)Qreali2eQcom)rehendQkno#Qhave an
"nderstanding o!R all o! the Pdi!!erentQdistinctiveQvariedQn"mero"sQdiverseQvario"sR Pres)onsi'ilitiesQ
d"tiesQo'ligationsQtasksQacco"nta'ilitiesR o! an architect Pso thatQsoQin order thatQto ens"re thatQto make
s"re thatR yo" PcanQco"ldR Ptr"lyQreallyQa'sol"telyQserio"slyQcertainlyQ"n&"estiona'lyQhonestlyR
Pa))reciateQcome to kno#Qval"eQdiscoverR #hat it is that they PdoQ"ndertakeR and P#hyQthe key reason
#hyQthe reason #hyQ!or #hat reasonR they Phave toQneed toQm"stQo"ght toQsho"ldQreally need toQreally
have toR Pgo thro"ghQ#ork thro"ghQtakeQ"ndergoR Pso m"chQa lot o!Qm"chQa #hole lot o!Qa great deal o!Q
a lot o!R PschoolingQed"cationQlearningR and PtrainingQ)re)arationR Pin order toQto 'e a'le toQso as toQas
a #ay toR P'ecomeQcome to 'eQ'eR a !"ll(!ledged Pgrad"ateQmem'erQ)ractitionerR o! their P!ieldQ
disci)lineQind"stryQnicheRQ<o" Pmight 'eQco"ld )ossi'ly 'eQco"ld 'eQmay 'eR Ps"r)risedQama2edQ
shockedQastonishedQst"nnedR #hen yo" P!ind o"tQ"nderstandQkno#Q!ig"re o"tQdetermineQ"ncoverQlearnQ
discoverR the Ptr"thQreal tr"thQ!actQrealityR PregardingQa'o"tQ#ith regards toQrelating toQconcerningR #hat
PlicensedQ)ro!essionalQregisteredQcerti!iedQ&"ali!iedQtrainedR architects PdoQ"ndertakeQcarry o"tQgo a'o"t
doingR Pincl"dingQ#hich incl"deQtogether #ithR their PheavyQserio"sQma%orQsigni!icantR
Pres)onsi'ilitiesQacco"nta'ilitiesQtasksQo'ligationsQd"tiesQcommitmentsR #hich %"sti!ies the Psco)eQ
rangeQextentR o! PtrainingQ)re)arationQinstr"ctionQschoolingQed"cationQlearningR that Pst"dentsQ
individ"alsQcollege st"dentsR Phave toQneed toQm"stQo"ght toQhave got toR Pgo thro"ghQ"ndergoQtakeRR.
PP5oQ3nd soQHenceR Plet'sQlet "sQshall #eR PtakeQgetQhaveR Pa 'rie!Qa &"ickR Plook atQexamination o!Q
st"dy o!R Pa !e# o!Qa n"m'er o!Qsome o!R the Pres)onsi'ilitiesQtasksQo'ligationsQd"tiesQacco"nta'ilitiesR
o! an architect Pso thatQsoQin order thatQto ens"re thatR yo" Ptr"lyQreallyQgen"inelyR P'eginQstartR to
Pgras)Q"nderstandQlearnR #hat it is that they PdoQ"ndertakeQdo in their careerQdo as an occ")ationRQ$o
PgetQhaveQo'tainQac&"ireR Pa good gras)Qan "nderstandingQa gras)R o! #hat architects PreallyQserio"slyQ
act"allyQin !actR PdoQcarry o"tR as Pa careerQa )ro!essionQ#orkQan occ")ationR Phere'sQlet me )rovideQ
here isQthe !ollo#ing isR Pa 'rie!Qa &"ickQa shortR Pdescri)tionQex)lanationQ!actR o! PsomeQa !e#Qa
n"m'erR o! their Pres)onsi'ilitiesQcommitmentsQd"tiesQtasksQacco"nta'ilitiesRR.SH)T
+hat a 5ocial Monkee s"'mission looks like "ns)"n and then s)"n/
P9inding $he 6ight -aton 6o"ge 3rchitectQ+hat $o Look 9or In 3n 3rchitectQ+hat 7xactly =oes 3n
3rchitect =o 9or <o"QHo# $o 9ind $he -est 3rchitects In -aton 6o"geQ3re $here Good -aton 6o"ge
3rchitects 3ro"nd?Q+hat $y)e O! 9ee =o -aton 6o"ge 3rchitects 8harge?Q9acts 3'o"t -aton 6o"ge
3rchitectsQ7verything $hat <o" 5ho"ld >no# 3'o"t 3rchitect"re.R
PI! yo"'re looking to get in!ormation a'o"t architects #e #elcome yo" to o"r #e'site -aton 6o"ge
architects.Q=etermining #hether yo" need an architect or not can 'e an im)ortant decision that #e can
hel) yo" #ith at o"r #e'site.QI! yo"'re looking to hire a -aton 6o"ge architect !or an architect"re %o'
visit o"r #e'site !or more in!ormation.R
PO"r #e'site -aton 6o"ge architects covers a #ide variety o! in!ormation on architect"re and #e
#elcome yo"r visit.QI! yo" need any ty)e o! in!ormation on architect"re o"r #e'site co"ld 'e the
)er!ect reso"re !or yo"r needs.Q=o yo" #ant to learn a'o"t architect"re or architects? $hen visit o"r
#e'site #here #e cover a #ide variety o! in!o on this to)ic.R
P7ver #onder i! architects are #orth the money? $his is a &"estion that #e hel) ans#er at o"r
excl"sive #e'site.QMany )eo)le #onder i! it's #orth it or not to hire an architect so #e cover this
s)eci!ic to)ic on o"r #e'site -aton 6o"ge architects.QI! yo"'re not s"re i! yo" sho"ld s)end money on
an architect or not check o"t o"r site #here #e #ill hel) yo" ans#er this im)ortant &"estion.R
P,eed to kno# i! there are any good -aton 6o"ge architects? $hen visit o"r #e'site and get the ans#er
to yo"r &"estion.QI! yo"'re #ondering i! there's any good architects in or aro"nd -aton 6o"ge check o"t
o"r #e'site !or the in!o yo" need.QEisit o"r #e'site on -aton 6o"ge architects !or any in!ormation that
yo" need on the )rice o! -aton 6o"ge architects.R
PI! yo"'re #ondering i! yo" need to "se an architect o"r #e'site #ill hel) yo" ans#er this im)ortant
&"estion.QO"r #e'site -aton 6o"ge architects hel)s )eo)le ans#er &"estions like Udo I need to "se an
architect?UQ,eed to kno# i! yo" need an architect or not !or the %o' at hand? 8hecko"t o"r #e'site to
get the in!ormation yo" need.R
P9inding the right architect !or the %o' can make all o! the di!!erence in the #orld #hen doing yo"r
constr"ction )ro%ect so checko"t o"r site !or more in!o.QI! yo" are in the search !or the )er!ect architect
check o"t -aton 6o"ge architects to get additional in!ormation.Q3t -aton 6o"ge 3rchitects =ot ,et
#e'll hel) yo" #ith !inding the right architect !or #hatever %o' yo" need done.R
PP9indingQ=iscoveringQ8hoosingQLocatingQ5electingQIickingR $he P6ightQIer!ectQ8orrectQ3cc"rateQ
3))ro)riateQ6es)ecta'leQ5"ita'leQ9ittingQIro)erQ=esira'leQ-estR P-aton 6o"ge 3rchitectQ3rchitect In
-aton 6o"geQ-aton 6o"ge 3rchitectsQ3rchitects In -aton 6o"geQ3rchitectQ3rchitectsRQP+hat $oQ+hat
7xactly $oQ7xactly +hat $oQIrecisely +hat $oQ+hat Irecisely $oR PLook 9orQ5earch 9orQ5eekQ5eek
O"tQ8heck O"tQ$ry $o 9indQ7xamineR In P3n 3rchitectQ3rchitectsQ3rchitects In -aton 6o"geQ-aton
6o"ge 3rchitectsQ3 -aton 6o"ge 3rchitectRQ+hat P7xactlyQIreciselyR P=oesQ+ill R P3n 3rchitectQ3
-aton 6o"ge 3rchitectQ3rchitectsQ-aton 6o"ge 3rchitectsQ3rchitects In -aton 6o"geQ3n 3rchitects In
-aton 6o"geR =o 9or <o"QPHo# $oQ$he +ay $oQ$he -est +ay $oQ+ays $oQMethods $oQ$i)s $oQ$he
-est $i)s $oQ$he 6ight +ay $oR P9indQ5electQ8hooseQLocateQGetQO'tainR $he P-estQIer!ectQ6ightQ$o)Q
9inestQGreatestR P3rchitectsQ3rchitects In -aton 6o"geQ3rchitectQ3rchitect In -aton 6o"geQ-aton
6o"ge 3rchitectQ-aton 6o"ge 3rchitectsRQ3re P$hereQ$here 3nyQ$here 6eally 3nyQ3nyR PGoodQGreatQ
7xcellentQHigh V"alityQGood V"alityQ=ecentQ6es)ecta'leQ+orthyR P-aton 6o"ge 3rchitectsQ3rchitectsQ
3rchitects In -aton 6o"geR 3ro"nd?QP+hatQ7xactly +hatQIrecisely +hatR P$y)eQ>indQ5ortQEarietyR
O! P9eeQ8hargeQIriceQ8ostQ-illQ6ateR =o P-aton 6o"ge 3rchitectsQ3rchitectsQ3rchitects In -aton
6o"geR 8harge?QP9actsQIn!ormationQ=ataQ=etailsQ5)eci!icsR P3'o"tQ8oncerningQ6egardingQOnR P-aton
6o"ge 3rchitectsQ3rchitectsQ3rchitect"reQ3rchitect"re In -aton 6o"geQ-aton 6o"ge 3rchitect"reRQ
P7verythingQ$hingsQ5t"!!Q3llR P$hat <o"Q<o"Q+hich <o"R 5ho"ld P>no#QBnderstandQ6ecogni2eQ
=isting"ishR P3'o"tQ8oncerningQ6egardingR P3rchitect"reQ3rchitectsR.R
PI! Pyo" areQyo"'reR PlookingQsearchingQex)loringR to get Pkno#ledgeQin!ormationR a'o"t architects
#e P#elcomeQinviteR yo" to o"r PsiteQ#e'siteQ#e' siteQ#e' )ageQ#e')ageR P-aton 6o"ge architectsQ
architects in -aton 6o"geR.Q=etermining P#hether or notQ#hetherR Pyo" #antQyo" needR an architect or
not can 'e an Pim)ortantQim)erativeQessentialR PdecisionQchoiceQverdictQ%"dgmentQassessmentQ
eval"ationR that #e can Phel)QassistQaidQ!acilitateR yo" #ith at o"r PsiteQ#e'siteQ#e' siteQ#e' )ageQ
#e')ageR.QI! Pyo" areQyo"'reR PlookingQsearchingQex)loringR to PhireQem)loyQ"seR a P-aton 6o"ge
architectQarchitect in -aton 6o"geR !or an architect"re P%o'QtaskQd"tyR visit o"r PsiteQ#e'siteQ#e' siteQ
#e' )ageQ#e')ageR !or PmoreQadditionalQextraQs"))lementaryQaddedQ!"rtherQotherR Pkno#ledgeQ
PO"r PsiteQ#e'siteQ#e' siteQ#e' )ageQ#e')ageR P-aton 6o"ge architectsQarchitects in -aton 6o"geR
PcoversQhandlesQaddressesR a P#ide varietyQ'ig varietyQ#ide rangeQ#ide selectionQlarge choiceR o!
Pkno#ledgeQin!ormationR on architect"re and #e P#elcomeQinviteR yo"r visit.QI! Pyo" #antQyo" needR
any Pty)eQkindR o! Pkno#ledgeQin!ormationR on architect"re o"r PsiteQ#e'siteQ#e' siteQ#e' )ageQ
#e')ageR co"ld 'e Pthe idealQthe )er!ectQthe 'estR reso"re !or yo"r needs.Q=o yo" P#ant toQneed toR
Plearn a'o"tQ!ind o"t a'o"tQget the details a'o"tQ!ind o"t the tr"th a'o"tQdiscover the tr"th a'o"tQget the
!acts a'o"tQ"ncover the tr"th a'o"tQkno# a'o"tR architect"re or architects? $hen visit o"r PsiteQ#e'siteQ
#e' siteQ#e' )ageQ#e')ageR #here #e PcoverQgo overR a P#ide varietyQ'ig varietyQ#ide rangeQ#ide
selectionQlarge choiceR o! in!o on this Pto)icQs"'%ectQs"'%ect matterR.R
P7ver P#onderQs)ec"lateQdo"'tQ&"estionR i! architects are #orth the PmoneyQcashQ!"ndsR? $his is a Pask
a'o"tQ&"estionR that #e Phel)QassistQaidQ!acilitateR ans#er at o"r excl"sive PsiteQ#e'siteQ#e' siteQ#e'
)ageQ#e')ageR.QMany )eo)le P#onderQs)ec"lateQdo"'tQ&"estionR i! Pit'sQit isR #orth it or not to PhireQ
em)loyQ"seR an architect so #e PcoverQgo overR this s)eci!ic Pto)icQs"'%ectQs"'%ect matterR on o"r
PsiteQ#e'siteQ#e' siteQ#e' )ageQ#e')ageR P-aton 6o"ge architectsQarchitects in -aton 6o"geR.QI! Pyo"
areQyo"'reR not s"re i! Pyo" sho"ldQyo" o"ght toQyo" need toQyo" PmightQmayR #ant toR s)end PmoneyQ
cashQ!"ndsR on an architect or not Pcheck o"tQexamineQlook atQtake a look atR o"r PsiteQ#e'siteQ#e' siteQ
#e' )ageQ#e')ageR #here #e #ill Phel)QassistQaidQ!acilitateR yo" ans#er this Pim)ortantQim)erativeQ
essentialR Pask a'o"tQ&"estionR.R
P,eed Pto kno#Qto "nderstandR i! there are any PgoodQgreatR P-aton 6o"ge architectsQarchitects in
-aton 6o"geR? $hen visit o"r PsiteQ#e'siteQ#e' siteQ#e' )ageQ#e')ageR and get the ans#er to yo"r
Pask a'o"tQ&"estionR.QI! Pyo" areQyo"'reR #ondering i! Pthere isQthere'sQthere is certainlyQthere co"ld 'eR
any PgoodQgreatR architects in or Paro"ndQin the region o!R -aton 6o"ge Pcheck o"tQexamineQlook atQ
take a look atR o"r PsiteQ#e'siteQ#e' siteQ#e' )ageQ#e')ageR !or the in!o Pyo" #antQyo" needR.QEisit
o"r PsiteQ#e'siteQ#e' siteQ#e' )ageQ#e')ageR on P-aton 6o"ge architectsQarchitects in -aton 6o"geR
P!or anyQ!or %"st a'o"t anyR Pkno#ledgeQin!ormationR that Pyo" #antQyo" needR on Pthe )riceQthe costQ
the )"rchase )riceR o! P-aton 6o"ge architectsQarchitects in -aton 6o"geR.R
PI! Pyo" areQyo"'reR #ondering i! Pyo" sho"ldQyo" o"ght toQyo" need toQyo" PmightQmayR #ant toR "se
an architect o"r PsiteQ#e'siteQ#e' siteQ#e' )ageQ#e')ageR #ill Phel)QassistQaidQ!acilitateR yo" ans#er
this Pim)ortantQim)erativeQessentialR Pask a'o"tQ&"estionR.QO"r PsiteQ#e'siteQ#e' siteQ#e' )ageQ
#e')ageR P-aton 6o"ge architectsQarchitects in -aton 6o"geR Phel)sQassistsQaidsR )eo)le ans#er
P&"estionsQin&"iriesR like Udo PI #antQI #o"ld likeQI needR to "se an architect?UQ,eed Pto kno#Qto
"nderstandR i! Pyo" #antQyo" needR an architect or not !or the P%o'QtaskQd"tyR at hand? P8hecko"tQ
Ins)ectQInvestigateQLook intoQ7x)loreQ7xamineQ5cr"tini2eQ6esearchQ$ake a look atQHave a look atR o"r
PsiteQ#e'siteQ#e' siteQ#e' )ageQ#e')ageR to get the Pkno#ledgeQin!ormationR Pyo" #antQyo" needR.R
PP9indingQ=iscoveringQ8hoosingQLocatingR the PrightQ)er!ectQcorrectQ)reciseR architect !or the P%o'Q
taskQd"tyR can make Pall o! theQall theR di!!erence in the #orld #hen doing yo"r constr"ction P)ro%ectQ
develo)mentQvent"reQ%o'QassignmentQtaskR so checko"t o"r PsiteQ#e'siteQ#e' siteQ#e' )ageQ#e')ageR
!or PmoreQadditionalQextraQs"))lementaryQaddedQ!"rtherQotherR in!o.QI! Pyo" areQyo"'reR in the Psearch
!orQlook !orR Pthe idealQthe )er!ectQthe 'estR architect Pcheck o"tQexamineQlook atQtake a look atR
P-aton 6o"ge architectsQarchitects in -aton 6o"geR to Pget moreQget additionalR Pkno#ledgeQ
in!ormationR.Q3t -aton 6o"ge 3rchitects =ot ,et #e'll Phel)QassistQaidQ!acilitateR yo" #ith P!indingQ
discoveringR the PrightQ)er!ectQcorrectQ)reciseR architect !or P#hicheverQ#hateverR P%o'QtaskQd"tyR
Pyo" #antQyo" needR done.R
7hat Greg put into 5ni9ue rticle 7izar. resource bo%es:
I! Pyo" areQyo"'reR PlookingQ'ro#singR to PgetQac&"ireR PmoreQ!"rtherR Pin!ormation a'o"tQs)eci!ics
o!R Sa hre!WUhtt)/HH'atonro"gearchitects.#ord)ress.comHUTP-aton 6o"ge architectsQarchitects in -aton
6o"geQthe 'est -aton 6o"ge architectsQ$he -est architects in -aton 6o"geQhigh &"ality -aton 6o"ge
architectsRSHaT Pthe #riterQthe article a"thorR PinvitesQenco"ragesR yo" to PvisitQcheck o"tR his
P#e'siteQsiteR #hich PcoversQdisc"ssesR Pa #ide variety o!Qa range o!R Pto)icsQs"'%ectsR on Sa
hre!WUhtt)/HH'atonro"gearchitects.#ee'ly.comHUTP-aton 6o"ge architect"reQ-aton 6o"ge architect"ral
masteryQ-aton 6o"ge architects and architect"reQ-aton 6o"ge architect"re and architectsRSHaT.
$he P#riterQa"thorR Po! the a'oveQo! thisR PcontentQarticleR has PmanyQseveralR years o! Pex)erienceQ
"nderstandingR Sa hre!WUhtt)/HH'atonro"gearchitects.#ikis)aces.comHUTPdealing #ithQ#orking #ithR
ParchitectsQarchitect"reQarchitects and architect"reQarchitect"re and architectsRSHaT Ps)eci!icallyQ
excl"sivelyR Sa hre!WUhtt)/HH###.s&"idoo.comHarchitects(in('aton(ro"geUTParchitects in -aton 6o"geQ
-aton 6o"ge architectsQarchitect"re in -aton 6o"geQ-aton 6o"ge architect"reRSHaT. I! Pyo" areQyo"'reR
Pinterested inQthinking a'o"tR PgettingQac&"iringR Padditional in!ormationQmore in!ormationR on this
Pto)icQs"'%ectR then Pyo" areQyo"'reR PinvitedQ#elcomedR to the P#e'siteQsiteR -aton 6o"ge architects.
I! Pyo" #antQyo" needR PmoreQextraR Pin!ormation onQdetails onR Sa
hre!WUhtt)/HH'atonro"gearchitects.%imdo.comHUTP-aton 6o"ge architectsQ-aton 6o"ge architect"reQ
-aton 6o"ge Lo"isiana architectsQ-aton 6o"ge Lo"isiana architect"reRSHaT then Pyo" areQyo"'reR
P#elcomeQal#ays #elcomeR to Pvisit theQcheck o"t theR P#riter'sQa"thor'sR #e'site
htt)/HH'atonro" ( P#hereQin #hichR Pyo" #illQyo"'llR P!indQseeR Pall ty)es o!Qall sorts o!R
Ps)eci!icQs)eci!iedR Pin!ormation onQ!acts a'o"tR Sa
hre!WUhtt)/HH'atonro"gearchitects.#e's.comHUT-aton 6o"ge architects and Parchitect"reQarchitect"ral
Sa hre!WUhtt)/HH'atonro"gearchitects.netH'aton(ro"ge(architectsUTP3re yo" looking !orQ=o yo" needR
an architectSHaT '"t not Ps"re i!Qcertain i!R ParchitectsQtheyR are P#orthQ#orthy o!R Pthe moneyQyo"r
moneyR? $he P#riterQa"thorR o! the a'ove #ritten PcontentQtextR has a P#e'siteQsiteR that PdealsQ
#orksR Ps)eci!icallyQexcl"sivelyR #ith Sa hre!WUhtt)/HH'atonro"gearchitects.netUTP-aton 6o"ge
architectsQarchitects in -aton 6o"geQ-aton 6o"ge architect"reQ-aton 6o"ge architectsRSHaT P#here
yo"Qin #hich yo"R Pmay 'e a'le toQco"ld )ossi'lyR P!indQgetR the Pans#er toQres)onse toR this
Ps)eci!icQs)eci!iedR P&"estionQconcernR and Pm"ch moreQa lot moreR.
P$hisQ$heR Pa"thorQ#riterR has PoverQmore thanR P1 yearsQ!ive yearsR Po! ex)erienceQo! ex)ertiseR Sa
hre!WUhtt)/HH'atonro"gearchitects.netHare(there(any(good('aton(ro"ge(architectsUTP#orking #ithQ
dealing #ithR architectsSHaT. <o" can PgetQ!indR Pthe ans#ers toQthe sol"tions toR yo"r P&"estionsQ
in&"iriesR Pa'o"tQconcerningR Parchitect"reQarchitectsR Ps"ch asQ!or exam)leR P&"estionsQconcernsR
like Uare architects P#orth theQreally #orth theR PmoneyQcashR?U at PhisQthisR P#e'siteQsiteR #hich
PcoversQincl"desR the Ps)eci!icQs)eci!iedR PareaQsectionR o! Sa
hre!WUhtt)/HH'atonro"gearchitects.netUTP-aton 6o"ge architectsQgood -aton 6o"ge architectsQgreat
-aton 6o"ge architectsQ-aton 6o"ge architect"reQ-aton 6o"ge architectsRSHaT.
Have yo" ever PaskedQin&"iredR the P&"estionQiss"eR USa hre!WUhtt)/HH'atonro"gearchitects.netHare(
architects(#orth(the(moneyUTare -aton 6o"ge architects P#orth theQ#ell #orth theR PmoneyQ
!eeRSHaTU? $he Pa"thorQ#riterR o! PtheQthisR ParticleQ)ostR has a P#e'siteQsiteR that Pans#ersQres)ondsR
to this Ps)eci!icQtargetedR P&"estionQconcernR P)l"s m"ch moreQand even moreR. PEisitQGo toR the
Pa"thorsQ#ritersR PsiteQ#e'siteR PtodayQright no#R i! Pyo"'reQyo" areR Pinterested inQthinking a'o"tR
Plearning more a'o"tQ'eing !amiliar #ithR Sa hre!WUhtt)/HH'atonro"gearchitects.netUTP-aton 6o"ge
architectsQ-aton 6o"ge architect"reRSHaT.
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