Art Lesson Plan 2 2

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Art Lesson Plan

Title: Family Contour Portrait Unit: African Art

Grade level (s):3-4 Medium:ra!in"
#u""ested Time:4$ minutes
Instructional Objectives (2-3):
#tudents !ill demonstrate a%%ro%riate use of art tools and materials&('s)
#tudents !ill free (and African art fi"ures t(en cut t(em out and "lue t(em to"et(er to
form a family %ortrait&
Elements of Art ()-3) line* color* s(a%e* form* s%ace* te+ture* value
Principles of Desin ()-3) re%etition* %attern* movement* ,alance* em%(asis* contrast* unity
!aterials an" E#uipment:
T!o -./))0 s(eets of construction %a%er* %encil* scissors* "lue* and %ermanent mar1er
$ocabular% (&-'):
Contour* 2lind contour* %ortrait* o,servational* and com%osition&
Art Pro"uction (,ased on Madeline 3unter model)
)&antici%atory set 4& state o,5ectives 3& 6n%ut: art (istory* instructions 4&demonstration* modelin"
$& c(ec1 for understandin" 7& "uided %ractice 8& inde%endent %ractice -& closure
)& Practice dra!in" usin" contour and ,lind contour& 9oo1 at %ictures on
4& #tudents !ill demonstrate a%%ro%riate use of art tools and materials* and t(ey !ill
also free (and art fi"ures t(en cut t(em out and "lue t(em to"et(er to form a family
3& A!1!ardfamily%(otos&com* %o!er%oint* and African art fi"ures&
4& #(o! !(at t(e final %ro5ect !ill loo1 li1e !(en com%leted t(en (and out t(e !(ite
%a%er and tell t(em to fold it into fours& #tudents !ill dra! t(e fi"ure at eac( ta,le t(en
move to t(e ne+t ta,le to dra! t(e ne+t fi"ure&
$& Ma1e sure class 1no!s !(at to do ne+t and t(at t(ey need to start to out line t(e
%encil dra!in"s !it( ma"ic mar1er& T(en cut t(em out leavin" a ,order around t(e
mar1er line&
7& #(o! students (o! to arran"e t(e %ortrait in any vertical manner& Tell t(em t(ey can
"lue it after t(ey (ave it t(e !ay t(ey !ant&
8& Allo! students to !or1 on t(eir o!n !(ile !al1in" around t(e classroom ans!erin"
any :uestions t(ey mi"(t (ave&
-& Ma1e sure t(e class understands t(e voca,ulary and !(y !e did t(is assi"nment&
Art (istor% ) *esources (2-&):
A!1!ardfamily%(otos&com* ,oo1s a,out African art& Po!er %oint&
Aest+etic ,uestions (--2):
;(at does t(is %ortrait re%resent<
3o! do t(e contour %ortraits fit to"et(er<
Art .riticism ) Anal%sis ,uestions (3-'):
Evaluation .riteria (s+oul" relate to objectives):
Teac(er s(ould as1 if t(ey li1ed t(e %ro5ect and !(y or !(y not& T(e students s(ould
1no! t(e voca, terms& As1 students !(at %iece t(ey li1ed ,est and !(y< id students
follo! directions safely&
!o"ifications ) /pecial 0otes ) Dra1in

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