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1. What was the reason behind Spains shift from moderate treatment to cruelty during
the 19
a. Describe what happened in South America.
b. !plain why Spain was cheated by the Spaniards in South America.
c. What were the other e"ents in urope which led to the paranoia and insecurity of
d. What was the effect of these e"ents in South America and urope to the #hilippines?
e. $ow can you compare the aforesaid to the scenario between a %&'$( and a
+. What is the main idea behind the (eform %o"ement?
a. $ow was the (eform mo"ement formed? What was the main role of the &rtiga family?
b. What ,ind of attac, was agreed upon by the ilustrados? Why did they select that form?
c. Who were the early ilustrados? -i"e S#C).)C e!amples of how they attac,ed the
d. Did the ilustrados succeed? Why or why not?

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