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Dams: Pros and Cons

Dam Types
Arch (Concrete with arched shape-less concrete used)
Embankment (earthen, rocks)
uttress (concrete)
Ad!anta"es o# Dams:
$ecreation (lake)
%lood control downstream
&rri"ation potential #rom water stora"e
'ydroelectric Power "eneration capability
E!enin" out o# #low durin" the year
Disad!anta"es o# Dams:
Chan"e in ecosystems
%loodin" upstream (buried by water)
(oss o# sediment below stream (delta star!ation)
)iltin" o# lake
%ish trapped below dam
Potential dam #ailure
E!enin" out o# #low durin" the year (pre!ents sediment renewal on #loodplain)
%ormation o# $eser!oirs not on lakes
(e*amples: Pyramid (ake, CA, lack $ock, +A-proposed):
Pumpin" o# water into a basin that has no natural ri!er system (re,uires some ener"y to
pump water into lake area)
)tora"e o# water #or irri"ation-drinkin"-power "eneration
'ydroelectric power, #lood control purposes, pro!ides reser!oirs #or water supply, pro!ides
recreation opportunities.
Destroys land and en!ironment that becomes #looded, blocks #ish passa"e in streams and ri!ers,
o#ten re,uires relocatin" people and homes, stops downstream #lows that support #ish, wildli#e
and sometimes people and a"ricultural lands. /enerally, it is harm#ul to the natural en!ironment.
Dams are usually built to bene#it a lar"e population o# people at the e*pense o# the en!ironment
and a smaller, less in#luential population o# people (look at what they did on the 0an"t1e $i!er in
China as an e*ample).

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