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wander out in a nightgown with the shears

wake to an urge of cutting

I dreamed of the daughters, each living apart
I dreamed of a letter from my son who said
call home but when I did, it was nothing,

and the great star early droopd

I woke with the nine castles of the Knuckle on my mind. Its as if that coast were a
closed fist.

This weekend there is a honeybee festival

the deathliness of these buildings with no more inhabitants.

The boy riding his brother on the bike. The brother facing the rider, wearing his
gray backpack, which is what I can see. The rider, the boy, wearing a ghost busters
tee shirt.

Two magpies flying up high, their dragon tails.

The airplanes higher. Ive only recently noticed that were in the corridor for planes
on approach to the airport. So I see them a lot.

Saw: tortoise cat lying flat in the grass, watching us pass by
A bit of cottonwood blossom held in the air by crossdrafts

MSs tomato plant

And the sky was unfolding

Looking up
Put in the flying to Scotland?
Where did I see the brothers riding each other?
The loft of wings
Put the dragonfly/copter
The red leaf floating down (barberry)
Flying and cutting and losingthreads (like the dream)

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