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Sidewalk Chalk

Plot: year: 2015. Place: United States. Steele, Michigan. A

small town with a high school, a park, and Swiss illow
!states "S#$di%ision&. Plot: hat seems to $e a girl writing
random messages is act#ally an anonymo#s $eing helping
'yan gain !mma(s lo%e. )#t he gets too carried away, and is
relying on the chalk. She then disregards her pre%io#s
tho#ghts towards him. *+ co#rse he doesn(t know, and he
goes right ahead to con+ess his lo%e towards her. She says she
can(t lo%e him. ,ordan starts a -ght with 'yan. .e ends #p in
the hospital. /hey all go to ,ar%is .igh School. 0rom the town
o+ Steele, Michigan. A high risk high school en%ironment with
tension in e%ery $reath. 'yan is a track and -eld r#nner, and
an e1cellent writer. .e carries himsel+ with m#ch do#$t.
Ryan Cavalier: $oy who -nds lo%e. A%erage si3ed 14 year old
$oy. Medi#m length dirty $londe hair. Pleasing personality.
.#m$le. !motional.
Emma Smith: 5irl whom 'yan lo%es. 6ndi7erent. )ea#ti+#l girl
with c#rly $londe hair. 2harming personality. 8ery innocent.
Luke Boldwell: 'yan(s $est+riend. .as anything 'yan has
e%er wanted. Always helping o#t 'yan, $#t also learning +rom
'yan. )#ilt stocky. .e(s a ginger.
Ryans Mom: /hinks 'yan is wasting his time writing poems
$eca#se he has a 9.2 5PA. She is %ery nice. /oo optimistic.
Ryans Dad: :oesn(t care a$o#t 'yan. *nly cares a$o#t his
1;<0 M#stang and -1ing it #p. 0a%ors )lake. !1pects the
impossi$le +rom 'yan.
Blake (Ryans younger brother: .as an okay relationship
with his $rother. .e gets e%erything he wants e%en tho#gh
they are only a middle class +amily.
!ordan Mit"hell (Emmas e#: =nows a$o#t 'yan(s lo%e
towards !mma. >a#ghs at him at -rst, $#t then he -g#res o#t
!mma is +alling in lo%e with him too. )eats 'yan #p with his
$#ddy ,ohn. 5ets e1pelled, $#t he em$arrassed in +ront o+ the
whole school.

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