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Wireless Soil Moisture parameter monitoring

The Soil Moisture sensor (SM) is used as a tool to optimize irrigation and to
protect plant stress at the dry or wet ends. Capacitive sensor is used where soil with
moisture serves as dielectric, as the moisture changes the capacitance changes, we
can also use resistive sensor to sense the moisture content. The sensed data is sent
over a wireless network to a remote central receiver (C) which will have a
data!ase where soil moisture periodically can !e stored "or di""erent locations and
soil pattern are derived. #n case soil moisture reaches a critical level "armer is
intimidated via sms using $SM modem and as per the "eed!ack "rom "armer
irrigation can !e started. %ased on moisture sensed and changes in moisture over a
period o" time soil is classi"ied into di""erent types that shows how "ast moisture

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