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Each homework problem is worth 5 points, whether it is long or short, easy or hard.

Please identify your

problem sets using the HW number and identify each problem by its specific number. Homework
problems turned in late will have a maximum score of 25%. Note the difference between Exercises and
Problems in Ohanian. In addition to assigned problems that are handed in for grading, I will list practice
problems and exercises that I recommend that you do in order to better understand the material (and do
better on tests).

All homeworks are due on Thursdays unless you are informed otherwise.

Homework grading rubric:
5 pts for all correct and clearly explained.
4 pts if the essence of your solution is correct but there is an error or if the explanation is not clear.
3 pts if you have made more than one error or your explanation is a mess
2 pts for an incorrect or seriously flawed argument
1 pt for handing it in with a statement of the problem that indicates that you understand what the problem
0 pts if it is clear that you copied someone elses work.

HW01 Due Thursday Jan 30
1) Ohanian Problem 1.02 Using cross products.
2) Ohanian Problem 1.20 Coordinate conversion
3) Ohanian Problem 1.27 - The gradient operator
4) Ohanian Problem 1.36 Charge conservation and Gauss Law

Practice Ohanian Problem 1.21 Coordinate transformation
Practice Ohanian Exercise 1.06 Matrix multiplication
Practice Ohanian Exercise 1.11 Tensors and compact notation
Practice Ohanian Exercise 1.30 Line integrals and potential

HW02 Due Thursday Feb 6
1) Ohanian Problem 2.14 Cylindrical symmetry
2) Ohanian Problem 2.17 Field and potential for triangle
3) Ohanian Problem 2.21 Charge density from potential
4) Ohanian Problem 2.33 Computational potential

Practice Ohanian Problem 2.02 Fundamentals of Gauss Law
Practice Ohanian Problem 2.12 Gauss Law
Practice Ohanian Problem 2.16 Potential in cylindrical symmetry
Practice Ohanian Problem 2.22 Potential and field for a dipole

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