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There are six international agreements .

Six agreements fall in two types only.
In each of these agreements countries, who wish to
participate may apply for membership, and if accepted
become members or signatories to the agreement.

1- Agreements covering tertiary qualifications in
2- Agreements covering competence standards for
practising engineers

Whats Washington Accord?
An international accreditation agreement for professional
engineering academic degrees,

Established in 1989, the signatories as of 2007 are Australia,
Canada, the Republic of Ireland, Hong Kong, Japan, New
Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, the
United Kingdom, Malaysia (2009) and the United States.

Recognizes that there is substantial equivalency of
programs accredited by those signatories.

Graduates of accredited programs in any of the signatory
countries are recognized by the other signatory countries as
having met the academic requirements for entry to the
practice of engineering.
Whats Washington Accord? (cont)
The following countries have provisional signatory status and
may become member signatories in the future:
Germany; India; Pakistan; Russia; Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh
Signatories have full rights of participation in the Accord; qualifications
accredited or recognised by other signatories are recognised by each
signatory as being substantially equivalent to accredited or recognised
qualifications within its own jurisdiction.

Organisations holding provisional status have been identified as having
qualification accreditation or recognition procedures that are potentially
suitable for the purposes of the Accord; those organisations are further
developing those procedures with the goal of achieving signatory status in
due course; qualifications accredited or recognised by organisations holding
provisional status are not recognised by the signatories


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