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We will never for-

get September
11,2001 please
make sure to take a
moment and refect
on the ones we
have lost and every-
one who fghts for
our country !
Honor Flight is on
September 27,2014 We are look-
ing forward to this wonderful
event and to Honor our Veterans

The Montgomery

The cooler weather is here and
please remember the dress code. You
may wear a long sleeve shirt under
your polo shirt. The colors you can
wear are Red, Black ,or White . No
sweat shirts with hoods!! If you have
any questions please see Donna!
Thank you
We would like to
take the time and
thank everyone
who came to help
out with Montgom-
ery Day we really
couldnt have done
it without all your
hard work. We
would also like to
thank the associ-
ates who stayed in
the store and
worked that day . It
was a busy day .
We will be conducting our AEM surveys. The surveys
start September 19th and end October 12th .We really
appreciate your patience and cooperation . If you have
any question please feel free to speak to Perry or Donna
Thank you
We wanted to wish Alan
a happy retirement !!
Alan,Thank you for 40
Years of service enjoy
your retirement you will
be missed by so many !

From the management Team
We would like to wish every-
one in September a Happy
Birthday !
We want to Wish Patty
in Shop From Home the
best of luck in her new
Adventure !! You will be
missed by so many!!

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