COA Credit Union Inc. Letter

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COA Credit Union Inc.

Dear Myrna Caba,
Our company, Unlimited Possibilities World Marketing Corporation
(UPWO!D", is a relati#ely ne$ company in t%e &eld o' sales and distribution
o' (ealt% and Wellness products, $it% a mission o' bringing out t%e ma)imum
potential o' an indi#idual* +t is in t%is regard, t%at $e $ould like to re,uest 'or
a pri#ate meeting $it% you at your most con#enient time to discuss possible
partners%ip $it% our li#eli%ood program* Our distributor Mic%ael Arries
!acorte, $ill get in touc% $it% you 'or t%e sc%edule*
+' you %a#e any ,uery regarding t%e same, please contact Mr* Don !oria at
-./ 010 2.03114 or Mr* Marco 5arco at -./ 0/3 6/71286*
9%ank you and $e look 'or$ard to meeting you*
Mr. Lorenzo P. Rivera, Jr.
;oted by<
Angelou De Leon-Rivera
Corporate 5ecretary

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