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Hydro Power Enquiry Sheet

Dated: 24/6/2014
Project Name: Home project
Company: None
Address: Kandaghat, Solan, Himachal radesh !Himalayas in short"
Co#ntry: $ndia
Contact %r: An#& 'ha(#r
'elephone: )a*:
+,mail: an#&tha(#r-o#tloo(.com S(ype:
/e0site: %o0ile phone:
Basic Data for the Hydropower Project
/ater Head: 11 m
/ater 2o3 rate : 2 4iter/second
5#tp#t po3er re6#ired: 20,40(/
$nstall #nits:
5#tp#t 7oltage: 2208
9ated :re6#ency 10 H;
<o yo# need to tie 3ith grid=
enstoc( 4ength / <iameter: lease g#ide
$ am planning to set,#p a micro,hydro po3er plant at my 7illage to :#l>ll
:ollo3ing needs.
1. 4ighting ?10 C)4 0#l0s o: 20 / each@ !1A hrs a day"
2. 1 hp?horse po3er@ 3ater p#mp !10 hrs a day"
$n this pro&ect the 3ater is ta(en into a small stream :rom the ri7er and ele7ated at a
height o: 10 m. /ater 3ill 2o3 thr# the stream :or B00m so that silt can settle do3n.
'hen the 3ater is allo3ed to 2o3 thr# a narro3 drain o: concrete on to t#r0ine. 'here
3onCt 0e any po3er generation in s#mmer ?2months@.
'he electricity generated 3ill 0e solely #sed :or domestic p#rpose only so (eeping in
mind the cost o: in7estment to minim#m. $ 0elie7e the main cost 3ill 0e o: t#r0ine and
the generator.
lease s#ggest the :ollo3ing:
1. Ho3 m#ch po3er 3ill this pro&ect generate 3ith B0D eEciency=
2. Ho3 many (/H 3ill 0e generated e7ery day=
F. /hich t#r0ine to #se= !Sho#ld 0e a0le to s#stain small amo#nt o: silt" Email: Hydro Power Enquiry Sheet
4. Generator :or constant po3er s#pply=
5. Anything else $ need to 0#y e*cept the a0o7e items. Email: Hydro Power Enquiry Sheet

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