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SAT List 1 Sentences Jasmine Clemente

1) Whenever my mom and me argue, no matter what the argument is, I always end
up acquiescing to what she says.
2) My father has a habit of chastising me whenever I bring home bad grades,
especially when those bad grades are math grades.
3) Throughout his life my father has greatly augmented his knowledge in his field of
work and become highly respected.
4) The police officer decided to condone my mothers traffic violation and not give
her a ticket.
5) My family has a habit of disseminating any type of knowledge we acquire
throughout the entire family.
6) Whenever I am in a rush my homework has a habit of being quite cursory.
7) The movie inception has a precursor at the beginning of the film that ties into the
last scenes of the film.
8) Whenever I bake I always have to coalesce all the ingredients, which proves to ne
a long time taking process.
9) My English teacher Mr. Rodriguez has a habit of digressing when he is giving us
a lesson or speaking to us.
10) I always love when I am lauded for my efforts in school and all my extra-
curricular activities.
11) Whenever the school bell rings students disperse in a rush to reach their classes
before the tardy bell.
12) Whenever I command in my military program I have to emit my voice to be
heard all cadets.
SAT List 1 Sentences Jasmine Clemente
13) My brother is never home due to the fact that he is always on special missions far
14) Peoples feelings in relationships normally efface the longer the relationship is
dragged on.

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