Lung Center of The Philippines Multi-Purpose Cooperative Letter

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Lung Center Of The Philippines Multi-Purpose Cooperative

Rm 310, LCP Building., Quuzon Avenue

Dear Dianne Mateo,
!ur "om#an$, %nlimited Possi&ilities 'orld Mar(eting Cor#oration
)%P'!RLD*, is a relativel$ ne+ "om#an$ in t,e -eld o. sales and distri&ution
o. /ealt, and 'ellness #rodu"ts, +it, a mission o. &ringing out t,e ma0imum
#otential o. an individual. 1t is in t,is regard, t,at +e +ould li(e to re2uest .or
a #rivate meeting +it, $ou at $our most "onvenient time to dis"uss #ossi&le
#artners,i# +it, our liveli,ood #rogram. !ur distri&utor Mi",ael Arries
La"orte, +ill get in tou", +it, $ou .or t,e s",edule.
1. $ou ,ave an$ 2uer$ regarding t,e same, #lease "onta"t Mr. Don Loria at
343 565 1450667 or Mr. Mar"o 8ar"o at 343 530 93:61;9.
<,an( $ou and +e loo( .or+ard to meeting $ou.
Mr. Lorenzo P. Rivera, Jr.
>oted &$?
Angelou De Leon-Rivera
Cor#orate 8e"retar$

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