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National Capital Judicial Region

Branc !"#$ %a&ati Cit'
versus CRIMINAL CASE. 1001001
*To te Pro+ecution,+ For-al o. O/0ect and 1ocu-entar' E2idence3
ACCUSE1 /' te under+igned coun+el and unto ti+ Honora/le Court$ -o+t
re+pect.ull' co--ent+ and4or o/0ect+ to te ad-i++ion o. te Pro+ecution,+ For-al
o. O/0ect E2idence a+ .ollo5+6
ACCUSE1 o/0ect+ to te .or-al o. te Bolo a+ e2idence o. te Pro+ecution$
-ar&ed a+ E7i/it 8C9: Te Bolo i+ inad-i++i/le a+ e2idence due to te rea+on tat it
5a+ ne2er identi.ied and o..ered during te trial o. te ca+e: Tere i+ no /a+i+ .or it+
ad-i++i/ilit' tu+ -a&ing it+ purpo+e -oot and un5arranted:
Te ACCUSE1 .urter o/0ect+ to te purpo+e o. te a+ .ollo5+6
8A9 A..ida2it o. %+: %aria %ae
Te Accu+ed o/0ect+ to te purpo+e o. te +peci.icall' 5ic i+ to atte+t to te
incident pertaining to te co--i++ion o. te
cri-e o. parricide /' te accu+ed:
It a+ /een declared in open court and tat te
record+ 5ould atte+t tat te pri-ar' 5itne++
ad-itted tat +e 5a+ not pre+ent at te
preci+e -o-ent o. te co--i++ion o. te
cri-e: Tu+$ te te+ti-on' o. te 5itne++ 5it
regard to ti+ -atter 5ould all /e ear+a' and
i+ inad-i++i/le a+ e2idence: At cro++$ +e
categoricall' ad-itted tat +e did not +ee te
actual &illing$ tu+$ er a++u-ption tat it i+ te
Accu+ed 5o &illed te 2icti- i+ -ere
+peculation inad-i++i/le in e2idence:

8B9 SOCO Report o. Bernardo
Te Accu+ed o/0ect+ to te purpo+e o. te +peci.icall' 5ic i+ to e+ta/li+ te
pre+ence o. te accu+ed at te +cene o. te
Page 1 of 5
Te In2e+tigator /eing a -ere re+ponder a.ter
te cri-e a+ alread' /een co--itted i+
inco-petent to te+ti.' or to e+ta/li+ te
pre+ence o. te accu+ed at te +cene o. te
cri-e during it+ actual co--i++ion: Te
in2e+tigator a+ no per+onal &no5ledge nor
a+ a 5ell)grounded /elie. tat te accu+ed
5a+ at te +cene o. te cri-e .or te o/2iou+
rea+on tat e 5a+ not pre+ent at te ti-e te
cri-e 5a+ co--itted:
Te Accu+ed al+o o/0ect+ to te purpo+e o.
te 5ic i+ to e+ta/li+ te
circu-+tance+ +urrounding te co--i++ion o.
te cri-e: Te 5itne++ i-+el. ad-itted tat
e did not +ee te &illing and te .act tat e
arri2ed onl' 5en te cri-e ad alread' /een
co--itted negated actual &no5ledge on te
circu-+tance+ +urrounding te co--i++ion o.
te cri-e$ tu+$ tere 5a+ no 5a' .or i- to
e7actl' e+ta/li+ te .act+ on te actual
co--i++ion o. te cri-e: <ate2er e -a'
conclude .ro- te ting+ e ad collected are
pure +peculation+ inad-i++i/le in e2idence:
Te Accu+ed al+o o/0ect+ to te purpo+e o.
te 5ic i+ to te+ti.' and correlate te
piece+ o. e2idence ac=uired .ro- te +cene o.
te cri-e 5it te co--i++ion o. +aid cri-e:
Again$ /eing not pre+ent during te actual
co--i++ion o. te cri-e$ te 5itne++ i+
inco-petent to correlate te piece+ o.
e2idence ac=uired .ro- te +cene o. te
cri-e$ and not /eing o..ered a+ an e7pert
5itne++$ i+ te+ti-on' regarding ti+ -atter i+
-ere +peculation tu+$ inad-i++i/le in
Te Accu+ed al+o o/0ect+ to te ad-i++i/ilit'
o. te report to pro2e te ti-e o. deat o. te
2icti- due to it+ /eing incon+i+tent 5it te
In.or-ation and /ecau+e +aid 5itne++ al+o i+
inco-petent to te+ti.' a+ to te ti-e o. deat
not /eing a -edico)legal o..icer:
8C)!9 Blan&et -ar&ed 5it 8Propert'
o. Teniente Gi-o9
Te Accu+ed o/0ect+ to te purpo+e o. te +peci.icall' 5ic i+ to pro2e te .act tat
te accu+ed i+ te o5ner o. ting u+ed in
&illing te 2icti-:
Te record+ 5ill +o5 tat te pri-ar' 5itne++
ad-itted tat it 5a+ onl' in one occa+ion tat
+e 5ent to te ou+e o. te accu+ed: Tu+
o5ner+ip o. te propertie+ tat can /e .ound
in+ide te ou+e o. te accu+ed cannot /e
accuratel' e+ta/li+ed /' te 5itne++ /' 0u+t
-ere one in+tance: Te 5itne++ i+
Page 2 of 5
inco-petent to te+ti.' to ti+ -atter and all +e
+aid 5a+ ear+a' 5ic i+ inad-i++i/le:
Suppo+ing 5itout ad-itting tat te /lan&et
5a+ a propert' o. te Accu+ed$ it could not
pro2e$ eiter directl' or indirectl'$ tat te
Accu+ed 5a+ te one 5o &illed te 2icti-:
Te cri-e /eing co--itted in te ou+e o. te
Accu+ed$ it i+ /ut natural tat i+ /elonging+
could /e .ound tere and 5it te 2icti-: Ti+
o5e2er doe+ not pro2e in an' degree tat te
accu+ed &illed te 2icti-: Tu+$ it i+
inad-i++i/le in e2idence /eing irrele2ant and
8E9 Fingerprint Anal'+i+ Report Te de.en+e ad-it+ te genuinene++ and due
e7ecution o. te+e docu-ent+ a+ te' are
pu/lic docu-ent+ and .or-+ part o. pu/lic
record+: Ho5e2er te .inding+ integrated on
te+e report+ are ere/' /eing oppo+ed +ince
te 2er' o/0ect tat 5a+ e7a-ined a+ te /a+i+
o. ti+ anal'+i+ report i+ inad-i++i/le in
e2idence pertaining to te Bolo -ar&ed a+
E7i/it 8C9:

8F)!9 %edical Necrop+' and
Te Accu+ed o/0ect+ to te purpo+e o. te +peci.icall' 5ic i+ to corro/orate te
te+ti-on' o. te .ir+t 5itne++ /a+ed on ti+
-edical report:
Under Section #> o. Rule !#" o. te Rule+ o.
Court$ te purpo+e .or 5ic te e2idence i+
o..ered -u+t /e +peci.ied: Te -ade /'
te pro+ecution i+ a general 5ic -u+t
/e re0ected: Te ad-ittance -ade /' te
de.en+e 5a+ onl' 5it regard to te
genuinene++ and due e7ecution o. te pu/lic
docu-ent and it i+ 5anting on o5 ti+ piece
o. docu-ent can corro/orate te te+ti-on' o.
te 5itne++: Te pri-ar' 5itne++ a+ te+ti.ied
on a lot o. -atter+ 5ic te pro+ecution .ailed
to clearl' +peci.' on 5at +peci.ic area+ te
-edical report corro/orate+ te te+ti-on' o.
te 5itne++:

8F)"9 Picture o. dead %aria La/o Te /e+t e2idence tat can pro2e te deat o.
te 2icti- i+ not troug potograpic i-age+
/ut /' pre+enting te 2icti-,+ deat certi.icate:
Tu+$ te Accu+ed o/0ect+ to te purpo+e o. it+
8G)!9$ 8G)"9
? 8G)#9
Cri-e Scene picture o. te
&itcen$ Cri-e +cene picture o.
te Cauldron and Cri-e Scene
picture o. te /od' on te
ta/le$ co2ered 5it te Blan&et
Te Accu+ed o/0ect+ to te purpo+e o. te +peci.icall' To corro/orate te te+ti-on'
o. te t5o 5itne++e+ pre+ented:
A+ -entioned a/o2e te purpo+e .or 5ic te
Page 3 of 5
*8C)!93 e2idence i+ o..ered -u+t /e +peci.ied: Clearl'$
it i+ con.u+ing on te part o. te de.en+e on
5at part o. te te+ti-onie+ o. te t5o
5itne++e+ pre+ented te+e piece+ o. e2idence
corro/orate+: Being te ca+e$ ti+ pre0udice+
te de.en+e on it+ rigt o. rai+ing te
nece++ar' allo5a/le de.ence+ pro2ided /' la5
and te rule+ to protect te intere+t o. te
<HEREFORE$ Accu+ed -o+t re+pect.ull' pra'+ to ti+ Honora/le Court tat te
.oregoing o/0ect and docu-entar' e7i/it+ -entioned a/o2e /e denied ad-i++ion .or
te rea+on+ a/o2e +tated: Te Accu+ed .urter pra'+ .or +uc oter relie. a+ -a' /e
0u+t and e=uita/le under te pre-i+e+:
%a&ati Cit':
Augu+t !>$ "@!>
Re+pect.ull' +u/-itted$
Coun+el .or te Accu+ed Teniente Gi-o
PRADAC Law Office
#At Floor$ L;G To5er
BC@! A'ala A2enue$ %a&ati Cit'
PTR #>DADB$ !4!@4!D$ %a&ati Cit'
IBP No: @!@"# Li.eti-e %e-/er
Roll No: #A>#D
%CLE Co-pliance III)@@@E!#$ April !E$ "@!>
Cop' Furni+ed /' Per+onal Ser2ice to6
Cit' A++i+tant Pro+ecutor
%a&ati Cit'
Unit !># >>t Floor$ Gara-pingat Bldg:
BEBE A'ala A2enue$ %a&ati Cit' !""E
Page 4 of 5
Te .iling o. ti+ Co--ent4O/0ection 5a+ done troug LBC due to ti-e$
di+tance and -anpo5er con+traint+:
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