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Psychology and Behavioral Sciences

2013; 2(3): 89-95

Published online June 10, 2013 (http://www.sienepublishin!!"oup.o#/$/pbs)
doi: 10.11%&8/$.pbs.20130203.12

Territoriality in the traditional settlement context
Fuad Zubaidi
, Happy Ratna Santosa, Muhammad Faqih
'ep("t#ent o) *"hitetu"e +nstitute ,ehnolo!- o) .epuluh /o0e#be", .u"(b(-(, +ndonesi(
Email address:
)hoe(d1-( 3ub(idi), h(pp-"(tn(1-(hoo.o#(4. 5. .(ntos(), )(6ih1("h.its.(.id(7. 2(6ih)
To cite this article:
2u(d 3ub(idi, 4(pp- 5(tn( .(ntos(, 7uh(##(d 2(6ih. ,e""ito"i(lit- in the ,"(dition(l 8onte9t, Psychology and Behavioural Sciences.
:ol. 2, /o. 3, 2013, pp. 89-95. doi: 10.11%&8/$.pbs.20130203.12

Abstract: ,his "ese("h is ( lite"(tu"e stud- whih disusses the onept o) te""ito"i(lit- sp(e theo"-. ,he obse"0(tion
)ous in the onte9t o) t"(dition(l settle#ent, whih e#ph(si;e on the soi(l (nd ultu"(l (spet th(t "el(ted to the soi(l
s-ste# (nd ph-si(l ultu"e in t"(dition(l settle#ent onte9t. ,he (i# o) this stud- to see< (nd uno0e" !(p <nowled!e o)
sp(e te""ito"i(lit- onept o" theo"- th(t h(s been widel- studied (nd "ese("hed, whethe" it h(s been done in #o"e depth in
beh(0io"(l (nd ultu"(l (spets o) soiet-= +s the onte9t o) the t"(dition(l settle#ent h(s been studied in #o"e depth (nd
o#p"ehensi0el-=.,"(dition(l settle#ents (s the ph-si(l en0i"on#ent o" settin! is uni6ue, (nd the distinti0eness h(0e not
been studied (nd e9(#ined in #o"e depth. ,e""ito"i(lit- is the "el(tionship between sp(e with hu#(ns, the stud- (pp"o(h
with ( )ous on ultu"(l no"#s, (nd di))e"ent soieties will !ene"(te ( )o"# (nd ( di))e"ent onept o) sp(e. 2in(ll-, the
"esults b(sed on lite"(tu"e "e0iew shows th(t the onept o" theo"- o) te""ito"i(lit- in the t"(dition(l settle#ents onte9t in
#o"e depth (nd o#p"ehensi0el- in the (spets o) ultu"e (nd beh(0io" h(s not been done. ,he"e)o"e, ( spei)- (nd
o#p"ehension stud- o) te""ito"i(lit- sp(e on the t"(dition(l settle#ent need to be done, in o"de" to )ind out (n (de6u(te
)o"#ul( "el(ted to te""ito"i(lit- sp(e on the t"(dition(l settle#ent.
ey!ords: ,e""ito"i(lit-, .p(e, ,"(dition(l .ettle#ent, 8ultu"e

"# $ntroduction
,e""ito"i(lit- (s one o) ("hitetu"e (tt"ibutes o)
en0i"on#ent (nd beh(0io", in whih the inte"(tion between
indi0idu(ls (nd o##unities who h(0e (ti0it- pu"poses
(nd (n en0i"on#ent th(t (o#od(te thei" (ti0ities.
,he inte"-"el(tionship o) te""ito"i(lit- (tt"ibute is (
distinti0e ele#ent o) hu#(n beh(0io" th(t the 6u(lit- (n
be #e(su"ed b- sp(e te"ito"i(lit-. ,he ph-si(l settin! (nd
(to"s is t(<in! (n i#po"t(ne p("t in its #e(su"e#ent. >ith
the inte"(tion between the ele#ents o) te""ito"i(lit-, the
6u(lit- o) the te""ito"- ould (lso be #e(su"ed between the
(to"s (nd thei" ph-si(l settin!s.
,e""ito"i(lit- is ( soi(l inte"(tion with its en0i"on#ent
th(t the (ti0ities ("e (tu(li;ed in its pl(e, it is inlude thei"
e))o"ts to #(inten(ne its s(0et- o) othe"s inte")e"enes.
,e""ito"i(lit- ou"s be(use o) sp(e use" inte"(ts in (
te""ito"- inludin! in the soi(l sp(e. ,he te""ito"- use" is (n
indi0idu(l o" o##unities th(t inte"(t (t ( p("tiul(" pl(e,
this is not li#ited to ph-si(l but (lso beh(0io" t(<in! (n
i#po"t(ne p("t in its inte"(tion .
,he te""ito"i(lit- beh(0io" e#ph(si;es on the eleti
lin<(!e between sp(e (nd people who use the sp(e o"
oup- it. ,his (pp"o(h sees ultu"(l lin<(!e suh (s no"#s,
ultu"es, (nd soi(l (spet, di))e"ent people will !ene"(te
di))e"ent onept (nd di))e"ent sp(e )o"#?1@. ,he inte"(-
tion between hu#(ns (nd sp(e, the (pp"o(h tends to use
the te"# settin! o) the sp(e.
4("-(di?2@, "e0e(led th(t the te""ito"- in the ("hitetu"(l
en0i"on#ent (nd beh(0io" is de)ined (s the e9tent to whih (
li0in! o"!(nis# dete"#ine its de#(nds, #("<in!, (nd de)end
it, espei(ll- )"o# the possibilit- o) inte"0ention )"o# othe"
p("ties. ,his onept w(s o"i!in(ll- de0eloped )o" ( li0in!
o"!(nis# is not hu#(n, but l(te" used )o" hu#(n (nd en0i-
"on#ent one"ns ("e (lso pe"ei0ed i#(!in("- en0i"on#ent.
7e(nin! )o" hu#(ns, the onept o) te""ito"- is #o"e th(n
the de#(nd )o" ( "e!ion(l sp(ti(l (nd ph-si(l, but (lso
e#otion(l (nd ultu"(l needs.
A(n!?3@, ("!ues te""ito"i(lit- h(s )ou" #(in h("(te"s;
owne"ship o" "i!hts )"o# so#ewhe"e, pe"son(li;(tion o"
#("<in! o) ( p("tiul(" ("e(, the "i!ht to de)end itsel) )"o#
outside inte")e"ene, (nd ont"ol o) #ultiple )untions,
"(n!in! )"o# #eetin! b(si needs to the s(tis)(tion o)
ps-holo!i(l o!niti0e (nd (estheti needs.
B"owe"?&@, ("!ues th(t te""ito"i(lit- is (n indi0idu(l o"
!"oup "el(tionship with the ph-si(l settin!, whih is illus-
t"(ted with ( sense o) belon!in! (nd e))o"ts to ont"ol the use
90 2u(d 3ub(idi et al.: ,e""ito"i(lit- in ,he ,"(dition(l .ettle#ent 8onte9t

o) sp(e. +n on"ete te"#s (o"din! to B"owe", h("(te"-
i;ed b- te""ito"i(lit- pl(e#ent (oup(n-) s-#boli(ll-
with (tt(h#ent points ((tt(h#ent). *o"din! to
Ci))o"d?5@, te""ito"- is ( sp(e th(t (n be de)ined (nd on-
t"olled b- (n indi0idu(l o" !"oup th"ou!h the use o) ph-si(l
sp(e, owne"ship, de)ense, use e9lusi0el-, o" si!ns o)
identit--o"iented sp(ti(l (ess.
,he diussion o) te""ito"- (nd te""ito"i(lit- h(0e been "e-
l(ted on how the e9istin! p(tte"n (nd t-pe o) te""ito"ies ("e
builded. .o#e e9pe"ts )o"#ul(ted the t-pe o) te""ito"- (s
*lt#(n?%@, di0idin! the te""ito"- into th"ee (te!o"ies: p"i-
#("-, seond("- (nd publi te""ito"-. ,hese th"ee (te!o"ies
("e 0e"- spei)- to ( t-pi(l ultu"e o) p("tiul(""- soiet-.
A-#(n (nd .ott in *lt#(n?%@, this l(ssi)i(tion is o#-
p("(ble with *lt#(n, he de0ided two di))e"ent t-pes o)
te""ito"-; inte"(tion(l te""ito"- (nd bodies te""ito"-.
Dl-.h("<(w- in A(n!?3@, shows the )ou" t-pes o)
te""ito"i(lit- whih is use)ul in the desi!n o) the en0i"on#ent;
(tt(hed te""ito"-, ent"(l te""ito"-, suppo"tin! te""ito"-, (nd
pe"iphe"(l te""ito"-. Po"teus?E@, identi)ied th"ee inte""el(ted
le0els o) te""ito"i(lit-; pe"son(l sp(e, ho#e b(se, (nd ho#e
8(te!o"- o) te""ito"i(lit- shows the publi pe"eption o)
the e9istene o) sp(e (nd th(t sp(e is 0e"- in)luenti(l to the
(pp"op"i(te lo(l ultu"e. B(sed on these theo"ies th(t h(0e
been the"e (nd w(s still (ble to be de0eloped in (o"d(ne
ultu"(l spei)iities (nd e9istin! lo(tions, othe"wise it (n
be onluded th(t du"in! the te""ito"- is still seen in the
onte9t o) t(n!ible ("e(l), )i9ed, (nd )oused on the "oo# so
it needs to de0elop in the onte9t o) the int(n!ible (nd (t
spei)i loi (s in t"(dition(l settle#ents.
+n this stud-, se0e"(l studies "el(ted to the topi studied
te""ito"i(lit- sp(e o) lite"(tu"e (nd $ou"n(ls to see the on-
te9t o) the "ese("h th(t h(s been done "el(ted to the ob$et
unde" stud- (nd whe"e suh "ese("h. 2"o# the "esults o)
these studies, it w(s onluded the"e h(s been no de0elop-
#ent o) theo"- o" "ese("h on the topi o) sp(e te""ito"i(lit-
disuss spei)is "el(ted to the ultu"(l onte9t (nd the soi(l
inte"(tion th(t h(s ( distinti0e h("(te".
2"o# so#e o) the "ese("h th(t h(s been in "e0iew, "e-
se("h (nd de0elop#ent o) the theo"- o) te""ito"i(lit- h(s not
been #uh stud- thin!s th(t ("e #o"e o#ple9 in the ultu"e
s-ste#, the soi(l s-ste# (nd the e9istin! s-ste# o) ph-si(l
ultu"e in the o##unit-, in ( #o"e o#plete )o"# o) ul-
tu"(l ele#ents: l(n!u(!e, ("ts, <nowled!e s-ste#s, soi(l
o"!(ni;(tion, eono#i s-ste#s, tehnolo!i(l s-ste#s, (nd
"eli!ious s-ste#, (s well (s (d(pt(bilit- (nd uni6ueness o)
the lo(l o##unit-.
%# &roblem Statement
.e0e"(l studies on te""ito"i(lit- sp(e !i0e ont"ibution on
the de0elop#ent o) stud- beh(0io" (nd ultu"e "el(ted to the
use (nd )o"#(tion o) sp(e in the en0i"on#ent settin!. *
ultu"(l )(to" )o" inst(ne, en0i"on#ent(l dete"#inis#
(pp"o(h o) ( t"(dition(l settle#ent e#ph(si;es on sh(pe
(nd p(tte"n (s the n(tu"(l onse6uenes o) the e9istin!
onte9t. ,"(dition(l settle#ents whih still "et(in ultu"(l
0(lues (nd t"(ditions in "el(tion to te""ito"i(lit- beh(0io" h(s
not been studied in #o"e o#ple9 (nd p"o)ound.
4ene, the onept o" te""ito"i(lit- theo"- still need to be
de0eloped b(se on ultu"(l (nd soi(l s-ste#s, (s well (s
ph-si(l ultu"e. ,he"e)o"e, this stud- is )oused on two
#(in )(to"s; beh(0io"(l )(to"s (nd ultu"(l )(to"s F(n
outdoo" stud- is onside"ed.
A(n!?3@, #entioned in 8"e(tin! *"hitetu"(l ,heo"-
st(ted th(t Gwe have little understanding of the change in
pattern of territorial behavior of groups over time, although
we do have some anecdotal information. 7o"e o0e" A(n!
e9pl(ined we have little understanding of how taste the
culturees have been structured and how they have changed
over time. B(se on the (bo0e st(te#ent, it is le("
#entioned th(t oneptu(l o" te""ito"i(l theo"- need to be
e9plo"e #o"e o#p"ehensi0el-, in o"de" to en"ih eithe" the
oneptu(l o" the te""ito"i(l beh(0io" theo"-.
B(sed on the int"odution (nd p"oble# st(te#ent show
the !(p between the theo"- (nd onept, the onept o)
te""ito"i(lit- is e9(#ined in the (spets o) t"(dition(l ultu"e.
+n (ddition, this t"(dition(l settle#ents onte9t h(0e not been
studied in depth (nd o#p"ehensi0el-, the #issin! lin<(!e
o) ultu"(l (nd soi(l s-ste#s, (nd ph-si(l ultu"e.
'# Methods
* lite"(tu"e stud- is used in this "ese("h. ,he w"ite"
e9(#ines b(se on theo"ies (nd "ese("h "esult "el(ted to
theo"- (nd sp(e te""ito"i(l. ,he "ese("h "e0iews is (
)indin! disussion "el(ted to sp(e te""ito"i(l theo"- th(t
ou"e in one en0i"on#ent settin!, see<s the <e- te"#,
de)ines so#e <e- wo"ds (nd the"#inolo!-, (nd builds the
theo"- )o"#(t o) the te""ito"i(lit-.
*"tiles (nd seleted lite"(tu"e t(<en )"o# se0e"(l boo<s,
$ou"n(ls (nd p"oeedin!s th(t disuss the topi disussed.
2u"the" to e0(lu(te the ontents o) the sou"e o) the
lite"(tu"e, ( su##("- o) the i#po"t(nt points o) )ous ("e
e9(#ined (nd tested in ( di))e"ent onte9t, in the onte9t o)
the t"(dition(l settle#ent b- e9plo"in! the "el(tionship is
the theo"eti(l )"(#ewo"< th(t h(s been built h(s been
studied in the onte9t.
(# Result and )iscussion
4.1. Discuss of Territory and Territoriality
Territorial behavior is a self-other boundary regulation
mechanism that involves personaliation of or mar!ing a
place or ob"ect and communication that it is owned by a
person or group,?%@. *s st(ted b- Ddne-?%@, dependin! on
the t-pe (nd de!"ee o) p"i0(- in the onte9t o) ultu"(l
beh(0io" p(tte"ns, in the pe"son(lit- (nd (spi"(tions o) the
indi0idu(l. ,he use o) ( w(ll, s"een, li#itin! the s-#boli
(nd "e(l b(""ie"s te""ito"-, is (lso ( #eh(nis# to de#on-
st"(te dist(ne p"i0(- en0i"on#ent in whih the desi!ne"
(n ont"ol ( 0("iet- o) h(n!es.
Ps-holo!- (nd Beh(0io"(l .ienes 2013; 2(3): 89-95 91

A-#(n (nd .ott in *lt#(n?%@, (lso #(<es the l(ssi)i(-
tion o) te""ito"i(lit- is o#p("(ble to *lt#(n?%@, but the"e
("e two distintion o) te""ito"i(l bond("ies. +nte"(tion ,e"-
"ito"- (i#ed (t (n ("e( whih te#po"("il- ont"olled b- (
!"oup o) people th(t inte"(t in s(#e pl(e. >hile, te""ito"-
(!enies ("e li#ited b- the hu#(n bod-, it #e(ns th(t e0e"-
i""it(tin! thin!s th(t inte"upt hu#(n bodies is onside"ed (s
i#p(i"ed. *uto#(ti(ll- people will de)end the#sel0es
(!(inst suh inte")e"ene.
B"owe"?&@, st(ted th(t te""ito"i(lit- is (n indi0idu(l o"
!"oup "el(tion in the ph-si(l settin!, it is depited ( sense
o) belon!in! (nd ounte" p("t o) the sp(e use. 8on"etel-
(o"din! to B"owe" ( te""ito"- is #("<ed b- ( pl(e#ent
(oup(n-) (nd si#bili;ed b- (tt(h#ent points ((tt(h-
#ent). *o"din! to Ci))o"d?5@, te""ito"- is ( sp(e th(t (n
be de)ined (nd ont"olled b- (n indi0idu(l o" !"oup th"ou!h
the use o) ph-si(l sp(e, owne"ship, de)ense, use e9lu-
si0el-, o" si!ns o) identit--o"iented sp(ti(l (ess.
Po"teous?E@, in his boo< #$nvironmental Behavior#
st(ted, te""ito"i(lit- is the e9tent to whih li0in! o"!(nis#
dete"#ines te""ito"- (nd de)end it, espei(ll- the possibilit-
o) inte"0ention o" (!!"ession )"o# othe" p("ties. ,his on-
ept w(s o"i!in(ll- de0eloped )o" non-hu#(n li0in! o"!(n-
is#s. +n line with the *"d"e-?8@, in the boo< o) The Terri-
torial %mperative, e9pl(ined th(t the desi"e to #(int(in (
te"ito"- ou" eithe" to hu#(n o" (ni#(ls. 4u#(n beh(0io"
is ( sp(in! #eh(nis# whih no"# (nd wo"< o"de" t(<in!
into (ount in sp(e #eh(nis#, it is inlude in lo(tion,
position (nd situ(tion.
4("-(di?2@, "e0e(led ( te""ito"- o) ("hitetu"e th(t
en0i"on#ent (nd beh(0io" ("e de)ined (s hu#(n li#it(tion
in whih ( li0in! o"!(nis# dete"#ine its de#(nd, #("<s,
(nd de)ends it in the possibilit- o) othe"s inte"0ention.
A(n!?3@, te""ito"i(lit- h(s )ou" #(in h("(te"s, n(#el-;
owne"ship o" the "i!hts o) sp(e uses, pe"son(li;e o" t(!-
!in! o) ( e"t(in ("e(, the "i!hts to de)end itsel) )"o# the
inte")e"ene, (nd the ont"ol o) #ultiple )untions, inlude
in b(si ps-holo!i(l needs up to s(tis)(tion o) the o!ni-
ti0e (nd (estheti needs.
2"o# the de)inition o) te""ito"- des"ibed; Co))#(n?%@,
.te(?9@, .o##e"?%@, A-#(n (nd .ott?%@, *lt#(n (nd
4(-tho"n?%@, .o##e"?%@, P(st(l(n?%@, .un(st"o# in *lt-
#(n?%@, *lt#(n?%@, Ddne-?%@ in line with *lt#(n,
Ci))o"d?5@, d(n 4("-(di?2@, it (n be onluded th(t the
te""ito"- is "el(ted to the ("e( )o"#(tion th(t is onduted
b- indi0idu(ls o" !"oups in o"de" to (hie0e the opti#(l
sp(e "e6ui"e#ent. 8ont"ol o" #eh(nis# "e!ul(tin! ("e(s /
sp(es done with o##on owne"ship o) the pl(e, t(!!in!,
(nd -ields de)ensi0e #eh(nis# (!(inst th"e(ts / dis"uption
to (n ("e(. .e0e"(l thin!s (n ())et the )o"#(tion o) the
"e!ion (nd how the inte"(tion o) lo(l ultu"(l onte9t.
2"o# the de)inition o) te""ito"i(lit- th(t de0eloped
*"d"e-?8@, *lt#(n?%@, B"owe"?&@, A(n!?3@, Po"teus?E@,
A(u"ens?10@, 4(li#?11@, it (n be onluded te""ito"i(lit- is
( "el(tionship o" inte"(tion between indi0idu(ls o" !"oups
within (n ("e( / sp(e is unde"stood (s ( #e(ns o" #eh(-
nis# o) (n indi0idu(l o" !"oup to set the "e!ion / te""ito"-
b- t(!!in! o" pe"son(li;e s-#boli(ll- be s()e )"o# t(#-
pe"in!, (nd th"e(ts to te""ito"-. ,e""ito"i(lit- h(s ( h("(te"
in possession o) the ("e(, set the e9istin! )untion(lit-, (s
well (s the o!niti0e needs (nd othe" needs.
4.2. Types and Functions of Territoriality
*lt#(n?%@, di0ides te""ito"- into th"ee (te!o"ies, whih
is (ssoi(ted with pe"son(l en!(!e#ent, in0ol0e#ent,
inte"pe"son(l "el(tion in d(il- li)e (s (n indi0idu(l o" !"oup
(nd )"e6uen- o) use. ,he th"ee (te!o"ies ("e primary,
secondary (nd publi territory. ,hese th"ee (te!o"ies ("e
0e"- spei)i (spets "el(ted to the spei)i o##unit-
5e)e""in! to the (bo0e e9pl(n(tion, ( p"i0(te sp(e is
e6ui0(lent to ( p"i#("- te""ito"-, while publi pl(e p("
with publi te""ito"-. +n line with *lt#(n?%@, A-#(n (nd
.ott?%@, *lt#(n l(ssi)- two di))e"ent te""ito"i(lit- t-pes,
those ("e; territory interaction, (nd territorial bodies. ,e"-
"ito"- inte"(tion (dd"esses (n ("e( whih h(s te#po"("-
e))et th(t is ont"olled b- indi0idu(ls o" !"oups inte"(tion.
>hile te""ito"- bounded b- the hu#(n bod-.
Dl-.h("<(w- 19E9 in A(n!?3@, shows )ou" t-pes o) te""i-
to"i(lit- th(t ("e use)ul in en0i"on#ent(l desi!n; &ttached
territory, 'entral territory, Supporting territory, (nd pe-
ripheral territory. Po"teus?E@, identi)ies th"ee distinti0e
le0els o) te""ito"i(lit-, n(#el-: pe"son(l sp(e, ho#e b(se
(( sp(e th(t is well #ent(ined) (nd ho#e "(n!e (is ( be-
h(0io" settin! th(t is build b- so#ebod-Hs li)e).
B"owe"?&@, distin!uishes the te""ito"- into )ou" t-pes;
personal territory, territorial communities, society territory
and free territory. ,he )ou" t-pes o) these te""ito"ies ("e
l(ssi)ied b(sed on: 1) 8ont"ol de!"ee th(t is used b- othe"
people, 2) * pe"son o" !"oup o) people who doin! the
onte" p("t, (nd 3) the e9ist(ne o) si!n(l whih h(s
)untion (s ( ont"ol point. +) one o) these ele#ents do not
e9ist o" do not wo"< e))eti0el-, the (bilit- o) te""ito"i(lit-
)o"#(tion te""ito"- will de"e(se.
2"o# so#e de)initions (nd theo"- sope o) te""ito"- (nd
te""ito"i(lit-, th(t h(s been disussed (nd e9(#ined b- se0-
e"(l e9pe"ts (n be )o"#ul(ted: first, ,e""ito"- is (n
oupied bounded sp(e; P(st(l(n?%@, & territory is a de-
limited space that a person or group uses and defends as an
e(clusive preserve, 5obe"t .o##e"?12@, Territory is visible,
stationary, tends to be home centered, regulating who will
interact. 2"o# the st(te#ent (bo0e, it is ob0ious th(t te""i-
to"- is "e(l (o"d(ne to its sp(e li#it(tion. +t (n be (
w(ll, h(i" o#position, t(ble o" ( s-#boli si!n o) pe"son-
(l p"ope"t- pl(e#ent. Second, ,e""ito"- (s the )ul)ill#ent
o) the needs o) indi0idu(ls o" !"oups; 5obe"t .o##e"?%@, &
Territory is an area controlled by person, family or other
face-to-face collectivity. 'ontrol is reflected in actual or
potential possession rather than evidence of physical com-
bat or aggression ) at least at the human level. 5obe"t
.o##e" e#ph(si;ed th(t possession / owne"ship in the
te"#s o) te""ito"- is #o"e i#po"t(nt th(n ( desi"e to de)end
the te""ito"- )"o# en"o(h#ent. Co))#(n 19%3?%@, Terri-
92 2u(d 3ub(idi et al.: ,e""ito"i(lit- in ,he ,"(dition(l .ettle#ent 8onte9t

tories are areas controlled on the basis of ownership and
e(clusiveness of use.*This is +ine* or ,-ou !eep off.
Co))#(n pointed th(t the use o) to"ito"- onept o) sel)
(tu(li;(tion (nd st(tues s-#bol (e9lusi0eness) (s well (s
(sse"t the owne"ship. *lt#(n (nd 4(-to"n?%@, Territoriality
involves in mutually e(clusive use of areas and ob"ect by
person or group. *lt#(n (nd 4(-to"n?%@ show th(t te""ito"-
ou" #utu(l "el(tionship between sp(e use (nd ob$ets
su""ound it. ,hus, the inte"st (pp"o(hs "edue the
o#ple9it- o) ultu"(l !(bs, in this st(!es li)e beo#e so
#uh e(sie" in "espondin! 0("ios inte"est suh (s "e!ul(tion
te""ito"- .the owner of the house has their own rules, in the
mean time the guests also have their own rules/.,hi"d, ,e"-
"ito"- (s ( 5e(l o" .-#boli .i!n; P(st(l(n?%@, Territory
involves psychological identification with a place, symbol-
ied by attitudes of possessiveness and arrangements of
ob"ects in the area. 5obe"t .o##e"?%@, Territorial are geo-
graphical areas that are personalied or mar!ed in some
way. * "ese("h th(t is onduted b- *lt#(n, /elson (nd
Aett,?%@ ( (se stud- (bout )(#il- li)e )ound th(t people
who sleep in the s(#e "oo# ("e #("<in! thei" own te""ito"-,
this inlude in bed possition, pillow (nd bolste" olo", bed
sheets th(t ("e distin!uish one (nothe". 7o"eo0e", the
ob$et (""(n!#ent o) dinin! t(ble (nd h(i" show te""ito"-
(nd e(h o) it i#plies "eo!nition o) h(i" owne"ship, e(h
)(#il- #e#be"s still hoose the s(#e h(i" (nd do not
h(n!e )o" (n- "e(sons.
0ourth, ,e""ito"- (s ( #(int(ined owne"ship o) sp(e;
.o##e" (nd Be<e"?%@, Territorial are defended from en-
croachment. (A-#(n (nd .ott, in *lt#(n)?%@, territorially
involves the attempt to control space. $ncroachment can
ta!e the form of violation, invasion, or contamination and
defensive reaction can involve turf defense, insulation or
linguistic collusion. A-#(n (nd .ott?%@ )u"the" disussion
th(t e9pl(in (bout the possibilit- o) te""ito"i(l 0iol(tions
(#(- (use uno#)o"t(ble )eellin!), (nd it possibell- #(-
(use se0e"(l othe" "e(tions. ,hus te""ito"- h(s desi"(ble
ele#ent to "et(in the owne"ship. 0ifth, ,e""ito"- (s ( #e(n
to )ul)ill #enHs needs o" enou"(!e st(tus; 5obe"t
.o##e",?%@, & Territory is an area controlled by person,
family or other face-to-face collectivity. 'ontrol is reflected
in actual or potential possession rather than evidence of
physical combat or aggression ) at least at the human level.
Co))#(n (19%3), Territories are areas controlled on the
basis of ownership and e(clusiveness of use ) i.e. *This is
+ine* or ,-ou !eep off. *lt#(n (nd 4(-to"n?%@, Territorial-
ity involves in mutually e(clusive use of areas and ob"ect by
person or group. ,his theo"- shows the"e ("e #utu(l "el(-
tionship between ("e( use/ pl(e (nd ob$ets ("ound ( pe"-
son o" o##unit-. ,he inte"st te""ito"- (pp"o(h h(s (i#ed
to ont"ol the ne!(ti0e ele#ents (nd inputs )"o# outside
te"ito"i(l, )o" inst(ne usin! ( notie bo("ds #1on*t pass
here222#, this is ( le(" bound("ies to #ention te""ito"i(l

4.3. Territoriality as Attribute of Behavior and Culture
,e""ito"i(lit- is (n (tt"ibute beh(0io", >eiss#(n?13@, the
(n(l-sis o) (tt"ibutes des"ibe "el(tionship p(tte"n between
indi0idu(l (it inludin! o##unities who "(tes
b"othe"hood o" !"oup), (nd its institution in "e(tin! (n
o"!(ni;(tion th(t in0ol0es sp(e inte"(tion s-ste# (nd its
(ti0it- settin!s. ,he"e ("e th"ee inte""el(tin! o#ponents
o) beh(0io" (t"ibutes, individual, institutional or organia-
tional, and the physical setting3 environment.
,e""ito"i(lit- is "el(ted to hu#(n beh(0io" tow("d thei"
en0i"on#ent, >eiss#(n?13@, te""ito"i(lit- is one beh(0io"
(tt"ibutes th(t h(0e "el(tionship between indi0idu(ls,
!"oups / o"!(ni;(tions with the ph-si(l settin!. *o"d-
in!l-, 4("-(di?2@ e9pl(ined th(t indi0idu(l in ( ph-si(l
settin! "el(ted to beh(0io", (ti0ities, pl(es, (nd ti#es.
>hile, ( ph-si(l settin! (s des"ibed b- 5(popo"t?1&@, h(s
ph-si(l ele#ent (nd (ti0it-. 2"o# so#e o) these point o)
0iews, it (n be onluded th(t the"e ("e th"ee #(in te""ito-
"i(lit- ele#ents, those ("e ph-si(l settin! (te""ito"-), (to"s
(indi0idu(l / !"oup), (nd ( 0("iet- o) (ti0ities.
2"o# these point o) 0iews, it (n be onluded th(t the
te""ito"i(lit- h(s th"ee #(in ele#ents, it inlude ph-si(l
settin! (te""ito"-), (to"s (indi0idu(l / !"oup), (nd ( 0("iet-
o) (ti0ities. 5e!("din! to the e#otion(l needs o) the on-
ept o) te""ito"- is "el(ted to p"i0(te sp(es (nd publi
sp(es. B(sil-, this onept w(s de0eloped )o" non-hu#(n
li0in! o"!(nis#s, but l(te" on this onept is used )o" hu-
#(n, it is "el(ted to pe"ie0ed en0i"on#ent (nd i#(!in("-
en0i"on#ent. ,his #e(ns th(t this te""ito"- onept is
de#(nd #o"e on ( "e!ion(l sp(ti(l (nd ph-si(l, (s well (s
e#otion(l (nd ultu"(l needs.
*s #entioned (bo0e, sp(e te""ito"i(lit- is (n (tt"ibutes
o) beh(0io", the ultu"(l bond("ies is in)luened the e9istin!
en0i"on#ent, this opinion is supp"o"ted b- 4("-(di?2@, in
the onte9t o) the en0i"on#ent (nHt be sep("(ted )"o# the
)(to"s th(t in)luene; factors religious, behavioral, and
cultural factors
4.4. Culture and Territoriality Space
8ultu"e is "el(ted di"etl- to ( t"(dition, this settin!
bond("ies !i0e (n in)luene on the hu#(n beh(0io". ,he is
"esultin! (n e))et o) sp(e "e6ui"e#ents to (o##od(te
its beh(0io".
*lt#(n (nd 8he#e"s?15@, (ssu#ed the de)inition o) ul-
tu"e; first, it "e)e"s to the belie)s (nd pe"eptions, 0(lues (nd
no"#s, usto#s (nd beh(0io" o) ( !"oup o" soiet- inlud-
in! wh(t the- ("e belie0e in to be t"ue in li0es, (nd the en-
0i"on#ent. Second, ,he te"# o) ultu"e is used to indi(te
o!nition, )eelin!s (nd beh(0io"s (#on! o##unities who
h(0e s(#e h(bits. Third, +t i#plies belie)s, 0(lues; st-le o)
beh(0io" th(t is "e))leted in d(il- li)e in o"de" to be
undestood, espei(ll- )o" -oun! !ene"(tion, this 0(lue
i#plies ( soi(li;in! (nd edu(tin! to the -outh to p"ese"0e
the h(bitu(l ti#e to ti#e. 0ourth, it is ( soiet-Hs 0(lue th(t
e#ph(si;es on belie) (nd in0ole0e #o"e to the p"(ti(l
p"oess o) #ent(l (nd beh(0iou". 8ultu"e w(s bo"n in (n
Ps-holo!- (nd Beh(0io"(l .ienes 2013; 2(3): 89-95 93

ob$et (nd ( ph-si(l en0i"on#ent suh (s ho#e desi!n,
o##unit- l(-out, (nd publi buildin! th(t e9pliitl- "e-
)lets o) the ultu"e 0(lue.
*o"din! Ioent$("(nin!"(t?1%@, ultu"e is in0ol0in!
whole s-ste# o) ide(s, (tion (nd hu#(n p"odut, this is
the ende(0o"s o) the hu#(n bein! (s the "esult o) sel)
le("nin! in the soiet-. +n d(il- li)e, the"e is ( p"esu#ption
th(t ( ultu"e is so#ethin! th(t "el(ted to the t"(dision(l o)
( spei)i ("e( (nd this usto#s ("e he"edit("-.
5e!("din! to these so#e sp(e de)initions, it is (n (el-
e"(tion o) lo(l ultu"e in whih ( sp(e th(t is )o"#ed in
t"(dition(l settle#ent, is (n i#(!in("- pitu"e o) the e9ist-
in! ultu"e. ,he"e)o"e, it is i#po"t(ne to show the ultu"(l
)o"# in the onte9t o) the "e(tion o) sp(e (""(n!e#ent,.
*o"din! to JJ 4ono!#(n in Ioent$("(nin!"(t?1E@ he"e
("e the ultu"(l )o"#s: 1). 2o"# is ultu"(l s-ste# o"
t"(dision(l s-ste# (s ( o#ple9ion o) ide(s, 0(lues, no"#s,
se"ies o) "ule, (nd so on. 8ultu"e )o"#(t is (n ide(l )o"# o)
ultu"e. +t is (bst"(t (nd (nHt be )elt o" pe"ei0ed, be(use
it e9ists in the hu#(nHs #ind. 2). 2o"# (s ( o#ple9 soi(l
s-ste# o) (n (ti0it- o" ( p(tte"n #o0e#ent o) hu#(n
bien! within its soiet-, this ultu"e )o"# is on"ete, ob-
se"0(ble, (nd (n be dou#ented. 3). 2o"# (s ( s-ste# o)
ph-si(l ultu"e, it p"odue so#e ob$ets (s the "esult o)
tot(l ph-si(l (ti0ities (nd wo"< in the o##unit-. 4ene,
the p"oduts ("e the on"ete p"ope"ties, (nd ob$ets o"
thin!s th(t (n be touhed, seen (nd dou#ented

Fiure 1. 'ultural 0ramewor!4567
,he "el(tionship between ultu"e, en0i"on#ent (nd soi-
et- h(s been widel- studied (nd des"ibed )"o# ti#e to
ti#e, in0ol0in! #ultiple disiplines in the soi(l sienes
(nd beh(0io"(l. *lt#(n?15@, e9pl(inin! the"e is ( lose "e-
l(tionship between ultu"e (nd en0i"on#ent, these h(0e
)i0e i#po"t(nt )(to"s "el(ted to ultu"e (nd the en0i"on-
#ent, those ("e: 1). * n(tu"(l en0i"on#ent, it inludes te#-
pe"(tu"e, "(in)(ll, "e!ion(l (nd !eo!"(phi(l )e(tu"es (nd
)lo"( (nd )(un(. 2). Dn0i"on#ent(l o"ient(tion (nd !lob(l
outloo< "el(ted to "eli!ion, 0(lues, (nd do#in(nt w(- o)
thin!<in!. 3). Dn0i"on#ent(l o!nition in0ol0es pe"ep-
tions, belie)s, (nd peopleHs $ud!e (bout the en0i"on#ent. &).
Dn0i"on#ent(l beh(0io"(l p"oesses suh (s pe"son(l sp(e,
te""ito"i(l beh(0io", (nd p"i0(- ("e the( w(- o) how people
e9plo"e the en0i"on#ent du"in! thei" soi(l "el(tion p"oess.
5). Dn0i"on#ent o" the )in(l p"odut (s the "esult o) ( be-
h(0io", it inlude p"odut o) soi(l inte"(tion, suh (s
ho#es, o##unities, (nd ities (nd ( #odi)i(tion o) the
n(tu"(l en0i"on#ent suh (s (!"iultu"e, d(#s, (nd li#(te
+n the onte9t o) the line(" "el(tionship between ultu"e
(nd sp(e, the build settle#ent settin! (n be s(id (s ( p"o-
$etion o) lo(l ultu"e. +n the stud- o) beh(0io" )"(#ewo"<,
this (pp"o(h e9p"essed b- 5(popo"t?1&@, he e#ph(si;es
th(t hu#(n b(<!"ound, suh (s ( w(- o) li)e, belie)s, 0(l-
ues (nd no"#s will dete"#ine pe"son(l beh(0io", this
"e)lets in thei" li)e st-le.

Fiure 2. & 0ramewor! of culture3environment relation4587
4.!. Traditional Settle"ent as a Cultural #nviron"ent
Cene"(ll-, t"(dition(l settle#ents is ( ultu"(l e9p"ession
o) soiet- in i#ple#entin! its ultu"e. ,"(dition(l settle-
#ent is ( st"utu"(l pheno#enon whih )o"#s (nd o"!(ni-
;(tion(l ultu"e ("e st"on!l- in)luened b- its en0i"on#ent,
(nd it is (ssoi(ted with the d(il- li)e o) its inh(bit(nts.
5(popo"t?1@, e9pl(ined th(t the s-#boli #e(nin! (nd
)untion will "e)let the st(tus o) its inh(bit(nts, hu#(n (s
the inh(bit(nt, nei!hbo"hoods, ultu"e (nd the en0i"on#ent
is (n inte!"(l p("t o) the t"(dition(l settle#ent. 2u"the"#o"e,
(o"din! to 5(popo"t, the t"(dition(l settle#ents (s build
en0i"on#ent is ( "e)letion o) soio-ultu"(l st"ei!ht, suh
(s belie), )(#il- "el(tionships, #(ss o"!(ni;(tion (nd soi(l
inte"(tions (#on! indi0idu(ls.
,"(dition(l settle#ent is ( #(ni)est(tion o) the so-
io-ultu"(l 0(lues th(t is "el(ted to the soio-ultu"(l 0(l-
ues o) the inh(bit(nts. ,"(ditions (nd no"#s ("e the b(si
ele#ent in the i#ple#ent(tion p"oess?1@. ,"(dition(l set-
tle#ent is o)ten "ep"esented (s ( pl(e th(t still holds t"(di-
tion(l 0(lues, (nd ultu"e th(t is (ssoi(ted with "eli!ious
belie)s o" the uni6ue 0(lue o) ( p("tiul(" soi(t- (nd it is
"ooted o) ( p("tiul(" pl(e th(t out o) histo"-
9& 2u(d 3ub(idi et al.: ,e""ito"i(lit- in ,he ,"(dition(l .ettle#ent 8onte9t

4.%. Territoriality in the Traditional Settle"ent Conte&t
,he sp(e te""ito"i(lit- (te!o"- shows publi pe"eption
on its e9istene (nd its use. ,his pe"eption is e"t(inl-
0e"- spei)i (dd"essin! the lo(l ultu"e. B(sed on these
(ssu#ptions, the e9istin! theo"ies should be i#p"o0ed b(se
on the spei)i ultu"e (nd the lo(tion. 7e(nwhile, the
te""ito"- is pe")o"# still in the onte9t o) t(n!ible ("e(l),
)i9ed, (nd )oused on "oo#, so it is neess("- to de0elop it
into int(n!ible onept (nd (t ( spei)i loi, suh (s in
t"(dition(l settle#ent th(t h(0e ultu"(l spei)iities, be-
h(0io" (nd o##unit- inte"(tion.
,his stud- i#plies lite"(tu"es stud- (nd e9(#ine the e9-
istin! p"eious studies on the (bo0e sub$et. +t inlude:
Co))#(n 19%1?%@, Dsse", 8h(#be"l(in, 8h(pple, (nd Iline
19%9?%@, e9(#ined (bout ( ps-hi(t"i li)e while in hospit(l
w("ds. 8(0(n 19%3 (nd19%%?%@; e9(#ined b(" 0isito"s who
inte"(t ("ound the b(" (s his seond("- te""ito"-, *lt#(n
(nd 4(-tho"n 19%E?%@, e9(#ined se0e"(l !"oups o) people
th(t h(d been isol(ted in isol(ted sp(e (nd isol(ted lo(-
tion, Aip#(n 19%E?%@; "ese("hed des"epit people who li0e
in nu"sin! ho#e, 5oss 19%8?%@; "ese("hed "ew (nd p(s-
sen!e"s o) (n J. w("ship, .uttles 19%8?%@; "ese("hed on
ethni !"oups in the southe"n o) 8hi(!o, *#os 5(popo"t
(nd .(i# /(l<(-( 19%9, 19EE, 1980?%@, e9(#ined "esidents
in so#e ("e(s o) /o"th *#e"i(, the obse"0(tion "ese("h
)oused on )"ont -("d (nd b(< -("d, .o##e" 19%9?%@ (nd
2ishe"?%@, e9(#ined the te""ito"- o) uni0e"sit- student while
in the lib"("-, )ollowed b- 'e Aon! 19E0-19E3?%@ th(t "e-
se("hed on oll(!e student while usin! the se#in("- h(ll.
2u"the"#o"e, B("e)oot 19E2?%@, Ddne- 19E5?11@,
7(ntind(le 19EE?%@, 4(be" 1980?%@, ,(-lo" (nd B"oo<s
1980?%@, :insel 1980?%@, e9(#ined oll(!e students (t se0-
e"(l (#pus )(ilities suh (s do"#ito"ies, l(ss"oo#s,
"e(din! "oo#, showe", (nd (nteen. Ae- K 8-b"iws<-
19E&?%@, ,(-lo" 19E8?%@, 5ub(<, (nd 'o"oit P(pe 1989?%@,
e9(#ined the thu!s li)e in Phil(delphi(, the obse"0(tion
)oust on st"eet li)ehood till te""ito"- le(de" th(t ont"ol o)
phone use. *lt#(n?%@, .hw("t; (nd B("s<- 19EE?%@, e9-
(#ined (n (thleti !(#es between ho#e te(# (nd !uest
te(# (t the Jni0e"sit- o) Jt(h.
D(se" 19E3?%@, LM/eill 19E3?%@, .undst"o# 19E%?%@,
e9(#ined bo-s who li0e in do"#ito"-, the "ese("h
(#p(si;ed on te""ito"ies bound("ies in do"#ito"- li)ehood,
othe" "ese("hed tens to obse"0e bo-s with di))e"ent (bilit-
who li0e in outst(ndin! shool. .e0e"(l studies ("e t(<en in
u"b(n housin! suh (s /ew#(n 19E2?3@ whih e9(#ined
te""ito"i(l bound("ies in o"de" to p"e0ent "i#e, C"e!o" (nd
5obe"t 19E0,19E1,19E&?15@, onduted ( stud- on
t"(dition(l house o) /!(d$u t"ibes in I(li#(nt(n, 8l("e (nd
8oppe" 19E&?15@, Po"teus?E@, Dl-.h("<(w- 19E9?8@, B"own
19E9?11@, B"owe" et (l 1980?11@, *h"e;en et (l 1983 (nd
1989?15@ whih e9(#ined house #e#be" (nd the publi
sp(es in u"b(n ("e(, 5(popo"t?1&@, onduted ( stud- on
7(s(le"o *bo"i!ines in *ust"(li(. .e0e"(l othe" studies
suh (s >e"ne" 1981?15@, e9(#ined 0ideo !(#e onte"s,
B"own 198E?%@, in0esti!(ted 0isito"( (t the (i"po"ts (nd bus
st(tions. 5ub(< (nd .now 1993?%@ in0esti!(ted te""ito"-
beh(0io" utili;e people who d"in< in publi w(te" )(ilit-.
C(-ton?19@, onduted ( stud- o) so#e ethni !"oups in the
Jnited .t(tes (nd 5ussi(.
.e0e"(l othe" l(test studies suh (s; .(l("i et (l?20@ on-
duted the te""ito"- stud- in ( #ultipu"pose buildin!,
B"own (nd C"(h(#?21@, onduted the te""ito"- stud- on
wo"<e"s (t (n o))ie o"!(ni;(tion, .h(h(b et (l?22@, on-
duted ( stud- o) dwelle" (pp("t#ent in +"(n, Iint"e(?23@;
"ese("hed the te""ito"- beh(0iou" o) -outh in se0e"(l ities
in JI, Bu"h(nuddin?2&@; onduted te""ito"i(lit- "ese("h
on the dense o) u"b(n settle#ents in No!-(<("t(, 8(s-
tell?25@; obse"0ed the oup(nt o) house "ent(l in .weden,
.(pto"ini 4(stuti?2%@; "ese("hed the beh(0io" o) so#e set-
tle"s who li0e ne("b- "i0e"b(n<s o) No!-(<("t(,
B"(tin!h(#?2E@; "ese("hed on !etoo li0in! o) st"eet !(n!s
in Aos *n!eles J.., Iu"ni(di?28@; "ese("hed on publi
sp(e te""ito"i(lit- (t .udi"#(n #("<et in Ponti(n(<, Budi
*"lius?29@; onduted ( stud- o) the )l(t inhibit(nt o) the
u"b(n li0in! in J(<("t(, (nd Aope; et (l?30@, who onduted
the "ese("h on popul(tion settle#ents in west *#(;oni(.
2"o# these se0e"(l "e0iewed studies (nd "e)e"enes show
( stud- b(se on ultu"(l s-ste# o) te""ito"i(lit- theo"- h(0e
not been de0eloped in depth (nd o#ple9 (n(l-sis. ,hese
ultu"(l (nd ph-si(l ultu"e s-ste# in the o##unit- is
#o"e o#plete (nd onsist o) so#e ultu"(l ele#ents: l(n-
!u(!e, ("t, s-ste# <nowled!e, soi(l o"!(ni;(tion, eo-
no#i s-ste#s, tehnolo!i(l s-ste#s, (nd "eli!ious s-ste#,
(s well (s (d(pt(bilit- (nd uni6ueness o) the lo(l o##u-
nit-. 2o"# o) ide(s, ide(s, 0(lues, no"#s, (nd "e!ul(tions is
(bst"(t, in0isible, untouh(ble o" (n be photo!"(phed, the
)o"# ont(ined in the #ind o" o!nition (dhe"ents.
*# +onclusion
B(se on p"e0ious o#p("(ti0e studies show th(t ( depth
(nd o#p"ehensi0e stud- (bout the t"(dition(l setle#ent
onept w(s not "e))let the ultu"(l beh(0io" in det(il. ,he
"esult o) the stud- h(s not -et de0eloped the onept (nd
theo"- o) sp(e te""ito"i(lit-. ,he spei)- onept o) sp(e
te""ito"- is disuss (bout ultu"(l onte9t (nd hu#(n
inte"(tion th(t shows spei)i h("(te"isti in the (spet
o) ph-si(l, soi(l (nd utu"(l s-ste#.
2"o# "esults o) these studies, it w(s onluded th(t the"e
h(s been no de0elop#ent o) the onept o" theo"- o) te""i-
to"i(lit- sp(e th(t (dd"ess spei)i onte9ts "el(ted to ul-
tu"e (nd soi(l inte"(tions th(t h(0e ( distinti0e h("(te"
one"nin! ultu"(l s-ste#s, soi(l s-ste#s, (nd ph-si(l
7ostl-, the p"e0ious stud- )ous on li#ited sp(e, )i9
(nd "e(l. But, so#e othe"s h(s de0elop thei" stud- on the
onte9t o) t"(dition(l settle#ent. *#os 5(popo"t, +"win
*lt#(n, C"e!o", (nd 5obe"t (nd so#e othe" ("e the "e-
se("he"s who b"ou!ht (bo0e the the#e (s thei" sub$et o)
stud-. .o )(", the stud- is onl- )ous on the sp(e bond("ies
in "e(l li)e.
B(se on the (bo0e onlution, the "ese("h is ( #(in
Ps-holo!- (nd Beh(0io"(l .ienes 2013; 2(3): 89-95 95

)ous to de0elop the theo"- o) te""ito"i(lit-, spei)i(ll- it
)ous on t"(dision(l settle#ent. * depth (nd o#p"ehention
(n(l-;es on te""ito"i(l theo"- will be de0elop in whole
(spet o) ultu"(l onte9t (nd soi(l inte"(tion. ,hese
lin<(!e o) ultu"(l distinti0e h("(te", those ("e soi(l,
ultu"(l (nd ph-si(l.
,his is (n i#po"t(ne (nd use)ul stud- on depth
(n(li;ses o) te""ito"i(lil- theo"-, (lthou!h the li#it(tion o)
the stud- need to be de0eloped )u"the" #o"e. ,he li#it o)
lite"("u"e sou"ess #(- (use this stud- not -et (n(li;es
(de6u(tel-. 4op)ull-, depth (nd )ous (n(li;es will be
b"ou!ht in the ne9t stud- o) te""ito"i(lit- theo"-. ,he new
0e"sion o) te""ito"i(l theo"- in othe" en0i"on#ent(l onte9t,
hene ( new onept (nd theo"- o) te""ito"i(lit- will
de0elop into ( spesi)i ultu"(l onte9t.

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