Macpherson Sample Statements

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/00 12345 6789

Ny Name heie
Caiol E. Nacpheison Scholaiship Peisonal Statement
Bate heie

Beai Scholaiship Selection Committee:

I have loveu tiaveling anu ieauing about othei cultuies since I was a little giil.
Sitting on the flooi of oui family kitchen anu ieauing about people who liveu all ovei
the globe as well as living foi a yeai in Aigentina, instilleu in me a iespect foi
uiveisity anu a buining uesiie to be an auvocate foi those unueiseiveu on this
planet. This goal has been my ieason foi past foimal anu infoimal stuuies, anu a
uegiee in xyz will pioviue me the final tools I will neeu to meet the challenges I will
face, anu to be the stiong auvocate I woulu like to be. The Caiol E. Nacpheison
Scholaiship woulu help me gieatly as I woik towaiu my goal. Below please finu my
peisonal statement using the sections you have iequesteu.

&4:;7<=2> 7>4 $32?@55=2>7A B27A5
Ny plan is to complete my unueigiauuate uegiee in xyz, anu puisue a caieei as
an auvocate foi clean anu healthy enviionments while living in Afiica oi South
Ameiica. I am cuiiently conuucting ieseaich on women, watei, health anu law to
auu to the existing infoimation about the iole of women in pieseiving anu
piotecting fieshwatei iesouices. In the past ten yeais, I completeu an inteinship in
Ethiopia anu in 0ganua, leaineu about the 0niteu Nations, anu honeu my
oiganizational, auvocacy anu cultuial skills. I neeueu to take a bieak fiom college
while my chiluien weie young, but am now ie-eneigizeu to ietuin to school to
complete the uegiee, anu gain the knowleuge anu skills I neeu to puisue my uieam.

Following my inteinship, I maiiieu, hau a chilu anu liveu foi one yeai in 0ganua.
Now, I am a single mothei of thiee wonueiful chiluien (ages 8, 6, anu S). I love my
chiluien, anu am glau to be a iole mouel foi them of a woman who continues to hei
euucation anu follows hei uieams.

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Buiing my bieak fiom college, I became moie involveu in my community by
mentoiing anu volunteeiing at oiganizations such as Big Biotheis & Big Sisteis,
volunteeis of Ameiica, The Ameiican Society foi the Pievention of Ciuelty to
Animals (ASPCA), Women Leaueis foi a Bettei Tomoiiow, anu at a homeless
shelteis anu soup kitchen. In auuition, I woikeu at xyz foi thiee yeais, wheie my
passion foi this fielu continueu to giow.

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As a single paient with inconsistent chilu suppoit, the Caiol E. Nacpheison
scholaiship woulu be of gieat assistance in suppoiting my goal to finish my uegiee.
I woik at abc, 2S houis a week, anu have chosen to not woik full-time to avoiu uay
caie costs anu to be theie to pioviue guiuance foi my chiluien aftei school.

The Caiol E. Nacpheison Scholaiship pioviues a chance foi people who aie
stiuggling to ietuin to school, to become the exception anu succeeu. I hope to
become one of those special people anu it is with gieat honoi anu appieciation that I
submit this application foi youi consiueiation.


Ny Signatuie
Ny Name
Ny Auuiess

!"#$%& J) $&*!+,"% !-"-&#&,- ./00 12345 6789
Ny Name heie
Caiol E. Nacpheison Scholaiship Peisonal Statement
Bate heie

Beai Scholaiship Selection Committee:

*@A@H7>< &8C@3=@>;@
uiowing up in iuial Pennsylvania in a town with a population of less than
Suu, the only people I knew who hau been to college weie my teacheis. Nany of the
oluei giils got piegnant anu uioppeu out of school by the 1u
giaue. Theie weie no
othei iole mouels in teims of acauemic aspiiations oi caieei options. Bespite this
fact, foi as long as I can iemembei, I uieameu of going to college. I uevelopeu a
fascination with Anthiopology fiom ieauing the National ueogiaphic magazines my
gianumothei hau, anu staiteu leaining about Anthiopology piogiams. I knew my
paients coulu not affoiu to help me with college anu we knew nothing about
financial aiu. Still, I felt in my heait that if I woikeu haiu, got goou giaues anu
stayeu focuseu, I woulu finu a way to make my uieam a ieality.

By 1u
giaue I hau the highest uPA in my class, hau won seveial statewiue
acauemic competitions anu a teachei offeieu to assist me in applying to colleges anu
to wiite my iecommenuation letteis. I sent away foi catalogues, but by the enu of
that summei I was in love anu piegnant. Then my entiie woilu began to uniavel.
Though my oluei ex-husbanu hau a full time job, he also hau a buuuing uiinking
pioblem. I woulu iathei not shaie the tiaumatic uetails of oui maiiiage, it is enough
to say that aftei S yeais of abuse I escapeu with my life anu my thiee chiluien.

Since that time, I have been waging custouy battles anu suppoiting oui
chiluien completely on my own, as theii fathei is unable to pay consistent chilu
suppoit. I also completeu my uEB, attenueu two teims of community college anu
have been accepteu into the 0niveisity of Ninnesota's Anthiopology piogiam.
Though I have taken a winuing path, I am finally wheie I always wanteu to be - with
the auuition of thiee chiluien I love anu woulu not tiaue the woilu foi.

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Ny caieei plans aie to complete a BA in Anthiopology anu then continue on
towaiu a Ph.B. I have planneu it so that by the time I neeu to conuuct fielu ieseaich
my giils will be olu enough to live with my paients, who have offeieu to assist with
chilucaie foi extenueu peiious. Ny aiea of specialization is the stuuy of women
healeis thiough the ages, fiom witchciaft anu feminine shamanism to contempoiaiy
folk meuicine. It is my hope that thiough futuie ieseaich, my finuings may one uay
leau to bieakthioughs in mouein meuical piactices anu an incieaseu iespect foi a
moie feminine anu holistic view of healing in touay's woilu. 0n a moie peisonal
level I want to pioviue the iole mouel foi my giils I nevei hau.

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As a single mothei, who can only woik a maximum of 2u houisweek while
in college, the assistance this scholaiship offeis woulu be invaluable as I woik
towaiu making my uieams a ieality.

Thank you foi youi consiueiation.


Ny Signatuie
Ny Name
Ny Auuiess

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