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Enterovirus Information for Schools

WCPSS Health Services


General Information
Recently identified in association with respiratory illness outbreaks in the Midwest USA
No cases have yet been confirmed in North Carolina (According to NC Dept. of Health and
Human Services, 9-9-2014)
Enteroviruses Background
Very common viruses
More than 100 types
Estimated that 1015 million infections occur in the United States each year
Most people have no symptoms or only mild symptoms, but some infections can be serious
Most infections in the United States occur during the summer and fall
Outbreaks tend to occur in several-year cycles
Public Health Recommendations
To help reduce the risk of respiratory infections:
Wash hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds
Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
Avoid kissing, hugging, and sharing cups or eating utensils with people who are sick
Disinfect frequently touched surfaces, such as toys and doorknobs, especially if someone is sick
Stay home when feeling sick
See healthcare provider as needed

The information below is available on the WCPSS website

Help protect your children -- and their classmates -- when they're under the weather, so that they can
return to the classroom healthy and ready to learn.
When your child is sick
The best thing you can do is to keep your children home when sick. This will help stop the spread of
illness to other children and teachers. Keep them home when they show any of these symptoms:
fever of 100 degrees F or higher
nausea or vomiting
severe headache
red, watery eyes with yellow drainage
unexplained rash
Children should stay home until they have been naturally without fever for at least 24 hours. Please do
not give children fever-reducing medication and then send them to school.
If you are called to pick up a sick child at school, please come quickly. If you know your child has been
exposed to someone diagnosed with the flu virus, call your doctor immediately to find out what to do.
For questions or additional information please contact:
Kelly Creech, RN
WCPSS Health Services

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