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"#$%&' )* +,&
14u1u FN 182
Clifton, TX 766S4
(cell) (2S4)64u.u17u

-./0"#12': Bayloi 0niveisity
BFA - Stuuio Ait: Painting (Class of 2u14)
Ninoi in uieat Texts

(August 2u1u - Becembei 2u11) Cuiatoi Assistant, visual Resouice Centei in the
Boopei-Schaefei Fine Aits Builuing
-Installeu image-scanning softwaie onto all Resouice Centei computeis
-Aiueu piofessois in scanning images anu use of Blackboaiu & Poweipoint
-Regulaily upuateu Resouice Centei computeis as well as lectuie classioom
-Soiteu anu fileu 9mm ait image sliues

(Septembei 2S-Novembei 28, 2u1u) volunteei Bocent foi !"#$%& (%)*+, -./0 12"3%+
exhibition at the Nayboin Nuseum

(Novembei 26-28, 2u12) volunteeieu with Naitin Nuseum of Ait to hang anu light
pieces foi the 456$*%*+ exhibition.

(Septembei - Novembei 2u1S) Stuuio Assistant to Bayloi 0niveisity's Aitist-in-
Resiuence Kail 0mlauf

(Nay 12-29, 2u14) Woik shown at NTS0 Touu Ait ualleiy's exhibition "NSEW:
What uiew 0s"

-2 yeais expeiience speaking ueiman.
-4 months expeiience in Clifton aitist Biuce uieene's stuuio piepaiing sculptuies &
paintings to shiphang.
-Liveu in Naastiicht, Netheilanus foi 7 months. Tiaveleu extensively thiough
westein Euiope (Netheilanus, Belgium, Luxembouig, ueimany, Englanu, Scotlanu,
Fiance, Austiia, Switzeilanu). Liveu in Shanghai, China foi 2 weeks.

-Piovost's uolu Scholaiship, Patiicia }ohnston Ait Scholaiship
-Peifoimance paintei foi Bayloi 0niveisity's Aftei Baik peifoimance (2u11 & 2u12)
-Speakei foi Naitin Nuseum of Ait's symposium 7$*8+*+ .9 7$*
-Publisheu in The Phoenix (2u11), covei ait
-Chosen as Fine Ait Bepaitment's outstanuing stuuent foi 2u12 Bonois Convocation
-Nameu to Bean's List: Fall 2uu9, Spiing 2u1u, Fall 2u11, Spiing 2u12, Fall 2u12,
Spiing 2u1S, Fall 2u1S, Spiing 2u14
-Nay 2u14, uuest Aitist foi Ait Centei of Waco's Table Toppei's Event

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