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All LesLs performed ln a nLLA AccredlLed laboraLory envlronmenL.
9:"3$/;3< All LesLs were performed Lo repllcaLe Lhe flow raLes and conLacL Llmes of Alkavlva
elecLrlc lonlzers wlLh a flow raLe of 3 llLers per mlnuLe. no lonlzaLlon or form of elecLrolysls was
used ln LesLlng.
All conLrol waLer samples (lnfluenL samples) were creaLed uslng ul waLer LhaL was Lhen splked
wlLh conLamlnanL samples and scanned separaLely for accuraLe sLarLlng values wlLhouL passlng
Lhrough Lhe fllLers.
All fllLers were flushed prlor Lo LesLlng uslng 10 gallons of ul waLer, Lhan cleared of excess waLer
by alr. rlor Lo collecLlon, approxlmaLely 2 llLers of conLrol waLer sample were passed Lhrough
Lhe fllLer and Lhe effluenL samples were collecLed.
1esLlng for heavy meLals, dlslnfecLanLs, and vCC sample groups was performed uslng Lhe
ulLraWaLer fllLer*. Anlons group LesLlng was performed wlLh Lhe addlLlon of a lluorlde Shleld.
CompleLlon daLe: uecember 10, 2012. 1esLlng for C (harmaceuLlcals and ersonal Care
roducLs) sample group was performed uslng Lhe ulLraWaLer fllLer*. CompleLlon daLe: AugusL
3, 2012.
=(1*-#(3 = 1he levels found ln Lhe conLrol sample prlor Lo passlng Lhrough Lhe ulLraWaLer lllLraLlon SysLem.
>11*-#(3 = 1he levels found ln Lhe collecLed sample afLer passlng Lhrough Lhe ulLraWaLer lllLraLlon SysLem.
.?7@ = Mllllgrams per llLer, or arLs er Mllllon (M)
-?7@ = Mlcrograms per LlLer, or arLs er 8llllon (8)
AB = nondeLecLable levels were found ln LesLlng. nu ls an lndlcaLor of Lhe lowesL level of accuraLe reporLlng based on Lhe LesL
equlpmenL capablllLy and Lhe Lype of LesLs performed.
* As used only ln Alkavlva elecLrlc lonlzers

User Friendly Summary of UltraWater Test Results
Compounds Action Compound Name
Level (ng/L)
Limit (ng/L)
Hormones Hormones Hormones Hormones
Contraceptive Hormone EE2 (17 Alpha-ethynylestradiol) !"" Not Detected !
Estrogenic Hormone E2 (17 Beta-Estradiol) #$" Not Detected !
Estrogenic Hormone Estrone %"" Not Detected !
Steroid Hormone Andorostenedione #&" Not Detected !
Steroid Hormone Norethisterone '"" Not Detected !
Steroid Hormone Progesterone !!" Not Detected !
Steroid Hormone Testosterone %(" Not Detected ("
Over the Counter Over the Counter Over the Counter Over the Counter
AnaIgesic Acetaminophen '%" Not Detected !
AnaIgesic Phenazone !#" Not Detected !
AnaIgesic-NSAID Ibuprofen ($"" Not Detected ("
Prescription Drugs Prescription Drugs Prescription Drugs Prescription Drugs
AnaIgesic Lidocaine )$" Not Detected !
AnaIgesic-NSAID Butalbital #(" Not Detected !
Anti anxiety Meprobamate !)" Not Detected !
Anti Asthmatic Albuterol ($"" Not Detected !
Anti Asthmatic Theophylline #(" Not Detected ("
Anti ConvuIsant Primidone )#" Not Detected !
Anti InfIammatory Diclofenac #*" Not Detected !
Anti InfIammatory Ketoprofen )$" Not Detected !
*ND = Nondetectable levels found
User Friendly Summary of UltraWater Test Results
Compounds Action Compound Name
Level (ng/L)
Limit (ng/L)
Anti InfIammatory Ketorolac )#" Not Detected !
Anti InfIammatory Meclofenamic Acid #$" Not Detected !
Anti seizure Carbamazepine %$" Not Detected !
Antibiotic Amoxicillin %$" Not Detected )"
Antibiotic Azrothromycin #(""" 810 !
Antibiotic Carbadox #'" Not Detected !
Antibiotic Chloramphenicol &"" Not Detected ("
Antibiotic Erythromycin ((" Not Detected ("
Antibiotic Flumeqine )&" Not Detected ("
Antibiotic Lincomycin ()"" Not Detected ("
Antibiotic Oxolinic acid $% Not Detected !
Antibiotic Trimethoprim )"" Not Detected !
Anti-choIesteroI Clofibric acid %&" Not Detected !
AnticoaguIant Warfarin $'" Not Detected !
Antidepressant Fluoxetine (Prozac) %&" Not Detected ("
Anti-Seizure Dilantin )%"" Not Detected )"
Beta BIocker Atenolol (""" Not Detected !
Beta BIocker Lopressor #%"" Not Detected )"
BIood thinner Pentoxifylline %*" Not Detected !
CaIcium BIocker Nifedipine ('"" 87 )"
Enzyme Chloridazon ()" Not Detected !
*ND = Nondetectable levels found
User Friendly Summary of UltraWater Test Results
Compounds Action Compound Name
Level (ng/L)
Limit (ng/L)
H2 BIocker Cimetidine %%"" Not Detected !
Heart Medication Dehydronifedipine )#" Not Detected !
Lipid ReguIator Bezafibrate ()"" Not Detected !
Lipid ReguIator Gemfibrozil %!" Not Detected !
MuscIe ReIaxant Carisoprodol !%" Not Detected !
SuIfa Antibiotic Sulfachloropyridazine #%"" Not Detected !
SuIfa Antibiotic Sulfadimethoxine !!" Not Detected !
SuIfa Antibiotic Sulfamerazine (&" Not Detected !
SuIfa Antibiotic Sulfadiazine '#" Not Detected !
SuIfa Antibiotic Sulfamethazine )"" Not Detected !
SuIfa Antibiotic Sulfamethizole )&" Not Detected !
SuIfa Antibiotic Sulfathiazole )"" Not Detected !
SuIfa Antibiotic Sulfamethoxazole )*" Not Detected !
Triazide Bendroflumethiazide $$" Not Detected !
VaIium- Antianxiety Diazepam ')" Not Detected !
StimuIants StimuIants StimuIants StimuIants
Caffeine Degradate 1,7-dimethylxanthine &"" Not Detected !
Caffeine Degradate Theobromine !'" Not Detected !
Nicotine Degradate Cotinine (*"" Not Detected ("
StimuIant Caffeine &$" Not Detected !
AnaIgesic-NSAID Naproxen )%" Not Detected ("
*ND = Nondetectable levels found
User Friendly Summary of UltraWater Test Results
Compounds Action Compound Name
Level (ng/L)
Limit (ng/L)
PersonaI Care Products PersonaI Care Products PersonaI Care Products PersonaI Care Products
AntibacteriaI Triclosan (""" Not Detected ("
Mosquito RepeIIant DEET #%" Not Detected )
Preservatives Preservatives Preservatives Preservatives
Preservative Butylparaben &#" Not Detected !
Preservative Ethylparaben )("" Not Detected )"
Preservative Isobutylparaben &$" Not Detected !
Preservative Methylparaben (%"" Not Detected )"
Preservative Propylparaben )&" Not Detected !
Pesticides/Herbicides Pesticides/Herbicides Pesticides/Herbicides Pesticides/Herbicides
Herbicide 2,4-D )!" Not Detected !
Herbicide Bromacil %$" Not Detected !
Herbicide Chlorotoluron %%" Not Detected !
Herbicide Diuron *%" Not Detected !
Herbicide Isoproturon )""" Not Detected (""
Herbicide Linuron %)" Not Detected !
Herbicide Metazachlor !)" Not Detected !
Pesticide Quinoline )!" Not Detected !
Triazine Herbicide Atrazine #*" Not Detected !
Triazine Herbicide Cyanazine (' Not Detected !
Triazine Degradate DACT (Diaminochlorotriazine) )'" Not Detected !
*ND = Nondetectable levels found
User Friendly Summary of UltraWater Test Results
Compounds Action Compound Name
Level (ng/L)
Limit (ng/L)
Triazine Degradate DEA (Deethylatrazine) ()" Not Detected !
Triazine Degradate DIA (Deisopropylatrazine) )!" Not Detected !
Triazine Herbicide Propazine #%" Not Detected !
Triazine Herbicide Simazine ()" Not Detected !
Wastewater Indicators Wastewater Indicators Wastewater Indicators Wastewater Indicators
FIame Retardant TCEP )* Not Detected !
FIame Retardant TCPP %%" Not Detected !
FIame Retardant TDCPP (""" Not Detected !
PIasticizer BPA (Bis Phenol A) )&" Not Detected ("
Sugar Substitute Acesulfame-K (#"" Not Detected )"
Sugar Substitute Sucralose (!""" Not Detected (""
Surfactant 4-nonylphenol &(" Not Detected (""
Surfactant 4-tert-octylphenol %"" Not Detected !"
X-ray Contrast agent Iohexol (Iohexal) )%" Not Detected ("
X-ray Contrast agent Iopromide )*" Not Detected !
*ND = Nondetectable levels found
User Friendly Summary of UltraWater Test Results
!"#$%#$& ()*+" ,-$*).#$)$* /$012+$* ,-$*).#$)$* 3+4+1
5$#* -0
8+721*7 9:012+$*;
Disinfectants/ Anions Disinfectants/ Anions Disinfectants/ Anions Disinfectants/ Anions
=-*)1 8+7#>2)1 ,?1-"#$+ ( .&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> "+)!
C"++ ,?1-"#$+ "+## .&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> "+)!
C12-"#>+ )+)& .&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> "+!
A#*")*+ )7 A "+&# .&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> "+(

A#*"#*+ )7 A " .&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> "+(
=!D ("! .&@3 ("" ("
Heavy MetaIs Heavy MetaIs Heavy MetaIs Heavy MetaIs
E12.#$2. "+'*! .&@3 "+)(' "+"(
E$*#.-$F "+"#(# .&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> "+""(
E"7+$#B "+%'' .&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> "+""(
G)"#2. "+*#) .&@3 "+""("# "+""(
G+"F11#2. "+""%$) .&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> "+""(
G-"-$ (+'* .&@3 "+&)) "+"(
,)>.#2. "+"%&( .&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> "+""(
,?"-.#2. "+(&* .&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> "+""(
,?"-.#2. H/ "+*!$ .&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> "+"""!
,-<<+" "+%( .&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> "+""(
/"-$ (+#' .&@3 "+"("# "+"(
3+)> "+"*$$ .&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> "+""(
6)$&)$+7+ "+"*() .&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> "+"(
*ND = Nondetectable levels found
User Friendly Summary of UltraWater Test Results
!"#$%#$& ()*+" ,-$*).#$)$* /$012+$* ,-$*).#$)$* 3+4+1
5$#* -0
8+721*7 9:012+$*;
6-1FI>+$2. "+"'&! .&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> "+""(
6+"B2"F "+""$ .&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> "+"")
A#B%1+ "+"'*# .&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> "+""(
D+1+$#2. "+"*"* .&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> "+""(
D#14+" "+((& .&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> "+""(
=?)1#2. "+""&( .&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> "+""(
H)$)>#2. "+*&& .&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> "+""(
J#$B "+!$! .&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> "+""(
VoIitiIe Organics VoIitiIe Organics VoIitiIe Organics VoIitiIe Organics
KLKLKLMN=+*")B?1-+*?)$+ )"( 2&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> !
KLKLKN="#B?1-"+*?)$+ (!' 2&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> !
KLKLMLMN=+*")B?1-"-+*?)$+ '(' 2&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> !
KLKLMN="#B?1-"-+*?)$+ '"+) 2&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> !
KLKN!#B?1-"+*?)$+ #*& 2&@3 !+%# !
KLKN!#B?1-"-+*?+$+ *$+! 2&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> !
KLKN>#B?1-"-<"-<+$+ )%' 2&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> !
KLMLON="#B?1-"-<"-<)$+ !)$ 2&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> !
KLMLPN="#B?1-"-I+$Q+$+ ("( 2&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> !
KLMLPN="#.+*?F1I+$Q+$+ (*) 2&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> !
KLMN!#B?1-"-I+$Q+$+ ))$ 2&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> !
KLMN!#B?1-"-+*?)$+ ("$ 2&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> !
*ND = Nondetectable levels found
User Friendly Summary of UltraWater Test Results
!"#$%#$& ()*+" ,-$*).#$)$* /$012+$* ,-$*).#$)$* 3+4+1
5$#* -0
8+721*7 9:012+$*;
KLMN!#B?1-"-<"-<)$+ ($' 2&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> !
KLOLRN="#.+*?F1I+$Q+$+ #$& 2&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> !
KLON!#B?1-"-<"-<)$+ )&! 2&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> !
KLPN!#B?1-"-I+$Q+$+ )"# 2&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> !
MLMN!#B?1-"-<"-<)$+ (&* 2&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> !
MN,?1-"-*-12+$+ %)* 2&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> !
PN,?1-"-*-12+$+ *%+! 2&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> !
G+$Q+$+ (&) 2&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> !
G"-.-I+$Q+$+ !*+' 2&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> !
,)"I-$ =+*")B?1-"#>+ (!# 2&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> !
,?1"-I+$Q+$+ )#( 2&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> !
B#7NKLMN>#B?1-"-+*?)$+ #'' 2&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> !
B#7NKLON!#B?1-"-<"-<+$+ (%! 2&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> !
!#I"-.-.+*?)$+ (!' 2&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> !
!#B?1-"->#012-"-.+*?)$+ ('" 2&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> !
:*?F1I+$Q+$+ )') 2&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> !
S+T)B?1-"-I2*)>#$+ $"+# 2&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> !
/7-<"-<F1I+$Q+$+ #)$ 2&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> !
.U<NVF1+$+ &)+! 2&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> !
6+*?F1+$+ B?1-"#>+ )'' 2&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> !
.+*?F1N*NI2*F1 +*?+" 96=G:; #&) 2&@3 !+#' !
*ND = Nondetectable levels found
User Friendly Summary of UltraWater Test Results
!"#$%#$& ()*+" ,-$*).#$)$* /$012+$* ,-$*).#$)$* 3+4+1
5$#* -0
8+721*7 9:012+$*;
A)<*?)1+$+ ()% 2&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> !
$NW"-<F1I+$Q+$+ )%& 2&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> !
-NVF1+$+ !*+$ 2&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> !
<N#7-<"-<F1*-12+$+ ()% 2&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> !
D*F"+$+ $!+% 2&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> !
*+"*NG2*F1I+$Q+$+ #($ 2&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> !
=+*")B?1-"-+*?)$+ ('$ 2&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> !
=-12+$+ )'! 2&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> !
*")$7NKLMN!#B1?1-"-+*?)$+ ($' 2&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> !
*")$7NKLON!#B?1-"-<"-<+$+ )"! 2&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> !
="#B?1-"-+*?)$+ )!* 2&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> !
H#$F1 ,?1-"#>+ (#' 2&@3 A-* !+*+B*+> !
*ND = Nondetectable levels found

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