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Anchor Credit Cooperative

#2Malakas St., Brgy., Pinyahan.

Dear Imelda Ibora,
Our om!any, "nlimited Possibilities #orld Marketing $or!oration
%"P#O&'D(, is a relati)ely ne* om!any in the +eld o, sales and distribution
o, -ealth and #ellness !roduts, *ith a mission o, bringing out the ma.imum
!otential o, an indi)idual. It is in this regard, that *e *ould like to re/uest ,or
a !ri)ate meeting *ith you at your most on)enient time to disuss !ossible
!artnershi! *ith our li)elihood !rogram. Our distributor Mihael 0rries
'aorte, *ill get in touh *ith you ,or the shedule.
I, you ha)e any /uery regarding the same, !lease ontat Mr. Don 'oria at
123 454 6247558 or Mr. Maro Saro at 123 437 93256:9.
;hank you and *e look ,or*ard to meeting you.
Mr. Lorenzo P. Rivera, Jr.
=oted by>
Angelou De Leon-Rivera
$or!orate Seretary

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