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DENR Multi-Purpose Cooperative

DENR Bldg., Visayas Avenue, Diliman

Dear Engr. Gilbert Mondroy
Our comany, !nlimited "ossibilities #orld Mar$eting %ororation
&!"#OR'D(, is a relatively ne) comany in t*e +eld o, sales and distribution
o, -ealt* and #ellness roducts, )it* a mission o, bringing out t*e ma.imum
otential o, an individual. /t is in t*is regard, t*at )e )ould li$e to re0uest ,or
a rivate meeting )it* you at your most convenient time to discuss ossible
artners*i )it* our liveli*ood rogram. Our distributor Mic*ael Arries
'acorte, )ill get in touc* )it* you ,or t*e sc*edule.
/, you *ave any 0uery regarding t*e same, lease contact Mr. Don 'oria at
123 454 6247558 or Mr. Marco 9arco at 123 437 :3;56<:.
=*an$ you and )e loo$ ,or)ard to meeting you.
Mr. Lorenzo P. Rivera, Jr.
Noted by>
Angelou De Leon-Rivera
%ororate 9ecretary

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