Land Transportation Office Consumers and Credit Cooperative Letter

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Land Transportation Ofce Consumers And Credit Cooperative

Land Transportation Compound, Brgy., Pinyahan, East Avenue

Dear Evimin Garcia,
Our company, n!imited Possi"i!ities #or!d $ar%eting Corporation
&P#O'LD(, is a re!ative!y ne) company in the *e!d o+ sa!es and distri"ution
o+ ,ea!th and #e!!ness products, )ith a mission o+ "ringing out the ma-imum
potentia! o+ an individua!. .t is in this regard, that )e )ou!d !i%e to re/uest +or
a private meeting )ith you at your most convenient time to discuss possi"!e
partnership )ith our !ive!ihood program. Our distri"utor $ichae! Arries
Lacorte, )i!! get in touch )ith you +or the schedu!e.
.+ you have any /uery regarding the same, p!ease contact $r. Don Loria at
012 343 5136447 or $r. $arco 8arco at 012 326 92:45;9.
Than% you and )e !oo% +or)ard to meeting you.
Mr. Lorenzo P. Rivera, Jr.
<oted "y=
Angelou De LeonRivera
Corporate 8ecretary

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