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General information for the candidates

Online Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the direct recruitment to various posts in PUNSUP as mentioned below:
2.0 VCNCI!":-
Name of the #ost Total General "C #$. * %C
!)-"er*iceman+,D!"- "(orts(erson .reedom
-a0h$hi 1
"C Others 1 Gen. "C 1 %C Gen "C1
-a0h$hi 1
"C 1

1 Deput !eneral "anager #$inance %
1 1 '' '' '' '' ''
( District "anager ) ( '' '' '' 1#OA*O+*OA+& '' 1

'' ''
, Deput District "anager #Accounts& - ( '' '' 1 1#OA*O+*.+*OA+& 1 '' ''

'' ''
) "anager #/uman 0esources& 1 1 '' '' '' '' '' ''
- "anager #1nformation 2echnolog& 1 1 '' '' '' '' '' ''
3 Deput District "anager #$ield& - ( '' '' 1 1#OA*O+*OA+& '' 1 '' ''
4 Programmer 1 1 '' '' '' '' '' ''
5 Senior Auditor - , '' '' '' 1#OA*O+*.+& 1 '' '' '' ''
6 $ield Officer 6 ) '' 1 '' 1#//&
'' 1 ' 1 '' ''
17 Senior Assistant #Accounts& -3 (4 - - - ( #OA*O+*.+&
- ( 1 1 '' 1

11 Senior Assistant 1) 4 1 ( '' 1 #.+8& 1 '' 1 1 '' ''
1( 1nspector !rade'1 1, - ( 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 '' ''
1, 1nspector !rade'11 1-6 4- 1- 1- 1) ,#OA*O+*O+A&
1- ) , 3 , 1 1 1
1) Steno'2pist 11 - ( 1 1 1 '' '' '' 1
Total 234 156 24 24 25 16 24 7 4 7 6 2 1 5
* 1n such a situation when no eligible 9S: #"a;hbhi<.almi=i& candidate9 is available* a candidate belonging to 9 S: Others 9 subcategor shall be considered for such post % vice
NO2?: 2he number of vacancies and reservation of posts is liable to alteration without an notice>
5.0 #8 "C,!:-
1> $or the post mentioned at Sr>No>1 #1-377',6177& !rade Pa 4577 1nitial Pa ,1-(7 @
(> $or the post mentioned at Sr>No>( #1-377',6177& !rade Pa -)77 1nitial Pa (1777@
,> $or the posts mentioned at Sr>No>, to 5 #17,77',)577& !rade Pa )577 1nitial Pa 15(-7@
)> $or the posts mentioned at Sr>No>6 to 11 #17,77',)577& !rade Pa ))77 1nitial Pa 14)(7@
-> $or the post mentioned at Sr>No>1( #17,77',)577& !rade Pa )(77 1nitial Pa 13(67@
3> $or the post mentioned at Sr>No>1, #17,77',)577& !rade Pa ,377 1nitial Pa 1)),7@
4> $or the post mentioned at Sr>No>1) #17,77',)577& !rade Pa ,(77 1nitial Pa 1,-77@
@ #1n addition to this all other pas and allowances shall be paid as per !overnment of PunAab 0ules&
9.0 !""!NTI, :U,I.ICTION":
"r. No Name of #ost :;alification and !)(erience.
1 Deput !eneral "anager
#$inance % Accounts&
1> ".A<">:om with at least -7B mar=s from a recogni;ed Universit
:hartered Accountant<:osts and Cor=s Accountant
(> "inimum ) ears post Dualification eEperience in
"anagerial :apacit in $inance % Accounts in a :ommercial Organi;ation>
( District "anager Post !raduate Degree with minimum -7B mar=s from a recogni;ed Universit>
, Deput District
".A #$inance&<:>A><1:CA<">:om>< "$: with minimum -7B mar=s from a recogni;ed universit and (
ears post Dualification eEperience in "anagerial :apacit in an commercial organi;ation>
) "anager #/>0>& ".A #/>0><Administration& with at least -7B mar=s from a recogni;ed Universit
- "anager #1>2>& ">2ech><">Sc> #:omputer Science<?lectronics<1nformation and 2echnolog& < ":A with at least -7B
mar=s from a recogni;ed Universit
3 Deput District "anager
Post !raduate Degree with minimum -7B mar=s from a recogni;ed Universit>
4 Programmer 1> Degree in ?ngineering
(> Post !raduation in Science<"athematics etc>
,> Post !raduation in :omputer Application from a recogni;ed Universit
5 Senior Auditor ".A #$inance& <:>A><1:CA<">:om> <"$: with minimum -7B mar=s from a recogni;ed universit and (
ears post Dualification eEperience in "anagerial :apacit in an commercial organi;ation>
6 $ield Officer Post !raduate Degree with minimum -7B mar=s from a recogni;ed Universit
17 Senior Assistant
.>:om degree from a recogni;ed Universit>
11 Senior Assistant .achelorFs degree in an stream from a recogni;ed Universit>
1( 1nspector !rade'1 .achelorFs Degree with minimum -7B mar=s from a recogni;ed Universit>
1, 1nspector !rade'( .achelorFs Degree with minimum -7B mar=s from a recogni;ed Universit>
1) Steno 2pist 1 .achelorFs degree with minimum -7B from a recogni;ed universit>
( /aving Proficienc in PunAabi Stenograph at a speed of 57 w>p>m and to transcribe at a speed of 1-
NOT!: .efore appointment* all the candidates who Dualif the written eEamination for the post of Steno'
tpist* shall also have to pass mandator tping'proficienc'test as per above given specifications* to be
conducted b PUNSUP* otherwise he<she will not be given appointment>
Note: In addition to the ed;cational <;alifications and e)(erience= if a((lica$le> as mentioned a$o*e? the candidates are re<;ired to (ossess the
follo@in/ <;alifications as @ell:
#a& $or all posts mentioned above* the candidates should have passed eEamination of #;nAa$i language up to -atric standard>
#b& $or all posts mentioned above #eEcept Sr> No> 1&* the candidates should have successfull passed at least 1(7 hours course with hands on eEperience in the
use of :omputer or 1nformation 2echnolog in Office Productivit application or Des=top Publishing applications from a !overnment recogni;ed institution
or a reputed institution* which is 1SO 6771 certified O0 should have done a :omputer 1nformation 2echnolog :ourse eDuivalent to FOF level certificate of
the Department of ?lectronics Accreditation of :omputer :ourses #DO?A::& of !overnment of 1ndia>
#c& $or all posts mentioned above #eEcept Sr> No> 1&* the candidates who possess a degree of .achelor in ?ngineering<.>2ech><"aster in
?ngineering<">2ech><">.>A><">:>A> shall be eEempted from the reDuirement of having passed a 1(7 hours course of :omputers>
#d& 2he graduation certificate issued b Department of Defence issued to eE'servicemen on account of service rendered b him in the Defence Department shall
be acceptable>
#e& 2he selected candidate#s& shall have to sign a Suret bond with PUNSUP to serve and not leave until the eEpir of five ears after the date of Aoining> 2he
Suret bond shall be for an amount of 0s (77777<' #2wo la=hs&* valid for five ears to be submitted #in prescribed format& before Aoining the organi;ation>
4.0 G!:-
/e as on =51.0B.2019> =Cate/or& Cise>
a& !eneral : 15 to ,5 ears
b& S:<.: : 15 to ), ears
c& Cidows* Divorcees and certain other categories of women : 15 to )7 ears
d& Applicants who are alread in !overnment Service : 15 to )- ears
e& Phsicall /andicapped : "aEimum 17 ears age relaEation will be given>
f& 2he upper age limit of an ?E' serviceman of PunAab Domicile shall be calculated b deducting the period of his service in the Armed $orces from his age> 1f the
resultant age still eEceeds the upper age limit of ,5 ears* then a maEimum of three ears age relaEation will be given> 1t is reiterated that this relaEation clause
is onl applicable to ?E'Servicemen of PunAab Domicile #as per 0ule 3 of PunAab 0ecruitment of ?E'servicemen 0ules*165(&>
g& :andidates alread in !overnment service shall be considered for selection onl on production of GNo ObAection :ertificateF from the department concerned at
the time of counseling>
An other Duestion as to the eligibilit shall be determined in accordance with the rules and instructions issued b the !overnment of PunAab from time to time>
6.0 NTION,IT8:
A candidate shall be a:
i> :iti;en of 1ndia: or
ii> :iti;en of Nepal: or
iii> SubAect of .hutan: or
iv> 2ibetan refugee who came over to 1ndia before the 1st Hanuar 163( with the intention of permanentl settling in 1ndia: or>
v> A person of 1ndian origin who has migrated from Pa=istan* .urma* Sri +an=a and ?ast African countries of Iena * Uganda and United 0epublic of 2an;ania
# formerl 2angani=a and Jan;ibar & Jambia* "alawi* Jaire * ?thiopia and 8ietnam with the intention of permanentl settling in 1ndia>
Provided that a candidate belonging to categories #ii&*#iii&* #iv& and #v& shall be person in whose favour a certificate of eligibilit has been issued b the
Department of /ome Affairs and Hustice* !overnment of PunAab>
B.1. "cheme of e)amination:
4>1>a> $or posts at Sr>no> 1* ,* )* -* 4* 5 written test of 177 mar=s will be conducted> 2he Duestion paper will have 177 obAective tpe multiple choice Duestions*
each carring 1 mar= as per details below :'
+anguage proficienc ?nglish: 17 Duestions
+anguage proficienc PunAabi #17th +evel&: 17 Duestions
!eneral Inowledge: 1- Duestions
:omputers =nowledge: - Duestions
"ental abilit* logical reasoning and arithmetic s=ills: (7 Duestions
Kuestions as per Hob reDuirement for concerned post: )7 Duestions
177 Duestions
2he test will be of ( hours duration> 2here shall be no negative mar=ing>
4>1>b> $or posts at Sr>no> (* 3* 6* 17* 11* 1(* 1,* 1) written test of 177 mar=s will be conducted> 2he Duestion paper will have 177 obAective tpe multiple choice
Duestions* each carring 1 mar= as per details below :'
+anguage proficienc ?nglish: 17 Duestions
+anguage proficienc PunAabi #17th +evel&: 17 Duestions
!eneral Inowledge: ,7 Duestions
"ental abilit* logical reasoning and arithmetic s=ills: )7 Duestions
:omputer =nowledge: 17 Duestions
177 Duestions
2he test will be of ( hours duration> 2here shall be no negative mar=ing>
B.2. Other im(ortant instr;ctions related @ith e)amination:
i> 2he standard of Duestions would be to test the =nowledge as eEpected of a person who has attained education at least up to graduation level>
ii> $or posts mentioned at Sr> No> 1 % ( @ritten test will be conducted and thereafter an inter*ie@ will be held b the committee> #Ceightages for written test
and interview are 5-B and 1-B respectivel and final list will be prepared on the basis of merit list prepared b combining the mar=s of written test and
interview> :andidates eDual to the three times of the number of posts in respective categor shall be called for interview&>
iii> $or posts mentioned at Sr> No> , to 1)* written test will be conducted and merit list will be prepared on the basis of written test onl>
iv> .efore appointment* all the candidates who Dualif the written eEamination for the post of Steno'tpist* shall also have to pass mandator tping'
proficienc'test as per above given specifications* to be conducted b PUNSUP* otherwise he<she will not be given appointment>
v> 1n case of an tie between two or more candidates regarding mar=s obtained in merit list* the candidate with higher mar=s in Dualifing eEam #Post
!raduate<!raduate& will be placed higher in merit>
vi> 1n case of posts belonging to sports categor* the merit list prepared b Department of Sports* on basis of gradation of sportspersons from the list of
successful candidates shall be applicable for determining the final merit>
vii> No candidate shall be considered to have Dualified the competitive eEamination unless he<she obtains )-B mar=s #read )7B for candidates belonging to
Scheduled :astes and Scheduled 2ribes&>
viii> All visuall impaired categor candidates appearing in the eEamination will be allowed an eEtra time of (7 minutes per hour> 2hus* the visuall impaired
categor candidates will be allowed an eEtra time of )7minutes for the eEamination* which will be over and above the duration of (hours applicable to all
other candidates>
iE> No 2A <DA will be admissible to the candidates for appearing in the test <interview>
3.0 ((lication .ee:-
G!N!R, CT!GOR8 300+-
OT'!R CT!GORI!" 900+-
7.0 ,"T DT!" for s;$mission of a((lication form+fee:-

,ast date for ON,IN! s;$mission of a((lication form :- 13+7+2019
,ast date for s;$mission of fee:- 22+7+2019
2he following conditions* among others* ma render the candidates ineligible:
17>1 Crong<incomplete information given in the application formL
17>( :andidates debarred b the PPS:<other Public Service :ommissions< an !overnment Department* agencies* boards or corporations>
17>, Non'fulfillment of an of the eligibilit conditions* including those of age and educational Dualifications>
11.0 I-#ORTNT NOT!
11>1 Onl Scheduled :astes* .ac=ward :lasses* ?E'Servicemen< +D?S"* Sportsperson of #;nAa$ domicile are eligible for the benefit of reservation>
11>( A candidate should indicate the specific categor carefull for which he<she wants to be considered and categor once opted and submitted after completion
of form cannot be changed in an circumstances> :andidate has to produce the relevant certificates when as=ed> 1n case of non'production of certificate or
found non'eligible on the basis of certificate produced* his<her candidature shall be cancelled* an reDuest to consider him in other categor shall not be
11>, S:<S2 :andidates belonging to other States are reDuired to fill their :ategor as !eneral :ategor> 2he are entitled onl to age relaEation and fee
concession but are not entitled to avail reservation>
11>) ?E'servicemen<+ineal Descendent of ?E'Servicemen #+D?S"& who have domicile of PunAab are eligible for reservation under the ?E'Servicemen categor>
+D?S" shall be considered against the vacancies for ?E'servicemen onl if no ?E'servicemen are available> 1n case sufficient numbers of ?E'servicemen are
available* then +D?S" shall be treated as !eneral :ategor candidates>
11>- 2he candidature of the candidate shall be provisional till the time of verification of documents of the candidate at the time of counseling* when the candidate
shall produce his<her original certificates for verification b the PUNSUP authorities>
11>3 1f an document<certificate<statement of the candidate is found false or forged at an stage* his<her candidature will be reAected and further action will be
ta=en as per law>
12.1 %CFCRD C,""!" =#UNG%>
1(>1>1 2he candidates desiring to be considered for the .ac=ward :lasses categor are reDuired to submit a certificate as per PunAab !overnment letter
No>1<)1<6,>0:1<)-6 dated 14<1<166)* No> 1<)1<6,0:'1<1-64* dated 14'5'(77- and No>1<)1<6, 0:1<(76* dated ()>(>(776 in the Section of prescribed
1(>1>(2he .: :ertificate in proforma other than the prescribed proforma will not be accepted> 2he candidates belonging to .ac=ward :lasses are reDuired to
attach a declaration along with .ac=ward :lass certificate that no change occurred in their status and the do not fall in the section of cream'laer as per
!ovt> letter No> 17<6<(776'0:1<3( Dated 75<1<(717>
1(>1>, 2he :ompetent Authorities to issue the necessar certificate are :
1(>1>,a Deput :ommissioner>
1(>1>,b Additional Deput :ommissioner>
1(>1>,c Sub'Divisional "agistrate>
1(>1>,d ?Eecutive "agistrate #P:S Officers onl&>
1(>1>,e 2ehsildar>
12.2 "ON+DUG'T!R+GRND "ON+GRND DUG'T!R O. .R!!DO- .IG'T!R" =#UNG%>
:andidates claiming to be son<daughter< grandson<granddaughter of $reedom $ighters are reDuired to submit a certificate issued b the competent
authorit #i>e>* Deput :ommissioner of the district concerned& as per PunAab !overnment 1nstructions No> 6 # 1,& HP'11 '5)<-5(( dated )<)1165-* No>1#1,-&'5P
'll<4<,17<(7*dated 16>3>61 and No> )','5 P'11'64117 11( dated ((<5< 1664>
Onl those $reedom $ighters and their son<daughter<grand 'son<grand'daughter are eligible for consideration for reservation under this categor who:
a) belong to the State of PunAab* and
b) have either been granted a $reedom $ighter pension b the PunAab !overnment or have been awarded 2amra Patra b the !overnment of 1ndiaL or
c) are otherwise eligible for the grant of $reedom $ighter pension and 2amra Patra but for an reason whatsoever did not appl for $reedom $ighter pension
and 2amra Patra but have obtained $reedom $ighter< son<daughter<grand'son<grand'daughter of $reedom $ighter certificate from the !eneral
Administration #Political wing& of the PunAab !overnment>
12.5 "#ORT" #!R"ON =#UNG%>
12.5.1. As per MPunAab 0ecruitment of Sportsmen 0ules* 1655N issued b PunAab !overnment Notification No> :>S>0> 13<Art>,76<55* a candidate can claim
reservation under the Sports Person categor:'
$O0 :+ASS 1 O0 :+ASS 11 POS2S:
i. if he< she belongs to State of PunAabL and
ii. /e< She has won National :hampionship in team or individual events while representing the State of PunAab in such sports events as have been conducted
b such respective National $ederations as are affiliated to the 1ndian Olmpic AssociationL or
iii. /e< She has won National :hampionship in team or individual events which are organi;ed b the 1ndian Olmpic AssociationL or
iv. /e< She has won first* second or third position in team or individual events and<or he has won !old or Silver or .ron;e "edal at 1nternational Sports
meets* conducted b 1nternational $ederations affiliated to the 1nternational Olmpic :ommittee or b the 1nternational Olmpic :ommittee itself>
$O0 :+ASS 111 POS2S:
i. if he< she belongs to State of PunAabL and
ii. /e< She has won first* second or third position in team or individual events while representing the State of PunAab in a State +evel :hampionship in an of
the discipline affiliated to the PunAab Olmpic Association organised b the State +evel $ederation>
#$or the purpose of recruitment in PUNSUP* it is clarified that post of 1nspector !rade'11 is a :lass'111 post&>
12.5.2. 1f candidate belongs to Sports Person PunAab :ategor* an attested cop of !radation :ertificate strictl in accordance with the PunAab Sportsman
0ules* 1655 issued b the competent authorit should be attached with the application form>
12.5.5. Director Sports* PunAab is the competent authorit to issue Sports !radation :ertificate and an other Sports :ertificate issued b an other authorit
will not be accepted as valid :ertificate for claim of reservation under the Sports Person #PunAab& categor>
12.5.9. Applicants claiming reservation under Sports Person* PunAab :ategor must submit PunAab 0esident :ertificate from the competent authorit failing
which would result in cancellation of their candidature>
1"PO02AN2: 1n case of posts belonging to sports categor* the merit list prepared b Department of sports from the successful candidates in written test* on
basis of gradation of sportsperson shall be applicable for determining the final merit>
12.9 #'8"IC,,8 'NDIC##!D =#UNG%>
2he definitions as per !overnment 1nstructions issued vide +etter No> 17<(3<6-<-' SS<1(-( dated ('-'64 of the handicapped for purposes of
reservation in emploment is as under:
A& 2/? .+1ND< +OC 81S1ON:
2he blind are those who suffer from either of the following conditions:'
a& 2otal absence of sight>
b& 8isual acuit not eEceeding 3<37 or (7<(77 #Snellen& in the better ee with correcting lenses>
c& +imitation of the field of vision subtending an angle of (7 degrees or worse>
+OC 81S1ON : GPerson with low visionO means a person with impairment of visual functioning even after treatment or standard refractive correction but who uses
or is potentiall capable of using vision for planning or eEecution of a tas= with appropriate assistive device>
/OC?8?0 12 1S :+A01$1?D 2/A2 .+1ND :AND1A2A2?S A0? NO2 ?+1!1.+? $O0 2/? POS2S mentioned at S>no 1to9?6to10?12to19
.& 2/? D?A$:
2he deaf are those in whom the sense of hearing is non'functional for ordinar purposes of life> 2he do not hear or understand sounds at all events with
amplified speech> 2he cases included in this categor will be those having hearing loss more than 37 decibels in the better ear #profound impairment& in the
conversational range of freDuencies>
:& O02/OPA?D1:A++P /AND1:APP?D:
2he orthopedicall handicapped are those who have a phsical defect or deformit not less than )7 B which causes an interference with the normal
functioning of the bones>
:O"P?2?N2 AU2/O012P 2O 1SSU? D1SA.1+12P :?021$1:A2?: :ompetent authorit to issue Disabilit certificate shall be a "edical board dul constituted b
:entral<State !overnment> :entral<State !overnment ma constitute "edical board consisting of at least three members out of which at least one shall be a
specialist in the particular field for assessing locomotion<cerebral<visual<<hearing disabilit* as the case ma be>
2his certificate should be issued b the competent authorit of the concerned place of which the candidate is permanent resident>
12.4 !D-"!RVIC!-!N =#UNG%>
12.4.1 0ecruitment of ?E'servicemen #PunAab& in PUNSUP shall be regulated b the MPunAab 0ecruitment of ?E'servicemen 0ules*165(N issued b PunAab
!overnment Notification No>!>S>0>11<:onst><Arts>,76*(,) and ,15<5( amended vide notification No> !S0 6<:onst><Arts>,76*(,) and,15<Amd#-&<(77, dated
3>11>77(> As per these rules:
9?E'serviceman9 means a person who has served in an ran=* whether as a combatant or a non combatant* in the Naval* "ilitar and Air $orce of the
Union of 1ndia #here'in'after referred to as the Armed forces of the Union of 1ndia&* and who has:
1a& retired or released from such service at his or her own reDuest after earning his or her pensionL or
1b& has been released from such service on medical grounds attributable to militar service or circumstances beond his control and awarded medical
or other disabilit pensionL or
1c& been released otherwise than on his own reDuest from such service as a result of reduction in establishmentL or
1d& been released from such service after completing the specific period of engagement otherwise than at his own reDuest or b wa of dismissal or
discharge on account of misconduct or inefficienc and has been given a gratuitL
Fbut does not include a person who has served in the Defence Securit :orps* the !eneral 0eserve ?ngineering $orce* the +o= Sahaa= Sena and the Para "ilitar
$orces* but includes personnel of the +o= Sahaa= Sena of the following categories namel
a& Pension holders for continuous embodied service
b& Persons with disabilit attributable to militar serviceL
c& !allantr award winners>
?Eplanation: 2he persons serving in the Armed $orces of the Union* who on retirement from service would come under the categor of 9?E'servicemenN* ma be
permitted to appl for re' emploment one ear before the completion of specified terms of engagement and avail themselves of all concessions available to ?E'
servicemen but shall not be permitted to leave the uniform until the complete the specified terms of engagement in the Armed $orces of the Union>
12.4.2 ?E'servicemen should be of PunAab domicile and the should submit a PunAab 0esident :ertificate from the competent authorit* failing which will result
in cancellation of their candidature>

12.6 ,IN!, D!"C!ND!NT O. !D-"!RVIC!-!N =#UNG%>
Chere an ?E'serviceman is not available for recruitment against a reserved categor* such a vacanc shall be reserved to be filled in b recruitment of
either the wife or one descendent child of an ?E'serviceman>
1n an case* including the case where the ?E'Serviceman has died* his sons<daughters shall be treated as M+ineal descendentN onl if a certificate to this
effect has been issued b the :ompetent Authorit>
As per second proviso appended to 0ule ) of MPunAab 0ecruitment of ?E'servicemen 0ules*165(N issued b PunAab !overnment Notification
No>!>S>0>11<:onst><Arts>,76*(,) and ,15<5( amended vide notification No> !S0 6<:onst><Arts>,76*(,) and,15<Amd#-&<(77, dated 3>11>77(:
GCife or the dependent child of the eE'servicemen shall be recruited against the reserved vacanc subAect to the conditions that:'
(i) he or she possesses the prescribed Dualifications and is within the prescribed age limitsL
#ii& he or she is not alread in serviceL
#iii& he or she will be eligible to avail the benefit onl once in life>O
12.B "C'!DU,!D C"T!? =#UNG%>+ "C'!DU,!D TRI%!"
2he competent authorities for issuing Scheduled :astes<Scheduled 2ribes certificates are:
1(>4>1 District "agistrate<Additional District "agistrate< :ollector<Deput :ommissioner< Additional Deput :ommissioner< Assistant :ollector< 1st :lass
Stipendiar "agistrate< :it "agistrate< Sub Divisional "agistrate< 2alu=a "agistrate< ?Eecutive "agistrate<?Etra Assistant :ommissioner #Not
below the ran= of 1st :lass Stipendiar "agistrate&L
1(>4>( 0evenue Officer not below the ran= of 2ehsildarL
1(>4>, Sub Divisional Officer #:& of the area where the candidate and or his famil ordinaril residesL
1(>4>) As per para', of PunAab !ovt> 1nstructions No> 1<5<(774'0:'1<51-* dated 17th Hul* (775* /ead of Department or /ead of Offices are competent to
issue Scheduled :astes :ertificates to those applicants whose parents are serving or residing in :handigarh<"ohali on the basis of their parentFs
service record
2he definitions as per !overnment 1nstructions issued vide letter No> 1<-7<5,'-PP#1,35&<,)-) dated (,')'5) as amended from time to time the widows
and certain other categories of women for the purpose of relaEation in age are as under:
1(>5>(Comen who are legall separated from their husbands or have been divorcedL
1(>5>,Comen whose husbands have been ordered b :ivil or :riminal :ourts to pa maintenance to themL
1(>5>)Comen whose husbands have remarriedL and
1(>5>-Cives of serving militar personnel or those who are disabled while in militar service>
Note: =1> .or an& in<;ir& candidates ma& contact the #UN"U# office on tele(hone n;m$er 01B2-266B152 from -onda& to .rida&? $et@een 7 - and 4
#- or $& sendin/ email @ith s;$Aect as H:U!R8 R!GRDING T'! #O"T O. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJ at (;ns;(e)am2019K/
Note: =2> Candidates are ad*ised in their o@n interest to a((l& ;sin/ Online ((lication .orm m;ch $efore the closin/ date and not to @ait till the last
date to a*oid con/estion on @e$ ser*er on acco;nt of hea*& load on Internet+Ce$site. No re<;est on this /ro;nd shall $e entertained for
e)tension in last date of a((lication.
Note:=5> Candidates are ad*ised to /o thro;/h the General Information and Online Instr;ctions =L'o@ to a((l&M> caref;ll& $efore fillin/ ;( Online
((lication .orm. Re<;est of chan/e+correction in an& (artic;lar in the ((lication .orm shall not $e entertained ;nder an& circ;mstance.
The #UN"U# shall not $e res(onsi$le for an& conse<;ence arisin/ o;t of incorrect fillin/ ;( of ((lication .orm.
R!GD. O..IC!: "CO 56-90? "!CTOR 59-? C'NDIGR'
Applications are invited for recruitment to the following posts on regular basis in PUNSUP> 2he full details about Dualifications* age* terms and conditions of recruitment*scheme
of eEamination* Online application form and instructions for filling up of form are available on the Cebsite of the :orporation @@@.(;ns;(./o*.in> :andidates ma appl
ON,8 ON,IN! ;(to 13-07-2019.
CT!GOR8CI"! NU-%!R O. #O"T" R! " .O,,OC":'
Name of the #ost Total General "C #$. * %C
!)-"er*iceman+,D!"- "(orts(erson .reedom
-a0h$hi 1
"C Others 1 Gen. "C 1 %C Gen "C1
-a0h$hi 1
"C 1

1 Deput !eneral "anager #$inance %
1 1 '' '' '' '' ''
( District "anager ) ( '' '' '' 1#OA*O+*OA+& '' 1 '' ''
, Deput District "anager #Accounts& - ( '' '' 1 1#OA*O+*.+*OA+& 1 '' ''

'' ''
) "anager #/uman 0esources& 1 1 '' '' '' '' '' ''
- "anager #1nformation 2echnolog& 1 1 '' '' '' '' '' ''
3 Deput District "anager #$ield& - ( '' '' 1 1#OA*O+*OA+& '' 1 '' ''
4 Programmer 1 1 '' '' '' '' '' ''
5 Senior Auditor - , '' '' '' 1#OA*O+*.+& 1 '' '' '' ''
6 $ield Officer 6 ) '' 1 '' 1#//&
'' 1 ' 1 '' ''
17 Senior Assistant #Accounts& -3 (4 - - - ( #OA*O+*.+&
- ( 1 1 '' 1

11 Senior Assistant 1) 4 1 ( '' 1 #.+8& 1 '' 1 1 '' ''
1( 1nspector !rade'1 1, - ( 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 '' ''
1, 1nspector !rade'11 1-6 4- 1- 1- 1) ,#OA*O+*O+A&
1- ) , 3 , 1 1 1
1) Steno'2pist 11 - ( 1 1 1 '' '' '' 1
Total 234 156 24 24 25 16 24 7 4 7 6 2 1 5
* 1n such a situation when no eligible 9S: #"a;hbhi<.almi=i& candidate9 is available* a candidate belonging to 9S: Others9 subcategor shall be considered for such
post % vice versa>
NO2?: 2he number of vacancies and reservation of posts is liable to be altered without an notice>
#8 "C,! :-
1> $or the post mentioned at Sr>No>1 #1-377',6177& !rade Pa 4577 1nitial Pa ,1-(7@
(> $or the post mentioned at Sr>No>( #1-377',6177& !rade Pa -)77 1nitial Pa (1777@
,> $or the posts mentioned at Sr>No>, to 5 #17,77',)577& !rade Pa )577 1nitial Pa 15(-7@
)> $or the posts mentioned at Sr>No>6 to 11 #17,77',)577& !rade Pa ))77 1nitial Pa 14)(7@
-> $or the post mentioned at Sr>No>1( #17,77',)577& !rade Pa )(77 1nitial Pa 13(67@
3> $or the post mentioned at Sr>No>1, #17,77',)577& !rade Pa ,377 1nitial Pa 1)),7@
4> $or the post mentioned at Sr>No>1) #17,77',)577& !rade Pa ,(77 1nitial Pa 1,-77@
@ #1n addition to this all other pa and allowances shall be paid as per !overnment of PunAab 0ules&
NOT! :-
1& $or the Posts mentioned at Sr> no> 1 and (* both written test and interview will be conducted and weightage of written test and interview will be 5-B and 1-B
respectivel> Appointment shall be made on the basis of merit list prepared b combining the mar=s of written test and interview> :andidates eDual to the three
times of the number of posts in respective categor shall be called for interview>
(& $or the Posts mentioned at Sr> no , to 1) onl written test will be ta=en* appointment shall be made according to merit list prepared on the basis of test for
each post>
,& 2he selected candidate#s& shall have to sign a Suret bond with PUNSUP to serve and not leave until the eEpir of five ears after the date of Aoining> 2he Suret
bond shall be for an amount of 0s (77777<' #2wo la=hs&* valid for five ears to be submitted #in prescribed format& before Aoining the organi;ation>
)& Abbreviations in Phsicall handicapped :ategor:' OA'One Arm* O+'One leg* .+'.oth +eg* OA+'One Arm % +eg* .+OA'.oth +eg % One Arm* //'/earing
/andicap* .>+8: .lind< low vision

-ana/in/ Director
#UN"U#? Chandi/arh.

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