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4 Diffusion of Innovations & Change

Action Plan

Reflection Questions:

1. After meeting with my schools SSP committee, it was evident many of our teachers were not
choosing to implement technology in the classroom. Due to this, I created an action plan to
address this concern and slowly build our teachers competency in technological pedagogy. I
created this and turned it over to our administration.

2. In order to convince our staff of the usefulness of technology in the classroom, I needed to provide
training to build a baseline of competency. I noticed many teachers did not use technology
because they did not understand how to use blogs, wikis, or twitter in the classroom. I researched
and recommended strategies to show our teachers how to use specific programs to increase student
engagement. I created the action plan to give a yearlong plan to increase technology in the
classroom. We started implementing part of this plan during pre-planning. Our administration
made an effort to really sell the benefits of technology in the classroom. Our administration gave
the okay to bring back Tech Talks which instruct teachers on how to use basic software and
hardware in the classroom. According to our school survey, over 75% of our students have access
to smart devices. Because of this, we are also trying to increase the amount of Web 2.0 tools in
the classroom. The action plan directly addresses this plan and recommends different strategies
for teachers to implement Web 2.0 skills in the classroom.

3. I learned mapping an action plan for an entire year is difficult. One should not be too detailed in
creating a yearlong action plan. Instead give some broad objectives which are flexible. One may
have to adjust the month of December because they ran into issues in November. If you keep the
schedule flexible, one delay wont screw up your entire timeline. Another adjustment I would
make would be to survey the entire staff before creating objectives. Based on a school survey, I
knew our teachers did not incorporate much technology in the classroom. I should have asked
more detailed questions about the types of technology they do use and the types they feel
uncomfortable using on a daily basis. I could have then established different tiers of instructional
planning. I could have had a beginner, intermediate, and advanced class for blogging, wikis, or
other Web 2.0 skills. This would have created a better learning experience for our staff.

4. This artifacts primary focus was to increase faculty development. Student achievement could be
a byproduct of this artifact, but this action plan was created for our faculty. The faculty developed
a higher competency for technology use due to this action plan. The true measurement of whether
or not the faculty improved will be the end of the year surveys taken by our students and staff.
These surveys will ask questions about the role of technology in the classroom. We can then see if
more than 25% actively use technology.

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