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Cell Isolation Vendor

Hanks balanced salt solution

(calcium and magnesium free)

50ug/mL trypsin
Collagenase (1500 units)
Culture Medium Dulbeccos modified Eagles
medium (DMEM) F12
Thermo Fisher Scientific
10% Equine serum Thermo Fisher Scientific
2% chick embryo extract Gemini Bioproducts
50ug/mL human insulin Sigma-Aldrich
2mM L-glutamine Thermo Fisher Scientific
20U/mL penicillin MP Biomedicals
50ug/mL streptomycin MP Biomedicals
63ug/mL tranexamic acid Sigma-Aldrich
33ug/mL Aprotinin Sigma-Aldrich
Sample Preparation and

5mg/mL bovine fibrinogen Sigma-Aldrich
100uL/mL Matrigel BD Biosciences
15uL thrombin Sigma-Aldrich
Custom Mold Mold Housing (Delrin) Mcmaster-carr
2 neodymium magnets (inside
Applied Magnets
Frame(cut from polyester sheet) Mylar Fralock

Silicone Rods (VST-50)

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