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Lesson Plan~The Academy for Technology & the Classics~Cultivating Fearless Learners

Instructors name:
Mr Ayers
"rade #$ %nglish II Pre&AP 'orld Literature
'ee( of:
$)!#* + $)!#)
,nit -ame:
Siddhartha .ac(ground and Pre/aration
(1A)*%ssential 0uestion1s2:
'hat is 3enlightenment4 as it is understood in terms of
.uddhist teachings5 and as a central theme in
Siddhartha5 6y 7erman 7ess8 'ould this 6e a
desira6le state to achieve or not8 'hy or 9hy not8
(1A/1B) Connections 1/rior!future learning2:
:tudents 9ill access /rior e;/erience generating multi/le
choice items5 9riting essays and /artici/ating in :ocratic
(1A) Common Core!:tate :tandards:
<L)&#$#= <L)&#$>= <I)&#$#= <I)&#$?= <I)&#$)=
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(1E) Bther considerations 1modifications5
accommodations5 acceleration5 %LL5 etc
All accommodations and modifications indicated in
student I%Ps 9ill 6e follo9ed Any needs of %LL
students 1modification of assignment length5
modification of assignment com/le;ity5 modification of
source reading5 etc2 9ill 6e im/lemented
(1D) <esources!Materials:
&3Four -o6le Truths4 handouts
&-ovel: Siddhartha5 6y 7erman 7esse
&Art su//lies
(1F) Assessment 17o9 9ill you monitor /rogress and (no9 students have successfully met outcomes8 'hat ha//ens
9hen students understand and 9hen they dont understand8
Caily: direct o6servation
This 'ee(: direct o6servation!creating multi/le choice items!essay 9riting!multi/le choice DuiE!:ocratic dialogue
(1B) Lesson activities for instructor and students5 (1F)
%m6edded Formative Assessment5
(1C) Learning Target: :tudents 9ill use close reading and
analysis to understand the conce/t of the 3four no6le
truths4 as it occurs historically and in the novel
Siddhartha They 9ill sho9 their learning 6y generating
multi/le choice items5 visual images and oral
(1C) Co -o9: 'hat is suffering8 Cescri6e a time 9hen
you e;/erienced /rofound suffering Can you live a life
9ithout suffering8
In Class:
:tudents 9ill he introduced to the 6ac(ground of
:iddhartha "autama5 the historic .uddha5 and the
3four no6le truths4 he devised as a guide for 6ehavior
and attaining 3enlightenment4 This is through the lens
of /re/aring to read Siddhartha 6y 7erman 7ess5 a
short novel that is 6ased on a fictionaliEed account of
:iddharthas 1.uddhas2 Fourney from 9ealthy /rince to
9andering ascetic to revered teacher

(1F)%m6edded Formative Assessment: direct o6servation
(1B)Closing Activity: Class 9ill come together as a 9hole
and 6riefly discuss 9hat they have learned during the
:tudents 9ill 9or( in small grou/s5 each of 9hich 9ill 6e
assigned one of the 3no6le truths4 All grou/s 9ill
receive information on all four 3truths54 6ut each grou/
9ill 6e given one in /articular on 9hich to focus
'or(ing together5 each grou/ 9ill generate:
&Five multi/le choice Duestions 9ith ans9er (ey
&A visual image of their no6le truth 9ith a title5 visual
sym6ols and Duotes from the handout
&A short 1no more than five minute2 oral /resentation of
their 3no6le truth4
Bral /resentations and student&generated multi/le
choice items 9ill 6e /resented to the class on Thursday
Gisual images 9ill 6e e;/lained and hung /rior to our
discussion on Friday
(1C) Learning Target: :tudents 9ill use close reading and
analysis to understand the conce/t of the 3four no6le
truths4 as it occurs historically and in the novel
Siddhartha They 9ill sho9 their learning 6y generating
multi/le choice items5 visual images and oral
(1C) Co -o9: 'hat do you thin(
In Class: :tudents 9ill 9or( in small grou/s5 each of
9hich 9ill 6e assigned one of the 3no6le truths4 All
grou/s 9ill receive information on all four 3truths54 6ut
each grou/ 9ill 6e given one in /articular on 9hich to
'or(ing together5 each grou/ 9ill generate:
&Five multi/le choice Duestions 9ith ans9er (ey
&A visual image of their no6le truth 9ith a title5 visual
sym6ols and Duotes from the handout
&A short 1no more than five minute2 oral /resentation of
their 3no6le truth4
(1F)%m6edded Formative Assessment: direct o6servation
(1B)Closing Activity: Class 9ill come together as a 9hole
and 6riefly discuss 9hat they have learned during the
C,%: Multi/le choice items 1* items /er
grou/25 oral /resentations
(1C) Learning Target: :tudents 9ill im/rove their
a6ilities in essay 9riting5 editing and re&drafting They
9ill sho9 their learning 6y com/leting an F<0 timed
essay in class
(1C) Co -o9: Co you thin( achievement of the state
descri6ed as 3nirvana4 or 3enlightenment4 sounds li(e a
9orth9hile goal8 'hy or 9hy not8
In Class:
:tudents 9ill com/lete an F<0 timed essay 1A$ minutes2
(1F)%m6edded Formative Assessment: 9ritten essay
(1B)Closing Activity: At the end of class5 students 19ho
9ill 6e 3cold called4 9ill descri6e their e;/erience
com/leting the F<0
6ased on the follo9ing /rom/t and using the 3third
no6le truth4 handout as a reference
3,sing the handout as a 6asic guide5 6ut relying
/rimarily on your o9n thoughts5 9rite a descri/tive
essay e;/laining 9hat you thin( Hnirvana or
Henlightenment 9ould 6e li(e Additionally5 e;/lain 9hy
or 9hy not you thin( the reaching of such a state 9ould
6e a desira6le goal for one to achieve 'ould you 9ant to
e;/erience such a state8 'hy or 9hy not84
(1C) Learning Target: :tudents 9ill im/rove their s(ills in
close reading and multi/le choice tests5 as 9ell as in
s/ea(ing and listening They 9ill sho9 their learning 6y
com/leting a student&generated multi/le choice DuiE and
delivering oral /resentations
(1C) Co -o9: 'hat is your strategy for acing this
multi/le choice DuiE8
In Class:
:tudents 9ill 6e given a @$ item multi/le choice DuiE5
created 6y the small grou/ 9or( in class Additionally5
each small grou/ 9ill deliver an oral /resentation of
their 3no6le truth4
(1F)%m6edded Formative Assessment: multi/le choice
DuiE!oral /resentation
(1B)Closing Activity: Individual students 19ho 9ill 6e
3cold called42 9ill descri6e the most difficult as/ects of
the DuiE5 as 9ell as the most enFoya6le as/ect of it
C,%: Gisual Images

(1C) Learning Target: :tudents 9ill im/rove their s(ills in
s/ea(ing and listening They 9ill demonstrate their
learning 6y /artici/ation in a :ocratic dialogue
(1C) Co -o9: Please ta(e a fe9 minutes to consider +
9ould achieving enlightenment 6e a desira6le goal for
you8 'hy or 9hy not8
In Class:
:tudents 9ill /artici/ate in a :ocratic dialogue covering
the conce/ts or the 3four no6le truths4
(1F)%m6edded Formative Assessment: :ocratic dialogue
(1B)Closing Activity: As a 9hole class 9e 9ill discuss the
high and lo9 /oints of the :ocratic dialogue and ho9 it
might 6e im/roved in the future
*Refers to NMTEACH Rubric:
1ADe!o"str#ti"$ %"o&'e($e of co"te"t
1)Desi$"i"$ co*ere"t i"structio"
1CSetti"$ I"structio"#' outco!es
1DDe!o"str#ti"$ %"o&'e($e of resources
1EDe!o"str#ti"$ %"o&'e($e of stu(e"ts
1FDesi$"i"$ stu(e"t #ssess!e"t
For!#ti+e Assess!e"t i"c'u(es, but is "ot 'i!ite( to:
E-it tic%ets, &*ite bo#r( res.o"se, co"se"s#$r#!s, re(/$ree" c#r(s, for!#' or
i"for!#' stu(e"t co"fere"ces, stic%0 "ote #ssess!e"t1

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