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... through Bertha Dudde

Diversity of earthly existence ....
ou !ould "ray for suffering ....
ou see# $y child# in the !orld of your "arents you acce"ted a
destiny that allo!ed you to %ature considera&ly and your earthly
life !as rich in ex"eriences !hich sti%ulated your thin'ing# and
the !ay to ascend could &e revealed to you %ore easily.
(lthough "eo"le)s circu%stances of life are often even %ore
difficult and !ith far greater "overty and aguish &ut then their
souls are even less %ature and can only "urify the%selves in
such hard conditions* and thus "eo"le)s &urdens are as different
as are their results.
Before its incarnation as a hu%an &eing each soul longs to utilise
its e%&odi%ent as +uic'ly and as successfully as "ossi&le and
therefore inha&its a &ody !hich has a "redeter%ined difficult
On the other hand# %any souls %ust go the "ath of "urification
!hich re+uires other circu%stances of life .... !hich leads to their
goal sooner through an easier and %ore "leasant existence &ut
!here other dangers have to &e fought !hich the soul has to
,his is arranged &y the -eavenly Father in -is !isdo% even if
"eo"le on earth can)t yet understand it and often &eco%e
indignant a&out the uneven distri&ution of earthly !ealth. But -e
Who 'no!s all# Who understands every deficiency of the soul and
!ould li'e to see the sa%e "erfection in everything also 'no!s to
offer the right hel" and only "laces u"on each hu%an &eing !hat
is necessary for the &enefit of his soul.
.very day is a ste" closer to ha""iness .... so ta'e care that you
cli%& one ste" after another .... and not ste" &ac' ....
ou !ill eternally than' $e# your /reator# for every sorro! that 0
have "ut u"on you and !ill "raise the !isdo% of -i% Who
created you and Who !ants you to &e near to -i% forever ....
ou should al!ays 'no! that the Father does not !ant to lose
even one of -is children and that -e cares for every &eing. (nd
this care often necessitates %ethods !hich see% hard to you#
since you cannot i%agine the %agnitude of the cala%ity that
threatens you .... if you could fully understand you !ould "ray
for suffering only to avoid this adversity#
&ut you %ust live your life !ithout 'no!ledge of your situation
and strive to ascend of your o!n free !ill and in order to achieve
the highest re!ard ....
1u&lished &y friends of ne! revelations of God 2 0nfor%ation#
do!nload of all translated revelations# the%e3&oo'lets at4


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